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Accepted Highschool Council | Ludovica Ludavitch.


Level 101

What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:

Please provide your Discord tag:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
' #4 #1
Reporter, note this was pending its just my health went brrr and i ended up having to cancel it.

Describe your activity on the server:
I think that i can safely call myself a rather active player. As of recently i've been managing to spend roughly 4-6 hours daily on the server. This is due to my examinations just ending and now me being able to get on more often. Due to complications, my timetable generally runs over the following bracket.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday Saturday Sunday
3pm-7pm 3pm-7pm 4pm-7pm 3pm-7pm 3pm-8pm 10am-7pm 10am-7pm

List your accounts and roles on this server:

[Grade 12]: Noboru Moritana
[Grade 12]: Ludovica Ludavtich

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes of course. This is a necessary action that is taken place in every single faction on the server.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
Councillors are generally known as the "snitches" of the school. This isn't due to them being stuck-up and just snobby. This is purely because its there job. You see, councillors are a pair of eyes that see for the teachers. Mini-teachers that assist with spotting any issues within students actions. Often hawking out any delinquency or forms of rule-breaking that occur within the school grounds. They are able to hand out detentions when necessary- also helping students with any academic or navigational issues that may happen.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I know it sounds basic, but SchoolRP has run thin of things for me to do-one thing that I wish to seek is a way of finding restitution for this boredom that I currently drown beneath. Councillors are known for having rather high-demand and difficult jobs, whilst still being able to go to school and get an education. I still wish to play as a student, yet i do yearn for that faction-work that is so worked up within this server. As well as this, being a part of a faction heavily boosts one's reputation, and i believe that after around a year here- its my time to get out there. It's a brilliant way to connect with other faction members and widen your name.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:


Council Presidents.
The council presidents are the highest-ranking members of the council, responsible for overseeing other councilors and ensuring they fulfill their duties properly. Being a counselor is already a big responsibility, but being a president is even more challenging! They have earned their position through hard work and dedication, serving as role models for the rest of the council. Presidents have the authority to make changes within the council to maintain peace and safety in the community.

Vice Presidents.
Vice presidents share a similar level of responsibility to presidents, as they are next in line to take over the role if needed. They assist the presidents in overseeing councilors, ensuring a safe and productive environment. Their duties are comparable to those of a president, making them an essential part of the council's teamwork and success.

Councilors may be at the bottom of the hierarchy, but their role is crucial in maintaining order within the school. In addition to assisting with school events and disciplinary actions, they serve as positive examples for students. Every councilor plays a vital part in keeping the school safe and secure, highlighting the importance of their presence in the school community.

SLT and the school staff play crucial roles in assisting counselors as they work together closely to ensure student safety. While the council shares responsibilities with school employees in overseeing the school, their authority is somewhat limited. When challenging situations beyond their control, counselors can seek support from employees, particularly SLT, who possess greater capabilities than counselors.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
Ludovica would spy the student. His eyes squinted as he watched upon his actions, carefully assessing the situation and how many rules they were breaking. Disturbance..Staff disrespect.. God the list goes on! He'd then slowly walk towards the student, his gloved hands incased in his jacket pockets. A smile faintly swept his face as he connected eyes with the student, remaining silent until they did the same. Eventually, he’d remove his hands from his jacket pockets, taking the pen from behind his ear and scribbling on some paper-before handing a detention slip directly to the student. His eyes glimmered as he said softly “Detention after school!”

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Oocly, this is a rule break as it is a misuse of FearRP. A student of which has been threatened with detention has to obey by what the student or school employee states. So this will most likely result in a warn dependant on the amount of times this has occurred.
Ludovica swiftly would jump onto the radio stating the situation and describing the mask. Was it a ballistic? Was it plastic? Was it custom? After, he’d chase after the student and attempt to track them down, assuming that in this time they wouldn’t be wearing a blackout- they’d have rather identifiable clothing. The chase would continue until the student was controlled. Whether this be through intercom use or a physical chase. Once done, if SLT was in town, they’d be called to the scene and the student would be dealt with accordingly. If not, the student would have their mask confiscated and a detention would be handed.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Generally, i’d sort of stalk the student in order to assure that anything that would happen further, is quickly jumped upon and then from there i can interview them upon the occasion. If they seem innocent, id communicate with teachers and try and get him to an area or intercom so that he can be questioned.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Before taking any action, I would inquire about the reason behind the students' protest. If it is not a significant matter, i would promptly put an end to it. However, if it is a serious concern, I would request them to elaborate on their plans. In the case of a it being a violent protest, i would inform them that protesting would not be permitted due to its violent nature. Conversely, if it is a peaceful demonstration, I would inform them that i will seek permission from the faculty, possibly SLT, for the protest to take place. If the protest is approved, I would personally oversee it to ensure that no violence occurs.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
I’d simply take it on the chin and not repeat the same action.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
I suggest a sort of union between the delinquents of the server and the Councillors. This would generally happen on a day that we are low on faculty, yet dealing with alot of delinquency. If agreed, Councillors will donate around 10k-20k for delinquents to “bounty” over students that have done wrong or are not responding to any intercom calls e.t.c. Bounty hunters will be dressed in a blackout and a mask of their choice. However- their blackout must have the Councillor ribbon on it in order for them not to be stopped my faculty. This sort of unity will bring in a bunch of unique experiences. Lets say they rebel! Take the money and do nothing with it. That would be classed as scamming and would be punishable by KPD and by SLT! This event would make everything slightly more interesting and make some new friendships and unities, that mayn’t have been seen at any other time. As well as this, we will have contact information of any students that participate. Checking in regularly for updates to assure that no scamming occurs. Around an hour before hand, this will be announced in the academics discord, as well as /event in game. The academics discord announcement will outline the event briefly, allowing this sort of mystery within. Once done, around 10 minutes after the event begins a /event will be made with something along the lines of “&f&l”GOOD DAY STUDENTS OF KARAKURA!” &uA student bellowed down the mic, the intercom distorting from the volume. &F&L”LOOKS LIKE Y’ALL BEING A BIT TOO MUCH FOR OUR STAFF TODAY!” &uLaughter would erupt, like some others were with the speaker. The males voice softened as he chuckled into the microphone &F&o”Lets put a stop to this..” Then, some individuals [perhaps gang leads or Higher-Ups]- will begin finding these people and bringing them back. Another /event being made to persuade people to join in!

Personal Information
(in character)


“Ludovica Ludavitch”

“I am a cis male!”

“I am bang on 18!”

Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
“Well! Describing myself seems sort of narcissistic no? But that never stopped me.” A smile slithered through his viper-like lips as he cracked his knuckles instinctively. “So! I’d describe myself as a rather “cold” character. I don’t really have much time to be impatient and i usually just wait out the event in place-of course depending on the severity. I tend to be quite accusatory or confrontational when it comes to my speech. Often losing my temper rather quickly if i’m given an attitude or any disrespect. However! I am usually a rather kind-soul when it comes to people getting to know me or a casual situation.”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

A male stepped into the council room. Immediately fixing his suit as he began walking towards you. His demeanour rather polite yet distinguished. His hair would rest rather easily as it messily flowed down his forehead. Its dark brown colour suiting his sunken light brown eyes. He’d walk with almost perfect posture as his rather muscular body glided through the room. Ludovica would turn to you slowly, his eyes glistening in the light as he connected eyes with you. His smile would open, and you’d notice his porcelain teeth glimmer in the sun as he began walking towards you. He’d open his rough palm and give you a handshake his voice speaking softly “Hi I’m Ludovica, im here for the council interview?” His voice would roll off his tongue. The accent almost unidentifiable but having the lisp of a british man yet the roll of a spanish guy.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Dedication. I am yet to join something that i leave due to boredom or just not enjoying it. Whether this has been shops or gangs or whatever. My reasoning is only due to large OOC reasons. This, being something that is valued.

Why do you want this position?:
I aspire to join the student council in order to make a positive difference in the campus community alongside fellow students who share similar goals. It is crucial to guarantee that all students have a pleasant experience during school hours and activities, given the diverse student body. Whether it involves monitoring the hallways or organizing major school functions, my aim is to contribute to building a community where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

What interests you the most about student council?:
The best thing about being part of the student council is the chance to organize and run school events. It's a huge responsibility as the whole campus participates in these events, but witnessing people having a great time is truly rewarding. Working together with other council members not only brings new opportunities but also the potential for forming friendships! This generally will set me up for a fairly good

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
If I am placed into the student council, I aspire to be a person whom fellow students can approach to discuss their concerns and issues. The student body constitutes the majority of the campus, hence it is crucial to make sure their opinions are taken into account at all times. While preventing physical and verbal altercations is essential, it is equally important to delve into the root causes of such incidents. I aim to be a council member whom you can depend on for assistance or simply a friendly chat, rather than being solely associated with issuing detention slips.
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Level 207
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles.

If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at jawhyla on Discord.

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