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HS council application TwerkingBonkerRP


Level 57

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Describe your activity on the server:
I am not online as much as anymore but usually im online on the weekends for about 6-7 hours
List your accounts and roles on this server:
TwerkingBonkerRP - Primary Role (Adult)
TwerkingBonkerRP - Alternative (Grade-16)
TwerkingJesusRP - Primary Role (Adult)
TwerkingJesusRP - Alternative (Grade-12)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I am aware of that indeed, though if managing to get into council I will try my best to be online as much as possible


What is the student council and what do they do?:
A student council is like a hall monitor, which means they are around to help faculty around with students who are misbehaving such as fights. They are obliged to hand out detentions and to report students to faculty as well as to SLT. The student council ensures that students feel safe on school grounds and thereby help around if they are in need. The student council also writes reports from accidents that happens by students such as, fights, misbehaving, insulting and assaulting. The student council is there to represent all of the students in the institute, they are there to solve problems that students have encountered.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
My motivation for applying for council is that it seemed interesting for me to do, trying out student council is something new for me and I am always up for a challenge. It seems fun to be a council considering its giving me the chance to help out faculty as well as for helping students with concerns they face such as bullying or getting physically assaulted.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am very aware that I will be using creativity and team work! I would be happy to help out.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The presidents role is the highest role a student has. They are well known around SLT and help them quite often. The presidents are usually working on students to resolve problems, their duty is to inform the student council or SLT with ideas from students or faculty. Presidents are also primary to hold such as meetings and they organize the student activities and events.

The vice president is the second highest role in the school, they are known to fullfill the duties of the president when they are inactive. Usually those duties are given by the president and instructed to fullfill and succeed the events for example. They are helping out decorating for events and keep a record of the activities such as the school news, events, social media. The vice president is also responsible in making the sign-up sheets for events or any activities that are planned.
Council Members:
The council is responsible for organizing school activities such as prom. They are aswell there to monitor the school and keep an eye out for any rule-breaking activities, such as fights and misbehaving students. They are there to report incidents and to help out when ordered to.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
As first Lucas would keep an eye on the group to see what would be going on. When he notices a student behaving disruptively and causing disturbance, he would walk over to the student and ask them first politely to refrain from being disruptive. As first he would be polite about it, when they wouldn't listen to him Lucas will remain calm though he will hand out his second warning. If it still gets out of hand, Lucas would inform over the radio for help and possibly get SLT involved.
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Lucas would remember the description of the masked individual and would radio the faculty workers. A long the line he would inform and describe the masked individuals appearance and would politely ask to keep an eye out for the individual and take his mask from them. If the situation wouldn't get fixed Lucas would radio SLT for further help for a fix.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Lucas would take the disturbing art work and would radio the fellow faculty members. Not only will he do that, he will as well take it in and report it to SLT for further inspections of this misbehaving disrespectful behavior. If this would intervene and are a possible threat, the first thing that would be handled is that it be reported to SLT and cops if it would be life threatening.
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Lucas would first ask what their plan is to with the protest. How would it be set how many people are protesting and where would it set place. After asking for the details Lucas would radio his fellow council team to ask for any help considering the protest isn't a job to do alone. To ensure everything going well, a teamwork should be there. Student councils and possibly one faculty member to keep the situation as planned and not to risk it getting out of hand or possibly cause a disrupt. If any of the situation would disrupt or go wrong, Lucas would have his team council to help out a long with a faculty member.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Lucas would consider this as a learning mistake. He would bow down and apologize for his actions and try to avoid repeating the same mistake. Lucas is respectful to the higher-ups and does not wish to cause any disrupt further. He will remember what he done but learn from it and continue with his day.
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Science Fair:
The students science fair is a event for not only high schoolers but also college students. The science fair is to show the students their creative creation that they have learned in their science classes. Science Fair gives you the opportunity to learn valuable presentation skills. Creative Ideas such as building a homemade compass and explore magnetic fields or maybe create a Solar Water Heater. At the science fair whichever project is voted out to be the best creation would win a prize such as a medal.

Talent Show
The talent show is a fun event for every student in the school, the parents of the students would be invited to watch their child show their incredible skills. The talent show would be set up in the gym, on the podium is where each student will stand and could show their talent and skill. How a student can enroll is made by the President or Vice President on a paper where the sign-up sheets are made. At the talent show the students would perform such as singing, dancing or maybe even a magic trick. The reference could be from X-Factor or the got talent shows. The student council with the Senior Lead would be the jury of the talent show. After a performance the jury will explain their opinion about their performance and critically decide whether the student is through to the semi-finals or finals. At the finals the contestants will battle against each other with one more performance where they show another skill they endured and have during the show. Whichever contestant wins, will win a prize of 100k and a beautiful golden award cup. The event would be set at night of course to avoid a school day going by where no student has not gone to class or avoid school.

Personal Information
(in character)

Lucas Vinnman Celestiasume

Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
I am a positive individual who grew up to be extremely respectful towards other individuals. My behavior is noticed to be calm and not as hyper as other individuals. My motto is always to be kind to others and return good intentions. I look up to my father as he was a calm, inspiring, kind and shy student, I want to make him proud for what I achieve and want to grow up to be like him. Though I am a introvert, but respectful. I am a good listener and always will return my opion with the honest truth. I do not like lying.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

I personally think that I'd be perfect for this position as I like to try out something new, when trying out something new I fight for the position and show motivational skills and ideas of possible ideas for possible new events. I think I'd stand a high chance as I am well creative in my event ideas. I love to help and I will show my help and benefits for the students and council team for encounters if i receive the future position.

Why do you want this position?:
I would want this position to make my parent proud, but not only that I want to be a council to help out faculty and students with incidents they encounter. The council position is something that always had interested me and always seemed like a challenge for me. This time, I am trying out something new and wish to be up for the challenge. I am sure that I will succeed and be happy to help out and make the school a safer place.
What interests you the most about student council?:
What interested me in the student council is the team work they perform. They show a great skill of team work where they help out eachother and communicate to avoid misunderstandings and help not only eachother out but also students after being assaulted and such. It seems like a dream position to be able to help others out in seeking of help. Which always interests me and makes me up for the challenge.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

As an active individual around the school, I would be there to listen to other individuals encounters and try to help out as best as I can. I try to make the envirement fun by settling and writing up event ideas. I would try to form a picture of the event and show my event idea to higherups such as the VP or the President themselve and aswell as to SLT.

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