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Accepted ImYakov's Physical Education Professor Application.


Level 4

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Russian Lang application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Hospital Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied
Denied - Receptionist Application! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied
Denied - Yakov Sidorov's Receptionist Application. #2 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied
Denied - YAKOV SIDOROV'S RECEPTIONIST APPLICATION. #3 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied
Denied - _Captaingrim_'s Laywer Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

I usually spend around 4-5 hours daily dedicating my time on SRP, although this may depend on my schedule. On weekends, I dedicate more time playing, extending my daily hours to 6-8 hours. I consider my level of activity on SRP to be quite high, as I have been actively involved since 2021, progressing from being a regular character to mastering the lore along with all kinds of roleplay on SRP. Currently, I oversee and manage a family on SRP (Sidorov) and have been for a year. The initial concept for their lore involves my character Yakov Sidorov as the father, a goal I am working towards with my application here. I invest a significant amount of time playing on the server in hopes of advancing my character's role in the school, turning him into adulthood to further enrich Sidorov's lore. Additionally, I've invested a lot of time learning about the ins and outs of SRP whether it be rules, interacting with sports teams, government officials, KPD members, faculty and shrine members and family. I would also say that I am very well known within SRP, having multiple interactions with mostly all of SRP players, I am Yakov obviously.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I possess a variety of experiences in role playing on SRP. I recall becoming deeply engrossed in the roles SRP offered when I first began playing, captivated by the realism it provided for me. My character has engaged with shrine members multiple times, observing and witnessing weddings, as well as learning about the culture of Shintoism. I have participated in gang role play as well having given my character a notorious reputation, I got to the point where I eventually gang-lead Sanskari which had a great reputation back in 2023. Now, I have a lot of experience within FamilyRP as well, being the leader of Sidorov currently, whom I created back in 2022. Sidorov was originally made to be a community which I created for the friends I acquired on SRP, eventually Sidorov's reputation began bursting out which sparked the idea of creating it into a well made, professional family, Sidorov is now a maintained family of 10+ members. I used to like the idea of receptionist a lot back in the day, having many interactions with them, getting to know how they are and how they act, I have also encountered multiple scenarios with nurses, librarians and chefs, many of which are icly and oocly friends. My reputation with teachers, professors also holds strong as I talk and role play with them daily, one being in the Sidorov family.

I have also played a lot of World of Warcraft, a popular RPG game amongst the community of role play. And various experiences in real life, from playing many parts in theaters and voice acting multiple characters in movies within my country.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Yakov Sidorov - Grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?:



What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

The strongest key to my motivation is mainly the desire of correcting the lore for Sidorov as my character Yakov Sidorov was originally planned to be the father. But I do have other key motivations as well, as I previously stated my reputation within the Faculty is very strong and I feel like they would welcome me into their roster. This opportunity allows me to engage with the type of roleplay I desire from SRP as well, I did plan on getting my character into either reception or teaching but the idea of managing a class of collage students where most of my real life friends are motivated me more. I do share a background of teaching and education in real life and I know I could use this to effectively manage classes and students, I am motivated for both me and the servers sake knowing that I can create and develop a fun experience to everybody as a professor. Another reason which strongly motivates me in the idea of ''Everyday is different'', I have a desire to make a difference for myself and the people on SRP, the realism SRP holds makes the interactions, encounters and classes be life long lessons, and I want to make that difference. I hope to contribute to the community of SRP in a meaningful way by motivating collage students to push forward and continue their pursuit of higher education; this is accomplished by mature and realistic roleplay as expected from a good, amazing, beautiful and confident professor.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


An idea for an interactive class I have is my own version of tag which involves the seeker being blindfolded and a hider also being blindfolded, now. Both players will have a set of teammates of which will guide and direct the seeker/hider to where the opponent is located. This activity involved a strong fundamental key of teamwork, this game will be played by the backside of school and teams will be picked by me. The idea of this game, and the teamwork they learn and acquire from this class can be used for certain situations later on in life, especially in the work place. The blind person is a metaphor to a colleague that is incompetent, and so it teaches the students patience and determination to work with this hardship they may face later on when they become workers.


Another interactive class I will host will be a P.E trivia. Within this trivia I will be having questions prepared regarding muscle gain, weight gain and weight loss. The idea of this class will mostly revolve around having my students in a question competition in order to win stickers, this will motivate my students to willingly raise their hand and answer in order to achieve their reward, and further improve their encouragement speech ability and general knowledge around metabolism, muscle health, and mental health. My students will learn important benefits of maintaining their body.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Physical movement is very important and I will be bringing my students on a mountain hike to further improve my students cardio, balance, and endurance. Firstly, we will be packing enough food and water, while I will be packing medical equipment incase any incident would occur, and on our way towards the forest and up the mountain we will be discussing how walking, running and hiking can improve mental health and depression, and later how depression affects our life and how we can avoid it. Once we've reached the top, we will be having a lunch break along with some fun games before descending down the mountain, while descending it will suddenly start raining with loud thunder! Causing the rocks to be extremely slippery, as we carefully walk down the mountain my character will gather everyone and guide them towards the cabins, turning the field trip into a camping trip.​


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

If my character encountered this type of situation he would immediately approach, and split everyone apart ordering them to keep a medium distance from each other before shortly questioning them about the situation. In the events of a student being attacked or harassed, my character would use his radio, requiring assistance from other faculty members while maintaining the situation. While the situation calms down, my character will further inform the jocks about school rules and their unappropriated behavior, later handing them detention slips.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Yakov is known to be a calm and collective man, but in the event of students continuously disturbing him and the other students, especially in detention he will become more strict. First of all Yakov would calmly ask the student to remain silent and continue with the task they've been given, if further disturbance occur Yakov will rise up and approach the student, giving them a warning to remain silent as they are breaking detention room rules. Incase further disturbance would occur, Yakov will warn them once more before notifying them that SLT will be involved.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Yakov fully knows the rules of KHS and classroom rules, if a group of cheerleaders, or any student in general would be playing music on their phones, Yakov would calmly ask them to put their phones aside and focus on the class, in the event of them continuing this Yakov would approach and ask for their phone, informing them that they'll have it returned after class, incase they would refuse, Yakov would strictly warn them another time whilst reminding them that they'll be kicked out of his class if they continued to disobey, his final warning would include a detention slip, while also briefing them that punishments like this will affect their academics.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Yakov is prepared for every situation that might occur while working, in the event of encountering a fight between a couple of students, Yakov would try his very best at intervening them, although if he failed to break the fight up he would warn them by raising his voice, if this didn't stop the unfolded chaos he would reach for his radio, calling faculty members over for assistance. Now, if assisted faculty helped break the fight up, Yakov would proceed to inquire about the reason as to why they began fighting in the first place. Upon finding out more information about the situation, the necessary punishment would be given out to the culprit.​


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

yakov art.PNG
Yakov is a gentleman standing at a height of 6'3, his face boasts a chiseled jawline that exudes confidence, complemented by a charming nose and a subtle smile. His hair is neatly faded on the sides, while his fluffy bangs gracefully cascade towards his captivating hazel eyes which possess an enchanting allure. His physique is robust, displaying a well-built frame adorned with muscles.

Yakov has many important unique abilities and differences, first of all is his way of teaching, he sets a high priority on his students to make sure they succeed later on in life by being an exceptional educator, dedicating and guiding his students to great academic results. In the same sense of being a strict educator, Yakov will also be found to be very comedic and charismatic which makes him easy to get along with. He is also very known amongst the students, employees as they love his fun and positive personality. The outlook he has on his students is quite simple, he wishes to see them do great in life, and so he will pass on his knowledge, while also instill them with discipline, holding high expectations for them. Additionally, he will create supportive connection with his colleagues, assuring them that Yakov is a man available to lend an ear if they'd ever need someone to talk to. He holds high expectations for his other teachers, hoping they behave as expected.

Yakov hopes to be a professor for most of his remaining life while also maintaining his family in a healthy and wealthy way, hoping to adopt kids as well. Eventually, and hopefully . . . Yakov wishes to find a great and loving woman as he desires to have a marriage at some point of his life. Yakov also plans on visiting, interacting with his students in the future, watching their accomplishments.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.


On December 17th, 1997 at 14:42PM, the Sidorov family welcomed their first and only child, Yakov. Vasily, the father was a disciplined accountant, while Sofia, the mother worked as a tutor. Living in a large weathly house on the outskirts of Novosibrisk by the mountains, both parents played a signicifant role in Yakov's life. Despite Yakov being a demanding baby, crying and yelling, his parents showered him with love. As Yakov grew older, it was clear that he was cherished and adored by his parents who passed on their beautiful personalities to him.


At the age of 6, Yakov had completed his first year of school, impressing his teachers with his intelletence. Meeting were held between the parents and teachers, discussing Yakov's situation at home. He was not allowed to watch any television or eat unhealthy food, and he helped with household chores. Vasily and Sofia worked had to ensure that Yakov's personality would shine brighter than their own, striving to create a better version of themselves through him.


Tragedy sometimes precedes joy. Sofia, Yakov's mother sadly passed away due to undiagnosed heart problems. At the age of 13, Yakov had to face his first loss. Fortunately, Yakov found solace in his strong father, who helped him overcome his grief and hardships. Through connections and encouragement, Yakov's father made the desicion for both of them to relocate to Japan, where they had relatives in the town of Karakura. Yakov had to adjust to a new culture, language and a different set of people. These individuals were kinder than the typical Russians, showing respect and care. They settled into a small apartment near the beach, hoping for brighter days ahead of their lives. Yakov's father successfully found a tutor for himself and Yakov, dedicating the majority of spring studying the Japanese language in preparation for Yakov's upcoming school year.

[Young Adult]

Yakov reached the age of 18 and entered his final year of high school. as time continued to pass, he developed a strong reputation among his peers and formed a meaningful connection with his teachers. It was during this time he made the decision to pursue a career in teaching, aiming to pass on the valuable lessons his father had instilled in him to the next generation of students. After successfully completing his studies at the age of 23 and graduating, Yakov sought to gain experience by working various jobs around the town. He took up positions at different shops within the district, demonstrating a sense of direction in his chosen path. After passing an interview, becoming a P.E teacher at KHS he spent four years teaching high school students, but he desired to teach the older students, later on becoming a P.E professor instead!​

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

My full name is Yakov Sidorov!

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

I prefer Mr.

Given Name(s):

I usually go by a various amount of nicknames. . . My children typically calls me Yakki, whilst others call me Yakkiboo.

Preferred Name:

I don't really have a preferred name, I'm not that annoyed by my nicknames. But I don't mind being called Yakov!


I am 29 years old.

Gender & pronouns:

My gender is male, and I go by he/him.

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:

For the moment, I am single.


Both of my parents, and I were born in Russia. My whole family, aside from the adopted ones are originally Russian.

Current Location:

I have a penthouse located by shopping district, right next to the train station!

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

I worked as a teacher for four years, teaching high school students physical education.

Working Experience (# of years):

I also have one year of cashier experience while I was in collage, I used to work for a shop one of my fellow friends owned!

Academic Degree:

I have a masters degree in Physical education and phycology. I also have a certification for teaching!

Year of Graduation:

I graduated 2019.


I have majors in Physical education and phycology.


And minors for first aid, nutrition and exercise science.

Native Languages:

My mother language is Russian and I speak it fully fluent, I also tried learning a bit of JSL but . . . It confused me a little, although I am planning on learning it again as I realized the importance it had when I was a teacher. Additionally, I speak fluent Japanese as well.

Other Languages:

No other languages other than Russian, Japanese.

Preferred Teaching Subject:

As I stated, I used to teach P.E for high school students. I prefer teaching this for collage as well!


Additional notes about your application (if any):

This took me a whole while to write and I took careful consideration within my application. I appreciate the time you've taken to read this, thank you!​
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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