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Accepted Judge | Infiiii's Application


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

In-game Name:


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Timezone & Country:

BST/GMT (England)

Links to any current & past applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

Whilst on the server, I typically take time to work on my EMS character. It is also a well known fact that I GangRP above most of the roleplay I do. Along with those two items, I also build for the server. I spend at least two hours a day building whether it be directly onto the SchoolRP server or the creative server.

I do my best to get to know the community, all the while abiding by the rules and making sure others understand it. Lastly, I would say overall I spend at least 4-6 hours a day looking into SRP whether it be on the server, forums, or discords.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Judge position.

What is your motivation for applying?:

As stated in pretty much all of my recent applications, I want to explore all aspects of the server. This ranges from EMS work to shop owning to even teaching. I want to be able to have a say in the government faction as well, as it has always interested me. That being said, it would be an amazing experience being able to participate in the government faction and handle different types of cases. While I was in high school, law always interested me, however I didn’t ever feel the desire to make a career out of it. I enjoy debating and giving my input on serious topics, and I would love to implement the little bits of information I’ve learned across the years into SchoolRP, as well as expand my knowledge on the subject.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I would say I have a clear understanding of the laws and rights of Karakura.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

My personal goals with this role include gaining more experience within the server and working with different types and groups of people that I’ll eventually come across while playing. Despite the server itself being roleplay, I would also like to learn more about law in general, as well as being able to handle potentially stressful situations that require fast thinking and proper decision making.

With my own character, Yui Sang, I want to give her "lawful good" attitude more depth and lore. Not only is she a long term character of mine, she is also a character I plan on continuing to use until fate decides otherwise. I believe that giving her a lawful position in Karakura will enhance her good girl charisma in regards to the fact that she always wants to find the good in everyone and every situation. Despite her slight optimism being the potential hardship of her potential job, all it will do is develop her character even more, which is something I really want for her.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

The role of a Judge is to be completely impartial and fair in regards to listening to all bits of information before judgement is even passed. They are required to show understanding towards both sides of the case, eliminating all biasness regardless of the topic of the given case. Judges receive cases and decide whether or not there is enough evidence presented to have an actual hearing, which is an opportunity to state one's case. If there is not enough initial evidence given along with a claim, then the Judge will not allow a hearing. Along with this, during a hearing a Judge must listen to each side’s claims in a non-biased manner as well as reviewing all evidence. Given that SchoolRP does not have its own official jury, the Judges will act as a jury in its place. However in the event that a hearing becomes extremely important, a jury will be present. Again there is no jury for SchoolRP, so the judges are given this responsibility as well. The judge will become the trier of fact and the trier of law. Trier of law meaning that the Judge ensures everything going on in the courtroom follows the rules set down by the law. Trier of fact meaning the Judge will look at all the evidence and stories given and determine whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. Lastly, the Judge announces all court proceedings and determines who gets to speak and when. All of course in a non-biased, compassionate, and impartial manner.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes I acknowledge this. I will do my best to prevent that from happening.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I understand this. I will do my best to balance my other roles on SchoolRP, and make sure I have more than enough time for this position as well.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes I am aware of this. I will make sure to keep my own personal bias in check, and to never let it affect IC or OOC situations.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes I have both read and agreed to follow the Government Faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Typically I will make time for these types of things, so yes, I will be able to make meetings and events.


Full name:

Yui Sang

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

"I would rather go by Miss... however I am engaged! So that may change soon!"

Current age:

"I am twenty-nine years old."

Date of birth:

"I was born on April 5th, 1993."



Academic Degree:

Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.)


Constitutional Law
Criminal Law


Civil Liberties

Work experience:

“Well… As far as work experience goes, I was a lawyer for a good few years back in Osaka, Japan. That was when I was around twenty-five. Before that I was waitressing for a local restaurant all the while attending law school. The waitressing was in order to well- pay for school. It wasn’t the best job, but it helped get student loans off of my back for a good while.

Political background:

“I don’t have much of a political background. I worked as a lawyer for three years helping clients with their cases. I’ll admit it was a let down when some of my clients turned out to be guilty, however it doesn’t stop me from pursuing this passion of mine. I believe the law is there for a reason. It should be followed to a fold and never broken nor bent. I will say that the current city mayor is quite the character, however I believe his ideals are what brought him to his current position. I believe that despite stature, everyone should have a voice and say in what goes on in their prospective town, as they are the people and the voice of the city. However, in that light, it should be the role of the government workers such as lawyers, judges, and governors that take those opinions and use it for their final decision on what laws will get passed, and what will become an old suggestion found in a boring history book.”

Nationality & born location:

“I’m a full-blood Japanese woman! I was born in Osaka, Japan.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):


Criminal record:

“Well… I have no criminal record! I’ve had a clean slate since I was born.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“I believe with my degree that speaks well enough for receiving a job. However I believe that I am completely impartial in regards to the citizens of Karakura. I’ve lived here for some time, whilst completing my degree. My knowledge of not only the city’s ins and outs, but also knowledge on the citizen’s behavior makes me more than qualified to take on a position where I’m required to review evidence and determine who is guilty, and who is innocent. Despite my rather young age for a Judge, I also happen to have experience as a lawyer when I was living with my family in Osaka, Japan. I’m confident in my ability to make fast and thoughtful decisions within the court. That is a quality I believe not a lot of other applicants have! Lastly, I would say I'm very skilled in communicating between different parties. Due to my experience as a lawyer, I'm able to voice my opinions as clearly as possible and dispute any sort of argument. Not only this, but granted I have a large family, it takes a bit of a strong voice to get your own opinion across."
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Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,after reading through it I've decided to accept this:
  • Good application, with all the necessary information listed
  • Message me on Discord or start a conversation on the forums in order to get things set up

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