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Judge | testam3nt's application


Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
testam3nt (I have many other accounts that I use to roleplay on SchoolRP, including; kesareta, muurals, ayokayy..)

Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):

Do you have a microphone?:
I do have a microphone.

List your timezone and country:
GMT, England.

How active are you on the server?:
When it comes to activity on SchoolRP, I would say that I have a lot, considering the fact that I have a few roles that require activity over periods of time and I would say that I am very consistent at keeping active. Along with this, my motivation to get onto the server on few of my accounts for the next week coming will be sky-high, due to a half-term that has finally come along. I would also like to note that when it comes to getting involved with the community, I do that a lot on the forums and on related discord servers. I am always willing to spend time on the server when neccessary and on some occasions, not neccessary. In conclusion, I have always, ever since I joined, been investing time into the server and I would never stop unless I am physically and mentally unable to comprehend facing a screen.

Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):

Link any past applications below:


lore-team application #2 - CLICK HERE - AWAITING RESPONSE

reporter application - CLICK HERE - ACCEPTED

lore-team application - CLICK HERE - DENIED

tutor application - CLICK HERE - ACCEPTED

club application #2 - CLICK HERE - ACCEPTED

school council application - CLICK HERE - ACCEPTED

club application #1 - CLICK HERE - DENIED

slovakian authorization application - CLICK HERE - ACCEPTED

Out of Character | Morals & ideas

What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is my interest in the Judge role, especially on the server. If I was to be a judge on the server, I would gain a lot of experience regarding what it is like when making important decisions in a court of law. Along with this, my motivation for myself posting this application is to indulge into a whole new experience of roleplay I have yet to face. I must mention that when watching roleplay take place in court, I have always been wondering what it is like to take up one of those roles, no matter how challenging it may be. With my maturity and experience at hand, I believe that I have somewhat of a chance in inheriting a government role on the server.

Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?:
I have plans for my character to become a judge, with many reasons as to why. As a college student, my character was heavily invested in the subject of law, also criminology. She studied this subject until she had obtained her PhD. degree, eventually getting the role of a tutor at KHS. After she had resigned, she needed to look for another job in order to make her family extremely wealthy.

Are you aware that if you falsely accuse, imprison, or sentence someone you will lose your role?:
I am fully aware that if I falsely accuse, imprison or sentence someone, that I will lose my role as a Judge, no questions asked.

Do you recognize that you cannot be corrupt in any way? (Being bribed, being biased, etc):
I understand.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am aware of the rules that I must follow when roleplaying as a Judge, and of course, any other role I have.

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am. I have inspected the thread that includes all information and laws I need to take into account.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I am led to believe that I understand the role of the Judge and what responsibilities the role I am applying for undertakes. For example, judges and magistrates take charge of supervising the court's administrative staff, along with other judges. When a court case is in session, the Judge's main purpose is to weigh the arguments of both sides, taking in what witnesses, defendants and victims have to say, in order to reach a final decision without bias. A judge needs to have the knowledge of any situation would be like involving a crime so that they can use that knowledge to the best of their ability in order to bring a realistic decision to the table.

Summarize what your position does in the town:
The Judge undertakes many responsibilities as mentioned in the previous question, but in short, the Judge's goal is to bring the final decision to any court case that they come across, whilst in discussion with other judges on the matter. To be a good, unbiased Judge, you have to look at any situation in a third-person perspective, especially if your character is related in some way with, take for example, the defendant. They also read and assess pleadings filed by the parties in a lawsuit. Pleadings can sometimes be regarded as a 'backbone' of any judicial system.

In Character | Questionnaire

Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:
Yuzuki Taikan

Preferred name & Title:
Taikan, Ms.

Current age? (25+):

Past job experiences?:
I have previously been employed as a tutor at Karakura High-School, specializing in Social Studies and literature.

What plans do you have for the town?:
I have many ideas and plans for the town in order to make it a better place. I plan to work well with my peers if I end up getting called up for the job, in order to atleast attempt to make Karakura a peaceful place, as I am aware of the heavy amount of crimes committed daily. I will also actively volunteer in representing the government in any charity event/festival the city has planned. I am still actively coming up with ideas by the minute and will always give my input to the Mayor or the Chief-Judge if I find an idea that I find interesting enough to send forwards.

What jobs will you execute with this position?:

  • Supervising other judges, court officers and the court's administration.
  • Make vital decisions in a court-case in order to bring justice to any situation I am faced with.
  • Come up with ideas to make Karakura a better place.
  • Inform the rights that the defendants have.
  • Question witnesses in a court case.
  • Make, or meet objections in a court of law.

Do you practice any sort of religion?:
I do not.

How did you get into politics?:
It's a long story, actually! Luckily, I should be able to shorten it down by a fair few sentences. One day, my brother, Susumu, was involved in a court-case. For some strange reason, I was very interested in the case. I forgot what it was about, but I think it was a serious allegation or something like that. When I got into college, I knew exactly what I was going to study, that being Law. I do believe that my interest in the court-case was the main reason as to why I am applying to become a Judge for Karakura's Government. The enviroment, the nerves and the painstakingly, sometimes difficult decisions that you would be faced as a Judge really attracted me towards that position when I was younger, and so I finally want to fufill one of my lifelong goals.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:

Nationality & Born location:
Japanese, Tokyo.

Fluent languages: (Underline your native):


Level 40

Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice. Upon seeing this, be sure to join the Town Discord & ping Pros#1396 within the help channel to receive your roles & tags

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