players online

kpd application


Level 7

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Eastern Time Zone (EST)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
KPD Application #2 (ACCEPTED)
Teacher Application (ACCEPTED)
Shrine Maiden Application (ACCEPTED)
EMS Internship Application (ACCEPTED)
Psychiatrist Application (ACCEPTED)
Doctor Application (ACCEPTED)
Governor Application (ACCEPTED)
Journalist Application via Discord DMs (ACCEPTED)
Chef Application (DENIED)
KPD Application (DENIED)
Club Application (DENIED)

Describe your activity on the server:
A gooooood 7/10, yeah.
My timezone, EST, allows flexibility for scheduled events and all that jazz. Currently however, I’m in two factions within the server; both EMS and Government. I’ve been consistently logging more than max quota in EMS ever since I was accepted into the faction back in April and I spend most of my playtime on SRP mainly on my EMS character, where I’ve also just passed my paramedic training. (YAY!!!) The Government faction, on the other hand, seems to be somewhat stagnant with no major events happening in the two months I’ve been a part of it. Nevertheless, I’m fairly active as a Governor as well, I guess.

I can’t say I spend countless hours on this server every day, but, it’s summer, I’ve just graduated high school, and I don’t start university for a whiiillllleeeee. I have loads of free time other than just working; so I’ll either spend it arguing with children on Roblox or on this server roleplaying with whomever.
I'm also aware that one cannot be in government and KPD at the time, so if this application is accepted, I'll be leaving government for KPD!

What is your motivation for applying?:
Finally, let’s address the elephant in the room.
Why is this FREAK applying again after being kicked from KPD cuz of inactivity?!
I was accepted into KPD at the end of 2022— where I completely bombed my first evaluation before passing shortly after. I was in the faction for barely two months as a level one grunt (insert: patrol officer) before being removed by Yonio due to inactivity. If I could use one word to describe my time in KPD, I’d use the word; “Lacklustre”.

I was juggling a bunch of stuff during that time; including school, both a florist and law firm internship and just in general working late hours which resulted in a heavy decrease of my motivation to log on. The main thing that really steered me away from logging on however, was the lack of interaction between the members in the faction. It felt extremely cliquey, and it was as if nobody actually wanted to interact with one another unless it was strictly within their friend group. This, normally isn’t an issue for me personally however considering how the faction was run at the time, I found it incredibly boring and. . Underwhelming.

When I first applied, it was alongside a very close friend of mine; where both of our motivations for applying were the same. It was to have fun and make friends in the faction, while also being able to log onto the server for wild situations that, with a single missed roll or wrong action, could put our developed characters at risk, or even, death. When my first application was denied, I lost this motivation and with my second one, I felt as if I only applied to really just, prove a point, or whatever. I didn’t take the trainings seriously, nor did I put any effort into logging on or to increase my activity as an officer. Fighting people for arrest quota, the lack of inclusivity for interaction within the faction and KPD itself just felt like a chore. A biggggggggggggg ole chore.

Again, with this application, I understand that I’m already at a disadvantage due to my previous history within KPD and the fact that I've submitted this literally an hour before applications are due. This, alongside the fact that I’m in EMS & Government is like, a double whammy of my own actions jeopardizing my application and preference as an applicant. Thankfully, though, I’m in good standing for all the other recommended requirements, which is my suspiciously clean record/reputation, working microphone, and SERVER KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!!!!!

With this third application to this faction, I want to emphasize in this section specifically that I truly want to experience KPD as a whole and will be dedicated to this role if I am accepted. My motivation for joining is still the same, which is to make friends, have a guuuuuuuuud time and I hope I’ll actually be able to show off this motivation rather than being inactive like last time!!!!!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I would say I’m pretty confident regarding police work with all the information as Ivette practically beat the knowledge into me, alongside the previous training I was given in my rather short time in KPD. However, I decided to keep it short in this application as I didn't want to flood it with general knowledge regarding the hierarchy of KPD with all their given equipment and stuff. I’m totally open to learning much more, as most of this knowledge is probably really outdated!
Station Procedures;
CCTV - Officers have access to all CCTV cameras that are scattered across the town. This plugin is actually super cool as officers can check in real time if anything is going on in a specific area. Certain cameras, however, will need permission by the land's owner to access, such as private properties.
Taking/filing reports - If someone wants to file a report, they'd first have to be searched before being able to enter an interrogation room in the station. This is a mixture of both IC and OOC questioning, where the officer has to fill out a form before actually submitting it.
Inmate visitation/care - Individuals arrested often have the opportunity to roleplay out their arrest in the prison, whether it be a simple visitation or even inmate care, which usually consists of exercise, giving them meals and overseeing community services.

And of course, the situational priorities that KPD strictly follow:
Officer’s safety → Victim’s safety → Law enforcement

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The main type of roleplay you’ll commonly have in this server, stated in the name, is school roleplay, lawl.
Police are important to SRP due to a multitude of reasons; the most notable one being the opposing faction; the crime faction. They go head to head in terms of what the factions do, where KPD keeps the city safe and enforces rules whereas the crime faction does the opposite. Through selling illegal contraband on the black market, illegal services and even a crime clinic, without a police force on the server, it’d be a literal dystopia.
Police are vital to SchoolRP as they prevent characters from doing illegal actions that could endanger the community around them and even themselves. By enforcing rules, fines and even arresting criminals, KPD ensures that a balance is set in SRP, and even poses as a risk to others who want to roleplay out their character as a criminal or who actively engage in criminal activity.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes. . Heh.

In-Character (IC) Section :3

What's your character's full name?:
Fuyumi Yumeno

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Twenty-five years old | 10/18/1999

A libra? Kewl.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Cisgender Male (He/Him)

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors in Police Foundations

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Japanese Sign Language, Korean and a tad bit of English.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Fuyumi, bestowed with the name of “winter beauty”, seemed to display the exact opposite. His voice was loud and rough, where he seems to sport a distinct dialect from Hokkaido. Standing at a staggering seven foot (214cm) with spikey white hair, grey-coloured irises and sharp canines, Fuyumi’s appearance was akin to some sort of. . Delinquent?

Fuyumi, though, is the complete opposite. He’s a smiley guy, with a lopsided grin usually beamed at whomever. Too happy and jolly for a cop. Most of the time, his boisterous attitude can tire out even the most patient person when in conversation. He seemed to be pretty well built for his abnormal height, and if asked about why he’s so tall, he’ll respond back with a rant of eating vegetables everyday. His happy-go-attitude can often anger people, for some odd reason. He’s the type of person to help an old lady cross the road while carrying her groceries, though.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, as much as Fuyumi likes to joke around, he obviously stays mature. This is because, as an officer of the force, he must show professionalism while on the job. He does like to take a much more casual approach rather than a hardheaded one when interacting with citizens, though. Casually, Fuyumi is more often than not, the same. He enjoys rambling on about his countless of hobbies that he started in highschool, the most notable one being rock-climbing. A bad habit of his is to drag on a conversation much longer than necessary, and this usually results in people avoiding him due to the sheer amount of talking one can be victim to if they interact with him for too long.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Fuyumi holds an exceedingly optimistic outlook on teamwork. He’s never faced death before, after all. As an already extremely extrovert individual, he strives to make as many friends within the force as possible. KPD wouldn’t be able to function without teamwork and fellow officers, and this is the case with many other factions. Being able to cooperate with one and another is extremely vital to making sure the KPD runs smoothly. He probably prefers having a partner stuck to him at all times responding to situations than being alone in the station at the front desk sitting by himself, and only himself. He’s a social butterfly, and flourishes the most around people.

What's your character's backstory?
There’s no sob story, no tragic incident, none of that.
Fuyumi Yumeno was born in the snowy lands of Hokkaido, Japan. Growing up alongside three older brothers as the youngest, he was, as expected, rowdy. His parents were both half Japanese and half Korean; making him bilingual at a very young age. He was the type of kid to chase bugs around in the summer and catch them for his own little enclosure, or run at people with beetles in his hands. His grades in school were incredibly mediocre, although this was mainly due to the fact that he never really put much effort into his studies. In highschool, he enjoyed countless of clubs, his most favourite one being the cooking club, mainly because he could take home the food after school. Being well over six foot in highschool alongside his rather random appearance, he was rather popular amongst his peers and found no difficulty in making friends. After graduating highschool, he decided to go straight into college, studying police foundations for four years, occassionally coming back to his hometown to mingle with his old friends. His choice to become a police officer was somewhat random, as he never really thought of what he wanted to be when he grew up. He just wanted to help those around him, and make sure that innocent people stay safe and criminals pay for their crimes. Now, being transferred to Karakura for his first year as a real police officer, Fuyumi is excited, albeit somewhat nervous for what’s in store for him.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“. . No?”
As a pocket knife does fall under illegal contraband, it is very much illegal to even own one. If caught with one, you will be charged with “Possession of Illegal Weaponry”, where the bail in this case, can go up to about ¥300,000.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Melatonin - ¥3,000 per bottle with a maximum of three per purchase.
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000 per bottle with a maximum of two per purchase.
Paracetamol - ¥1,500 per packet with a maximum of three per purchase.
Multivitamins - ¥3,500 per packet with a maximum of five per purchase.
Iron Supplements - ¥2,500 per packet with a maximum of three per purchase.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“What the hell are you doing?”
Quickly turning my body-cam on, I’d try to separate them from the inmate. If I’m alone and this doesn’t work, I’d radio for back-up where they’d be forced to be removed from the inmate. After they’ve been separated, I’d assess the inmates injuries, confirming if they need immediate medical attention or not and in some cases, even radio for EMS. This situation would obviously be brought up to a higher-up, with the body-cam footage being submitted as evidence of misconduct.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Firstly, I would radio for backup and make sure my bodycam is turned on. If it is needed, I’ll also radio for EMS to treat my co-worker if their injuries seem life-threatening or severe. This depends completely on the situation, meaning if there are multiple people involved in this assault, I’d try to make use of my taser and attempt to intervene before detaining the suspects and checking my co-worker for any major injuries. This prioritizes my safety first, then my co-workers, before trying to apprehend whoever is assaulting them.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

Firstly, I’d try to gather as much evidence before immediately bringing this to the attention of a higher-up. I wouldn’t want my co-worker to be aware of the fact that I know they’re corrupt to avoid them covering up/destroying evidence. After that, it’s all in the hands of the higher-ups to decide what to do.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Meeee? You’re tryin’ ta bribe me. . ?”
Dragging his gaze into a wide-eyed stare, Fuyumi would laugh in their face.
I’d let them off with a verbal warning and a limp wave of dismissal. If they continue to persuade me into taking a bribe, I’d fine them with the charge of bribery. In the worst case scenario, though, if they continue to push it even after the fine, I’d arrest them with obstruction of justice.

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