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Denied Lawyer Application | omgvesper


Level 11

In-game Name:

omgvesper - [MAIN]
OceanRP - [ALT]

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:


Timezone & Country:

Central Standard Timezone: (CST) | USA

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

jxstcam_ | Physical Education: Professor Application | SchoolRP

Describe your activity on the server:



What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Lawyer position once again!

What is your motivation for applying?:

I've been gang-roleplaying for the last 9 months after my return since 2020 with me not knowing anything about the rules and gameplay, around August of 2023 coming back and giving this server a try once more. Being rejected for all the positions and factions I've been trying out for hasn't gotten smoothly and my reputation was pretty much non-existing which led myself to be denied from a few factions. Reason being I never like putting in the majority of the work like others have done in the past. I'd like to take the chance to apply once again, after looking at my last application I knew that I had to retype and reword everything once again. I take that lawyers are captivating and a pleasure to take on as changing my reputation once more. From being an outcast to finally people knowing and wanting to talk to me for the first time.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I have read and I understand the laws and rights of the Karakura Government.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
There are two reasons that I want to take my character and put myself in this position.


My goal is to improve my role-playing experience by advancing my character to better DetailRP. As an experienced GangRPer, I intend to increase my engagement into other factions, therefore contributing a significant quantity of interesting content to the community. I have a thorough awareness of Karakura's rules and legislation, which prepares me well for this new enterprise.

By looking at my application for a legal position, I feel I can provide a unique viewpoint that will enrich not just my interactions with other players, but also their in-game experiences. My purpose is to help people navigate their trial and court dates with better ease and knowledge. I want to change how players see and experience the position of an attorney in Karakura.

As a lawyer, I would use my knowledge of the law to give detailed advice and support to defendants, plaintiffs, and witnesses. My participation would ensure that the courtroom is a source of clarity, impartiality, and education. By taking on this job, I would be able to provide a fresh and expanded perspective on the legal process, making it more accessible and interesting for all parties involved.


"As seen by my actions, my objective is to place all courts and trials squarely in the hands of the defendant. This method is about more than simply giving people on trial a voice; it's about making sure everyone feels heard, understood, and appreciated. In doing so, I hope to make the legal process clearer and more understandable, demystifying judicial processes and creating an environment in which justice is not just served, but seen to be served.

With all that will be considered, please understand that I am putting my life on the line for each and every person who enters this courtroom. This is not simply a professional obligation, but a personal commitment to each defendant's right to a fair and reasonable trial. I am committed to helping people through the legal maze with clarity and compassion, making sure they understand their rights and the laws that relate to their situation.

Every individual in this courtroom, whether a defendant, plaintiff, or witness, will leave with a better grasp of their legal rights and the judicial system. It is my earnest vow that at each session I preside over, I will work relentlessly to promote the ideals of justice, openness, and education.

Finally, I am here to revolutionize the courtroom experience. I am dedicated to making the judicial system more accessible and just for everyone by empowering defendants and guaranteeing clarity in all proceedings. Thank you for your attention and giving me the opportunity to serve and safeguard the rights of everyone in this room."

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

As a lawyer, my work is more than just helping individuals win lawsuits and schedule court appearances. Meeting with clients, filing orders, and working on the front desk. But, in order to take my representation to the next level, to obtain clients and own up to the fact that there is only one person who can take complete action into trial, I must not only pledge my faith in them, but also to the acts that they have requested in court. Also, gathering facts, files, and material that I may use in courtrooms would assist me comprehend the process of applying for this post. Taking notes on what the witness stated while interacting with the players.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I understand and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Why join a faction if you’re not going to give it your all!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I understand being bias would make the court system unfair and would ruin the integrity of the faction.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes I have!

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Yes, I would like to be informed of the time and date so I can clear my calendar for the dates and time!


Full name:

“Bonnie K. Banks”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

“Ms. Banks would be recommended towards fellow citizens, and from my fellow co-workers.”

Current age:

“I am currently 35 years old.”

Date of birth:

“I was born on May 1st, 1989!”


“I am a female, and my pronouns are She/They!”

Academic Degree:

“I have a certified law and criminal justice degree, from Harvard. I went to go and get my degree in Economics as well when I was around 26 I would say.”


“Like I’ve stated before, I have a degree in law and criminal justice.”


“I also have a minor degree in basic government functions, such as Economics and Legislation.”

Work experience:

“While I do have tiny desk employment at basic small businesses, I believe it will help me more while applying for the position. I've always had to dress and present myself formally. Even the way I speak feels overly formal at times!”

Nationality & born location:

“ I was born in California, In the United States of America then moved to Japan in my late 20s!”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

“Japanese is my primary language..”

Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“I entered this room with one objective in mind: to be the best. But not just the finest, I want to be the greatest lawyer Karakura has ever seen. My objective is to go down in history as Karakura's greatest lawyer. This desire is more than simply a personal dream; it represents a dedication to greatness, fairness, and the unwavering pursuit of legal expertise.

Thank you for taking the time to review our application. I appreciate the chance to share my views and qualifications. When examining this application, please keep in mind that I am motivated by more than simply desire. I am driven by a strong desire to improve the courtroom experience, providing a new level of professionalism, ethics, and efficacy.

As we go forward, I will embrace and embody the three D's: determined, dedicated, and decisive. Determined to meet each issue straight on and strive diligently to achieve justice. Dedicated to upholding the highest legal standards and serving the community with unflinching dedication. Most essential, be resolute in making difficult decisions and negotiating complicated legal environments with confidence and clarity.

Finally, I am prepared to change this courtroom into a beacon of fairness and legal brilliance. My objective is clear, and my commitment is unwavering. Together, we can accomplish incredible things. Thank you for your attention.”​
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Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more. We appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any time!​

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