What is your Minecraft username?:
Melotism ---> Main ---> Applying for!
HighRiceCake ---> Alt
What is your time zone?:
UCT +2
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
During my time spent on SRP, I usually wonder around the city looking for roleplay interactions on my Adult character! When bored, or when I can not find people, I go on my animal characters, so I can wonder around plaza and interact with players as an animal.
I really enjoy roleplaying as a hobby, and it's what I do the most when I'm on Minecraft! I found the server through YouTube, and I remember how I was exploring the sewers and abandoned metro stations during my early days!
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MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY | On these days, I usually tend to play from 15:30 to 20:00 CET. |
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | On Friday and Saturday, I play from 14:30 till 21:00 CET. |
SUNDAY | On Sunday, I tend to play from 12:00 through 20:00 CET. |
Being the manager of the newfound shop "Henki-Do,", I work a lot on that shop with the owner, ErikFinster. My activity there includes opening the shop, hiring employees and making sure the stock is up-to-date
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My experience on SchoolRP is, oddly enough, pretty positive! I have never in my life been part of such a large community, that was passionate around 1 subject and wanted to have fun together, through playing out different personality's. I've always liked the idea of roleplaying, but never really got into it as most roleplay servers I joined were too difficult of a subject or just simply had no players. SchoolRP, however, allowed me to roleplay on a familiar subject, and also an easy one, making me finally able to learn roleplay.
Over the past year, I've been actively roleplaying using my highschool characters, and have gotten into factions since february this year! I thoroughly enjoyed being in a faction, as it allowed me to roleplay new and different scenario's and subjects, whilst still engaging with the same community. Being in a faction gave me a new perspective onto the server, aswell as more enhanced FamilyRP.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Music Theory
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Main Motive:
During my time as a faculty member, both inside the teacher faction and the employee faction, I've gotten a lot of experience with being a faculty member. I've made mistakes, I've learned how to be professional, what to do and what not to do, etc. I made jokes with the others, and was very active on both Discord and the server itself. Usually, on Discord, I would be answering questions in #help, and generally yapping in #faculty-chat.
During my time as an Employee, I really enjoyed interacting with students and other faculty members. Being in that faction taught me how to be professional and how to be a good faculty member. I really miss being able to interact with others through faculty, and I really want it back, but in a new, other and more intresting way!
Why am I applying now?
I really enjoyed my position as a librarian, and I wasn't encouraged on leaving it . I was already planning on applying for professor upon getting removed from/leaving the librarian position. This, is because my previous application was denied for reputation, and in my perspective, I've since built a stronger reputation that would deem myself valid for this position.
Why this subject?
The subject of Music fits me pretty well OOCly, as I play multiple instruments, meaning I generally have a lot of knowledge on that subject. I've been into music for more than 10 years, allowing me to learn, create and inspire. Working out Music Theory classes would be an easy subject to me, because of my experience with music and in-game. Myself I have played;
-Alto Saxophone (Still Playing)
-Soprano Saxophone (Still Playing)
-Organ (Still Playing)
-Keyboard (Still Playing)
-Piano (Can Still Play)
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
(Class would have P.A. Design)
Interactive Music Practical
In class, Amane would let the students bring instruments, or lend them from her. After the students make pairs, they'd share 1 instrument together, and would compose a simple, small melody. Afterwards, if the students wish, they can perform the melody, allowing them to expand their musical knowledge with feedback from other students. Amane would go over the safety instructions and basic needs of the instruments, combined with how to actually play them. After that, the students would get the chance to change their instrument to try composing another song, in a different mood than the first one (E.G. first one would have a happy tone, and the other a sad tone (Achieved by major and minor accords)
Interactive Music Theory
The class would start by a small explanation about notes. Amane would draw different type of notes on the chalk board (In chat using charmap) and explain the duration of each different note. She would then give out an assignment for the students to fill out. She would proceed with tone heights, explaining the names of every tone (ABCDEFG), then moves on to notes sharp (♯) and notes flat (♭). (Minecraft supports all of these characters).

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: (I'm doing 2 because I feel like it)
Trip 1:
In class the students are instructed to make groups of 3; a drummer, a singer and a keyboard player. Then, the students will be taken to the family store,
where they are given the assignment of improvising a song in their group using 3 empty compose sheets, each representing a part of the band. The students can also try improvising without planning before hand, trying to fit their notes in with each other. The point of the fieldtrip is to try and expand the students possibilities withing musical improvising, which is needed a lot in a professional music career. This class will take 1.5 period(s)
Trip 2:
In class the students will be asked to make groups of 5. The students will get a sheet of stretched calf skin (The leather that is used on percussion instruments) and multiple strings (that is used for snare instruments). Then the students will be taken to the forest. Once they arrive at a campsite, the students will leave their stuff there and can talk to each other, whilst 1 group at a time sets out to find items like sticks, to make music instruments. This class will take 2 periods
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Amane would observe the group, before interacting with the group, asking them what was going on, and separating the Spartans from the
Bobcat. If unable to, Amane would use the faculty radio to ask for assistence. She would take everyone apart from one another and listening to their stories individually. Depending on wether assault has been used or not, Amane would give them detention. She would ask a caretaker, if available, for CCTV footage on how the fight started, so she can give everyone who deserves it detention.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Amane would ask the student to remain silent during detention, and directs them to the detention rules. She would ask the student to stay focused on their
detention assignment, reassuring them that the sooner they finish the sooner they can go home. If the student continues with their disturbing behaviour, Amane would threaten SLT on them, telling that this may result in suspension.
If the student keeps disturbing detention after being threatened, Amane would make a SLT report on the student. (#faculty-reports)
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Amane would patiently ask the cheerleaders to stop playing music on their phone and being distractive, and tell them to
focus on their class work, as the noise they are making disturbs the other students who are trying to learn.
If the cheerleaders continue playing music, Amane would threaten to take their phone away for the period, reminding them that they are in
class to learn, not to terrorize other students who are trying so. If the students were still to continue, Amane would take their phones away from them, giving them back at the end of the period.
If the students would be disruptive after that, they would get kicked out of class.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Amane would encounter the group of fighting students. She would try to break them up, but failed.
Amane would threaten the students with detention first, trying for them to stop themself. If failed, Amane would use her faculty radio to ask for help from other available faculty members. Using their assistence, she would try to break up the fight once again. If that attempt fails, she would consider to radio in SLT to break it up. If she was successful, she would listen to both sides stories, and give everyone involved detention for assault. If it's unclear who used assault and who didn't, a caretaker will be called in to ask for security footage.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Amane Nakazumi is a 31-year-old, Japanese woman. Her skin would have a light sun-touched tone, reflecting onto her wavy, brown hair. Her blue eyes would always make her look sweet. She stood at 5'6 with a lean muscular figure. She would be an adventurous person, yet self-disciplined and friendly. She would also sometimes have a childish side when not being on the job. She would smell like "La Vie Est Belle Perfume". Her voice, often sweet and soft, would get a demanding voice if needed. Amane has a childish side, which she often shows when outside school hours. During school hours, however, she shows her professional and adult side. Her adventurous personality makes her want to explore, learn and teach. Amane always tries to help students who need it the most and teach them everything they possibly need.
Amane Nakazumi is a 31-year-old, Japanese woman. Her skin would have a light sun-touched tone, reflecting onto her wavy, brown hair. Her blue eyes would always make her look sweet. She stood at 5'6 with a lean muscular figure. She would be an adventurous person, yet self-disciplined and friendly. She would also sometimes have a childish side when not being on the job. She would smell like "La Vie Est Belle Perfume". Her voice, often sweet and soft, would get a demanding voice if needed. Amane has a childish side, which she often shows when outside school hours. During school hours, however, she shows her professional and adult side. Her adventurous personality makes her want to explore, learn and teach. Amane always tries to help students who need it the most and teach them everything they possibly need.
Amane always wants to help the students see the best in them and motivate them to do anything they want to make their dreams come true. Amane would try to be everyone's favourite teacher, and be accepted into the faculty by the students. She looks at the students as a family, instead of students, wanting to protect them in every way, inside and outside the school. Amane wants to be a person that students will go to if they have something they need to talk about.
Amane's outlook on her colleagues is positive. Amane believes that teamwork is the key to success. She would try to befriend other teachers and faculty members, not wanting to be anyone's enemy or to be seen as someone who isn't a good fit among the faculty. She'd respect all co-workers, help them when in need, and help them to get a hard job done, expecting this back as well.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
"July 15, 1993. Amane was born in Tokyo. She was the third child of Utaho Mitsumoto and Tokiwa Nakazumi, she grew up receiving affection from her family. From the age of 8, Amane wanted to become a magical girl of justice and defeat villains and admired them in comics. At the age of 10, she was told by her older brother Ryoki that to become a magical girl she had to be strong enough to help others and defeat bad people. Afterwards, she continued to do good deeds, such as picking up trash on the street and began learning judo to increase her strength.
When Amane entered high school in Tokyo, she got bullied because of her dreams and her soft character. Amane had no friends, but she didn't care. This made her mentally strong and resistant. After being beaten up multiple times by bullies, and locked inside lockers, she started going to the gym, to train herself physically. Amane met someone in the gym when she was 15. A boy, named Nathan. She became friends with her and started training with him. Soon enough, they fell in love. The bullies soon came to know this and started bullying Nathan as well. Soon afterwards, Nathan's parents had enough of it and moved to another town, together with Nathan, leaving Amane behind alone.
Afterwards, as she got older and her body grew, her dreams changed from being a magical girl to becoming a police officer. She entered the police academy at the age of 25. She spent five months there, studying general education, law, and police practice, In addition, she learned the things necessary to become a police officer, such as arrest techniques, first-aid techniques, and how to use a handgun, and she graduated after enduring the tight schedule and strict regulations there. After three months of on-the-job training, she finally became an official police officer in Tokyo.
When Amane was 29 years old, she wanted to do something else than being a police officer, so she quit her job and moved to Karakura, applying for to become a P.E. Teacher on their local highschool. She was always obsessed with physical education when she was a child back in her school time. Amane wanted to give this experience to other children aswell, hoping they are going to love P.E. like Amane does.
After being a teacher for a few weeks, Amane got fired. She decided she wanted to stay within the school and decided to apply for the Librarian position. After being accepted, she stayed as a librarian for a few months, eventually giving her position to her old friend, Zena Aoki-De Los Reyes."
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
"My name? ...Gosh... what was my name again... uh... Oh yeah, Amane Baptise Nakazumi!"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Call me Miss Nakazumi."
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
"I am 31 years old..." *Scratches her head, "Or is it 32 already..?"
Gender & pronouns:
"I'm a she/her."
Religious Denomination:
"Just an A-Theist."
Marital Status:
"I'm married! bye freedom..."
"I'm born in Tokyo, Japan!"
Current Location:
"I live in Karakura, Japan."
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
"I've been teaching for about 1,5 years."
Working Experience (# of years):
"Well I've worked at the Tokyo Police Department for 5 years.... a restaurant for 2 years and Karakura High for a year, adding up to 18 years of labor!"
Academic Degree:
"I have a bachelors degree."
Year of Graduation:
" I graduated college in 2014."
"I have a major in teaching, aswell as learning languages, sports and music."
"I suck at science and religious subjects"
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Character: French
Account: Italian, French, JSL, Russian
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Additional notes about your application (if any):
I wish for my adult tag on Melotism to be switched to my alt account, Highricecake, upon acceptance
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