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Mxxkie's Col-Council Application


Level 155

What is your Minecraft Username?:
My in-game name is Mxxkie.

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Any kick has related to role-change and I’ve had one previous ban that dates back years. Since then, I have grown as a person.

What is your timezone?:
I currently reside in the Eastern Standard Timezone (EST).

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
I do have a Discord, it’s Mxxkie#1975. I also have a functioning microphone and am able to join calls if need be!

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):


Governor Application (Accepted)

Culinary Professor Application (Accepted)

Spanish Lang. Application (Accepted)

Media Team Application (Denied)


Moderator Application #2 (Accepted)

Lore Team Application (Accepted)

Col. Councillor Application #2 (Accepted)

Journalist Application sent via dms (Accepted)

Korean Lang. Application (Accepted)

Malagasy Lang. Application (Accepted)

Col. Councillor Application#1 (Denied)

Culinary Teacher Application (Denied)

Officer Application#1 (Denied)

Moderator Application (Denied)

Police Intern Application (Pending)


Culinary Professor Application (Accepted)

Malagasy Lang. Application (Denied)

Describe your activity on the server?:

I would say I’m decently active. With Spring, comes a period of time where I’m slightly less active. Between clubs, work, and sports, I’ve had to cut back on SRP by an hour or two. However, I am on everyday and with my other two alts, Fxxkie and Wxxkie, I think I handle the juggling act rather well. However, my reduced activity should only last another month or two before I’m fully active again like I usually am!

List your accounts and roles on this server?:
Wxxkie - Governor
Mxxkie - (Col) Baseball-Captain
Fxxkie - Professor

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
I completely understand! Over my period of time here on SRP, I don’t think I’ve ever been gone for that long or close to it, so it shouldn’t be a problem! In the event something happens, computer breaks, I get hurt, vacation, whatever it may be, I will inform the leads and make an inactivity log, or resign depending on how great the absence will be.


What is student council and what do they do?:

The student council is a collective of students who wish to provide fun and safety for their peers. In doing this, they plan events like the Fright Night dance, patrol the school grounds stopping fights, give detentions, solve problems, and overall keep the school’s atmosphere friendly and safe.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, ect.):
As you may know, I was a previous councillor about a year ago. During my time in council (around 7-8 months) I had worked alongside the group planning events such as the Valentine’s Day Dance/candy gram event I submitted, and the haunted house idea for the Fright Night event. Furthermore, I trained about 8-9 other councillors in my time as a councillor which saw a promotion to the T.C (Training Committee) Lead; some of whom have applied alongside me now. I believe I was fair and just in how I proceeded with solving situations and it was through council I garnered much respect and admiration from my fellow players. However, things were not always smooth sailing and in the end I had to take a break. Things have changed. I am ready to return. I know together we can make the council better and bring fresh ideas to the table and maybe even bring back some old ones. I truly enjoyed my work as a councillor: solving problems, training others, making people feel good, and I wish to partake in it once more.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and team work ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Of course. As stated previously, I’ve already planned and come up with events in the past and I’m sure alongside my fellow councillor, we can come up with even more ideas!

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:
Within the council, there are two Presidents. One for high school, one for college. They work alongside their Vice Presidents, one for each again. At times, the council also includes a treasurer and a secretary. Finally, the role of Councillor which all in the council hold.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?
First, I’d always observe. See how their discussion is playing out. Is it serious, or playful banter between friends? If it’s the latter, I intervene to de-escalate, but not before calling for backup. Something I miss from my days as a councillor was my team. Get them involved. Work together. Be a team. Call for another councillor or two, even if you don’t need them. It’s teamwork. With backup on the way, I interject. Usually I take a casual, yet professional and commanding tone. I break it up and bring the girls back to the council room and sit them down. At this point, hopefully another councillor has joined me. I have them walk me through how the fight started and escalated. After hearing their arguments, I come to a decision. If possible, I try not to punish them. I try to get them to forgive each other and they are let off with a verbal warning. However, if they do not heed me, if they insist on making it as difficult for me as possible, I don’t have to work with them. I can assign them detention. This is mostly just a scare tactic as at this point usually they’re willing to work with me. If they continue and are assigned detention, I merely oversee and log it. If they continue in detention and afterwards continue to escalate it, I can just inform SLT and they would be more than happy to handle it.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
I would give chase while informing other councillors. This is mostly for the sake of RP, however if they’re trolling and just continuously failing to RP properly, I can just inform staff or SLT and continue on with my day.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
Of course by shutting them down, a simple “That’s enough.” or “I’ll take it from here.”. Following the confrontation, I would discuss it with them one on one, reminding them of their status and what the council is meant to represent. If they talk back and are unwilling to change their ways, I’ll be left no choice but to inform the leads of the development and let them handle it from there.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
I could cross-examine, try to match each side of the story up, see what doesn’t fit. I could also interview a witness or two, if faculty were nearby, that’s great, or I could just review CCTV.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this?
If possible, I’d smile and nod, but continue to do as I was trained to do. Reassuring that I can take it from there and thanking them for their help, brushing them off and securing the area for myself. An example could be a fight in the lobby right in front of the front desk. I get the fight separated, the receptionist tells me to throw them into detention. Unless they had been there first and I had just arrived, I would, but in the case I was there and broke it up, as stated previously, I would just bring the people into the council room to discuss the problem. I will also inform the leads of what instruction I was given and what I did in its stead.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity!:

In-School Sleepover

An overnight stay within the school complete with tents, games, a firepit, fairy lights, and a possible photo booth. Students group up and camp out within the gym. Setting up tents and with a bonfire just outside at the track, students can enjoy a night to remember! The stage can also be utilized for drama, or a quick play, maybe even karaoke. With council supervision, possibly a teacher/professor chaperone or two, it could be a fun way to spend the night. Around the firepit, marshmallows can be cooked, scary stories to be shared, and everyone can forget about their grades, their lives, their city, for a night.

Other activities could include watching a movie as a collective, truth or dare, possibly spin-the-bottle, and more! Of course, alcohol will not be allowed nor food or drink from the outside as the council could set up a little booth to provide all anyone could need. Councillors or faculty can also patrol or close off some of the hallways so students don’t wander around the school in the dead of night. Perhaps a game of hide and seek or manhunt could also provide students with an activity to keep them busy and from causing mayhem.

To cap off the night, perhaps viewing the stars from the track while soft music plays. Furthermore, students can gather at the photo booth, or just pose around the fire or tents as designated photographers snap pictures of the unfolding scene to be reflected upon the next day.

This event could also serve as a predecessor for a camping trip later in the summer. If all goes well, something similar can be experienced outdoors on the beach or in the forest. Furthermore, this would take place on a Friday into Saturday so students wouldn’t worry about missing their classes the next day. However, it’s not an excuse to get drunk; we’ll be watching you!


Character Name:
K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge

Character Gender:

Character Age:

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Approachability and adaptability are Mookie’s greatest attributes. When dealing with situations, his adaptability allows him to mold in accordance with each problem and thereby confront and solve them. His approachability allows for him to seem more “down to earth” and easier to talk to. He’s also slightly manipulative, being able to tell people what they want to hear in order to get what he wants. This is most notable when dealing with situations. His outlook, demeanor, and phrasing makes all the difference when it comes to successfully dealing with a situation and guaranteeing all parties are happy. He’s caring and laid back, however when it comes down to it, he can be professional and authoritative.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Experience. I have served the council before and was well liked by my peers for how I went about conducting council business. I was seen as fair and just and I made a lot of friends- EVEN if some of them tormented the heck outta me… cough Shock cough. I know the ropes and the new ones I’m eager to learn, I’m a fast learner! I can’t wait to meet all the new councillors and work alongside them.

Why do you want this position?:
As stated previously, I’ve served as a councillor for a couple of years previously. I first joined the highschool council, then joined the college council later on! Since my departure, I haven’t gotten to see some of my old friends like Chiba. Also one of my old teammates is there, Juan! I miss helping the student body and helping come up with fun events for my peers to take part in! I think I’ve still got it in me and would love to rejoin the council!

What interests you the most about student council?:
I miss the teamwork and problem solving. I genuinely enjoyed solving problems and making people happy. It taught me a lot about those around me and even myself. I think my happiest time was serving my peers as a student councillor. Also, while I still have a friend or two in council, a lot of the old councillors are gone. I think I could even offer something as a veteran councillor! Show ‘em how we did it back in my day, heh.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
My service, of course! I’ve helped the council in the past, and I can do it again. Patrolling, planning events, making sure things run smoothly. I enjoy it all. I also want to help out the faculty again. I know they’ve been suffering as of late. My grandma’s a professor and while I think she hasn’t had much of a problem, she mentioned others who have been! Maybe I could help them too! Take a bit of the burden like I used to! I can also contribute event ideas and try to get the wheels turning faster alongside my fellow councillor! I can bring excitement with me to the council!​


Level 211

- Welcome, again, to the team! Contact: Leoo#8214 on discord for more information​

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