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New Age


Level 99
IGN: cuddlesmeow
DATE: May 18, 2023

Add the option to apply for young age ranges, specifically 6 to 13 years old. It would be great to see new characters in this age range, just like real life! BUT Instead of using /setage, players would have to apply through role change and an admin would decide whether to accept and change their age.

And to address the problem of not having an elementary school in SRP. The characters in this age range would be required to attend day care rather than school. The new children characters would have a safe place to play and learn with fun games and activities at the Day Care, and it must have trampolines! Also, the staff would also be responsible for feeding and caring for the players. therefore, a new job, Childcare Worker! will be open for players to apply for and start making money from.

It will work the same as adult role, the children do not have to attend school but they will need an adult to be able to RP as a child.


This would make it more realistic and exciting. Especially for Adult characters to have children who require more care and attention from them.

What do you think? Is it a good idea? And what issues might this new age range cause?
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Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

This was previously denied before.

The reason this doesn’t work is mostly because the elementary school is on another part of the island in lore. We physically cannot make it there. That would mean that anyone who is below the age of 13 can’t attend the school and as always, this is schoolrp.

“Okay, so why don’t they just add more to the school and more roles for classes?!”

There simply isn’t enough room for this. There also isn’t an abundance of teachers, and everything is split by HS/College for a reason.

“What about a daycare!?”

Again, there isn’t enough room for this. Not at all. Majority of the map is either never meant to change, or being changed in the future.

Additionally, it’d be extremely weird to have 6 year olds as tall as 30 year old adults. Yeah, you can’t see the actual height due to mc not having the capability to display that, but it’d be awkward. ANDDDD adding to the fact that it’s already weird enough that majority of the students seem to have 0 parents. Let’s maybe not have 6-11 year olds running around Karakura with ‘em…

(I should say this now, SRP doesn’t need to focus on realism. If you add too much realism, it’ll deter people from playing!)
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Level 63

Though I think it may be cool to have lower ages which can allow for more like KidRP, where would we put them? As mentioned before we would need a new school with new teachers, new facility, ect. We just don’t have the room for that sort of thing on the map.

The main school already takes up a large amount of space, we don’t have the room to add a elementary or even daycare or something like that. Though the concept isn’t bad, there is a lot of other factors that would need to be considered and added to make this work


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I'll refer you to every suggestion I could find in regards to this



Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team

This idea has popped up before, however, has been denied. I’ll go over some of my suggestions and ideas about this.

one you’re asking for trollers. People will apply for this role either way and then just troll once they get it. They’ll failRP and not listen and just become really annoying. I know it’s not common but there are people out there who do it with the animal whitelists!! Imagine a child! Plus it also will count for staff having to solve and be there for issues that really aren’t needed. Also to add onto this there will be someone I’m not going to say anyone but I know someone. They’ll go out there and start gangRPing on the child character. I don’t think that is allowed icly or even Oocly. Seeming as green tags cannot even roleplay in the crime or gang faction right now I don’t think anything lower will. However someone will break the rules and do it one way or wnother

two this is schoolrp. The whole map and roles are designed around the school and how the school, faculty and students function. Adults can’t really do much and there isn’t really much to offer because you’re meant to stick in the school. If you were to introduce children you’d lose that aspect of schoolrp. You’d lose the focus of the school and it would more be to the city side of karakura. Even if you brought in childcare it still isn’t school and people wouldn’t use the school as much taking that aspect away.

three as an ex teacher. I know the pain of teaching with good and bad roleplayers. However I’m well aware that the factions do run low on people sometimes, and that’s because it can be draining. Having that whole childRP would double it completely and I think it would just be total chaos.

Overall, schoolrp is schoolrp let’s not take it away from that. I think the way schoolrp is now is good while yes improvements are open they have a strong structure. The suggestions good but it isn’t for this kind of server or roleplay. If you really wanted to roleplay a child you can always request to have a green tag locked grade. It acts as a child while still remaining you in the


Level 58
Community Team
Content Team
split on this. but mostly no lol…

i think this will add realism and would be very fun for certain rp scenarios. and as much as i hate people portraying 14 yr old characters and making them act 10 to compensate on not being able to make a character any younger, theres going to be so many problems with this. so many people are going to be weird. this was the case on frp and they had to change the rules because people were being really annoying as children characters and completely misportraying them.


Level 23
-1 If you want a kid theres certain customs of babies etc that you can use, just find the right people and buy it off of em. Not saying as this is a bad idea but there's not the needed room. A postive tho I think would be certain students etc going into stuff with kids and being other teachers etc, I think it could give some character development from it.


Level 35
Community Team

this is a hugeee safe guarding issue, erp is already a problem with new players let alone the vile shit they'd come up with for a 'child' role.

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