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No more Anime/TV Show Gangs/Families


Level 25



Okay. As someone who has been in many a gangs and has now realized how poor the creation of many of them are, here brings my suggestion. If a gang is going to be properly based on Japanese street gangs, then it shouldn't be based on an anime or other Japanese TV show. I've seen way too many gangs with names that have names with fake Japanese names or names that come directly based on ones from anime. This goes for families and characters too. I'm not trying to police what you do specifically with your own character, but basing things off of an anime character strictly because Karakura is in Japan is a little. . I don't know, weird? More than weird? The same goes with gangs. I don't expect everyone to do an extensive amount of research on Japanese criminal history, but if you're going to run an entire gang or (criminal) family, then you should have basic knowledge of how street gangs operate in Japan. It's honestly not that difficult to do a quick google search on Japanese street gangs and to make sure the names you're using aren't made up words that weren't westernized from Japanese words. I see way too much westernization of Japanese culture on this server. And that's not to fully disinclude myself. I'm still researching and making sure that I do things properly, but that should be the common attitude seen towards being in a different country when roleplaying and it's not. But in general, there should be a disallowment of gangs/families (and characters but I've really more seen it with gangs and families) that are based off of anime and/or TV shows. That's not to say that all gangs have to be Japanese based, but if they are, they shouldn't be able to based on something that's canon in the world of Karakura.


Not only does this allowed for more creativity, but it creates more space for people do properly roleplay based on the location that Karakura is in. I think that it adds to the entirety of the roleplay experience. I know in doing some research, I personally have found roleplay in Karakura, the things that happen there more, and why they happen interesting and they tend to make more sense. I've spoken to a few other crimeRPers about this, it just doesn't make sense when there are gangs that are based on anime especially when anime is a CANON thing inside SRP.


Level 134

As someone in the crimerp community for over three years now, I've seen countless gangs based on animes, tv shows, etc. . . While it's perfectly alright to take inspiration from your favorite tv shows, you should never be directly copying their name, the members' names for your character, etc. We must remember, that these TV shows are CANON and it makes no logical sense that your gang is the same as an anime or tv show. I will always encourage creativity in roleplay, but blatantly stealing from outside media is not creativity. . it is plagiarism. You must remember, that those are written stories, and so is everything you do in SRP. Stop plagiarizing authors' organizations from their stories. If you have trouble making a realistic gang, fear not! As someone who's made all types of gangs in SRP (most typically organized crime), I have an older guide on not only how you should carry yourself when doing crimerp, but how to properly prepare and create these types of organizations.

IF you ever need help creating an interesting gang, I am ALWAYS willing to take my time and help you.


Level 70
writing this while i get my ass kicked by a magical girl residing in the floor of natural sciences but +1 alone because i've literally seen too many tokyo revengers gangs in srp
(the girl in the picture perished 2 scenes after)
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Level 146
The worst part about these organizations and characters is that they usually completely butcher the source material they are copying from, and choose only to replicate the parts they think are cool without understanding what made the organization or character cool in the first place. I probably wouldn't care as much if the weebs applied their favorite media to SRP in a creative or at least somewhat meaningful way, but that's almost never the case.


Level 15
yeah taking some inspiration from outside sources are fine because lets be real, everyone has done that atleast once before, but literally copying and pasting some gang you saw in an anime is boring and lackluster

as a side note on the characters im sure there is a SRP rule that says you aren't allowed to take exact names or RP as already made characters


Level 45
i encourage creativity when it comes to gang creation but i dont think silly little teenage anime fans absolutely need to stop making their dumb tokyo revengers gangs because there isn't exactly harm in it

I'm in bonten rn btw yeah this is biased


Level 231
should only be done if it's subversive in implementation. KAGE for example takes the naming structure from the Naruto universe but that was basically unintentional until it came to making the name of the actual final group (Kazekage & Mizukage were originally separate gangs named with no relation to the franchise but's assets would later become KAGE, and so the name was partly chosen then as a reference rather then a copy paste of the show)

I think it's telling that Bonten is the second tokyo revengers gang made by the same group of people. But again, kind of like what @needle says.. it's not that big of an issue for the server.

I think what is an issue is when there is multiple, multiple Jojo's Bizarre Adventure characters running around SRP -- at that point... give it a rest?


Level 331

I believe that people should be able to create groups based on pretty much anything as long as it meets the SRP standards. The only part I agree on is that if a gang is poorly based on an anime or other fictional media rather than creating its own lore, it will have less chances of getting the unverified / verified title


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

I agree with yonio. You may roleplay however you choose on SRP so long as it meets SRP standards. I do not believe that restricting other’s roleplay simply because it’s not “unique” or a “real world example” is an okay thing to be doing.

In the first suggestion it says “Not only does this allow more room for creativity”, and that is 100% false. What this suggestion is doing is limiting and restricting roleplay simply because you don’t like how people are roleplaying despite it being up to SRP standards.

Finally, let people roleplay the way they want to. I guarantee the way they roleplay isn’t harming anyone. The server is about promoting creativity and finding groups that you enjoy being a part of with similarities that you all have. Note that if anything is ever “too unrealistic”, it can always be debated with staff. Just because you dislike the way someone created their character because they referenced an anime or tv show doesn’t mean that they are an unrealistic roleplayer. Failure to be realistic in roleplay breaks a rule, and can be reported. I heavily discourage this suggestion.


Level 87
I'm not trying to police what you do specifically with your own character, but basing things off of an anime character strictly because Karakura is in Japan is a little. . I don't know, weird? More than weird?
It’s better than seeing Andrew Tate walking around /j


The above people already said why. Even if it seems weird to you, as long as they aren’t breaking any rules that is literally making the roleplay not roleplay-able then it’s fine. It’s most likely a phase before they eventually decide to move on into something better and more original for themselves. Most of the time it’s just younger people trying to have fun on the server. No harm to be done. Shout out to the Jojo character btw!


Level 53

I agree with both Highlighted Twin, Yonio and Infi, if the person actually role-plays properly and still making the character their own without actually copying the character entirely as long as they are following the rules of the server and don't actually copy the character entirely then it shouldn't be an issue. Along with the fact that "promotes creativity" is also wrong as Infi said as this limits creativity and prevents actually being creative instead of helping it, what is the issue that there are anime/tv show characters running around SRP? As long as they develop the character on its own without using anything from the anime/tv show but the name and how they look its not an issue, and yes, using how a character looks and only their first name is allowed. This suggestion just prevents all of that and doesn't promote anything creative and most likely a lot of people might end up leaving the server due to this if not they would just not like it anymore and it would be a lot to just throw away a character that you've put much work into.


Level 200

I agree with both Highlighted Twin, Yonio and Infi, if the person actually role-plays properly and still making the character their own without actually copying the character entirely as long as they are following the rules of the server and don't actually copy the character entirely then it shouldn't be an issue. Along with the fact that "promotes creativity" is also wrong as Infi said as this limits creativity and prevents actually being creative instead of helping it, what is the issue that there are anime/tv show characters running around SRP? As long as they develop the character on its own without using anything from the anime/tv show but the name and how they look its not an issue, and yes, using how a character looks and only their first name is allowed. This suggestion just prevents all of that and doesn't promote anything creative and most likely a lot of people might end up leaving the server due to this if not they would just not like it anymore and it would be a lot to just throw away a character that you've put much work into.
. . . Adding onto this and what all of the above said, I personally cannot latch onto the purpose for this thread.. are you going to make it "illegal" to have gang names like this? Are you going to go into every discord and to every gang just to say they should change the name they chose? Are you going to enforce this into the rules? This just sounds silly. You're requesting for them to have more freedom, reach out to the people and get them to create an original and unique gang instead of complaining about it. Sure this is harsh, but what are you really planning? This will ruin the fun for so many players. Not all of them are the most creative, sure, but they are having fun and doing there own thing. Don't limit it. How would this even work? You just add to the rules "It must be unique and Japanese oriented" that will cause alot of players to not want to dive into this territory, as most of us are lazy and this will put a limit on it—potentially doing more harm than good.

If you want to change this, like I said, I suggest actually reaching out to the gang leaders and talking to them. If you feel too lazy to do that, then what is the point of this suggestion? Yeah, it'd be cool to see more Japanese oriented everything, isn't your character around 6'3 and non-Japanese? I rest my case.


Level 134
as long as they aren’t breaking any rules
Respectfully, in a reply to this. . the entire suggestion is about MAKING it be breaking the rules.
In the first suggestion it says “Not only does this allow more room for creativity”, and that is 100% false. What this suggestion is doing is limiting and restricting roleplay simply because you don’t like how people are roleplaying despite it being up to SRP standards.
What are "srp standards"? That hasn't been made clear. So far, I've seen characters murdering each other in fursuits, I've seen constant arguments between roleplayers, and a lack of creativity in ANY gang. I don't understand how this gives less room for creativity, you are forced to branch out and put actual effort into the groups you create. Roleplaying is not meant to be easy, it never has been, and SRP standards are CONSTANTLY changing... so far? They're pretty low, our sister server thinks of us as a joke. Why not try to improve the quality of professional rp done? Make other servers stop looking down on us?
If you want to change this, like I said, I suggest actually reaching out to the gang leaders and talking to them. If you feel too lazy to do that, then what is the point of this suggestion? Yeah, it'd be cool to see more Japanese oriented everything, isn't your character around 6'3 and non-Japanese? I rest my case.
Despite the fact you see many foreigners in Japan, how often do you see foreign gangs? Almost never. Most triads have a branch in Japan, the Sinaloa Cartel, and I can't rlly name any other groups to my knowledge. Then again, I am ALL FOR foreign gangs being allowed in SRP, but that doesn't mean they should abandon basic writing principles to do so. Using these groups' names and ideas in your own writing is theft, plain and simple. Those groups? They're written by someone in the REAL WORLD, someone who has put time and effort into crafting said group in their story. Now, a bunch of kids take your story and rewrite it on a Minecraft roleplaying server. Now to some writers that would be okay, but has anyone actually asked? When you want to post someone's artwork, do you not ask them first? If someone made a 3D model and sent the file out to a friend, it'd be common courtesy to at least ask them if you could use it on SRP right? Why is writing not treated the same way? As someone studying to be a novelist myself, if I found out that something I wrote ended up on a Minecraft roleplay server without reaching out to me, I'd be a bit upset. . Now, of course, Ken Wakui, the creator of Tokyo Revengers will never actually find out any of these Minecraft gangs exist. . but is it really normalized to just take their work and repurpose it? Cut out the important details and destroy the story they built??

None of these replies are personal attacks, but rather my HIGHLY stressed opinion on the matter. I hope you can take these into consideration.


Level 200
Using these groups' names and ideas in your own writing is theft, plain and simple. Those groups? They're written by someone in the REAL WORLD, someone who has put time and effort into crafting said group in their story. Now, a bunch of kids take your story and rewrite it on a Minecraft roleplaying server.
I agree, plain as day. Let me put it this way, however. So you're talking about the fact that it's non original right? Writers theft, plagiarism to cut it short. What about real Japanese gangs? In my eyes this suggestion is to focus on moreso Japanese gangs right? Making it realistic, but you're talking about plagiarism. Sure this may sound stupid but think of it this way; Copying a gang, famous one at that, taking all of its characteristics, forming its members to be like said gang, using the same name and similar attire.. can this not also be classified as high-tier plagiarism? You're talking about models, art, writing but you're leaving this factor out. It is the same thing. What would someone classify this as? Simple! Referencing / inspiration. Anyone would call this basing, focusing on one topic and taking inspiration from it. You're doing the exact same thing as people referencing Japanese-TV, the only difference is the fact its real crime. . . Wouldn't that make it more morally-wrong though? I'm a law and crime fanatic, i'll always stick to that title—I even study crime in my free time. I can see the appeal, but forcing it onto people is something disgusting.
Cut out the important details and destroy the story they built??
Inspiration, as I've put it. Nothing in this world is original, art, models, writing even the aspect of crimes—serial killers get inspired by others all the time, its all rinse and repeat. Yes, I prefer the realistic aspect but as for SRP; what is realistic in the crime aspect? GangRP is so out of proportion and out of wack, why add more restrictions when it's already down the drain. Political option, sure. Its true. Back to the original topic, I will put this plain and simple—don't limit peoples creative freedom and claim it as one thing if you're doing it too. If you want originality, I suggest creating something actually new, even then; it will never be original.

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