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No more Anime/TV Show Gangs/Families


Level 134
Copying a gang, famous one at that, taking all of its characteristics, forming its members to be like said gang, using the same name and similar attire.. can this not also be classified as high-tier plagiarism?
No, the structures that these gangs use have been passed down for years, and also. . I am not worried about stealing from criminals, I am worried about stealing from hard-working writers. It really is not hard to take inspiration from a gang in your favorite manga and just NOT USE THE NAME.. I do not care if the gang is based on anime, manga, tv shows, etc. . . It matters when you're directly stealing everything that makes that writer's story their own. I've seen a gang DIRECTLY steal the author's entire story, name, etc.


Level 153
Government Lead
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My guy just let people roleplay the way they want to roleplay. It’s a community of over 10,000 people I’m sure you can easily avoid the roleplay you don’t want to engage in. The last thing we need is even more restrictions on how people can play characters. The whole point of SRP is to allow people to freely be who they want to be (so long as they follow the SRP rules).

So to break it down: we don’t need to be restricting the way people roleplay more than we already do.


Level 72

personally, i could care less about what someone decides to create their gang off of. bonten is verified which means their doing good regardless of the fact that they are based off of a tokyo revengers gang. however yeah it would be cool to like, see more diverse gangs, but theres no way to enforce this without like, making a whole community a little upset.


Level 200
No, the structures that these gangs use have been passed down for years, and also. . I am not worried about stealing from criminals, I am worried about stealing from hard-working writers. It really is not hard to take inspiration from a gang in your favorite manga and just NOT USE THE NAME.. I do not care if the gang is based on anime, manga, tv shows, etc. . . It matters when you're directly stealing everything that makes that writer's story their own. I've seen a gang DIRECTLY steal the author's entire story, name, etc.
Then again.. its just a name?

My guy just let people roleplay the way they want to roleplay. It’s a community of over 10,000 people I’m sure you can easily avoid the roleplay you don’t want to engage in. The last thing we need is even more restrictions on how people can play characters. The whole point of SRP is to allow people to freely be who they want to be (so long as they follow the SRP rules).

So to break it down: we don’t need to be restricting the way people roleplay more than we already do.


Level 25
Thread starter
My guy just let people roleplay the way they want to roleplay. It’s a community of over 10,000 people I’m sure you can easily avoid the roleplay you don’t want to engage in. The last thing we need is even more restrictions on how people can play characters. The whole point of SRP is to allow people to freely be who they want to be (so long as they follow the SRP rules).

So to break it down: we don’t need to be restricting the way people roleplay more than we already do.
I wasn't really talking about specific characters, that's why I tried to stay away from saying anything about characters themselves. This same argument could be said about a lot of other rules that have been added (i.e OOC consented KPS).


Level 134
My guy just let people roleplay the way they want to roleplay. It’s a community of over 10,000 people I’m sure you can easily avoid the roleplay you don’t want to engage in. The last thing we need is even more restrictions on how people can play characters. The whole point of SRP is to allow people to freely be who they want to be (so long as they follow the SRP rules).

So to break it down: we don’t need to be restricting the way people roleplay more than we already do.
If we let people roleplay the way they want completely, we wouldn't have rules at all. Kill perms? There being gone is restricting a lot of people's roleplay, but I'm still in support of it and think it's one of the best decisions ever made. Restricting roleplay is how we shape this into a more professional community, why would anyone WANT to be associated with a server known for not taking anything seriously?


Level 86
+ 1

I'm all for people basing their characters off of pre-existing ones, not all of us are excellent writers and thats okay. What I find a little less okay is when it becomes painfully obvious like if you say.. roleplayed out being kermit the frog while also having your character's name being Kermit Frogge or something. Instead, you could have a character that likes puppets and frogs or something. If you want to rp as kermit the frog himself, why not join a muppets server? (this is an example im sorry if it sounds sarcastic)


Level 25
Thread starter
Nothing in this world is original, art, models, writing even the aspect of crimes—serial killers get inspired by others all the time, its all rinse and repeat
There's a VERY big difference between being inspired by something and blatantly taking someone else's work. If someone takes not only all of the lore, names, and other, that's quite literally plagiarism. I'm not saying they can't take inspiration, you're free to base anything off of whatever you like. I'm simply saying that there shouldn't be gangs/families that are completely named and taken from anime simply because it's Japanese and Karakura is in Japan.


Level 25
Thread starter

personally, i could care less about what someone decides to create their gang off of. bonten is verified which means their doing good regardless of the fact that they are based off of a tokyo revengers gang. however yeah it would be cool to like, see more diverse gangs, but theres no way to enforce this without like, making a whole community a little upset.
Yeah, I suppose that's understandable. I've spoken with the original makers of Bonten a lot, not like- about the making of it but just in general. I just think that a little creativity goes a long way. It sort of rubs me the wrong way when people think "Japanese street gang" and their first thought is to base it off of anime instead of doing a little research. I'm NOT saying that everyone has to know everything about Japanese history and crime, but if you're going to chose to RUN and lead a gang in a Japanese based server you should know some basics?

I also get your point about making people upset, but the OOC consented KPS made a whole community upset too and that's just something that people have to live with.


Level 25
Thread starter

I believe that people should be able to create groups based on pretty much anything as long as it meets the SRP standards. The only part I agree on is that if a gang is poorly based on an anime or other fictional media rather than creating its own lore, it will have less chances of getting the unverified / verified title
I have no problem with people basing things off of an anime, its when they use the names, lore, and other things as well. It's just plagiarism at that point.


I agree with both Highlighted Twin, Yonio and Infi, if the person actually role-plays properly and still making the character their own without actually copying the character entirely as long as they are following the rules of the server and don't actually copy the character entirely then it shouldn't be an issue. Along with the fact that "promotes creativity" is also wrong as Infi said as this limits creativity and prevents actually being creative instead of helping it, what is the issue that there are anime/tv show characters running around SRP? As long as they develop the character on its own without using anything from the anime/tv show but the name and how they look its not an issue, and yes, using how a character looks and only their first name is allowed. This suggestion just prevents all of that and doesn't promote anything creative and most likely a lot of people might end up leaving the server due to this if not they would just not like it anymore and it would be a lot to just throw away a character that you've put much work into.
This is why I specifically tried to stay away from saying specific characters. I'm talking about gangs/families as a whole. Not getting at people who play specific characters.

. . . Adding onto this and what all of the above said, I personally cannot latch onto the purpose for this thread.. are you going to make it "illegal" to have gang names like this? Are you going to go into every discord and to every gang just to say they should change the name they chose? Are you going to enforce this into the rules? This just sounds silly. You're requesting for them to have more freedom, reach out to the people and get them to create an original and unique gang instead of complaining about it. Sure this is harsh, but what are you really planning? This will ruin the fun for so many players. Not all of them are the most creative, sure, but they are having fun and doing there own thing. Don't limit it. How would this even work? You just add to the rules "It must be unique and Japanese oriented" that will cause alot of players to not want to dive into this territory, as most of us are lazy and this will put a limit on it—potentially doing more harm than good.

If you want to change this, like I said, I suggest actually reaching out to the gang leaders and talking to them. If you feel too lazy to do that, then what is the point of this suggestion? Yeah, it'd be cool to see more Japanese oriented everything, isn't your character around 6'3 and non-Japanese? I rest my case.
I actually said specifically that not all gangs had to be Japanese oriented. My specific problem is when people see "Japanese street gang" and automatically go to an anime. I read your other message as well, and no, I'm not forcing research on anyone. But if you're going to decide to RUN a Japanese oriented street gang, you should have at least a basic knowledge of how said Japanese street gangs are like. I would also have a problem with someone completely copying everything a real world Japanese street gang has. Because of plagiarism. Additionally, saying that nothing is ever original isn't true. While there are things you can take inspiration from, that doesn't make them unoriginal. As I've said, I have no problem with inspiration from anime. It's the disregard for Japanese culture and immediately going to anime/TV shows as if that's exactly how Japan is like that rubs me and many others the wrong way.


Level 72
Yeah, I suppose that's understandable. I've spoken with the original makers of Bonten a lot, not like- about the making of it but just in general. I just think that a little creativity goes a long way. It sort of rubs me the wrong way when people think "Japanese street gang" and their first thought is to base it off of anime instead of doing a little research. I'm NOT saying that everyone has to know everything about Japanese history and crime, but if you're going to chose to RUN and lead a gang in a Japanese based server you should know some basics?

I also get your point about making people upset, but the OOC consented KPS made a whole community upset too and that's just something that people have to live with.
as infi has stated, let people roleplay the way they want to. Bonten is successful, toman was. I don't really see the community problem with it. If you want, make your own Japanese gang that is heavily influenced by the culture of crime in japan.


Level 53
This is why I specifically tried to stay away from saying specific characters. I'm talking about gangs/families as a whole. Not getting at people who play specific characters.
By the looks of it, it might actually do that because it would've been easier for the staff to ban it as a whole, again there is no point to this.


Level 45
there is a huge issue with people representing japanese people and groups very inaccurately but it's insanely hard to monitor. how would you tell a player in looc as a staff member to change their height? what if they just pull sm stuff out of their ass and be like "oh yeah my character has gigantism" like yeah u and the other 40% of the srp population
I like calling it out where it's due and as far as that goes, i'd like to see a rule enforced somehow that prevents people from making insanely tall (Japanese) and somewhat the same characters over and over again even though I think it'd be extremely difficult. you should credit creativity in characters and gangs when you see it, and I think that's all we'll be getting for now...... that's what I do at least... i will not shame the creators of an anime-esque gang (unless it's painfully bad, I'm guilty of that) but instead encourage original ones with great coordination, because I find those extremely admirable


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
If we let people roleplay the way they want completely, we wouldn't have rules at all. Kill perms? There being gone is restricting a lot of people's roleplay, but I'm still in support of it and think it's one of the best decisions ever made. Restricting roleplay is how we shape this into a more professional community, why would anyone WANT to be associated with a server known for not taking anything seriously?
Okay that was NOT what I said, if you read the full response, I included “as long as it follows SRP rules”.

Once again there my opinion will not change, and I’d appreciate it if you guys would read my full response before replying to the first sentence. I believe there is no reason to be restricting roleplay even further than the server already has.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I’d like to reiterate that RoleplayHub is not in fact a “professional roleplay server”. It’s simply a server for people to hangout with their friends and develop a character that they really like. So what if someone wants to base their character off an anime?? They’re doing what they love doing on the server and it’s harming literally no one and breaking no rules. Disallowing the use of inspiration/basing your gang, family, or character off of an anime or tv show is just wrong. As I said before, let people roleplay the way they want to make their character. There is absolutely no need to restrict someone’s creativity like that.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I wasn't really talking about specific characters, that's why I tried to stay away from saying anything about characters themselves. This same argument could be said about a lot of other rules that have been added (i.e OOC consented KPS).
By restricting the group/family you’re restricting the players who join it. Groups, gangs, and families alike are all created and developed by the players. By restricting what they can and can’t base their family off of is restricting the player themselves.


Level 87
If this gets accepted won’t that mean the bonten gang y’all are talking about will have to go through a big change?

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