What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
CST / GMT -6
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on the server almost every day for at least 12 hours each day either on my paramedic, shrine, or track account either off duty, doing something fun with my friends, or working (of course!). There’s never really a day that I go without logging on to SRP unless I have to, or I have something important to do for OOC reasons.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that I will be demoted if I am inactive
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Faction Applications [ACCEPTED]
Same application [https://schoolrp.net/threads/qwqmeharders-journalist-application.38015/ https://schoolrp.net/threads/journalist-role-needed.38043/]
Faction Applications [DENIED]
Language Applications [ACCEPTED to DENIED]
Same application [https://schoolrp.net/threads/qwqmeharders-journalist-application.38015/ https://schoolrp.net/threads/journalist-role-needed.38043/]
Faction Applications [DENIED]
Language Applications [ACCEPTED to DENIED]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Grade-[12] Track
Adult x3
What shop are you applying for?:
Lightning Electronics, but I’m deciding to change the name to something new. Even though the name is iconic and old, I want it to be something fresh and I’d like it to fit the ideas I have for both my character and the design choice I have in mind for this specific shop type. I’ve now decided to rename the shop Oto-Nashī.
Discord Invite:
Shop Logo
Oto-Nashī is from the completed word 'Otonashī' which means both docile and quiet. I've chosen this specific name because this is supposed to represent one of the two sides of Kato-Azuma. One side of Kato is where she keeps quiet and is a very reserved person, this is usually when she just meets somebody and doesn't know them very well, taking the chance to observe their physical being and how they act. The white rabbit on the left of the symbol is supposed to represent Kato manifesting her future success and wealth through her shop while the black bunny on the right represents her silent and reserved personality. While bunnies are often seen as jumpy, quiet, and shy creatures, they are going to be used to represent the manifestation and quiet aura of the shop.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
My plan for the shop is to do something like an Apple store, but it looks like a more chill and relaxed antique shop vibe. I believe this will fit nicely with the area it’s put in as it’s secluded from other shops unlike the shopping district and it brings something new to the community, so it’s not just some random electronics shop that looks like some average-day electronic/gadget store!
What makes make this antique-looking shop different from any other is our uniforms and the way that we’d like to present our shop through our employees, as well as our exterior and interior. I have MANY ideas for stuff I can place throughout both the interior and exterior designs to help make my plan all come together while looking both nice and antique at the same time. Below are some of the ideas that I have!
For the exterior, we’ll have something that looks like this reference photo, but of course, it’ll look different from this. What I mean by that is that we’ll still have many plants (plotted, in a garden bed, hanging, etc.), but we’ll have other cool accessories that will be placable furniture if I’m able to get the customs to do so! To help fit the design idea, I also want to include some nice benches or chairs outside in the front, maybe a bike rack of some kind, and a welcome mat!
Even though I have no specific way I really want to make the interior of my shop, I do have some cool ideas that I hope I can add to the inside to help fit the vibe of the shop. Some of those ways will include me (hopefully soon) purchasing some cool custom placeable furniture slots to place vintage phones, record players, digital clocks, etc. around the shop to also make sure it gives off that antique-ish vibe! To help with the design, I’ll use the building skills I have and the help of my managers to ensure everything looks nice and fits nicely in the shop so it’s not too crowded, nor will it be too empty. We’ll have seating areas, shelves for our items, a display case of old photos, items, etc!
Another way we’ll be an antique-looking shop is that while we’ll be selling newer and more ‘up to date’ electronics and gadgets, we’ll also be aiming towards selling items like MP3 players, record players, vintage phones, etc. Of course, I’ll allow my employees to throw ideas in a channel of custom items we can get specifically for the shop and what else is already within the server that we can sell to make it fit the design and way we want to run the shop.
One of the most important parts of this shop (employee-wise) are the uniforms, what we do with them, how we make and wear them, etc. For us, it’s important that we keep the antique-looking theme while also looking the best and presenting ourselves according to the dress code, especially our uniforms. Knowing that everything matches the theme and design of our shop will help me ensure that everything runs smoothly and look nice all at the same time while myself and my managers run the shop!
Uniforms, to me, are one the most important parts to a shop aspect, especially if you want a certain vibe/theme going on around the shop. The employees with have to go with the dress code of wearing white, brown, black, and maybe a little bit of green if they would like to add some color to their outfits. Overall, they will have to be wearing aprons, not to help suit the theme of the store greatly, but to represent both the logo and colors I would like to see most around the shop.
Shop Aesthetic/Design
Antique-Esq Apple store
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Once I saw the shopkeeper tag on someone I became friends with both ICLY and OOCLY, I never wanted anything more than to get the Shopkeeper tag. I didn’t know how to apply because I thought that my application would be too short and just overall too low-quality to apply with for an actual shop, so I held back and didn’t apply for the longest time. But now, I’m confident enough in my own writing, wording, and ability to make meaningful and nicely-written applications in hopes of being accepted.
As many can tell by my current and past roles, I’ve had a lot of experience with all sorts of roles, whether it’s in school, or it’s somewhere around the town, I’ve usually done it! While having roles, I’ve also been a worker at various shops, as well as a manager at Mai-Yume, an employee at the original Auffallen, Lightning Electronics, and Harecuts. Even though I didn’t get to stay long enough in the rest to be higher on the roster, I still worked there as long as I could while being an active member of the shop, trying to help with anything needed.
Throughout my past almost three years straight of playing SRP, I know that I count as one of the more active players in the server due to the fact that I hang out online daily, work on applications for roles I desire to have, write and make lore whether it’s for areas, characters, a backstory, etc. All of this goes to show that I know if I do end up getting the Shopkeeper role, I’ll be active with openings, and even active with just regular roleplay while interacting with other people outside of the shopkeeper world I’ll be in.
Out of all the roles I’ll ever have, Shopkeeper is one I’ve been aiming for, probably for the past year and a half, maybe even more than that. This is one of the roles next to any EMS role that I’ve always wanted to experience in my time of playing SRP before I’m off for good because it’s something different than other roles. Maybe it could be seen as boring to some people because you’re just an adult that opens a shop for people to buy from, but to me, being a Shopkeeper means new experiences, good roleplay with other shopkeepers, being a part of a smaller, but really good community of people, and just being able to interact with people who I’d never thought I’d really be able to interact with while being outside of the faction of shopkeepers.
I know I’ll be able to take on the role of a shopkeeper because of my good leadership and communication skills. I have the ability to get in the leader position and take charge while also making sure everything runs as smoothly as possible, as well as being able to take it seriously when I genuinely need to be serious. With the RP experiences I’ve been in with all kinds of players, characters, situations, etc., I know I’ll be able to properly RP business-wise, especially since my character will be more of a businesswoman than anything else. With being able to RP, communicate, lead, and more, I know I’ll be able to be an active shopkeeper due to my being able to open as much as possible, especially when the player count hits a particular high point of the day
What will you sell in your shop?:
Examples of what is being sold / rundown
Along with the rest of these being sold, I'll be wanting to sell other times that are already on the server. Also, I'll be having access to the customs that were owned by the previous owner as they're willing to give me ownership over them so they'll be of use.
Rabbit Phone
Hello Kitty Polaroid
Hello Kitty Polaroid
Alarm Clock
Record Player
Rotary Landline
Record Player
Rotary Landline
Pink Summer Laptop
Ghostface Phone
Light-Up Christmas Tree (placeable furniture)
Ghostface Phone
Light-Up Christmas Tree (placeable furniture)
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I would have a total of 16 employees. This would ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to work, and promotes activity as there will always be people who wish to apply. As for the ranks of the employees, I wanted to keep it standard, similar to other shops where I work currently or have in the past but with a slight twist. Below I will describe each role and what their job/stance is with the shop! This includes the owner, managers, senior employees, and regular employees.
Owner 1/1
Owner - oboLatoK [@_Iko.]
This position would be occupied solely by me, and my responsibility to manage everything to do with my shop. This includes getting my shop restocks when the shop first gets accepted and every time items are selling out or are sold out entirely, ensuring my shop hits quota each month, and making the entirety of the shop discord, as well as managing it. I also have to watch over my employees to make sure they are representing the shop properly, as well as keeping an eye on the stock to make sure it’s not getting taken. I will take my job seriously, while goofing around here and there, to ensure that everything is running smoothly and nothing falls out of order. The owner title is by far the most important tag you could have in a shop, and I swear to do my best to fulfill the duties of this role.
Manager 2/3
[K] General Manager - RexLobo [@Rexypoo]
[V] Inventory/General Manager - YourM0ther_ [@verified_idiot.]
[?] Employee/General Manager - TBA
The managers are the left and right hands of the owner. These individuals are the ones who maintain the shop when the owner is unavailable and are the most trusted of the employees. These three individuals are the ones who assist in checking applications and handpicking those who get the chance to become an employee. They are also the ones who help in managing the inventory, making sure everything is correct, and they are the ones who inform the shop owner to place an order for a restock if they have not already. These two can request to start shifts and manage the shift if the shopkeeper cannot. Along with these roles, managers are also tasked with their own individual jobs.
The General Manager is tasked with a good variety of things. What do some of these things include? These are the people who will open when the owner cannot, or they will deal with in-character store troubles! These managers also mostly make sure that the shop is all-round running smoothly, ensuring that nothing is going severely out of hand. While they don’t specialize in things that the other managers might do; they can help out with them when needed, as far as the term ‘general’ allows them to. All of the managers are considered general managers for this reason, but those who solely have the general manager tag are those who are more ‘in charge’ of the managers, acting as the head manager. This manager can also counsel advice to the other managers. This, however, does NOT mean that they can interfere with the work of the other managers!
The Inventory Manager focuses on the data and stock side of the shop, ensuring that the store isn’t losing profit but gaining such. ‘Keeping Inventory’ is the main term used to describe logging down and managing the profit that comes in and out of stock, therefore also being titled ‘Managing Inventory/Profit’. Our store will use a unique system for inventory, making it much more watered down and simplified compared to some other methods. This will allow us to save time effectively and continue on with further shifts. How is this a better version? After testing and working in various shops, I and my managers have collectively come up with a new system based on and tweaked off of old versions!
The Employee Manager position is a pretty straightforward and watered-down title for what this role ACTUALLY entails. Being the Employee manager gives you a special privilege, as you get the final say over what happens between the employees. You are tasked with taking care of and managing any sort of drama or needs/wants the employees have for the shop. This role ensures that the workers are always having a good time, and want to keep going through with their jobs. The Employee Manager takes up reports against all employees, including fellow managers (BUT they cannot take action against them), and figures out what/where to go with these reports. You wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of this manager ICly!
Senior Employee 2/3
[K] Apprentice - cxpcakeee [@cupcakelobo]
[V] Apprentice - TBA
[?] Apprentice - sunsetskies_ [@sunsetskies_]
This is a step down from the manager position, kind of like the higher-ups' helper! These people are valued employees of the shop, and have usually either been in the store for a long long time or have worked an equal amount of time, just in a fast-paced manner! Senior employees offer more assistance to the shop and have more authority compared to regular employees. Senior employees will often be asked if/how they want to be of help to the shop, and how they think changes can be implemented! So, what’s their actual job? Looking at the ‘Apprentice’ next to each name, you might be questioning what is it? Each senior employee is drafted to a certain manager, and those employees are trained up for if they ever need to step in for said manager! This makes it so each manager isn’t severely overworked and can focus on one aspect of the shop. What each senior employee does is solely based on what the manager chooses to teach! Most creative liberty will be left up to the managers, but the Owner will task them with the general idea of what they’re teaching.
Employee 4/9
Employee - OceeenLobo [@oceeenlobo]
Employee - LemonLobo [@_scooby2]
Employee - SmallFork2 [@loofyy_]
Employee - toriigate [@arkkwolf]
The employee! There isn’t much to say about the role, as there isn’t anything unique or special they manage over, but they are quite important to the shop. We value these members highly, as they are the foundation of the shop and some of the most important people to have around. This role takes care of working the cash registers and ensuring the shop is safe and tidy. When applying to be in the shop, you agree to become a part of the team; and this entails you pitching in where you can, whether it be via hosting/helping in events, helping out on openings, or becoming a security guard for the day. While there might be limited spots for employees, no matter who you are or your backstory; you will get a chance. Now, what is that [Valued] tag? That just gives the older members of the shop who haven’t made their way up to the senior position a little shout-out! These are the people who have helped out a ton with the shop and have stayed around for countless times. They also have some say in the store's future!
Trial Employee - TBD
Even though a person with this role isn’t an official employee (just yet), they’re still expected to act like all of the other employees do and they’re just as valued as our regular employees. This is the position of where we’ll see if someone who’s applied is fit for the employee role, and if they’re not, they’ll simply be told that they’re not the right fit and that we’ll have to let them go, but that we’ve had a nice time while they were here. Ways they can get up to the regular employee spot is if they’re active with openings, interacting with other co-workers, if they get along with other staff, etc! There’s no limit when it comes to trying to grab that employee spot, they just have to earn it like anybody else who’s earned a role here.
Shop Rules:
Customer Rules
1. Masks MUST be removed upon entry of the shop unless it’s something that is connected to a religion or special permission has been given by the owner
2. Remain respectful and decent to the workers, accessories, items, other customers, etc. while you’re on the property of the shop. (If issues occur, inform the manager of workers and the owner if necessary)3
3. Sitting in the offered seating and tables is allowed, but make sure not to crowd isles, lines, areas, etc.
Employee Rules
1. Remain respectful to your co-workers and guests who come into the shop, whether it’s someone just browsing or a paying customer does not matter.
2. Do NOT steal from the shop (money, items, etc.). This will result in being removed from our roster and blacklisted from re-applying in the future. Whether temporary or permanent is up to the higher-ups
3. Removing people from the shop IS allowed if there’s a good reason behind it. Ex. people not listening, being disrespectful to staff or other customers, etc. (if unsure, ask a co-worker or higher-up in the shop).
1. Masks MUST be removed upon entry of the shop unless it’s something that is connected to a religion or special permission has been given by the owner
2. Remain respectful and decent to the workers, accessories, items, other customers, etc. while you’re on the property of the shop. (If issues occur, inform the manager of workers and the owner if necessary)3
3. Sitting in the offered seating and tables is allowed, but make sure not to crowd isles, lines, areas, etc.
Employee Rules
1. Remain respectful to your co-workers and guests who come into the shop, whether it’s someone just browsing or a paying customer does not matter.
2. Do NOT steal from the shop (money, items, etc.). This will result in being removed from our roster and blacklisted from re-applying in the future. Whether temporary or permanent is up to the higher-ups
3. Removing people from the shop IS allowed if there’s a good reason behind it. Ex. people not listening, being disrespectful to staff or other customers, etc. (if unsure, ask a co-worker or higher-up in the shop).
Kato-Azuma Otori
Full Name
Kato-Azuma Otori
Age, Gender & Pronouns
34 year old female | She/They
Spoken Languages
Marital Status
Academic Degrees
Majored in Business Management & Accounting
Minored in Economics & Healthcare Management
Looks and Personality
Kato is a 5’4 Japanese female who has a scar under her left eye, which is usually covered by an eyepatch in hopes of hiding it to the best of her ability, so she usually uses her hair to help cover the parts of the eye that the eyepatch doesn’t.
Kato is a very stuck-up and closed-off or reserved person when it comes to people that she doesn’t know very well. Kato will say anything and everything on her mind no matter who you are or what your public status is, not even seeming to hold back on government officials and even royalty depending on who it is. As long as you’re presentable and
Once you get to know her, she may seem less judgemental, and though she’ll want to do something, Kato will learn to fight the urge to say something brutally honest in fear that she might hurt them or their feelings. When it comes down to the people she genuinely loves and cares about, she will do anything and everything to keep them safe and happy, that’s if she can help it at all.
Due to all of these factors, she will treat her employees with as much respect as they deserve and possibly more if they earn it. As employees, Kato respects all of them and sees them as equals as long as they’re in her shop and her presence. She may be seen as strict or harsh, but she has all of her employees in her best interest whenever she thinks about them and their well-being.
Kato is a 5’4 Japanese female who has a scar under her left eye, which is usually covered by an eyepatch in hopes of hiding it to the best of her ability, so she usually uses her hair to help cover the parts of the eye that the eyepatch doesn’t.
Kato is a very stuck-up and closed-off or reserved person when it comes to people that she doesn’t know very well. Kato will say anything and everything on her mind no matter who you are or what your public status is, not even seeming to hold back on government officials and even royalty depending on who it is. As long as you’re presentable and
Once you get to know her, she may seem less judgemental, and though she’ll want to do something, Kato will learn to fight the urge to say something brutally honest in fear that she might hurt them or their feelings. When it comes down to the people she genuinely loves and cares about, she will do anything and everything to keep them safe and happy, that’s if she can help it at all.
Due to all of these factors, she will treat her employees with as much respect as they deserve and possibly more if they earn it. As employees, Kato respects all of them and sees them as equals as long as they’re in her shop and her presence. She may be seen as strict or harsh, but she has all of her employees in her best interest whenever she thinks about them and their well-being.
The Backstory of Kato & The Business
Kato-Azuma Otori was born on October 25th, 1988 in Shikoku, Japan. Her mother, Tagawa Otori, and father, Kojima Otori both set their eyes on their beautiful little girl, Kato-Azuma Otori was born on October 25th, 1993 in Shikoku, Japan, and named after her great grandparents Kato and Azuma Otori. Once they had gotten home from the hospital and Kato had opened her eyes for the first time, she had different colored eyes, one was green and the other was brown. You think this wouldn’t be a big deal, but the rest of her family elders saw it as disgusting and a just horrid sight, everyone but one person. Her father.
Kojima Otori was the opposite of Tagawa, he was more laid back and would let the kids do whatever they’d like. Often, he and Kato would spend a lot of time together, whether it was out gardening, playing cards, sitting at the shrine, or even praying together. Anything they’d do was usually together as it was a rare sight to see the two separated from one another, it was as if the two were conjoined at the hip. Every second of every day, the two only grew closer and closer, it seemed almost impossible for the two to grow closer together, but it was very possible.
As Kato grew older, she had to start taking care of Kojima as he was starting to slowly grow sick, needing to be brought to regular doctor’s appointments. Eventually, Kato had gotten so used to it that she started to make time around the doctor appointments and hospital visits just to spend time with her father. They continued daily prayers and offerings to their shrine, sit in parks and gardens together, garden, play games, anything that the two could think of while out and about having a good time, just enjoying the close presence of one another.
Kato-Azuma Otori was born on October 25th, 1988 in Shikoku, Japan. Her mother, Tagawa Otori, and father, Kojima Otori both set their eyes on their beautiful little girl, Kato-Azuma Otori was born on October 25th, 1993 in Shikoku, Japan, and named after her great grandparents Kato and Azuma Otori. Once they had gotten home from the hospital and Kato had opened her eyes for the first time, she had different colored eyes, one was green and the other was brown. You think this wouldn’t be a big deal, but the rest of her family elders saw it as disgusting and a just horrid sight, everyone but one person. Her father.
Kojima Otori was the opposite of Tagawa, he was more laid back and would let the kids do whatever they’d like. Often, he and Kato would spend a lot of time together, whether it was out gardening, playing cards, sitting at the shrine, or even praying together. Anything they’d do was usually together as it was a rare sight to see the two separated from one another, it was as if the two were conjoined at the hip. Every second of every day, the two only grew closer and closer, it seemed almost impossible for the two to grow closer together, but it was very possible.
As Kato grew older, she had to start taking care of Kojima as he was starting to slowly grow sick, needing to be brought to regular doctor’s appointments. Eventually, Kato had gotten so used to it that she started to make time around the doctor appointments and hospital visits just to spend time with her father. They continued daily prayers and offerings to their shrine, sit in parks and gardens together, garden, play games, anything that the two could think of while out and about having a good time, just enjoying the close presence of one another.
Even though Kojima was sick, he still took the time to run the Otori Foundation that was handed down to him, which would be passed down to her once her father had passed since she was the eldest in the family and would be in the business side of everything. Due to how close Kato and her father ended up being, she was the one who would be trusted the most to run the business, making sure it was run smoothly and will be given the most care out of everything she held close to her, even more than her father.
By the time Kato became 29, she and her father had a conversation about her running her own shop in order to continue the business. After months and months of planning, they decided to go back to flock back to Karakura where they originated from in order to come back and hold power once again. Upon returning not long after, she looked around for unowned shops and saw that Lightning Electronics was now unowned, opening the perfect opportunity for Kato and some family members to run the shop together, in hopes of regaining their spot with power and money once again.
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