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Accepted PSYCHIATRIST | ilovemyplanex2’s Application


Level 102


IGN (In-Game Name):

Do note that ilovemyplane was my old main, but it will not be mentioned beyond the applications.

What is your discord username?


Describe your activity on the server:

As someone who just freshly graduated out of high school, I have quite a lot of free time. However, do note that this is due to change once I find a job of any sort. Once it does change, I will make sure to let it be made aware.
Monday to ThursdayFriday to SaturdaySunday
2:30 pm to 10:00 pm3:00 pm to 2:00 am at the latest3:00 pm to 10:00 pm

What is your timezone?:


List your current and past applications:

There is a LOT.... of these, so I will split them into categories. Some are from my old account, ilovemyplane.

List your current roles on the server:

College Bachelors - PRIMARYGrade-11 - ALTERNATEGrade-7 - ALTERNATEGrade-10 - ALTERNATEBird - ALTERNATE

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

This is quite the ride for me — spanning the past 8 years of my own life.

I started role-playing when I was roughly 10 years old, which started just on paper too - or in person on a lot of occasions. I used to have a group that was dedicated to a few types of role-play that I often enjoyed and would see myself involved in. I was ALSO exposed to video games, especially RPGS, around then too. Given my love for roleplaying in real life (and without much judgement since I was only a kid), I took to video games quite quickly. I remember writing out a role-play script with one of my best friends, and then making my first character as well. This character was introduced to the world my friend and I made, and we got some of our other friends involved too! It was honestly really fun, despite how long it took to create such a thing.

Continuing on the bit for video games - My first exposure to RPGs was the Dragon Age and Fable series. I used to spend hours playing and pouring over both series, especially the second ones of each. I then would get introduced to Skyrim as well and that - well - I also spent hours on that game too per day. Minecraft was also introduced around this time and I've been addicted since, but that's a story for later. I remember rambling to literally anyone who would listen about the plots of each RPG I played and also Minecraft every now and again. Later along this 'career' of mine, I was given a phone at the ripe age of 14! I would then go and get myself involved in communities that my parents had no idea of at the time, such as . . . admittedly, Wattpad. That was my first roleplay experience online, since during that time it was very... VERY popular on that specific site. I made most of my time adjusting and tweaking my profiles to fit certain communities and would end up getting myself involved in those communities quite often. It was an unhealthy amount of time spent online, but given it happened during COVID and an actually traumatic time of my own life outside of that, it was a great coping mechanism for 14 year old Karl.

As I got more and more involved with the roleplaying community, I would be introduced much later to Minecraft roleplay. I remember playing certain servers and spending a large amount of time on those roleplaying with total strangers. I also did the same with Roblox, but to a much less extent. Either way, some of the friends I met on those Minecraft servers later led to being my best friends (shoutout to overlydressed, for example). We ended up making these worlds that still affect some of our current stories to this date and are the reason why some of our characters exist even. I personally love those stories and am glad that I’ve had that kind of exposure.

Now as for how I got into SRP in particular, it was because I was genuinely very bored one day (and out of an obsession with the YHS series by SamGladiator) and decided to look up ‘School Roleplay Servers’ to see if I could find anything worth playing on. And the first result I found was, of course, SRP! The description and graphics was what interested me the most, as well as the fact that the architecture on the server was quite unique in my opinion. I got the IP and loaded in — which ended up starting the current on-going love for the server. I’ve met plenty of people and had plenty of experiences within RP as a whole thanks to these people. Ranging from simple ‘slice-of-life’ roleplays to even criminal/delinquentrp, it’s been a wild and long ride for me. I’ve decided, as of late, to branch out beyond my typical criminalrp and see what it’s like to be involved in one of the many factions that’s in with the government, and this happened to be the one that caught my eye as of late! It fits with my past experience as well, so I’d fit right in.

What is your motivation for applying?

My motivation for applying is for the role-play aspect, as I have had experience with Police RP in other servers — as well as general government roles, but never have I been able to RP as someone involved in the medical field despite whatever exposure I may have had to it. This faction in particular interests me since I haven’t been able to work as an insider. That gives me all the more motivation to apply for it and to see how it works from the inside out! It’s been of interest to me for a while (which I will get into in the next paragraph) and I’ve found a good opportunity to actually work with it. Being EMS isn’t the easiest, of course, but it’s still interesting to me despite the difficulty level.

I have also had genuine interest in things similar to this as a child (which was prior mentioned) in roleplay and outside of it as well. I often would take on roles that would ensure me having to look into the topic surrounding what exactly I was working with. It was something I was quite fond of as a child and may pay off in the future for me. I know a decent amount of things relating to medicine (though, I admit that it is some rather random information — nothing quite in order), both in real life and online. The latter comes hand in hand with the amount of time I spend in the hospital in character, whether it’s for something my character got into or just out of mere curiosity. Either way, I have gotten to know some of how the EMS works as an outsider and am quite interested in how it works from the inside as well.

Which role are you applying for?

I am applying for Psychiatrist! Trying to beat the ‘Karl shouldn’t be a the******’ comments so here we are.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

The roles within the Hospital Faction is something I would say I have a good share of knowledge of. Given my amount of exposure around the faction ICly, I have managed to get the roles and their information down thanks to it. These bits of information WILL go into their own respective categories, of course.

Hospital DirectorA hospital director is the main individual in charge of how the metaphorical show runs. They manage the roles below them and do what they can to ensure everyone and everything is working in order. Should there be any sort of mishap or mistake, they are the one that will often take charge as to ensure things remain smooth. The current director is Rokku Heddo.
Clinical ManagerA clinical manager is one who assists the director with managing the hospital, as the title would suggest. They are the ones that are also second in command if the director is unable to do a certain thing for the hospital itself.

Clinical LeadA Clinical Lead is one who oversees and manages the delivery of high quality patient care, who are also most often experienced clinicians. They’re also rather passionate about such and tend to do what they can to make sure things run as smoothly as possible.
Clinical SupervisorNow I’ll admit that I do not know much about them — but I am very much willing to learn more. From my limited experiences with the supervisors, they are those who tend to supervise those below them and make sure that they do the job they need to do properly.
Attending DoctorAn attending doctor is one who is responsible for patient care. They also are those who tend to teach residents and trainees how things work in the hospital.
Senior Doctor ResidentA senior doctor resident oversees and direct the assignments of the other residents, and they also help train them alongside attending doctors. They may not have the privileges that an attending doctor has but they are the first to look to when it comes to needing help with the lower ranks.
Doctor ResidentA doctor resident practices medicine under the supervision of those higher than they are. They often follow around those individuals and take notes on how exactly to work around and within the hospital itself. They are somewhat similar to doctor trainees, actually.
Doctor TraineeThese are similar to interns, as they do similar things to a doctor resident. They may also practice medicine but only under supervision of their higher-ups. They are what any aspiring doctor will end up as first, before they have to take their exams to pass onto a residential status.


The first two roles are already explained in the Doctor Department segment, so I will NOT be going over them again. However I will explain the rest below those two in the following parts;
Attending Psychiatrist An attending psychiatrist is similar to their doctor counterpart, as they are responsible for the care and treatment of those that come in for therapy and such.
Senior Psychiatrist ResidentA senior psychiatrist resident is, once again, similar to their doctor counterpart. They are allowed to schedule appointments with their patients and are the ones that most patients will find themselves with.
Psychiatrist ResidentA psychiatrist resident completes many examinations of their patients, including mental, physical, and neurological. They also assist with diagnosing a patient and maintain records, as well as many other things.
Psychiatrist TraineeA psychiatrist trainee will follow the path of those higher than them, taking notes and attending trainings. They are, like doctor trainees, the lowest level thus far. They are also what any aspiring psychiatrist will end up starting out as, before they are required to take the exams that will push them above the level that they currently stand at.

Moving on from roles and such, I will go over some of what my specific choice of career takes care of!!! This is definitely more of a deeper explanation to showcase how exactly well I know my position that I am applying for. Psychiatrist work for the win.

Beyond diagnoses and therapy, a psychiatrist’s job is to also make sure that these people can get the medicare they deserve. Ranging from what I stated already to medications and working with other mental health professionals, a psychiatrist does many things for their patients and to help them. Some may range from treating mental and emotional disorders to preventing them all together, but these things often make an individual better than they were prior. That’s what medication and therapy work wonders for. A psychiatrist can really only provide these people medicine if they have proven to have a certain kind of mental issue and need the medication to fix it. Some disorders that can be treated by this are BPD, MDD (major depression disorder), PTSD, anxiety disorders, and OCD. There are many more this is just a short list of what they do as there is much more that a psychiatrist would do in order to make sure their patients got the care they needed.

As for my understanding of a doctor and their work, this next paragraph or so will be dedicated to the role.

A doctor is one that will take care of an individual that may be in extreme pain or have suffered from something, either fatal or just an injury of some sort. They will also do what they can to ensure that the patient gets the care they deserve before they pass them onto a surgeon, if that's what's absolutely necessary. A doctor will also diagnose medical conditions and see what is wrong with the patient before moving on with any sort of operation on the person. They assess these patients via certain machines and see what's exactly wrong with them before they move onto the next stage of the operation. They can also do some minor surgical practices but larger ones will be handed to a surgeon, as previously stated. A doctor is one that you can rely on for, say, a stab wound or something similar but not a missing limb. That's what surgeons are for!

Surgeons now! This is a branch I haven't had much experience with as a player but I will go in depth of what my understanding of surgeons is.

A surgeon is something above a doctor - they are allowed to give a person prosthetics, fix broken bones, and do surgeries in general on a person. They evaluate and treat the conditions that may require such a move and they will get done what they have to get done. If someone is missing a leg and wants to get a new, prosthetic one, these are the kinds of people that one would make an appointment with and then meet within the next few IC weeks to get a prosthetic from. These individuals are trusted with these because of their experience and are often the reason why people get what they need.

Paramedics now, moving on from just surgeons.

These are people that would be the ones to treat someone's injuries on an emergency situation, such as life or death ones. They are not to be confused with the others that I have listed off, as they are not specifically any of them. They are qualified to do what a surgeon and doctor do on the scene, but they are not to be confused as replacements for either. They are oftentimes the kind of person that you would find had 110 be called in case of you being stabbed or bleeding out during a situation. Paramedics often do work alongside doctors and surgeons despite all of this.

Veterinarians! Admittedly one of my FAVORITE subfactions within this server despite next to no interactions with them.

A veterinarian will often take care of an animal that has suffered an injury or sickness. They are qualified to do what the others can do to a human on an animal - and are also in Karakura Hospital, of course. A somewhat recent - but needed - addition as well! These people ensure that an animal gets the care it needs, whether it's because the animal is sick or physically injured. Veterinarians take care of these animals and ensure that they are stable enough health wise to leave the hospital, or they give the owners what medication the animal may need, if it has any. They are just as important as the others listed above given the role they play within the faction of EMS.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I do acknowledge that if such happens whilst I am online, I'm expected to attend or else I will get punished.


Do note that a part of this section is written as though there was someone interviewing the character I am applying with. However it switches out of that towards the medical + character knowledge part.


Character’s Full Name:

Settling himself down, the middle-aged male would take a quick glance around the room — asserting himself and the individual that was interviewing him. His eyes would land on his briefcase which he brought inside with him, and then back to the interviewer. Once they had asked the question — something he expected, of course, the man would respond with something simple, as it was a simple question.
“My full name is Mechislav MacAlasdair.”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Male | He/him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Mechislav would open the case, then shuffle around it — there was an odd amount of items inside, but the most notable happened to be his identification as well as the few odd . . . what seemed to be diplomas below it. The male would then shut the case for the time being and present the individual with his identification card. That of which, said everything that was necessary for the interviewer. Such as his name, age, birthday, and all of that other important information.
“I’m 43 years old, born June 15th, 1980.”

Character’s Academic Background:

As the question was presented to him, the male would open the case some and grab the diplomas. One of which was a secondary school degree, specifically from Pirogovskaya School, and two college degrees. Both of those were from Moscow Medical Academy. Mechislav would slide these individual diplomas across the table to the individual that was interviewing him.
“I achieved a PhD in Psychology and Masters in Nursing at Moscow Medical Academy."

Character’s Nationality:

Again — another brief gesture at his identification card, before he spoke. Upon another inspection, the interviewer would reread the information on it. That of which stated the birth place of the man in question as well as his present nationality.
“Japanese, however, I was born in Volgodonsk, Russia and lived there for a good part of my life — around 30 or so years.”

Character’s Marital Status:

Mechislav didn’t take much time as to stop and think about the question — instead he’d cross his arms over his lap and speak.
“I am widowed, with a single child on my hands.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Mechislav paused for a few moments, before he answered the question.
"I did grow up in a mostly Orthodox household, however I am an atheist."

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Russian, Japanese, JSL, and Dutch.

Character Backstory:

Most of Mechislav’s story is something he states he had to investigate and dig up, even bringing forth multiple photos and even diaries of his as a child — as his parents never particularly spoke of his and his sister’s primary years, and neither did Mechislav for that reason. The story is summarized into four distinct parts — all of which add up to the future, and Mechislav’s present.

As his story starts, Mechislav was born under a different name — that of which the male refuses to speak of and recognize, alongside his twin sister Viktoriya, in 1980. The twins spent the first few years of their life under both parents’ care, being taught the necessities that they had to learn even in their primary years. It taught them both what they needed to know. Not long after, the father had gotten a position — much similar to the one that Mechislav would later apply for. This was what would later build up to his son’s future, even if he was unaware of such a situation. He spent the first four years of the twins’ lives within a residency and ended up being released even with it just being four years, by which shortly followed another life being brought into their family.
Their younger brother, who their parents named Dostoevsky, was born during the next year of the twins’ lives. He was the youngest — of course he was — and remained such, as after Dostoevsky, there were no further children of the current generation. The young man was raised alongside his sister and brother, often being one that they both would have taken care of later on.

The siblings were often handed over to the mother’s sister during their time together — who wasn’t the best at raising children, however at least the dear woman tried. Despite the minor move, they still went to the same school as she lived close-by. The woman was one who helped the siblings learn what they could and even taught them some basic things regarding other languages, outside of Russian, since she worked at the school as well. This is what helped Mechislav eventually become multilingual, since he put an effort into learning his mother language and the languages that his aunt introduced to him. His aunt would often use flash cards, books, and vocal lessons to teach not only him but also his siblings about tje languages as a whole. While he was in primary school, he ended up following his father around when he had the opportunity to after school and would often see what the man did for work. He would have kept visiting and eventually some sort of push lead him to what interests he had. This is what sparked his interest in the medical field, and why he knew he needed to learn more regarding languages as a whole since that seemed to be something necessary for the field. His father was one who worked with many patients who didn’t speak Russian, and instead spoke other languages. This was what prompted the older man to teach his son what he could — alongside his aunt. Mechislav ended up being very well-educated for this reason, despite only being a child.

Eventually the twins went into their secondary school, which was not that far from the primary one they just graduated from. Mechislav took the initiative as to get himself involved with the medical classes as soon as he could and ended up making it up in the top ten when it came to that specific study within his school. His languages were never replaced by these classes and commonly intertwined with his medical work, as he needed to be familiar with what he would end up working around. Mechislav was one who focused hard and did the same with his studies as he was in school, on top of his learning other languages as well. Though this did put a stunt on his learning for a bit as he overworked himself too much. That took a good grade down a notch, but he eventually got it back up afterwards. And right in time too — he was back in his spot as he picked it up. Given his burnout, it was something that didn’t last long due to his parental motivation. Eventually Mechislav graduated from his secondary school alongside his sister and went straight into University.

Within his next years as a student within this medical university that accepted him, he ended up putting far more focus into his studies even now than he did before. His parents paid for his university so it wasn’t a financial issue on his end. The man put his effort into this specific part of his life and damn did it pay off. He eventually got a PhD at a year or two before most would, given his steadfast determination to get things done. Mechislav had put plenty of time into doing this and it was something that he himself was proud of. Now he was able to move onto the next phase of his life — which would lead him to his residencies. A part of his life he couldn’t yet miss, if he wanted to follow the very footsteps his father set out for him. Something he wished to do to make his father — and himself — proud regardless of what would happen.

Mechislav’s first residency was what denied him, but that put no damper on his motivation to get a residency. It took him a good part of his next year trying to figure out a good residency after the first denied him and he ended up finding one eventually. The one that caught Mechislav’s eye ended up giving him a chance to work as an intern. The man kept close contact with his sister even while in residency, as he refused to cut contact with her — like any normal sibling, pretty much. The two of them remained close even throughout the years that Mechislav spent working in the residencies, often with the woman visiting him. He loved her for that, truly, and she was why he remained doing what he did, alongside his father of course. Mechislav was grateful for this — even after his residencies ended.

As he moved into the next phase of his life after his residencies, he ended up taking a part time job at a local medical clinic and worked there for a solid two years or so. Getting to know how it worked in person, even outside of residencies. While there, he ended up meeting the love of his life and later getting engaged to him! Which was something that brought a good amount of joy to his life — however it didn’t stop his passion for the job that he pursued. The two of them had an adopted child, who was raised with both parents’ attentive care of course. The kid ended up taking after Mechislav with medicine — often tailing him like he usee to do to his own father. However, despite this happiness within their current living situation, Mechislav and his fiancé at the time eventually decided to move to Karakura, Japan — mostly so the two of them could end up actually getting married due to certain laws in Russia. And maybe a good place to raise their only child as well, which ended up taking place in the outskirts of the normally chaotic town. The man ended up taking another job at a small clinic nearby, like he did years prior, and worked there for this section of his life.

During this time, however, Mechislav ended up losing his husband to a murder that changed his and his child’s life from that point on. The man threw himself into finding a job for the years following such an incident, but he did take care of his child despite this loss of hope. Eventually — after around a good few years — Mechislav found a job that would suit his past. And that’s exactly what made him walk into that room for the interview. That’s what lead him to stand before the individual, praying that he’d get the job he’d worked for since.

All in all, Mechislav’s upbringing and past few years may have been a bit hectic but it’s made him into the man he is today. And maybe that’s a good thing — or else the MacAlasdair’s second generation wouldn’t have much to look up to, right?


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Mechislav’s medical focus is general psychiatry, as he did not delve into a specific subcategory for study. He found an interest in psychiatry at a rather young age after tailing his father around the hospital he worked at, often being shown around because of this. Due to his interest in psychiatry at a young age, he took to doing more than just observing his father. He took courses in his secondary school and eventually Mechislav moved on up to greater heights within his university. While at the university, he ended up choosing this focus because of his care and passion for those who had issues akin to his own family’s. His family had had many problems, but that was only expected given their upbringing. Ranging from mental to emotional problems, the MacAlasdair family wasn’t always there despite the parents’ best attempts at fixing it. As a result of such behavior, Mechislav wished to help others with similar issues alongside his family (at least those who wished to better themselves), as well as people who generally just needed someone to lean on, with whatever problems they may have had.

He also found it rather interesting and important to understand how psychological factors may affect someone’s current life, as well as their mental state in general. He knew that his family wouldn’t have been this way if there wasn’t something directly wrong with them mentally, whether it was hereditary or not. His interest was mostly thanks to this as well as his dear father, who would be the one to pave his path today. With that in mind, he has taken it to the best of his ability to ensure that he can and will be able to help those around him regardless of what happens.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

Mechislav took two medical residencies in total after he finished medical school, the first was one denied from him. He would eventually move to a different hospital within the same city, known as Moscow Central Clinical Hospital. He spent around 4 years there before he ended up being transferred to a smaller clinic for the remaining 3 years. His second residency ended up being outside of Moscow, specifically within St. Petersburg. The hospital that ended up taking him as a resident was Gorodskaya Mariinskaya Bol’nitsa. He spent the remaining 7 years in the Bol’nitsa, marking up his residency years to 14 in total. During his time at that specific place, he spent most of his time tailing around his peers and making the best of the work situation he had been put into. The next seven years were something that he cherished, as this was personally his favorite to work for. It may be shorter than some for his overall experience, but it definitely made him stand out amongst others regardless given the amount of dedication the man put into his interests. It was rather admirable, in all honesty.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Mechislav has some work experience in medical positions, given he spent 14 years of his life doing residencies. He also used to work part time at a small clinic within the city he graduated from originally, in Moscow, Russia. This would bring him up to around 16-17 years of experience working within the medical field. Definitely enough time to know what he was doing - and enough time to build up that confidence and knowledge that he so needed. It paid off in the end, as would most experiences within the field that Mechislav was passionate about.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Mechislav has not completed any additional schooling beyond his university and residencies. His residency at Karakura Hospital will count as his third in his life time — he plans to make it more than just only a residency, as he would be willing to spend far more time in working here than he had at his prior workplaces.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Before you stood a male at what seemed to be some odd 177 centimeters, or (for those who need it in feet, 5’10”), who stood out amongst the others that you would have came across as you went about your day. His vibrant ginger hair was one giveaway, for example, marking him as a for-sure foreigner. His hair was often well taken care of, and it was brought to the nape of his neck. The man often wore a pair of glasses that seemed thin framed, resting on his nose. They appeared to be reading glasses as well. These brought your attention to his eyes as well, which happened to be a warm brown. One of them had a scar across it — a faded, healing one. Likely from years prior. Other than that, his complexion was clear and there were no other scars blemishing his very expression. He wore a smile, a small one nevertheless, that rested on his lips and gave him a friendly aura. Mechislav seemed the sort of man to be laid back, but maybe that was something that he held up as a façade to ensure his confidence remained. Either way, he presented himself as an outgoing individual and it was something that drove people to him, not oddly enough. That would be something that would be good for his future. A natural charisma, some would say.

His body was well built beneath the clothing that Mechislav wore, his aesthetic fitting one of those western cowboys mixed with a more formal style. A tattoo decorated his upper arm as well — which was something that took the onlooker’s view for a few moments. A name was written as a part of the tattoo — his deceased spouse’s name, of course. It was odd, surely, but Mechislav managed to pull such a look off. He stood with his back straight, his posture confident. Clearly whatever he did, he did with that backing him up alongside his natural charisma and passion. It was rather admirable.

With the man’s personality, it can be noted that he often presents himself as an individual who knows what he is capable of. He may be rather hard-working but he can and will know his own limits, working to apply those to his own life. Mechislav is also a steadfast believer of taking responsibilities that others may not, as shown by his fatherly disposition towards his brother’s children. He’s a family man within this right and does what he can to ensure that his family lives a better life than he claims to have had as a child. Towards people outside of the MacAlasdair family, Mechislav comes across as either extremely professional and confident with this in mind, or someone who’s a bit more laid back. Nevertheless, he seems to have one thing stuck no matter what — his steadfast kindness and willingness to help those that need it. He may seem rather rude in some cases, to a lesser extent given his own self-control, but it all depends on how you meet the individual and when.

How does your character act on and off duty?

Mechislav acts to his best behavior on duty, but his confidence remains. His professionalism is also often backed by such and often manage to make him seem far more sure than he may actually be in hindsight. He takes this to his own advantage, however, and refuses to let it get him down in any matter of the word. He does his best to listen to those higher than him and will do what it takes to get the job done, no matter his confidence level. He’s a man who’s on point and tends to get the job done. That much is needed within today’s work force and within the community as a whole. He was someone who took himself seriously while working, as well as those around him, and had a certain expectation for those people.

Whilst off-duty, Mechislav remains to keep this behavior — however he is slightly more laidback than he is on duty. The man understands what it means to keep professionalism even outside of the workforce and he managed to keep that, especially as one who has to ensure that his nieces and nephews don’t get themselves involved in any trouble. That’s easier said than done, but Mechislav manages to do it somehow.

All in all, the man has a bit of a different persona for work than he does outside of it. However, he doesn’t let his personal life affect the goals he has set out and he tends to do his best to work towards those. Mechislav is someone who you can rely on nevertheless, regardless of what one may think of him. The man’s one to do what he can and do it right, given the right amount of pushing he does to himself and knowledge. He doesn’t get rid of his natural flair no matter what and tries his best within that field regardless. Again, another thing that made him stand out as compared to the others that he worked with.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

This entirely depends on who Mechislav is paired with! He often works well within groups and tends to keep his original confidence up, but he also can work alone if necessary. Either way he ends up getting the job done regardless, as he tends to push himself in order to get what he needs done. This may set him aside work ethic wise as compared to most, but it can be something of use to his peers as he’s one to get what he needs done quickly. It is even quicker if he has others to back him up, but it’s not always necessary on his part. He will accept any help given with gratitude, something that some members of his family can't exactly admit or get behind given their own differences.

What plans does your character have for the future?

Mechislav does not have any plans that are very specific for his own future, which may be surprising to those who know him as a rather hard-working individual. He prefers to go with what flow he’s given, so long as his family’s safe in the end. Mechislav’s wishes for his family’s future is simply one where they live to their personal potential. He wishes the best for them and will try his best to be the role-model his brother never was for his nephews and nieces. That’s the future’s ‘plan’ that he has. It has paid off so far, and he hopes it continues to do so for the people that he strives to work the best for.

As stated earlier, his family means the world to him. But so does his own work, despite the lack of plans he has for himself.

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Level 257
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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