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QoroDyn's Shrine Maiden | Shinsei Seinaru Monastery Application


Level 5

Out-Of-Character INFORMATION!

IGN (In-Game Name): QoroDyn
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
GMT +2:00

Describe your activity on the server:

It's usually waking up everyday to attend classes, make money and keeping a good record to make sure I can be eligible for College Exams.
I might be a little busy but I can work that out for any future plans. I don't like fighting or encouraging it so whenever I see a fight I always step in and cease it. I used to GangRP back in 2019 but now.. It's pretty boring and I don't really enjoy harming people. I'm more of a passive person than anything else. I'd be looking after people more than looking after myself.. It's something that is just within me.

List your current roles on the server:


Link any previous applications: [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Denied] [Denied] [Denied]

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

Shrine Maiden

What is your motivation for applying?

I had been a Maide*****, a year ago when I was very busy with school, work and family. I had such a great time and amazing Roleplays that I won't forget even if it's been too long.
I'm hoping I could be accepted again to live such memories again and make things fun and interesting for everyone else.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

I have known that Shinto is an Ancient Religion in Japan and that it is very old and a loooot of people following and believing in Shinto. I haven't really discovered which cities is it popular in/or how can one follow or what does it exactly mean.. That is something I seek to know and understand.


Character Full Name:
Ganyu Zhenjun Kuroba
Character Title:

Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Asian / Japanese
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):


Ganyu was living in China when she was 16. As she was living a rough and tough life all alone with her one brother. She used to work all day and night just to get enough rent and food for the night as she kept working daily. Her brother was also working but he was working outside the city so he wasn't really able to come back in time some nights. So she was living all alone in her apartment as she kept working and studying for the mid-term exams. Though that did not stop her from helping people as she made some friends that helped her throughout her life. She was having a good time with them until the mid-term exams arrived. She studied all night until the time of the exams has come, She prepared herself as she walked over to her friends and they all gathered together and walked to the school as they wait for the exam.

They began the exam as she was already answering most of the questions within the first hour. The exam was about Biology and Health Care. She used to study how people react when wounded as she studied their illness and sickness. She always dreamed of being a caring person who looks after people as she makes friends with them. She finished the paper within 1 hour and 30 minutes, The exam finishes in 3 hours so she waited until the time has passed till the paper is getting gathered. She happily gave in her paper as she got up and walked out of the room looking for her friends. She arrived as she saw one of her friends crying on the floor saying that she failed and she will not pass the final exams. Ganyu carefully and gently placed her hand on her forehead patting her as she sat beside her, comforting her with hugs as she finally calmed down and collected her thoughts before sniffling for a bit.

As she was comforted, She looked into Ganyu, before hugging her, thanking her for helping her calm down. Ganyu smiled as she was glad of helping her friends. She believes in herself that she will be the person she always wanted to be, which is helping people and making them wake up to their minds and motives. She got up and lifted her friend up with her. As the mid-term exams finished, She was having a stroll in a park until she noticed an envelope on a bench laying there. She approached it slowly and opened it. Her face expression was beyond shock, she found a ticket to a new life in Karakura. She asked her friends about it and they said she should take it since her life was very tight and she wouldn't be able to do anything. So she took the ticket and traveled to Karakura in hopes of having a better life to continue for the future of her dreams.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Everytime after walking a little uphill, She'lll find a Trough, which she uses to wash and clean her hands to wash away any impurities physically or mentally.
Then, she takes the Wooden Ladle with her right-hand to pour water over her left-hand. After she finishes, she washes the Ladle and cleans the Trough before she proceeds to the Shrine.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

She'd ask him to them to step down from the roof safely and warn them not to do it again. Alongside telling them that this is a Sacred Land and we shouldn't be ruining its environment. Every flower every plant here is ancient and holds history within and it is the Shrine's duty to preserve their environment. If the guest proceeds to continue the misbehavior, she'd immediately report it to any of the Shrine Workers.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?

Recently, she was inspired by an English Teacher who taught her about Shintoism and the Shinei Seinaru Monastery's history. She was taught about little details like how it was burnt but not told by who or how.. And also taught about how they have amazing scenery by how they preserve their environment and keeps it clean and beautiful. She was also taught that they have very special tools like a Kagura Suzu which is like a set of bells on a stick! And an Ofuda which is a really beautiful Talisman she had never seen before! She wanted to know more and so she thought of applying and experiencing the stuff heard herself.



Level 42
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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