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RaspberryViniq || Police application


Level 21

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
4pm - 8pm
(4 hours)
Sometimes way longer
12pm - 8pm
(8 hours)
Sometimes way longer
11pm - 8pm
(7 hours)
Sometimes way longer
(sometimes an hour or two)
11am - 8pm
(8 hours)
11am - 8pm
(8 hours)
12pm - 4pm
(4 hours)
Sometimes way longer
Though, some days depending on how it goes I'm online until the server resets.
there's days I'm online from 11am or 12pm to around 1 or 5am... I probably need help but it means I'm available constantly!

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation to apply stems from realising how often I overlooked the Karakura Police Department. In my role-playing endeavours, I consistently gravitated towards roles such as EMS, Government, Reporter, Shopkeeper, or even Faculty members, neglecting the potential richness of the Police role. This avoidance was primarily fueled by my reluctance to face the in-character challenges associated with law enforcement within the community.

However, as time passed, I began to recognize the missed opportunities and untapped potential that came with exploring the KPD role. I decided to confront my reservations and embrace the challenge, understanding that steering clear of it only meant missing out on unique role-play experiences. My goal is to immerse myself fully in the KPD, navigating the intricacies of law enforcement role-play to broaden my horizons and contribute to the diverse narratives within the community.
In pursuing this path, I hope to forge new connections and friendships within the community, expanding my role-play groups and creating collaborative storylines. Embracing the KPD not only promises personal growth but also offers a chance to bring fresh perspectives to the evolving tapestry of role-play experiences in the server.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police play a crucial role in maintaining public safety and serving the community in various ways.
Police conduct thorough investigations to bring criminals to justice. They work closely with the legal system to build cases, testify in court, and ensure that justice is served. Police officers often engage with young people through programs like school resource officers, mentoring initiatives, and youth outreach programs. Building positive relationships with young community members helps foster trust and understanding. Police are often the first responders to emergencies, including accidents, medical emergencies, and natural disasters.
They coordinate responses with other emergency services to ensure public safety during crises. The primary role of the police is to enforce laws and regulations, preventing and investigating criminal activities. They respond to emergency calls, conduct investigations, and make arrests to uphold public order. Police officers regularly patrol neighbourhoods to deter crime, provide a visible presence, and respond quickly to any incidents. This helps create a sense of security and can contribute to the prevention of criminal activities.

There are two divisions of KPD, being the main division and the detective division.

Commissioner The Commissioner manages the entirety of the KPD including both the main and detective division. They are the highest ranking in the police force. They represent the police force and lead the KPD.
Detective Superintendent The DSI is the highest ranking officer of the detective division and is of EQUAL rank as the main division captain, they lead the Detective division.
Captain The police captain is the highest ranking officer of the main division right under the Commissioner and works alongside the Commissioner. They have the authority over the entire police station when the commissioner is unavailable.
Detective Chief Inspector DCI’s are main division higher ups that are right under the DSI. They have authority over lower ranking main and detective division officers. They are of equal rank as Lieutenants.
Lieutenant Lieutenants are Higher-ups of the police force, they are main division officers. Their main job is to notify the Captain or Commissioner if lower ranking officers were doing anything wrong.
Detective Inspector Detective Inspectors are qualified to train constables, they are more entrusted with important cases as well as they are typically the ones tasked with interrogations.
Sergeant Sergeants are main division officers. Sergeants along with Lieutenants have an important role in keeping the department under control, they undergo training for the Lieutenant position as well as train cadets.
Detective Constable Constables are of equal rank as corporals, they start off as corporals are usually chosen by the DSI and the detective higher up team when deemed trustworthy enough for the role.
Corporal Corporals are main division officers and have just become qualified to train and teach the new cadets. They are usually put in more dangerous situations such as raids or calls regarding multiple criminals in one setting.
Patrol OfficerPO’s are officers who have just passed all they’re training, evaluations and exams. They are knowledgeable and qualified enough to take part in certain procedures and situations.
Cadet Cadet’s are new officers who have yet to take their examinations and evaluations in order to become a patrol officer. They are not allowed to patrol on their own and must have a higher ranking officer with them. They mostly take part in desk work or taking reports as they are not yet trained for more important procedures.

Besides this, KPD have various equipment and tools/gadgets to their disposal such as;
RadioA waterproof communication device used by emergency units which is accessible to all officers. It requires a blunt or sharp weapon to destroy it. It can't be used offensively.
Riot ShieldA tempered-glass shield used by police officers for protection. Though it can't be used offensively (except to push a target out of range) and it's an Immediate-range weapon.
TaserA stunning device used by officers to prevent the target from moving.
Accessible to all officers. It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range. Requires a successful hit to stun for 60 seconds.
BreathalyzerA device used by emergency units to check how drunk a person is. Accessible to all Emergency personnel and its accuracy varies depending on its proximity to the KPD station.
Pepper sprayA 3-time use device used by emergency units to temporarily blind a target, accessible to all emergency units.
Requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range. Requires a successful hit to blind for 60 seconds unless the target is wearing a Gas Mask.
BatonA steel baton used by police officers to apprehend criminals.
it is accessible to all officers, requires two hits to the head in order to knock the target out.
Tranquilizer A plastic device used by police officers to neutralise threats. This weapon is accessible to Police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors.
It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range. Requires a successful hit to make the target unconscious for 2 minutes.
Police BikeCorporal ranks and higher are given a Police motorcycle. They are helpful to arrive at situations faster. Although there is only one seat, officers can carry each other over their backs in order to have 2 people arriving at the scene quicker.
Police CruiserThe police cruiser is only available to Higher-ups of both the main and detective division, they have 4 seats and are also helpful to arrive at the scene faster. Police Cruisers are given to Lieutenants and up.
HandcuffsA pair of steel handcuffs used to restrain the target's hands. Accessible to all officers,
and requires an action and a roll should the target resist. It cannot be stolen and it's an Immediate-range tool.

Gas Mask,
A police-issued gas mask used as a crucial role in both Hazmat (Hazardous Materials) and WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) scenarios to protect individuals from inhaling harmful substances.

Only accessible to Police Corporals.
A police-issued crowbar used to pry open doors and containers.

Luminol Spray,
A container for substances utilised to detect blood on surfaces, particularly on weapons, unless the surfaces have been cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.

Disposable Gloves,
All officers wear disposable gloves that are not resistant to fingerprints. These gloves are a standard inclusion in every on-duty police unit.

Fingerprint Scanner,
Designed for scanning a suspect's fingerprints, this device is employed to determine if a provided fingerprint sample corresponds to the target's results.

First-Aid Kit,
Available for all emergency personnel, this compact kit serves as a portable solution when ambulance or EMT services are unavailable. Its utilisation extends the bleed-out timer by an extra 5 minutes when deployed.

Body Camera,
A waterproof camera with continuous recording and live-streaming capabilities is affixed to the front of an officer's uniform. The footage generated by this camera is stored and can be accessed through a cloud-based database. Functioning akin to a CCTV, this camera provides a real-time perspective from the officer's point of view, offering a comprehensive visual record of their activities.


There are also main Radio codes that can be used throughout Emergency Personnel.

10-3Stop Transmitting - Best for detectives or patrolling officers upon watching a criminal or having to go Radio Silent.
10-4Acknowledged (Okay/Got it) - best for AFTER a question or a request.
10-7Out of Service - Typically for signing off work and finishing shifts.
10-10Fight in Progress - Used for active fights, best for if backup MAY need to be required.
10-23Arriving on Scene - Best used when arriving on most scenes.
10-77 ETA (Estimated time of Arrival) - could be used when backup is required.

As some examples.

Here’s a shortened list of some of the laws and Regulations that the KPD are expected to know and memorise.

Criminal Intimidation
Possession of Unprescribed Medications
Possession of 20+ items as a minor
Possession of a Fake I.D
Failure to possess an I.D
Disorderly Conduct
Public intoxication

Public indecency

Motor vehicle offences
Kidnapping (Using a Vehicle)- 6 Months
Evasion with a Vehicle- 3 Months
Street Racing- 2 Months

Animal Offences
Animal Abuse- 4 months
Animal Murder- 12 months
Illegitimate possession of an Animal- 2 months

Minor crimes
Illegal services- 3 months
Theft/Scamming- 2 months
Violation of a Restraining Order- 2 months
Vandalism- 1 month
False Reporting- 1 month
Trespassing- 1 month
Evasion- 1 month
Destruction of justice- 2 months
Resisting arrest- 1 month

Misuse of 110 Hotline- 3 days

Assault crimes
Assault on government official- 6 months
(Officer, Mayor, lawyer, governor)

Assault with a deadly weapon- 12 months
Assault- 2 months
Kidnapping- 4 months

Assault with a weapon- 6 months

Major crimes - including government crimes
Breaking and Entering- 4 months
Weapon trafficking- 20 months
Hostage taking- 16 months
Gang affiliation- 16 months
Possession of Illegal weaponry- 3 months
Tax Evasion- Varies
Government corruption- 20 months
Government Misconduct- 6 months

Government negligence- No bail time

Murder crimes
Manslaughter- 16 months
Conspiracy to commit murder/major Injury- 10 months
Capital murder- 40 months to life in prison
First Degree Murder- 30 months to life

Second Degree Murder- 20 months to life

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
The presence of police in SchoolRP is crucial as it injects a sense of realism into the server while also serving as a necessary counterbalance to the criminal elements within the virtual landscape. In this unique school-based role-playing setting, reminiscent of a fictional criminal outpost in Japan, law enforcement plays a pivotal role in maintaining order. Police officers are frequently on patrol, ensuring the safety of law-abiding citizens by keeping a vigilant eye on the streets and actively preventing criminal activities. Their role, though at times divisive, remains indispensable in upholding the integrity of the virtual community. So the KPD is one of the most important factions within SRP because of the amount of crimper and GangRP including the uprising of DelinquentRP. So police in SchoolRP is up there in importance with the hospital/EMS

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes I understand and I intend to join as many training sessions as I can.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Montana Alcaraz-Rivera

Phone Number: (030) 021-0322
How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male - He/him/his

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character;
how they look, what makes them unique?

Montana is easily recognizable, sporting pale, dull ocean blue eyes, sun-kissed skin, and freckles adorning only his nose. Notably, a small nick on his lip. The canvas of his right arm showcases a tri-colored tattoo depicting a Komodo dragon entwined in ivy.
Unique features extend beyond his facial characteristics; like a slight stubble and a tiny beauty mark graces the back of his right hand. Standing at a well-built 5 foot 11 inches, he possesses rusty caramel-brown hair and emits a distinct scent amalgamating cigarettes and pine. A closer look at him reveals subtle dimples when he smiles, transforming his countenance into a warmer expression that contrasts with his default unimpressed demeanour.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
While working, Montana maintains a calm and straightforward demeanour, eschewing falsehoods and sugar-coating in favour of direct honesty. He's not inclined to initiate conversations but rather observes and listens attentively, relying on visual cues to form judgments and striving to maintain a clear perspective.

In more casual settings, Montana tends to unwind, shedding his high-strung work persona. While remaining vigilant on the streets, he takes moments to reflect on his experiences and occasionally enjoys a relaxing beer with friends. The following morning, he tackles any lingering effects of a night out with a hangover cure, usually opting for a cup of coffee, before gearing up for another day of work.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Montana takes great pleasure in collaborating with his team, delving into the intricacies of each member's skills and personalities. This understanding becomes a valuable asset, especially when envisioning how each colleague might approach a combat situation. While his feelings toward team members may vary, with some being particularly enjoyable to work with and others less so, Montana empathises with their perspectives. His composed yet energetic demeanour allows him to comprehend his team members' nuances, fostering a deeper connection that proves beneficial when collaborating with them in the field.

What's your character's backstory?

Montana's childhood in Mission Viejo was pretty ‘colourful’, he lived alongside his cousin, Mother, Aunt and Uncle. He had explored the vibrant community that became their playground. Despite their shared origins from Tamaulipas, Mexico, Montana and his cousin were like night and day in terms of personality.

Maurice was the quiet, studious type while Montana on the other hand was the mischievous one with witty sarcasm.
Their interactions often involved Montana playfully teasing Maurice or, in some cases, reporting his cousin's minor inconveniences, often ratting him out for out of context behaviour, yes.. Montana was THAT, Cousin. Influenced by his father's stern role. Being a prison Warden and overall a more macho kind of man, which caused some issues within their childhood, taking a dramatic turn as Montana’s Uncle, Maurices father had earned some struggles with alcoholism and reached a breaking point, becoming violent and awfully concerning when it came to the safety of the children which had prompted Montana’s Tia(aunt) to relocate Maurice to Karakura, Japan, for safety.

Montana faced a difficult decision but ultimately chose to stay in Mission Viejo, shouldering the responsibility of caring for both sets of parents. Despite the challenges that came with Maurice's departure, Montana's upbringing was brought on by the sense of duty instilled in him by his family. He learned the importance of loyalty and perseverance, qualities that would shape his character in the years to come. Through the lens of childhood innocence, Montana's early years in Mission Viejo were a blend of carefree exploration and the beginnings of personal responsibility.

Montana's teen years were marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a deep commitment to serving others. His sense of purpose continued to evolve as he navigated the complexities of family life in Mission Viejo. Despite the strains within the family, he remained in his commitment to providing support and stability for those around him.
As his cousin's departure had left a void in their family dynamic, Montana stepped up to assist his aunt in managing the aftermath. Whether it was helping with household responsibilities or offering emotional support, Montana became a pillar of strength during this challenging time.
Throughout high school and college, Montana encountered numerous obstacles, but he refused to let them deter him from his goals. Instead, he viewed each challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning.

With a keen interest in law enforcement, criminology, and psychology, Montana pursued a comprehensive education, immersing himself in coursework that would lay the foundation for his future career. Balancing academic pursuits with responsibilities was no easy task, but Montana approached it with determination and resilience. He volunteered in his community, including joining ride-alongs with Police Departments, and maintained a strong academic record, all while juggling the demands of family life. Through his actions, he demonstrated not only his dedication to his own success but also his unwavering loyalty to his family and community.

After enrolling in the Police Academy and solidifying his commitment to his career in law enforcement, Montana's journey took an unexpected turn when he reunited with Maurice in a simple yet heartfelt reunion. Joining cousin in Karakura, Japan, Montana embarked on the next phase of his training, expanding his skills and knowledge in a new environment. Leaving Mission Viejo meant bidding farewell to the role he had carved out within his family there, but Montana didn't abandon his responsibilities; instead, he brought his aunt along with him, ensuring that his family bonds remained strong even as he pursued his career aspirations abroad.

Adjusting to life in Karakura presented its own set of challenges, but Montana faced them with the same resilience and determination that had propelled him thus far. As he continued his training and immersed himself in the culture of his new surroundings, Montana remained grounded by the lessons learned from his family, both near and far. Montana's journey serves as a testament to the influence of family dynamics and personal growth. He enjoyed the challenges and opportunities that came his way, forging a path marked by dedication, perseverance, and of course, his commitment to his chosen path in law enforcement.

General knowledge

Legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Certainly not! The possession of a pocket knife is strictly prohibited by law, categorising it as 'Possession of illegal weaponry,' a felony offence. including a mandatory three-month jail sentence.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Some over-the-counter medications (No prescription needed) are;

LEGAL - Multivitamins They have a max amount of 5.
LEGAL - Iron Supplements They have a max amount of 3.
LEGAL - Paracetamol They have a max amount of 3 as well.
LEGAL - Melatonin you can buy 3 of them at max.
LEGAL - Cough Syrup Legal amount at max is 2.
LEGAL - Wooden Cane Max amount is 2.
LEGAL - Eye patch Amount allowed is 2, but one hopes to only need 1.
LEGAL - Bandaid(Unbranded) amount of 5.
LEGAL - Glasses A Max amount of 2 but one should really only be needed

Another few items that doesn’t require prescriptions and aren’t on the Hospital legality forum are;

LEGAL - Narcotic kits
LEGAL - Lactulose
LEGAL - Advil
LEGAL - Zinc

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would make every effort to remove my colleague from the situation and guide them out of the room, allowing both my colleague and the inmate a moment to catch their breath. Once outside, I'd prioritise understanding my colleague's perspective, seeking insight into the reasons behind their actions. After, I would then turn my attention to the inmate, ensuring a thorough exploration of their side of the story to confirm consistency.

Throughout this process, my focus would shift towards monitoring the inmate rather than my colleague, prioritising the safety and well-being of both individuals involved.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
In the event of an assault on my co-worker, my response would hinge on the presence of weapons. If the attackers are unarmed, I would swiftly intervene, utilising a taser to subdue them. However, if weapons are involved, my immediate action would involve requesting backup to ensure a more secure response.

My priority would be to extract my colleague from the potentially dangerous situation, maintaining a safe distance until reinforcements arrived. If my colleague's condition allowed for it, we would collaborate to navigate the situation together. This strategy aims to prioritise safety while also considering the severity of the threat and the need for appropriate support.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would arrange a private meeting with the commissioner or a superior figure above my colleague to present the compiled information and evidence for thorough examination. Whether it’s photos, video or evidence from a body cam, video and or audio. In an effort to maintain anonymity, I would take measures to ensure that my identity remains confidential throughout the reporting process, prioritising the integrity of the investigative proceedings.

Reporting the issue as soon as possible so my coworker can be detained for questioning, from there arrested for gang affiliation and Government corruption. Such a crime can lead them to 20 months+ and removal of their job within the force.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Firmly to my principles, I would reject any attempt at bribery, regardless of the amount involved or the nature of the attempts. I would set the necessary punishment as per protocol. I remain steadfast in my commitment to never entertain bribery, regardless of the charm or cunning exhibited by those involved.

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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Do not use AI to write your application.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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