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Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022


Level 183
Perms don't exist in a story and an expiry don't either, so unless you're able to come up with a story that would justify your own argument yours is still deemed invalid
Ahhuh.. It does make sense to attack a cop and kill him in a scene where you are engaging with a situation against KPD.. You don't want like 5-6KPD and your gang also fighting but they can't stab them they just can do something major and they can run after.. It's dumb- you want to get rid of them so basically stabby stab.. It does make sense, alot. You should also elaborate on your reasons because you're getting abit confusing


Level 134

Everyone most likely knows my opinion on gangrp, not gonna start an argument. I agree with this though


Level 183
Reminder that with the right planning and right amount of people you can win a lot, and just because we are in the KPD we just need to die for that with every action we do?
You have guns and equipment that can give you advantages.. Even if we were alot- yall don't roll for shooting us you can simply kill 1 each turn then save all cops or something.. Even if not, it's hard to pull enough amount to fight KPD.. If there are alot then your best bet is to dip that's on u


Level 40

With the power to take away peoples hard-worked characters, you run the risk of having your own hard-worked character taken away


Level 121
every action
you dont give people kps with every action you do, you give KPS when you Shoot / Taze / Give them bail higher than 150k
Using a pepper spray on someone only grants them minor, for example.

right planning and right amount of people you can win a lot, and just because we are in the KPD

You can; not go on patrols without anyone, you can always ask a fellow officer to assist you
use your radio!
Be aware of your surroundings, dont tase if you think your gonna get jumped by 5 people
Wear riot gear when you can


Level 26
Thread starter
Bro, calm down. It's just a suggestion. You do not have to flame and fight every commend someone makes here. You already stated that you disagree, and you are all set, you have made your point. Please stop.


Level 121
Bro, calm down. It's just a suggestion. You do not have to flame and fight every commend someone makes here. You already stated that you disagree, and you are all set, you have made your point. Please stop.
i didnt mean to sound aggressive, if i did mb


Level 121
also instead of removing the amount of ways you can get KPS, how about couraging people to p2l or gangrp better (less usage of Looc, metagaming and knowledge about perms)


Level 183

With the power to take away peoples hard-worked characters, you run the risk of having your own hard-worked character taken away
^^ Pros just gave a big point.. I love this man

Bro, calm down. It's just a suggestion. You do not have to flame and fight every commend someone makes here. You already stated that you disagree, and you are all set, you have made your point. Please stop.
I hope nothing was taken in an aggressive manner from my side

also instead of removing the amount of ways you can get KPS, how about couraging people to p2l or gangrp better (less usage of Looc, metagaming and knowledge about perms)
This wouldn't work with KPD situations.. It could lead to severe arguments and for many other common-sense reasons it's just clearly a bad idea to do with a situation involving KPD unless it's for example a lore thingie maybe


Level 121
This wouldn't work with KPD situations.. It could lead to severe arguments and for many other common-sense reasons it's just clearly a bad idea to do with a situation involving KPD unless it's for example a lore thingie maybe


Level 6
While I see your perspective along with your reasonings, majority of the rules that used to give out kill permission have been decreased to minor or major increasingly making it harder to gain kill permission on another. I really do get your point & I won't lie It's a great suggestion, but overtime GangRP at the very least most of the current people who GangRP will stop either temporarily or completely stop roleplaying in that sense. Though GangRP shouldn't completely be about permission and the mentioned suggestion; variety of the players activity on the server had decreased as some of the combat / gangrp rules have changed making it much harder to gain kill permission, it'll slowly make those who still roleplay in the sense of gangrp quit leaving the whole of GangRP as many know now completely out. Many have dedicated a lot if not all of their time into this type of roleplay & it would greatly impact if more rules regarding to kill permissions decreasing them & making them harder to acquire, while you have a valid point I don't think it would be the best option seeing for the future of gang roleplay & the enjoyability for those who do it. Though there are completely different perspectives with those in the kpd, who don't GangRP at all & those who actually GangRP, there can always be a solution, but again personally I don't support it.

I don't mean to offend you or the suggestion you made to mock it, I find it rather good, but just not the best option for the current state of gang roleplay


Level 134
While I see your perspective along with your reasonings, majority of the rules that used to give out kill permission have been decreased to minor or major increasingly making it harder to gain kill permission on another. I really do get your point & I won't lie It's a great suggestion, but overtime GangRP at the very least most of the current people who GangRP will stop either temporarily or completely stop roleplaying in that sense. Though GangRP shouldn't completely be about permission and the mentioned suggestion; variety of the players activity on the server had decreased as some of the combat / gangrp rules have changed making it much harder to gain kill permission, it'll slowly make those who still roleplay in the sense of gangrp quit leaving the whole of GangRP as many know now completely out. Many have dedicated a lot if not all of their time into this type of roleplay & it would greatly impact if more rules regarding to kill permissions decreasing them & making them harder to acquire, while you have a valid point I don't think it would be the best option seeing for the future of gang roleplay & the enjoyability for those who do it. Though there are completely different perspectives with those in the kpd, who don't GangRP at all & those who actually GangRP, there can always be a solution, but again personally I don't support it.

I don't mean to offend you or the suggestion you made to mock it, I find it rather good, but just not the best option for the current state of gang roleplay
I mean finding a reason to kill people SHOULDNT be easy, it's not a game, it's murder.


Level 86
+1 I think the main issue with tasers being KPS and so are glocks.... From a perm perspective (which isn't really good) they're equal. Shooting you and tasing you are on equal grounds so why ever choose a taser? Aside from being more humane that is.

I do want to kinda comment on Pros' point, I do believe it should be hard-work put into character v hard-work put into character but it's not aaalways like that not to diss on any specific gangrpers. The most recent incident I had was getting nearly murked like 5 minutes after tasing someone for what was GOING to be a detainment but it turned into an arrest n stuff 'cause evasion. I don't think the character that ran up to stab me had hard work put into them. In my ideal world yeah it's character v character with both having lots of effort put into them. And do not get me wrong i KNOOOW some of the gangrpers I rp with have effort in their characters. (looks at jayseph)


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
+1 even though I’m kind of bias on this. KPS just seems kind of extreme, that’s all.


Level 1
When using a spiked bat koing someone is kps right?
You're still using a weapon, If they change that rule they have to change many others.
Plus its already hard enough to kill cops and most of the time cops become untouch when they tease someone.


Level 183
+1 I think the main issue with tasers being KPS and so are glocks.... From a perm perspective (which isn't really good) they're equal. Shooting you and tasing you are on equal grounds so why ever choose a taser? Aside from being more humane that is.

I do want to kinda comment on Pros' point, I do believe it should be hard-work put into character v hard-work put into character but it's not aaalways like that not to diss on any specific gangrpers. The most recent incident I had was getting nearly murked like 5 minutes after tasing someone for what was GOING to be a detainment but it turned into an arrest n stuff 'cause evasion. I don't think the character that ran up to stab me had hard work put into them. In my ideal world yeah it's character v character with both having lots of effort put into them. And do not get me wrong i KNOOOW some of the gangrpers I rp with have effort in their characters. (looks at jayseph)
You shouldn't be GangRPing with a throw-away character or one without development... Just report them. Despite that I got warned for using throw away char when I used one of my most developed chars '-' but it's okay idm- but if someone using a character they didn't put effort on its warn able so yeah it doesn't mean we should make it Major


Level 10
+1 from me.

There are a lot of valid points brought up, but I also just don't see the need for KPS on a cop after getting tased.

When you're defending yourself, there's a concept called use of reasonable force. As someone said earlier, tasing someone does not kill them. It does not cause lasting damage, and it does not knock someone out. Tasers are only meant to temporarily incapacitate a person. Also, I saw a very good point earlier while reading through. Glocks and tasers are, apparently, on the same level when it comes to granting permissions. A glock, I can understand. But a taser? It just doesn't make sense.

And now, it is time for my GangRP 'slander.' Whereas there are some good gangroleplayers out there, a majority of them that I see nowadays have simply seemed to have disregarded the fact that this is a roleplay server. Most gang roleplayers I see have their description with the bare minimum as far as detail goes, or they simply say WIP and call it a day. Why does this matter? This matters because there is very little effort being put into gang roleplay in a vast majority of the instances that I have seen. Honestly, a lot of it just goes along the lines of: Grabs. Dips. Grabs. Dips. Grabs. Dips. Rinse and repeat. With as much emphasis as I can muster, this is a roleplay server. It seems completely unnecessary, and too easy to gain KPS on a cop simply because you were tased.

Anywho, this is not to say that all gang roleplay characters are bad, but getting KPS on a cop? After being tased? This goes back to the reasonable force point that I made earlier, as well as something else that I want to bring up. Fear.

Why would someone risk their life to kill someone if they were tased? When you're going to retaliate and possibly go for the kill, you're going to have to expect the other party to be prepared to use lethal force to defend themselves if you have the intent to kill. Risking your life because you got a shock that temporarily incapacitated you is. . . A little wacky.


Level 129
+1 from me.

There are a lot of valid points brought up, but I also just don't see the need for KPS on a cop after getting tased.

When you're defending yourself, there's a concept called use of reasonable force. As someone said earlier, tasing someone does not kill them. It does not cause lasting damage, and it does not knock someone out. Tasers are only meant to temporarily incapacitate a person. Also, I saw a very good point earlier while reading through. Glocks and tasers are, apparently, on the same level when it comes to granting permissions. A glock, I can understand. But a taser? It just doesn't make sense.

And now, it is time for my GangRP 'slander.' Whereas there are some good gangroleplayers out there, a majority of them that I see nowadays have simply seemed to have disregarded the fact that this is a roleplay server. Most gang roleplayers I see have their description with the bare minimum as far as detail goes, or they simply say WIP and call it a day. Why does this matter? This matters because there is very little effort being put into gang roleplay in a vast majority of the instances that I have seen. Honestly, a lot of it just goes along the lines of: Grabs. Dips. Grabs. Dips. Grabs. Dips. Rinse and repeat. With as much emphasis as I can muster, this is a roleplay server. It seems completely unnecessary, and too easy to gain KPS on a cop simply because you were tased.

Anywho, this is not to say that all gang roleplay characters are bad, but getting KPS on a cop? After being tased? This goes back to the reasonable force point that I made earlier, as well as something else that I want to bring up. Fear.

Why would someone risk their life to kill someone if they were tased? When you're going to retaliate and possibly go for the kill, you're going to have to expect the other party to be prepared to use lethal force to defend themselves if you have the intent to kill. Risking your life because you got a shock that temporarily incapacitated you is. . . A little wacky.
THIS, very well explained


Level 41
I understand where Rick comes from being an officer myself for nearly a year now but I think KPD is unfair is some ways already and changing this would make it even harder than it already is to kill an officer and like Prosthettics said it's one of the many risks you take as being apart of the KPD

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