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rodentology's Maiden Application


Level 117
rodentology's Shrine Maiden Application


IGN (In-Game Name): rodentology, wethecreature

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
As of the last four months, I've been pretty inactive on the server, and in the past, I've also had issues with activity on the server. Recently, I've returned and I've been a lot more active. I'll admit that school could come in the way of my activity since school is the most important. I'll typically be on three to four days a week, and each day I am on around three hours to five hours at most.

List your current roles on the server:
rodentology: Adult, Bird
wethecreature: Professor, College Bachelors

Link any previous applications:
JSL Application #2
Event Application #4
Portuguese Application
Russian Application
Shrine Application #1
Professor Application
Reporter Application
Governor Application #2
Professor Application #2
Teacher Application
JSL Application #1
Event Team Application #1
Event Team Application #2
Event Application #3
Lore Team Application #1
Lore Team Application #2
Lore Application #3
Lore Team Application #4
Shrine Application #2/3
Governor Application #
Psychiatrist Application

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

What is your motivation for applying?
Out of the many factions and groups I've been in on the server I would definitely say that Shrine was one of the most fun. I really love the dynamic and the type of RP we get to do in the shrine, and the amount of interaction you get is very enjoyable. Additionally, I really enjoy the parts of the faction where I get to learn more about Shintoism and religious studies themselves because I'm very interested in this kind of stuff.
For a while now I've kind of been out of all the factions and I think I would like to rejoin one I enjoy and am familiar with.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
Shintoism is a religion that focuses on the belief in the Kami (specifically, the religion's name means "Way of God") and other spiritual aspects of the world. Shintoism is a Japanese religion and is ingrained in Japanese culture and life. Many things associated with Shintoism are also parts of common Japanese symbols and media, such as the "Torii Gate".

Torii Gates are symbolic gateways that signify entry into holy grounds. Typically people do bow before a Torii gate to signify respect. When walking the stairs of a Torii gate, one is supposed to keep to the side of the stairs so that the middle may be left open for the Kami to walk up.

Kami are one of the most important parts of the Shinto religion. They are divine spirits (ranging widely in power) that can be anything in nature. They can be the wind, an animal, or a spirit that has risen to divinity. They could also be embodiments of characteristics. Kami are the focus of worship in Shintoism and different people may worship different Kami.

Another important part of Japanese media that has roots in Shintoism is the idea of Yōkai.

Yōkai, not to be confused with the typical ghost you think of, are monsters and spirits that are the creative ideas and explanations shown in Japanese folklore as cautionary tales or ways to explain the unexplainable. Although they are more malevolent, some of them are benevolent or mischievous tricksters, while others are incredibly ill-intended. Popular examples of these creatures in Japanese media are the "Kappa", lesser Kami which are known for their turtle-like appearance and their mischievous antics. Another popular one of these spirits is the "Kitsune", supernatural foxes that are wise and knowledgeable, often depicted with multiple tails. The list of Yōkai is never-ending and these creatures are one of the most interesting parts of Japanese folklore and media.

Shrines and/or Monasteries are the buildings that Shinto is practiced in. They typically contain a room of wooden plaques depicting wishes or blessings that people write, a Torii gate, a main hall of worship, and a hall dedicated to the Kami. They may include additional buildings, like how the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery has a dojo, tea house, and tarot hut.

Shrines typically consist of many different roles, and have a hierarchy of sorts. Typically, the first major part of the hierarchy are Miko, or shrine maidens, who are young priestesses that are hostesses at the shrine (and they also do a lot of the busy work and chores). The Miko role goes down its own hierarchy, from Miko to Naishoten (high priestess), and then to Mitsue-shiro (supreme priestess). There is also the role of Shinkan, priests who deal with ceremonies and more religious aspects, typically. Above Shinkan is the Guji (chief priest), and then the Kannushi (supreme priest). Mitsue-Shiro or Kannushi typically lead shrines (this is very simplified). Other Shinto roles that are notable are the Itako, blind or very visually-impaired young women who act as spiritual mediums. They fall somewhere in the typically female Shinto roles.

There is other stuff I know but this stuff is the most important stuff I know. I am always willing to know more and I hope to learn more from this experience!


Character Full Name:

"My full legal name Jin Myeong."

Character Title:

"Please refer to me as one of the following:"
She recited the next part as though she said the list often.
"Miss Jin,
Miss Myeong,
Lady Jin,
Lady Myeong,
or Lady Jin Myeong."

Character Age:
"I am fifty-seven years old."

Character Marital Status:
"I am currently unmarried," She paused, placing her hands in her lap before continueing. "I have gone through one divorce."

Character Nationality:
"I was born in and am a citizen of Japan."

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

"None. I was privately tutored and home-schooled most of my life and after I passed my high school courses I began training to become a Miko at the local monastery."

[Written from an out-of-character perspective]

The Incident
October 1st, 1998

Huffing and growling like that of a rabid dog burst through the silence of the wood, a pained miko clutching a dirt-covered ofuda in her hand, thrusting it out into the air violently, turning around in staggered circle motions.

A muted yelp, one of a hoarse voice, erupted from her, expelled into the shadows- an attempt to extract an appearance from the entity. It was met with no answer.

She continued to move around in her staggered rotations, but soon her weakened legs began to collapse beneath her, and she gave in to the sweet release of sleep. In her deep rest, a force from the shadows claimed dominion over her being. Slowly, the darkness of the forest became blinding, and the miko was lifted from her torturing place on the ground and rock. Her eyes, once green-- and now gray, looked up towards the lanterns and kites that shimmered and sailed along the mountain’s side with raw hatred.

. . .

It was not long before the demon was expelled from its dying vessel.
Myeong was saved. She was resurrected from her state, in a way.
Unfortunately... she was never the same as before.

Five Months After The Incident

March 7th, 1999

The Kannushi sat across from Jin, his eyes narrowed thin and his hands anxiously tapping the edge of the table. He shifted in his cushion.

“I am concerned for your health, Ms. Myeong.” he said after a long silence. The maiden's gaze rose from her now-cold cup of tea to look towards him. She did not scratch the table or tap her feet on the ground at his statement, and seemed to remain without a semblance of anxiety or worry.

She pursed her lips as she thought of a way to rebuke his concerns, because, after all, she was clearly well. “Concern not, sir. I assure you... I am not shaken or unwell.” Jin placed her hand around the sides of her glasses, lifting them up so that the tint of the lens concealed her eyes.

“It's not that, Myeong. You may not feel shaken, but you are not yourself. We have all seen a sudden shift in your personality and your emotion since the possession.” He put his hand out to clutch her's in an act of comfort, offering a weak smile. Her hands grew tense at the mention of the occurrence. “We both don't want to have this conversation, I know. However, it has become a problem... for us and I'm certain for you as well. You have become clearly... disinterested.”

Disinterested? How dare you assume I am disinterested in my role at this shrine. I have dedicated my career to my work- and you call me disconnected and disinterested. I'd assumed you'd have known me better than to assume I was truly as such.” Her glasses dipped below her eyes, which seemed to contain a haze of annoyance and disrespect from the man across the table.

“You know it's true.” he said, retracting his hands away from her. “I think... no- I know it-... you need to take a break from your time here.”

Jin Myeong had dedicated her life to this monastery- she had dedicated her soul to it. Now, that connection was being severed and slowed by things out of her control. She stared at the Kannushi, closing her eyes and clamping her mouth shut as she sat.

She rose from her cushioned seat on the floor and exited the room. Storming out of the shrine and to the forest below, she let tears stream down her face. Quickly, rivers of saline water rushed down her face to water the seeds in the ground. She glanced out into the tree line. This time, she knew nothing was there... but she had something to say. As she sobbed, she let her jaw hang agape. She screamed out into the forest:

“This... ALL this- is YOUR fault. It's all YOUR fault. YOU did this to me- YOU. It was YOU. YOU.”

She screamed it over and over, to be met with no voice. This time, there was no response.

Long After The Incident

- - -

Five A.M. in the morning, the once-esteemed Jin Myeong sat on a cushion outside of her house, staring out at the city before her. She dug into a bowl of rice.

Many, many long years had passed since her life had been halted. Now, it moved again, yet in a newer, less fulfilling rhythm. She did not enjoy life, now. She lived an endless cycle, like before, but this one felt slower, like it was droning on and on.

Lady Myeong recalled what the Kannushi had once said to her. He had called her disinterested. At the time, she disagreed with that statement, yet now, she could see that it was only a prophecy for her time now. Now, she truly felt disconnected and disinterested in the happenings around her. She lived an endless cycle, like before, but to this cycle, she felt no emotions to give. It drained nothing from her other the energy that was left within.

When in the newspaper, she read an article about Karakura, her interested was piqued. She had a feeling that the place mentioned in the few articles she had read was not trapped in the same droning cycle that she had lived for the past decades of her life.

One visit became two, and when she returned home, she felt that the strange island had something that she desired. That something was unknown to her, hidden deep within her gut. This unknown incited the slightest excitement within her, and soon, she began to plan her departure to the island.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Jin Myeong maintains a calm and professional image when she is at any workplace, though, especially at the monastery. She must make sure that the Kami and guests view her as a professional and dedicated worker. When on the shrine grounds, she often seems to heighten her tendencies of being persnickety about things. She wants things to be perfect, not only for guests but also so that the shrine itself is in good condition. Although Myeong typically displays a bit of disinterest in the guests themselves, she does deeply care about the shrine's image and that the guests know that she desires the best for them.

Although her relationships with her coworkers is often limited (unless she truly enjoys their company, or they have the urge to become closer to her), Myeong sees her coworkers as family and has a love for them that she often fails to express. She will gladly work with them and share with them her wisdom because she sees them in this way.

Jin's interactions with guests are often limited and brief, and she can become short quickly. She has no closeness to guests and finds that when the guests are disturbances, her fuse is quite short. The constant troubles and pedantic nature of some guests caused her to retaliate with her own attitude- one where she has less patience than her coworkers and can often be quite pedantic herself when guests mess up.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

Jin would instantly grow short with the individual, ordering them down from the roof. Other guests would see clearly that she was irritated as she snaps at the guest and keeps them in her sight. If the disrespect continued, she would order them over to her and speak to them in private, warning them that if they didn't stop they would be blacklisted from the shrine. She would allow them back outside, now watching them like a vulture hovers over prey it wishes to scavenge. The individual has one last chance, if they fail it, she will have them removed from the grounds.
If, for some reason, they decide to be kind and allow her to rest, she will thank them, though will continue to keep a close eye on them.

RP Examples

Jin's eyes narrowed as she stared daggers at the individual standing on the roof "Down, now. Ten seconds." She snapped, her eyes following them as they moved with great precision.

if they stopped

She beckoned them over with a flick of her hand. "I don't believe you understand the disrespect that act gives towards the shrine- otherwise I'd assume you wouldn't do something like that." She sighed, pressing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. "These place is sacred. To trample it with your feet is to harm its sacred nature. I ask for you to not do this. Now- please sit down somewhere until you are in a more... respectful mood."
if they persisted
"If I have to speak to you once more about respecting the grounds, I will have you removed from them entirely." She stepped closer to the roof, watching each move with a piercing, uncomfortable gaze. She said no more, waiting for the individual to get down. Eventually, she began to put up fingers as the minutes grew longer. When they finally got down, she spoke to them. "I have counted up the minutes you have been up there- these minutes will be equal to the days you must stay off of shrine grounds. When you return, I expect you to respect these grounds more highly."

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?

Lady Myeong's wish to become a maiden lies solely on her desire to return to her former dedication. After the incident that had ended her career, she began to form a great distrust for spirits and Kami. She felt, within, that they had never looked out for her and only wanted her to suffer (after one practically ruined her life, and she was unable to return to her former state). Her connection to the Shinto ways and gods faded over the next twenty-five years of her life. This severance left her with a feeling of emptiness that she could not manage to regain. She had heard from some sources that the spiritual connection in the island city was strong, and that many before had come in hopes to cement that connection again. In hopes to regain that connection, she boarded a plane to Karakura and decided that she would not return to the mainland. Here, she discovered that the most spiritual place in this town was the forest, and the shrine that resided above it. She hopes to recover her sense of spirituality and one day, rededicate herself to the path she once followed - one of a miko.

Thank you for reading!


Grammarly was used in some parts for corrections.
Last edited:


Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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