Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):
I do! My discord username at the moment is sake#7777
How old are you? (Optional):
I’m currently 17 years old, and I’m turning 18 later this year.
What is your time zone?:
I live in EST (Eastern Standard Timezone).
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is incredibly stable, ranging over all of my accounts. I log on for a few hours each day and engage in the responsibilities of my roles & roleplay frequently. I’m also pretty active throughout the servers associated with Discords. The only factor that may limit my activity is schoolwork, which should become less of an issue since the semester is ending this week! I project my activity to increase significantly during the summertime and guarantee that quotas will be met. I do have other roles that also require me to be active, but I'll be able to balance my responsibilities generously without deeming shopkeeper as a less important role. My activity on imizu isn't very high because I have no use for the account as of right now, but newjeanz & vokaloid are booming.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Unfortunately, yes. I was banned three years ago temporarily for disrespecting another player. I’ve developed from my behaviors since then, and my history following that offense has been relatively clean.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do! This shouldn’t be an issue with me, but if the time comes, I’ll have a complete understanding.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
OOC Faction Applications
Event-Team Application #1 (✓)
Staff Application #1 (✓)
Staff Application #2 (✗)
Staff Application #3 (✗)
Event-Team Application #2 (✓)
IC Faction Applications
College Professor Application #1 (through Conversations) (✓)
KPD Application #1 (✓)
EMS Application #1 (✓)
KPD Application #2 (✗)
College Professor Application #2 (✓)
KPD Application #3 (✗)
KPD Application #4 (✓)
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
newjeanz - College Bachelors Males Football
vokaloid - Detective
imizu (account I'm applying with) - Grade-12
Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:
Are you planning on renaming the shop? If so, what and why?
I’m planning on renaming the shop to Tokki-yo. There’s a significant meaning behind this name that ties the cultural backgrounds (Korean & Japanese) of the character I plan on applying with, as well as her association with Shintoism. First of all, it’s a play on words. It has the same pronunciation as the city ‘Tokyo’, despite its actual meaning. ‘Tokki’ translates directly to 'bunny' in Korean, representing the rabbit that can be seen running across the field of the shop’s logo. The ‘yo’ added to the end makes the word formal (in Korean). In Shintoism and in Japan in general, the rabbit is a highly respected organism. This is because in the year of the rabbit, financial success and success, in general, are more common than not due to the fact that there are enshrined rabbits that reside in Shinto temples. But, I am also considering keeping the name 'Auffallen' due to it's legacy and the fact that it fits so well with the concept.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
My motivation lies in several areas. The most major being that I would really like to try out a different faction, and get familiar with something I'm not entirely familiar with. I don't shy away from change. I was a shopkeeper briefly (very briefly, less than a month) in 2020 when the way the faction worked was a little less developed than it is now. Since things have been updated, running a shop has been something I've had eyes on for a while. It's always been a desire that I've never gained the courage to act on until now. I believe that if given the opportunity, it'd really expand my horizons and give me more experience with direct leadership as well as allow me to put some of my ideas into play.
Why are you qualified to be a Shopkeeper?
Being a shopkeeper is easier said than done; there's a lot of work that goes into it. It entails keeping employees in check, meeting quota each month, buying custom items/furniture directly from the server or other people, making sure taxes are paid correctly, keeping up with inventory, and much more! With so much to be in charge of, consistency is key. Anyone can be dedicated to something, but keeping that dedication at a level that's effective is the most important thing. I've had plenty of instances where these qualities, leadership, and teamwork were essential. With my time on KPD and on the Event Team, avoiding these kinds of things is quite literally inevitable. Over the past few months that I have had these roles, I've demonstrated that I understand and can exhibit these standards to their full extent. I plan to put the same, if not more dedication into the Shopkeeper role if given the chance.
What character will you be using as Shopkeeper?
The character I'll be using is Nana Cove.

Name: Nana Cove / Nadine Minatozaki
Age: 26
Backstory: Nana was born right in the middle of Seoul, South Korea - in the Gangnam District. She spent the majority of her life there and even briefly trained to be an idol in her teen years. She quickly decided that the route she wanted to go wasn't that one, and made a split-second decision to study abroad in Spain. After spending a few years there and getting a degree in Criminology, Nana searched for a place to settle and actually make use of her degree. Obviously, she chose Karakura. She was immediately let into the KPD, where she worked for around a year as she climbed up the ranks. After an instance where she lost her arm and other events that had, her love for what she did began to famish... and working in a field where she couldn't put her entire heart into it, didn't feel right. She decided she needed a good change in pace, something that slowed things down but still kept her intrigued. After weeks of consideration, she decided running a shop would be something she could escort her efforts to. It dawned on Cove after she reminisced on the bakery she used to help her mother run back in South Korea. Maybe it's in their genes?
Age: 26
Backstory: Nana was born right in the middle of Seoul, South Korea - in the Gangnam District. She spent the majority of her life there and even briefly trained to be an idol in her teen years. She quickly decided that the route she wanted to go wasn't that one, and made a split-second decision to study abroad in Spain. After spending a few years there and getting a degree in Criminology, Nana searched for a place to settle and actually make use of her degree. Obviously, she chose Karakura. She was immediately let into the KPD, where she worked for around a year as she climbed up the ranks. After an instance where she lost her arm and other events that had, her love for what she did began to famish... and working in a field where she couldn't put her entire heart into it, didn't feel right. She decided she needed a good change in pace, something that slowed things down but still kept her intrigued. After weeks of consideration, she decided running a shop would be something she could escort her efforts to. It dawned on Cove after she reminisced on the bakery she used to help her mother run back in South Korea. Maybe it's in their genes?
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
To start off, Auffallen's concept has been the same for a very long time. With that in mind, I'd like to maintain the concept since it's clearly durable, which is why I'd also like to branch it off a bit more to include other items such as cosmetics and scents. . and possibly even start to sell some forms of furniture relating to accessories, that still resonates with the elegant feel of this shop. Another small twist I'd like to add to the shop is for some of the newer items to reflect Korean trends in beauty & luxury since they are widely acclaimed all over the world, and especially in Japan -- and seeing that the countries are neighbors that constantly exchange bits and pieces of culture. I believe that this small change would allow the shop to thrive even more, and make it a sore thumb. . in a good way! To my knowledge, there is no other shop that has any focus on cosmetics at this moment (though there has been previously) and I think that Auffallen would be the perfect place to integrate them and have that just-right balance. It'll be somewhere where no matter what kind of character/player an individual is, there will always be something that suits them. Whether it's jewelry, cosmetics, or any other accessories the shop offers. I also think that at some point once the shop is completely established, I'd like to extend it's capability into fashion as well.
What will you sell in your shop?:
I'm planning to sell all of the items the shop already has ownership of, listed here:
- Dokusho Glasses
- Fire Glasses
- Gold Tinto Shades
- Gucci GG0287S Sunglasses
- Gucci Rainbow GG Glasses
- Heart Sunglasses
- Juliette Glasses
- Natta Glasses
- Prada Decode Sunglasses
- Rabbit's Frames
- Retoro Glasses
- Rozu Glasses
- Sakino Glasses
- Silver Framed Glasses
- Visage Sunglasses
- White Cat-eye Sunglasses
- White Clout Goggles
- Wooden Ray-Ban
- Aka Purse
- Black Cat Backpack
- Chic' Handbag
- Fendi Backpack
- Kirby Backpack
- Louis Vuitton Bag
- Pink Handbag
- Red Chanel Handbag
- Sakura Tree Purse
- White Cat Backpack
- White Stallion Purse
- Duffle Bag "Yama"
- Celestial Earrings
- Fine Line Earrings
- Floral Fan Earrings
- Flower Earrings
- Goth Earrings
- Honey Bear Earrings
- KPOP Earrings
- Pentagram Earrings
- Planet Earrings
- Purple Butterfly Earrings
- Exotic Watch
- Gorudo Watch
- Howaito Watch
- Larnon Watch
- Rozu Watch
- Catholic Rosarie
- Gorudo Bracelet
- Gyaru Stans Bracelet
- Shiroi Bracelet
- Rose Ring
- Wedding Ring
- Cane (Z)
- Glossier
- Heart Choker
- T Chain Necklace
- Black Cowboy Hat
- Black Chained Hat
- Kimono Bow
- Dokusho Glasses
- Fire Glasses
- Gold Tinto Shades
- Gucci GG0287S Sunglasses
- Gucci Rainbow GG Glasses
- Heart Sunglasses
- Juliette Glasses
- Natta Glasses
- Prada Decode Sunglasses
- Rabbit's Frames
- Retoro Glasses
- Rozu Glasses
- Sakino Glasses
- Silver Framed Glasses
- Visage Sunglasses
- White Cat-eye Sunglasses
- White Clout Goggles
- Wooden Ray-Ban
- Aka Purse
- Black Cat Backpack
- Chic' Handbag
- Fendi Backpack
- Kirby Backpack
- Louis Vuitton Bag
- Pink Handbag
- Red Chanel Handbag
- Sakura Tree Purse
- White Cat Backpack
- White Stallion Purse
- Duffle Bag "Yama"
- Celestial Earrings
- Fine Line Earrings
- Floral Fan Earrings
- Flower Earrings
- Goth Earrings
- Honey Bear Earrings
- KPOP Earrings
- Pentagram Earrings
- Planet Earrings
- Purple Butterfly Earrings
- Exotic Watch
- Gorudo Watch
- Howaito Watch
- Larnon Watch
- Rozu Watch
- Catholic Rosarie
- Gorudo Bracelet
- Gyaru Stans Bracelet
- Shiroi Bracelet
- Rose Ring
- Wedding Ring
- Cane (Z)
- Glossier
- Heart Choker
- T Chain Necklace
- Black Cowboy Hat
- Black Chained Hat
- Kimono Bow
Below are only a few ideas I've had for custom items I could possibly integrate into Tokki-yo.

Why would you like to sell these items? How does it relate to the concept and the theme of the shop you're applying for (Gifts & Accessories)?
Other than the fact that these are gifts and accessories, I believe that these fit into the notion of what Tokki-yo is. The items are tasteful and I believe that they appeal to many different audiences on the server at the same time. For example, the Coquette Parasol could be popular considering that rain has come back with the biome change and it's also a trendy aesthetic at the moment. Another example is vanity; it could add more practicality to some builds and give people something to roleplay with. And lastly, the heart bong. It may seem a little out of place, but because one of the themes of the store is to touch on Korean culture a bit, I think it'll make sense as items like these are popular there.
How many employees do you plan to have? How do you plan to have employees organized?:
In total, I plan to have fifteen employees (discluding myself). The hierarchy will look a little something like this:
1/1 Shop Owner
The shop owner position that'll be occupied by me. As I outlined earlier, the owner's job is to keep the shop going in the right direction and conserve the shop's organization. Keeping track of inventory, dealing with taxes, volunteering to help with any server-wide events, and buying customs to sell are just half of what their job warrants. I plan to be a shop owner that takes suggestions and feedback from employees and customers alike, to ensure that the store is going well past my own judgment.
0/2 Managers
Managers are meant to help superintend and administrate the shop alongside the owner. These should be trusted individuals because they have a little more authority than a regular employee would, and working on the management should be taken a little seriously! They can also have responsibilities like keeping up with stock and opening the shop when the owner maybe be unavailable or if they have the time, and can also supervise employees during shifts to make sure everything's running smoothly.
0/13 Cashiers
Cashiers work the registers whenever their available to do so and may also help out when it comes to making up new adverts, planning events, or thinking of custom item ideas. They're pretty much essential to keep the store running smoothly and having an abundant amount of them is also pretty important because of timezones. It enables flexibility in openings so the owner or the manager can do so any time of day, and be far from understaffed.
What will your hiring process look like?
The hiring process I'd put in place is pretty simple. When in need of new employees, I would start off by making an advert about it in-game where players have to come to the shop to receive an application.
/advert Tokki-yo is now hiring! If elegance is your middle name then look no further, at Tokki-yo, we're voguish. Stop by and pick up an application today, you won't regret it.
This would most likely be done through a /it with the link to the forum post containing both the hiring flyer and the Google form. I would also advertise that applications are open directly on the shop's Discord server so that people who may have been offline when the advert was originally sent out still have the same opportunity as everyone else. I've already created a sample application that can be found HERE. I'd also like for the other employees to be involved in the onboarding process and will include them in reviewing applications.
What kind of atmosphere would you like to provide to customers?
I'd like the keep a similar atmosphere that Aufallen has kind of always had; simple but luxurious, with clear omens of Korean culture. In order to do this, I've made a playlist consisting of music that'll instill that aura. Here is an example of a few songs that are on the playlist. I think that this could also be influenced by how employees are acting and are dressed, so it's likely that uniforms will be provided and that cashiers and such will be asked to be professional but natural with guests.
What do you want your shop to look like?
Like I've said, I would like the shop to keep that simple but luxurious reputation it's maintained over the years. So, I'd like to keep the way mostly it looks now but maybe switch up the color palette a bit? I have no exact references at this time, but the only changes I want to make is so that the interior is sort of like a cozy luxury.
Provide three examples of adverts your shop might use:
/advert A hot, hot summer is right around the corner. . who's going to shield your eyes from the blaring sun? Stop by Tokki-yo and pick up a pair of sunglasses or any of our other items to hit the beach in style! We're located to the left of the train station in the Shopping District
/advert Looking for the perfect gift to surprise your partner or a friend with? Well, Tokki-yo's now open! With our variety of stylish items, you're guaranteed to find the right match! We're located to the left of the train station in the Shopping District
/advert Trying to cool yourself off this summer? Stop by Tokki-yo and ice out both your wrists with our watches! We're located to the left of the train station in the Shopping District [coordinates]
Additional notes about your application:
None, thank you for reading :)
Do you have any questions?:
Since I'm applying for a shop that already has a Discord, would I use the Discord that's already been made or create a new one? (If accepted)
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