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Serious Attribute Thread


Level 1
It isn't just experienced players complaining about the nerf. New players are too. It's hard for them to try and keep up with experienced players who already have 100% attributes. It's also a bit embarrassing (personally) to have to be carried everywhere because of the difference in speed. It's given an unfair advantage to the players who have been playing for years. Good points, Lazeas!

Mio Kofune

Level 2
+1. This affects new players way more than old players who have already gotten some of their stats maxed out.


Level 5

I wanted to edit mine to point something out. Why is this not intended to be grinded?

Some players want their characters to be on sports teams; the only way to get on those is to have good attributes. Like in the case of swimming, having a higher swim speed is required, right?

Are you telling me that even icly, the characters wouldn't spend hours and days of their time training to be the best they can be in their team? Are you telling me that icly they wouldn't? People don't just become track stars by twiddling their thumbs and running for like 2 minutes a day. If we're meant to grind icly, then why can't we oocly?

SRP condenses time down so we can live out the lives of characters that we want to be. Days are shorter by a long shot, so the grind should reflect how long it'd take realistically for someone to become an amazing swimmer. To be one of the fastest runners. Extending the time to take forever makes players lose interest, and thus also in sports in general since there are other things that the player can be doing.

If you want sports teams, don't make it an impossible grind to get into. Otherwise, it'll end up not happening over time anyways.
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Level 121
+1 make the server enjoyable please not a grind machine
getting money is already exhausting for new players
not only that, this gives a huge disadvantage to new players if they get scammed, experienced player with 100 swim speed & running speed can scam the new player who got red tag but doesnt even have 50% speed yet and the new player wont really have much to do and would probably think the rest of the server is like that.
For staff: Before you read, I want to clarify that I did suggest this before, but I'm posting again because I've come up with a new rebuttal. I ask that you please read and give this thread some time before thoroughly reviewing it.

IGN: Lazeas
DATE: 3/9/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Increase speed/swim EXP gain, as I believe the EXP gain was recently accidentally decreased due to the attribute update. If not by accident, buff/increase it.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Due to the attribute update, Speed/Swim now gives 3x less EXP than originally. This now makes the JOURNEY to get speed and swim much much LONGER. Even ACROBATICS, notorious for taking years to max prior to the attribute update, is now WAY faster than both swim and speed. I clarified this in my previous post here
I am very disappointed in the staff team's decision to deny my previous suggestion as it was very much WANTED and NEEDED change. The reasoning for its denial was due to the fact that the plugin is supposedly not designed to be grinded, and it's there for you to evolve and progress as you play with your character. However, something that isn't considered is the NEW player experience, not alts, NEW PLAYERS. Most people aren't thinking about this since they already have maxed out their characters in most attributes, mainly SPEED, which, as I mentioned previously, was 3x easier to level up than it is currently. So most experienced players should have no right to talk about the "Journey" or the "Adventure" of gaining attributes as the CURRENT new player experience is now subpar to the one they had. Let's take, for example, a new player that wants to join the swim or track team, those teams have requirements of usually 25-50% speed/swim to join the teams, which makes sense, and that should not change, BUT as I said in my previous thread, this would take 12 weeks of playing 20 hours a week consecutively. To only reach 25% in either of those attributes. By those numbers, I am not referring to grinding. Those numbers are the average speed gain from someone who roleplays normally, not grinds. It's not fair to expect a new player to play on the server for that long of a time to finally reach a certain requirement so they can get a CHANCE to participate in something like TeamRP.
Don't even get me started on the sports that involve an actual plugin. A new player stands no chance against an experienced player, who has max speed (which was easier to max before), in ANY plugin due to the insane difference low vs max speed is. You could also make a whole argument about GangRP and whatnot, but I won't touch on that.

I want to restate a previous point I made earlier because It's really important. Speed and swim EXP gain were NERFED. Most of you are already max speed so think about how long it took you to get max speed before, whether grinding an alt or playing on your main during greenie days. Maybe it took you 2 months? Now multiply that by 3. It would take you 6 months. That is absurd. This is the current state of speed and swim.

"If everything was easy there would be no point in doing it." There's a difference between making something easy and making something fair. This is not an MMO. It's a roleplay server. Players do not want to spend months, if not years, on the server to finally reach max speed/swim, let alone those who choose to grind for hundreds of hours - especially for those whose character goals are to join the track team or the swimming team.

Please reconsider reverting/buffing the speed and swim rates. Not only do a majority of experienced players agree with this change, but the way it is now restricts new players and discourages them from trying out new roleplays, even after they reach grade 12.


Level 19
For staff: Before you read, I want to clarify that I did suggest this before, but I'm posting again because I've come up with a new rebuttal. I ask that you please read and give this thread some time before thoroughly reviewing it.

IGN: Lazeas
DATE: 3/9/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Increase speed/swim EXP gain, as I believe the EXP gain was recently accidentally decreased due to the attribute update. If not by accident, buff/increase it.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Due to the attribute update, Speed/Swim now gives 3x less EXP than originally. This now makes the JOURNEY to get speed and swim much much LONGER. Even ACROBATICS, notorious for taking years to max prior to the attribute update, is now WAY faster than both swim and speed. I clarified this in my previous post here
I am very disappointed in the staff team's decision to deny my previous suggestion as it was very much WANTED and NEEDED change. The reasoning for its denial was due to the fact that the plugin is supposedly not designed to be grinded, and it's there for you to evolve and progress as you play with your character. However, something that isn't considered is the NEW player experience, not alts, NEW PLAYERS. Most people aren't thinking about this since they already have maxed out their characters in most attributes, mainly SPEED, which, as I mentioned previously, was 3x easier to level up than it is currently. So most experienced players should have no right to talk about the "Journey" or the "Adventure" of gaining attributes as the CURRENT new player experience is now subpar to the one they had. Let's take, for example, a new player that wants to join the swim or track team, those teams have requirements of usually 25-50% speed/swim to join the teams, which makes sense, and that should not change, BUT as I said in my previous thread, this would take 12 weeks of playing 20 hours a week consecutively. To only reach 25% in either of those attributes. By those numbers, I am not referring to grinding. Those numbers are the average speed gain from someone who roleplays normally, not grinds. It's not fair to expect a new player to play on the server for that long of a time to finally reach a certain requirement so they can get a CHANCE to participate in something like TeamRP.
Don't even get me started on the sports that involve an actual plugin. A new player stands no chance against an experienced player, who has max speed (which was easier to max before), in ANY plugin due to the insane difference low vs max speed is. You could also make a whole argument about GangRP and whatnot, but I won't touch on that.

I want to restate a previous point I made earlier because It's really important. Speed and swim EXP gain were NERFED. Most of you are already max speed so think about how long it took you to get max speed before, whether grinding an alt or playing on your main during greenie days. Maybe it took you 2 months? Now multiply that by 3. It would take you 6 months. That is absurd. This is the current state of speed and swim.

"If everything was easy there would be no point in doing it." There's a difference between making something easy and making something fair. This is not an MMO. It's a roleplay server. Players do not want to spend months, if not years, on the server to finally reach max speed/swim, let alone those who choose to grind for hundreds of hours - especially for those whose character goals are to join the track team or the swimming team.

Please reconsider reverting/buffing the speed and swim rates. Not only do a majority of experienced players agree with this change, but the way it is now restricts new players and discourages them from trying out new roleplays, even after they reach grade 12.
+1 fr bro they should of kept it the same


Level 1
Lazy is right.
The current system for EXP is unfair and unreasonable. No plugin that requires work is meant to be easy, of course; however this does not mean that the staff and owner(s) need to make it so ridiculously hard in order to achieve something. Kimi is also right: If everything was easy, there would be no point in doing it. But what is being requested has nothing to do with making it easy, thats not what we are requesting. We want it to be easier, not easy. There is a difference between the two.
By making it easier, we mean that we want a plugin that we still need to work for over time, but the amount of time we need to do that task, is lowered. It takes a ridiculous amount of time in order to gain just a small part of a certain attribute. There is no reason that it should be this difficult to gain EXP towards the stats. People who already have a desired percent as an attribute may find no need in this, but that is only a very small portion of SRP players. This suggestion has 3 pages of +1's as of writing this the only -1's have been from a staff member and one or two other players. On top of that, little to none of the players wanted this change after it had occurred.
It's clear that the staff need to make this change to make it reasonable and fair. Listen to the players, please. We need this changed on the server, and we want this change.


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