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Denied Sock’s | Judge Application #2


Level 6

In-game Name:
ySock (Account im applying with)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
Ban #1: Banned for max warnings
Ban #2: Perm banned for bypassing (Appealed)
I have learned from these mistakes I have made in the past and have improved and continue improving my behavior day by day to becoming a better person and player within the community.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do have a working microphone and I am pretty comfortable to speak with others if it is needed.

Timezone & Country:
United States
Eastern Standard Time(EST)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm on everyday of the week after school for 4 hours or more, and on the weekends I am on for around 10 or more hours per day. In these hours, I usually run around with friends throwing crimerp in the mix of it. Crimerp has slowed down a good bit for me so I am not doing it as much as of recently. Instead of crimerp I have turned to sports, I am usually spending time with my teammates on the male football team or other sport team members, doing jockrp or just having some good rp with each other and having a great time all as one either if it is just rp or if it’s just talking in a vc. Also just enjoying classes in school to improve my school record and overall just having a good time on the server, having fun is the real goal when playing and having an enjoyable environment for you and others in the community.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is, ever since these spots were open, (talking about the lawyer and the Judge applications) I found myself wondering if I’d be interested in this type of role and or experience.

Though I made my decision with a short application for lawyer. I got denied but I’m still motived to be within the government faction. I find that when trials are in session it’s interesting to watch the defendant speak and their lawyers talk on their behalf defending their arguments and showing proof and evidence to the other. In which was a judge you are to create a decision within that trial. Those are what I find so fascinating. From the trial that happened last year or the year before with (english duck a Bonten member I’m sure) I was engaged and interested. Though at the moment I was still hooked and gangRP/ crimeRP; I never found the idea to apply.

I want to gather more inside knowledge about what it takes to become a judge and what my responsibilities are, I’m fully invested to have an entirely new roleplaying experience and surround myself with a different part of the community. In more simpler terms, I find myself applying today as a form of ‘I’m tired of crimeRP and need something else.’ Along with having a personal indulgement in this faction as something I find fascinating and interesting. I’m overjoyed at the idea of having new roleplaying experiences and meeting more corners of the community as a whole.

I am also interested in the intellectual challenge of interpreting and applying complex laws and regulations. Im also attracted to the prestige and status that can come with law. Some people may be motivated by a desire to make a good living. Ultimately, the specific motivations I have for wanting to become a Judge will vary from not only wanting to open my range of rp but also like I said before I would like to experience other type of rp with my friends outside of just crimerp and enjoy every moment of it.

I have applied for EMS and the black market many times and have not had any luck. After spending some time thinking I believe this faction truly does suit me best and that I should apply once again for the faction. I was apart of the government faction in the past and enjoyed my time while I was there. I wasn’t as active as I should have been due to ooc reasons going on in my life.

But I miss the enjoyment of the faction and working with the great members that are apart of it. Now that I have figured out my issues oocly and have plenty of time available I can be active within the faction and be beneficial/reliable to everyone as a player and worker.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes I have a clear and good understanding of Karakura's laws and constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
The goals I have for myself are, getting more involved with the SRP community. I want to try new things and I've applied for this faction, the BMD, and EMS, though I could apply for others, I don't find the appeal that I have for this faction in the others.

As I have stated, I want to involve myself more with the community, I find that this is a great way to start, I have interest in the law and the roles everyone has. I've done my research and I've watched court cases, I even attended the ones that were held in SRP to get more of a feel of what I'm to do in that situation, I like learning about court cases because the scenarios are different or somewhat the same. Every case as their own change to it so that's the reason I'm so drawn into being more educated about them, so this is a step I'm taking as a goal to learn more about this faction.

As regards for my character? I want to create a new lore that isn't all just all crimeRP from whenever I did/do gangRP, I like to involve myself in crimeRP but I want something else for a change, and to develop a character that is outside that box. This give some more opportunities to create a whole different perspective on SRP.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A judge is a government official who presides over legal proceedings, such as criminal and civil trials. The main role of a judge is to interpret and apply the law to the specific cases that come before the court. In order to do this, judges must listen to arguments made by lawyers and litigants, consider the evidence presented, and make decisions based on their understanding of the law and its application to the case at hand.

Judges also have the authority to issue orders and make rulings on various legal matters, including issuing warrants, setting bail, and imposing sentences in criminal cases. In civil cases, judges may issue injunctions, award damages, and make other determinations as necessary to resolve the dispute.

In addition to their role in the courtroom, judges may also be involved in other aspects of the legal system, such as conducting mediations, arbitrations, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. They may also be involved in the administration of the court system, such as setting policies and procedures, managing budgets, and working with other government officials to ensure the smooth operation of the courts.

Overall, the role of a judge is to uphold the rule of law and ensure that justice is served in the cases that come before them. They play a vital role in the government and the legal system, and their decisions can have far-reaching consequences for the individuals involved in a case as well as society as a whole.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge that upon being accepted I can be subject to removal at any given time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I acknowledge that upon being accepted I can be subject to removal at any given time.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and agreed to follow the government faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am able to attend weekly meetings and events unless something in my family comes up or I am out of town. Basically if there is an important ooc reason that causes me to be absent.


Full name:
My name is Beau Coji

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Coji

Current age:
Currently I am 25 years old

Date of birth:

I am a Male

Academic Degree:
I have a high school diploma and bachelor degree

Currently I have a major in
Political science
Criminal Justice

Then I currently have a minor in

Work experience:
Becoming a Judge in a court room has been a long and challenging journey for me, but it has also been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. From my earliest days in school, I knew that I was interested in the law and the ways in which it shapes our society. As I progressed through my education, I became more and more focused on the idea of pursuing a career in the legal field.

Throughout my academic career, I worked hard to build the skills and knowledge that I would need to succeed as a Judge. I studied political science and took a number of law-related courses, and I also participated in mock trial and moot court competitions, which gave me valuable experience in the courtroom.

After college, I decided to attend law school, where I spent three intense and challenging years studying and preparing for a career in law. Throughout law school, I worked hard to excel academically and to gain hands-on experience through internships and clinical programs.

After graduating from law school, I began my career as a Judge and have been working in the field ever since. While the road to becoming a Judge was not always easy, I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to learn and grow, and I am proud of the work I have been able to do as a Judge. I am confident that my experiences have prepared me to be a successful and effective advocate for my clients, and I look forward to continuing to serve my community for many years to come.

Political background:
As a child, I was always fascinated by politics and the ways in which government policies and actions can impact people's lives. My parents were both active in their community and deeply committed to public service, and their example had a profound influence on me. From a young age, I knew that I wanted to follow in their footsteps and make a difference in the world.

As I got older, I became more and more interested in current events and the ways in which government can shape our society and our future. I spent countless hours reading about politics and discussing current issues with my friends and family. In college, I studied political science and became deeply involved in student government, where I had the opportunity to work on a number of initiatives that were important to me and my peers.

Through my experiences and studies, I have developed a strong understanding of the political process and the ways in which individuals can work to bring about positive change. I am passionate about using my skills and knowledge to make a difference in my community and beyond, and I believe that I have the ability to make a real impact in the world.

I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to get involved in politics and public service, and I am committed to continuing to work towards a better future for all. I believe that everyone has the potential to make a difference, and I am determined to do my part to make the world a better place.

Nationality & born location:

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Criminal record:
I have no criminal record and don’t intend to ever have one

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I am more then just a hard worker. I attend every court case I can. I try to communicate with the lawyers and Judges and ask what went into their decisions so I can better understand what the mind of a lawyer and Judge and what they think. I also study law at home by reading up on the laws to make sure I understand every persons rights so I can always make the right decisions.

I'm very professional and I have this grit, self discipline, and overall and very understanding person which can be very important when being a Judge. Judges need to be able to research and interpret complex information, and to think critically about legal issues.

Good communication skills: Judges must be able to communicate effectively, both in writing and in oral arguments.

Attention to detail: A judge must be detail-oriented, as they need to be able to accurately interpret and apply laws and regulations.

Ability to work well under pressure: Majority of judges often face tight deadlines and may need to work long hours to meet them. They need to be able to handle the pressure and stay focused and organized.

Strong work ethic: Judges need to be dedicated and committed to their work, as the practice of law can be demanding and time-consuming.

Integrity and ethical behavior: Judges are expected to uphold high ethical standards and act with integrity at all times.

Ability to work well in a team: A judge often work with other Judges, lawyers, paralegals, and support staff, and they need to be able to collaborate effectively with these team members.

Adaptability: The practice of law is constantly evolving, and Judges need to be able to adapt to changes in the law and in their practice.

Passion for justice: Like many other Judges, I am motivated by a desire to seek justice and help others.

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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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