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Accepted sorathesilly | P.A Teacher Application


Level 55
Community Team
Event Team

What is your Minecraft username?:
{Applying - Alt} - sorathesilly
{Main} - soratheonly
{Alt} - sorathelobo
{Alt} - soratheone

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Of course, my discord is soratheonly

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes! I frequent SRP vcs.

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge this well and have witnessed the results of inactivity in the past.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m often active, spending at least 3 hours a day on SRP. Below is a chart that shows my average free times! Despite my three other factions, I’m confident in my ability to be online and frequent with my classes.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Most recent to oldest.


What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College B Club-Leader
Multiple Highschool characters.​

What subject are you applying to teach?:

P.A or also known as Performing Arts

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Originally I had become a teacher in SRP due to the admiration I had for my sister who is currently a teacher in real life. However, now I find inspiration in my friends, the community, and showing my passion and love for expanding the knowledge of education to others. I’ve often been called a good teacher by my friends and I hope to show this using the [Teacher] role in SRP.

The community has been a huge part of the reason why I continue to play SRP, and I hope that I can help newer players, commonly referred to as greenies, that often join classes to fall in love with SRP due to the community as well. I’ve made a lot of friends due to SRP, and I hope to continue to do so!

Having used to be a teacher (literally a month ago), I had a lot of fun moments and created a lot of fond memories. I recently quit and have been feeling a bit off about not being part of the faction anymore, which is why I’m back to take back that throne I used to hold as head of head of departments and guide the teacher faction to its best times yet!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I understand this well as I’ve not only gone through this but have also witnessed it 5 separate times.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand this perfectly well, having attended a multitude of teacher training slideshows. (I miss the Rex Rap Album).

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teacher class logs are on a separate channel in the academics discord, this channel helps the teacher faction lead calculate how much quota a teacher has acquired that month in order to set up paychecks, promotions, warnings, inactivity, and more.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Back when I was a teacher, I hadn’t been as strict as the months went by, however I’m coming back bigger than ever with my own teacher plan that easily abides by the rules of KHS, ICly and OOCly.

1. Respect
All students and staff are to be respected no matter the situation. If an individual is proven to not deserve respect that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect them, due to the fact that if you don’t respect them at that point you are no better than them. Do not talk over other students nor the teacher. Laughing about another student because of their differences will never be tolerated.
”All students deserve the opportunity to learn.”

2. Swearing is a No-Go.
When you’re in class, you’re expected to remain mature and focused. Swearing is seen as obscene and can cause inference of other’s learning experience.
”All students deserve the opportunity to learn.”

3. Curiosity
All students have the right to be curious. Students can simply raise their hands to ask questions and expand their learning environment. As long as students don’t overuse this, others are able to learn off this as well. Curiosity is admired, and appreciated.
”All students deserve the opportunity to learn.”

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
The start to my Roleplaying
In 2016 I started to play Roblox, and eventually in 2017 I introduced myself to Minecraft roleplaying. I would make characters for that specific roleplay, but I never got into the real depths of characters until I joined SRP to which I started to create docs on my characters, researching their backstories, and coming up with crazy ways to make them interesting or give them actual weaknesses. I never really thought about creating skins for characters until I introduced myself to SRP as well, it enabled my creativity to spark again and I even started to write again.

2016 is when I first joined Roblox, I would join many roleplaying games and I always would have so much fun not only interacting with others but allowing myself to become someone new, not that I don’t love myself, but because creating someone and giving them actual character entices me. A roleplaying game I’m most likely to be found playing on ROBLOX would probably be the popular “Warrior Cats” due to most of those on it being more experienced than on other games and it having depth with the books. One of my first role playing games was “Wyvern Roleplay”. It's old, but it’s still one of my favorites and I have so many memories of that game. Another old roleplaying game I always seem to come back to is “The Neighborhood of ROBLOX” now known as “The Neighborhood RP”. I played all three “Wolves life” whenever they came out, or even FNAF roleplays, “Roblox High school” which is now run down, “Meepcity” despite not having played it in a while, “Sunset City”, “High School Dorm Life”, “Welcome to Bloxburg” one of my continuous ones despite not having played it in a while, “The Plaza” one I haven’t played for a while as well, “Robloxian High School”, “Horse Valley”, and more as well as those yet to come. Roblox roleplaying is a big part of my life and I’ve been roleplaying for most of my life.

When I was younger I would watch my older sister play Minecraft, until eventually my parents had bought me Minecraft after a year of pleading. The first start to my journey was Hypixel, to which I would frequently play on. I spent hours and hours in Hypixel housing, specifically roleplaying housing. I’ve done this throughout the six years of my Minecraft roleplaying experience except for this year due to actually playing SRP instead of just looking at it and being like “Oh cool.” I introduced myself into multiple different roleplays, mainly being high school roleplays, but few being town and/or city roleplays. I never had an exact character, just made up ones that I just went with. None of them really had character themselves and it eventually pushed me to find SRP.

My time in SRP
The first time I saw, and played SRP was a year ago. I wandered around aimlessly not knowing what I was doing or what the server had to hold. I don’t even remember my time playing SRP a year ago and got back into SRP about a year ago, which is what I count as when I actually joined the server or at the least players who somewhat understood the 'craziness' that is SRP. I’ve roleplayed as a teacher for 6 months of my time on SRP, which is nearly half of it. I’ve also been a police officer/doctor-veterinarian for about 4 months now.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department.
↳ Description:
These are experienced individuals that have proven themselves worthy of the spot of a ‘higher-up’ in the faculty faction as a whole. There are few of these individuals and should be respected due to their knowledge and achievement.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
Teachers who have proven themselves as an experienced teacher through activity and roleplay. These individuals show themselves to be knowledgeable, able to help others accurately, and mature.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
Having just finished a month of full quota, these individuals are ready to ‘battle’ the challenges they shall face on their journey of being a teacher.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
Newly accepted teachers that must go through training before hosting their first class. Once their training is completed they must complete a month of quota to achieve the title of NQT.​

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Salaries depend on classes and role, newly qualified teachers have the base pay of ¥350,000 for their minimum of 10 classes and the maximum they can earn is ¥500,000 that month. Every 5 classes after the minimum quota adds ¥50,000
Teachers allow students a reason to go to Karakura High, instead of just talking or sitting around with students. Classes that teachers host allow students to learn and upgrade their way of thinking, meet new people, socialize, grow up, and more.
Teachers are in charge of multiple different categories,

1. Hosting classes
2. Character Development, in and out of School
3. OOC planning
4. IC and OOC grading

1. Hosting Classes
Teachers are in charge of holding their classes, ensuring they host 10 classes minimum each month. These classes are the main part of their job, most of what the teachers do are to plan for the classes and/or including their classes. This brings in “OOC planning” and “IC and OOC
Classes keep students intrigued in learning, including interactive lessons, work lessons, listening lessons, and more. Sometimes on an easy day, teachers take their students on field-trips, maybe to lighten the mood, embrace the outdoors, or just let their students rest for once.

2. Character Development, in and out of School
Teacher’s don’t just finish a day in school and log off, they are to play their character out of school as well in order to provide character development and keep their character going, differentiating each day. Give their character a potential love life, change their perspectives, their personality in a way, and more. Teacher’s might adopt children, make a family, meet friends, etc. Teachers can also experience situations in school as well, student behaviors, participating in school events, meeting teachers or other staff members, the list goes on. These experiences perhaps have the chance of changing or sprucing up their lessons, frequent students might even pick up on behavioral changes.

3. OOC planning
Teachers are to plan their lessons during their OOC time, this way they’re prepared for their classes and are never figuring it out mid lesson. This not only saves time, but ensures students get their deserved learning experience. OOC planning includes background effort in being a teacher, ensuring each teacher is ready and wanting of this endearing position. Being a teacher is no easy feat, it requires multiple complications which need to be accounted for, and heavy responsibility on those who are accepted for it.

4. IC and OOC grading
It’s only normal for a teacher to grade students’ work, students rely on the response to their work to improve themselves. Without it, they’d never know how they’re doing in school, and won’t know if they’re to improve or are in the expected position. Grades are posted on the discord’s bulletin board and students can ICly view it.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The ‘MoSCW’ system.
“Must have, Should have, Can’t have, and Won’t have.”​

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Yee-Soo has a black cat personality as a front. She often distances herself from others and would often be casted as non-social. However, Yee-Soo wouldn’t be described as cold. She has dark blue hair, the features of a prince as she stood at a high 5’10. When teaching drama she’s enthusiastic, kind, and careful.​

Yee-Soo is not unique, and she isn’t different. She acts as normal as she possibly can, not wanting eyes on her. Despite this, Yee-Soo is a one of a kind individual, in secret that is. If you were close enough to her you’d notice that she's actually the personality type of a golden retriever, deep down begging to be able to show who she is.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Students and co-workers should always be respected in her eyes. Everyone is the same on the inside, so they should be treated the same.

“Individuals who are not yet of age to graduate and become full adults, upon this they’re under the supervision of faculty-staff and SLT. Often troublesome, however, they can be quite unique.”

“Currently from what I’ve seen, my co-workers can be… Quite odd. However, I’ll treat them how I do anyone else I’ve just met. This doesn’t mean I like them, but I will always stay mature and professional when working.”

What are their plans for the future?
Yee-Soo plans on being a teacher for quite a while, if she is to quit, it’d either be from retiring or to find a new career to pursue. However, Yee-Soo will continue being a teacher as she loves P.A, and expressing that love through teaching others how great it is, is good enough for her.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

“I’d collect all the individuals, giving them a warning that cursing and swearing is punishable. If they continue to do so I’ll give another warning.. If this behavior continues, the students will receive detention.”

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
“I’d broadcast to the class a topic to act out, once they finish acting it out they’ll stay quiet as they wait for everyone to finish and therefore the class will settle down. Once settled I’ll continue with the lesson, however if there happens to be any extra students that pursue not listening, I’ll be kicking them out of my class.”

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
It’s not common that Yee-Soo will be in the faculty lounge, however if she were to be she’d be more distant, staying in her own little corner of the room as she watches those around her. Yee-Soo is observant, admiring someone from afar instead of directly speaking to them.

Following so, individuals are likely to talk to Yee-Soo, however she’s not the best at small talk; it’d be likely that she’d kindly dismiss herself and move elsewhere to either grade or talk to more preferable individuals such as her friends she applied with.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
heard the phone ringing as the sound bounced off the walls. Her eye twitched, turning to the student of which the noise was coming from; she first gestured for them to turn it off.. However, that didn’t seem to work for them. Yee-Soo cleared her throat, speaking up as she made a phone gesture with her left hand, placing it to her ear as she mouthed a ‘goodbye’ and shut the ‘phone’ down. &f”Quick reminder to everyone, ensure your phones are off during class.”

/me watched as the students poured into the cup that was her classroom, all bunched together for the pure reason of wanting to get through life and through school. She welcomed each and every one of them, ensuring she memorized the faces and names since she’ll be knowing these kids for quite a long time. With that, Yee-Soo turned to the board, sketching a large ‘MISS LEONG’ onto the chalkboard. &f”Good Morning students, I’m Ms. Leong, your new P.A teacher.”

/me gently tapped her feet against the floorboards of the stage, setting up a small rhythm as she watched the students carefully. Once the short measure of notes was done she looked to the students, &f”Can any of you tell me those notes?” &uAs none of the students answered, Yee-Soo cleared her throat and wrote down the notes. The notes consisted of a quarter note, two eighth notes, and one quarter note. &f”This is the rhythm that I just tapped out to all of you. Now, knowing this, can anyone tell me how these notes would be counted?”

/me regretted picking such a job at the sight of how these students acted. She had to pull through, pulling a book from the above cupboard and scrolling through the pages before settling on a sentence, looking between all the students in silence as she waited for their attention. &f”Who can tell me how an individual should act when confronted by their teacher in a regular film?” &uCarefully waited for someone to raise their hand, a calculating gaze that shifted through the crowd seated in the classroom.

Yee-Soo, an individual that not many people know. She lives a normal life, pushing herself to join plays and musicals. Of course this girl can sing and act, isn’t she just perfect? However, most plays had a prince and a princess, and Yee-Soo was always perfect for the role of prince. Her whole life she saved the princess, never getting the chance to be saved. After years of potential, the star student became a teacher, never wanting a girl similar in life to have to go through what she experienced. Never again will a girl be forced into a false ‘destiny’ as long as Yee-Soo is there.

Yee-Soo’s parents gave her the life anyone would want. A nice house, a dog, a room all to herself, and access to the internet to use at her disposal. Originally having been born in Karakura, Yee-Soo was aware of the crime rates and often looked away from the news. Why listen to the same unfortunate casualties? She’d grow up being the ‘perfect’ lady, if she were to be talked about with elders they’d describe her always holding her books, educating someone on simple mistakes, afterall she knew that mistakes were weaknesses. Weaknesses cannot be allowed in Karakura. Not anymore.

Having gone to high school in Karakura, Yee-Soo admired the P.A teachers. These teachers are Huy VuLee, Soda Kanno, and… many more. These teachers are what truly pushed Yee-Soo to become an educator just like them, becoming like what she admired in hopes others would admire her in the same way. Evidently, Leong also went to the Karakura community college, attending a variety of classes in order to graduate and go through subbing, being a student teacher, and more in order to get her teaching degree and attending Karakura highschool as a full on teacher.​

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Yee-Soo Leong”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Ms. Leong
Ms. Yee
Ms. Soo
Preferred Name:
Yee-Soo or Leong
Ms. Leong
Age (Minimum is 25):
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:
“Masters Degree in Performing Arts.”
Year of Graduation:
“Biomedical Engineering, Performing Arts.”
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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