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Denied twnk_dragon | Lawyer App


Level 31

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Timezone & Country:
+5:30hrs GMT, INDIA

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
10AM - 2PM
7PM - 1AM

10AM - 2PM
7PM - 1AM

10AM - 2PM
7PM - 1AM

10AM - 2PM
7PM - 1AM

10AM - 2PM
7PM - 3AM

10AM - 2PM
5PM - 3AM

10AM - 2PM
5PM - 1AM
Overall I spend at least 3 - 6 hours on the server every day, however, it is more than that due to the nature of my IRL job giving me free time.
I also have the following characters I play -​
  • Andy A. Arya / Anastasia Malet (Professor QP)- Play them the most regularly.​
  • Mako Akage (12th Grade) - Play him pretty regularly as well (Applied for club leader in an alt as him)​
  • Valor 'Val' Andreas (12th Grade) - New Character​
  • Katrina Douglas (12th Grade) - Play her on and off - Awaiting college exams​
  • Angel Yamashita (12th Grade) - Play her on and off​
  • Maggie (Bear) - I do not play her at all (Sometimes a month but that's it)​
  • Blaze Yamashita (12th Grade) - I played them 10% of the time, even lesser (Dead)
  • Dragon Bones (12th Grade) - My first character, died a long time back


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
One of the biggest reasons I wanted to apply was that Erza fits the role of a lawyer beautifully, especially with her interactions and competitiveness. I want her to grow into a real amazing and strong persona, and being a lawyer fits that.
I've also been wanting to experience different kinds of roleplay outside of the school faction for quite some time now. I joined in as a professor playing a faction role the first time since December, and honestly its amazing, but eventually you end up slowing down. I want to see more, I want to be able to experience different types of roleplay, that is realistic to an actual city scenario, with complicated politics, reputation, and a bit of walking the grey line working in the government, which makes it ever so exciting. It is a very realistic part of the city that makes you understand power dynamics and I am all for that, especially after observing how the interactions between the government officials happen.
I have always enjoyed Roleplaying with the government faction as any of my characters, and I was hoping I could go more into detailing and learn as much as I can from the current team members, who I honestly think are extremely talented.
I was at first very hesitant to apply due to being unsure of the requirements however with the growth that my character has had over time, I think this was the right time to apply. Of course, this would mean I may not be as good as some of the other applications, however, I do makeup in resilience and hard work. Plus... being a lawyer is cool. (giggle).
Also my character would like to be like 'Mr. Asogi', she admires his impeccable style and the way he carries himself is what inspired her in the first place. Not to mention his style, always his style.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have been through the constitution, as well as the kind of offenses that exist in Karakura, so I understand the same.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I would like my character to grow into a more mature person and deliver justice. It was rather tricky shortlisting which one of my characters really fit into this role, and it came down to two of them, I chose the latter because she is my oldest character, and has had interaction with the government in a fairly interesting manner. That is before getting arrested due to an RO that shouldn't have existed. I want her to be a part of the government and understand for herself if it's truly corrupt or not.
She would also be closer to delivering justice, which has always been her motto. Her main goal has always been to serve the shrine, but she is interested in doing something meaningful with her life before finally finding her place there.

My personal goal with this role is to understand the government workings and be able to RP better into different dynamic scenarios. I have seen tays RP, and honestly, it's something I wish to be good at myself, if not better eventually. It is always a writers dream to be able to engage another person into the skills you potray in your writing skills, so at the end of the day, I would like to better myself.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is an extremely interesting position within the government. Obviously, there are basic things that a lawyer does, but from personal observation, I think the role goes beyond your basic understanding of what roleplaying should look like.
Basically they are responsible for various things within the government. This includes attending various client meetings, going on attorney calls, attending trials as well as file restraining orders(tee hee been on both sides for this).They are also responsible for front desk work, that could include making a new ID for someone, marriage registrations, legal adoptions, or even funeral proceedings for gravestones.

My favourite part about lawyers is giving legal advice in Karakura, I personally feel there are a lot of things that are grey about this role, and its important to note that they are in no place of judgement of what is right or wrong, rather its mostly about how best they can help their client, a client for all intents and purposes who may be guilty, so the struggle always lies between your morality and the ability to deliver services to the client without letting judgement cloud your views. So one part which I would say about lawyers is, they need to be professional.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, however as someone who would be roleplaying as a lawyer, I could only hope that the reasons are valid.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes ofcourse, ooc bias is weird.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes (unless its a timezone restriction)


Full name:

My name is Erza Delarosa Scarlet, I prefer being called Erza.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
28th October 1998


Academic Degree:
I Passed the bar exam after completing my master's in the University of Tokyo.

I majored in Criminal Justice, Political Science, and Criminal Psychology

I also dabbled in Social Psychology and Philosophy

Work experience:
After I took my BAR exam, I did a 2-year Apprenticeship at The Legal Training and Research Institute at the Supreme Court. The reason I haven't practiced outside Karakura is mostly because I want to start my career over here, since it is home to me.

Nationality & born location:
I hold Japanese Nationality, however I was born in Australia

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
I speak English the best, I can speak Japanese fluently, I learnt Russian because my brother taught it to me, and later on picked up Spanish from my mother. I learnt Japanese Sign language to be able to communicate with everyone for any type of query.

Criminal record:
I was once arrested for an RO violation, However, the RO was removed by the government since it was made without any evidence.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

How I ended up on the path of law.
My story started in Karakura itself. I came to Karakura at a very young age, like most orphans over here, but what made me different was my need to deliver justice. I remember having a conversation with Mr. Asogi as a kid about the difference between being a lawyer and a police officer. His answer was extremely impressive and he was honest about the nature of the career. He mentioned if I wanted to catch 'bad guys' it was better to be a police officer. I was a naive child and had a bit of a superhero complex, hence I assumed I wanted to be a cop. However, as I grew older, and started observing the inner workings of society, I understood that 'catching bad guys' was not the only way to deliver Justice in this world. I started spending a lot of time at the shrine and ended up becoming a more gentle person who ended up realizing that I was a person with faith. What drove me into law is my strong moral compass. I knew I was good at studies and could keep up with the rigorous academics required to be a lawyer. So once I realized I was not quite in the mental space to be a shrine maiden, I decided to help the city of Karakura the best way I knew how by going to Tokyo to study law.

Being extra certain of my actions and having no biases
I have been through a terrible experience due to the incompetence of a government official, and I would not want anybody to go through that. It is important for me that the people who are forced to deal with disharmony in terms of legal disputes do so after there is relevant proof provided. I know I would never want an innocent person to suffer in any way due to me having a personal bias towards scenarios

I'm kinda smart but more so a competitive person.
I have always been rather competitive while growing up. I had this competition with a friend of mine Miyako, about who would be faster to deliver justice and fairness to the city of Karakura. I do not like losing, and it has historically translated into many cases during my apprenticeship at the Supreme Court. I have found key points in law and by-laws that have helped me navigate various tricky situations.

I am mostly a citizen of Karakura
I arrived here as a kid, and grew up here, eventually shifting through families till I found my home with the shrine adopted in by a lovely Priestess. As a Delarosa, I found more of my identity, and I honestly feel like I owe a lot of who I am today based on my experiences within this town and the people. My past and my history didn't matter, what mattered always was where I was going.

Of course, I have degrees, but also I am hardworking, resilient, and relentless
Okay so I did study law (she would laugh lightly), but what really makes me stand out is how much effort I like putting into the projects I undertake. I found faith in Karakura that made me want to be a better person every day, plus while I understand a lawyer's job is not to punish the guilty, it still gives a lot of flexibility around non-violent methods to help someone in need. Using brains over brawns, I would work day and night to help a client who came to me with a problem

You would be lucky to have me!
Surprisingly enough, this comes from a place of confidence, not arrogance. I am confident in my skills and ability to litigate, and because of the points mentioned before, I am pretty sure I can bring forth a lot of new ideas to do things more efficiently to be able to help the people of Karakura!

I have worked tirelessly on Erza's personality, which always aligns with doing something meaningful for society, and if really interested you could go through her biography! It's something I am still working on as we speak -

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Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more. We appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any time!​

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