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Vehicle Upgrades Changes


Level 84
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Upgrades Changes

What's your suggestion?:
Car upgrades as we know is still.. what some would say Cookiecutter, we have 3 Upgradeable Parts in a vehicle, The Engine, Fuel Tank, and Brakes, And all of them still uses the principle of 'More Expensive = Better" However I believe that we can make it better, to bring some Required knowledge to upgrading cars, that way... The high prices are justified but not entirely required to make your car best at something, I will only cover the existing upgradeable parts but If more parts to upgrade on a cars becomes possible, I will make a new proposition for what stats these upgrades do:

Extra Note: I will not be adding extra upgrades options either, Unless possible.

1. Engine Upgrades:

By default the Engine is fine, most production cars are specifically spec'd out to have the best Performance to Gas Mileage ratio (Exception to some), Personally right now The Economy Engine is useless as there would be barely any players who would willingly downgrade their engine, and thus the changes to the engine upgrades are as follows:

1.1 Economy Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Bolt-ons & Retune
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -10.0%
- Acceleration (Friction): +10.0%
- Top Speed: +10.0%
- Turning Speed: +10.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 5.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +50.0%
Top Speed: 31.7 (47.5 w/Boost)

1.2 Fast Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Racing Grade Mods
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -17.5%
- Acceleration (Friction): +5.0%
- Top Speed: +20.0%
- Turning Speed: -5.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 10.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +25.0%

Top Speed: 34.6 (43.2 w/Boost)

1.3 SuperFast Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Horsepower Maniac
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -25.0%
- Acceleration (Friction): +7.5%
- Top Speed: +30.0%
- Turning Speed: -10.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 25.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +10.0%
Top Speed: 37.4 (41.2 w/Boost)

2. Fuel Tank Upgrades:

Default Fuel Tank is fine, the only changes are the stats for the upgraded ones. Such as the Huge Tank being changed into a smaller tank for more Performance gain at the cost of the Car Owner having to pay for gas more often, and the Large tank being given the maximum amount of Fuel Capacity at the cost of neutering some stats and countering other performance upgrades from engines or brakes in exchange of a much higher fuel capacity.

2.1 Large Tank

Rename the Upgrade from Large Tank to Enduro Tank
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Capacity: 100.0 L
- Acceleration (Friction): -5.0%
- Top Speed: -5.0%
- Turning Speed: -7.5%

2.2 Huge Tank

Rename the Upgrade from Huge Tank to Performance Tank
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Capacity: 30.0 L
- Acceleration (Friction): +2.5%
- Top Speed: +5.0%
- Turning Speed: +5.0%

3. Brakes Upgrades:

Same as Fuel Tank and Engine, the default one is good enough. The changes here are mostly stats, Accelerations being affected by Brakes is naturally dumb, so I decided to revamp them with existing stats that we have, rather making an entirely new stats, The changes are as follows:

3.1 Sport Brakes

Rename the Upgrade from Sport Brakes to Slotted Steel
Stats Changes:

- Brake Power: +50.0%
- Acceleration: +10.0%
- Turning Speed: +5.0%

3.2 Racing Brakes

Rename the Upgrade from Racing Brakes to Carbon Ceramics
Stats Changes:

- Brake Power: +100.0%
- Acceleration: +5.0%
- Turning Speed: +10.0%

That is all for the suggested changes to the upgrades, and If you decides to comment "But oh it's too complicated!" because it is, If you want a Good Upgrade system where It's Actually GOOD, and have a less chance of making cars the "Same Speed" at the later age of the new plugin much like the old plugin, THIS is the way to do it.

You'd have to COMPROMISE simplicity to gain something that are balanced, fun, and technical enough to have most cars different in stats.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will help with Further improving, refining, and all-around making the new Vehicle Plugin's Upgrade system a more technical feature where players needs to know how to Min-Max their car's stats to squeeze the most out of it. And avoid the thing that most players would call "Players having the same car speed and stats again".


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I really don’t think it’s that pressing of a matter. Several car related suggestions have been made after the initial release literally less than a week ago. The dev team worked very hard on this massive update and it’d be nice for players to continue to learn the gist of the new systems for a while before making an insane amount of suggestions practically telling them their work wasn’t really up to par.

That said, this update now requires skill in maneuvering the vehicles around the map. Just because they have “the same stats” doesn’t mean everyone is equally matched.
Last edited:


Level 84
Thread starter
I really don’t think it’s that pressing of a matter. Several car related suggestions have been made after the initial release literally less than a week ago. The dev team worked very hard on this massive update and it’d be nice for players to continue to learn the gist of the new systems for a while before making an insane amount of suggestions practically telling them their work wasn’t really up to par.

That said, this update now requires skill in maneuvering the vehicles around the map. Just because they have “the same stats” doesn’t mean everyone is equally matched.
The suggestion was never to call the devs work not being up to par, the Devs made a great plugin that serves as a greater foundation to Vehicles and their upgrades, all-be it with a rather basic, super-simplified upgrade options, Every player has gotten the gist of the new systems and I've even tried it out myself, testing out in actual In-Character Racing and I made this suggestion for stats changes. (In which all of them are stats that are already within the plugin and in-game) A new plugin is prone for feedbacks and suggestions, and avoiding/ignoring that is not a good thing to do.

As for skills, I find that to be a rather silly argument that has been said even prior to the plugins update, What if the players are both equally matched and have their cars equally upgraded? (Which is half of the server now), The current vehicle upgrades is good, but it can be better, and this suggestion aims to make it even better, by making skills not the ONLY thing that matters but also managing your car's upgrade path accordingly to how you want your car's characteristicscharacteristics to be.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
The suggestion was never to call the devs work not being up to par, the Devs made a great plugin that serves as a greater foundation to Vehicles and their upgrades, all-be it with a rather basic, super-simplified upgrade options, Every player has gotten the gist of the new systems and I've even tried it out myself, testing out in actual In-Character Racing and I made this suggestion for stats changes. (In which all of them are stats that are already within the plugin and in-game) A new plugin is prone for feedbacks and suggestions, and avoiding/ignoring that is not a good thing to do.

As for skills, I find that to be a rather silly argument that has been said even prior to the plugins update, What if the players are both equally matched and have their cars equally upgraded? (Which is half of the server now), The current vehicle upgrades is good, but it can be better, and this suggestion aims to make it even better, by making skills not the ONLY thing that matters but also managing your car's upgrade path accordingly to how you want your car's characteristicscharacteristics to be.
No matter how many different upgrades you try to implement there will always be people who are evenly matched. You’re never going to create a system where everyone is at their own separate level with one person on top.


Level 3
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Upgrades Changes

What's your suggestion?:
Car upgrades as we know is still.. what some would say Cookiecutter, we have 3 Upgradeable Parts in a vehicle, The Engine, Fuel Tank, and Brakes, And all of them still uses the principle of 'More Expensive = Better" However I believe that we can make it better, to bring some Required knowledge to upgrading cars, that way... The high prices are justified but not entirely required to make your car best at something, I will only cover the existing upgradeable parts but If more parts to upgrade on a cars becomes possible, I will make a new proposition for what stats these upgrades do:

Extra Note: I will not be adding extra upgrades options either, Unless possible.

1. Engine Upgrades:

By default the Engine is fine, most production cars are specifically spec'd out to have the best Performance to Gas Mileage ratio (Exception to some), Personally right now The Economy Engine is useless as there would be barely any players who would willingly downgrade their engine, and thus the changes to the engine upgrades are as follows:

1.1 Economy Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Bolt-ons & Retune
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -10.0%
- Acceleration (Friction): +10.0%
- Top Speed: +10.0%
- Turning Speed: +10.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 5.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +50.0%
Top Speed: 31.7 (47.5 w/Boost)

1.2 Fast Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Racing Grade Mods
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -17.5%
- Acceleration (Friction): +5.0%
- Top Speed: +20.0%
- Turning Speed: -5.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 10.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +25.0%

Top Speed: 34.6 (43.2 w/Boost)

1.3 SuperFast Engine

Rename the Engine to be called: Horsepower Maniac
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Usage: -25.0%
- Acceleration (Friction): +7.5%
- Top Speed: +30.0%
- Turning Speed: -10.0%
- Accelerator Chances: 25.0%
- Accelerator Boost: +10.0%
Top Speed: 37.4 (41.2 w/Boost)

2. Fuel Tank Upgrades:

Default Fuel Tank is fine, the only changes are the stats for the upgraded ones. Such as the Huge Tank being changed into a smaller tank for more Performance gain at the cost of the Car Owner having to pay for gas more often, and the Large tank being given the maximum amount of Fuel Capacity at the cost of neutering some stats and countering other performance upgrades from engines or brakes in exchange of a much higher fuel capacity.

2.1 Large Tank

Rename the Upgrade from Large Tank to Enduro Tank
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Capacity: 100.0 L
- Acceleration (Friction): -5.0%
- Top Speed: -5.0%
- Turning Speed: -7.5%

2.2 Huge Tank

Rename the Upgrade from Huge Tank to Performance Tank
Stats Changes:

- Fuel Capacity: 30.0 L
- Acceleration (Friction): +2.5%
- Top Speed: +5.0%
- Turning Speed: +5.0%

3. Brakes Upgrades:

Same as Fuel Tank and Engine, the default one is good enough. The changes here are mostly stats, Accelerations being affected by Brakes is naturally dumb, so I decided to revamp them with existing stats that we have, rather making an entirely new stats, The changes are as follows:

3.1 Sport Brakes

Rename the Upgrade from Sport Brakes to Slotted Steel
Stats Changes:

- Brake Power: +50.0%
- Acceleration: +10.0%
- Turning Speed: +5.0%

3.2 Racing Brakes

Rename the Upgrade from Racing Brakes to Carbon Ceramics
Stats Changes:

- Brake Power: +100.0%
- Acceleration: +5.0%
- Turning Speed: +10.0%

That is all for the suggested changes to the upgrades, and If you decides to comment "But oh it's too complicated!" because it is, If you want a Good Upgrade system where It's Actually GOOD, and have a less chance of making cars the "Same Speed" at the later age of the new plugin much like the old plugin, THIS is the way to do it.

You'd have to COMPROMISE simplicity to gain something that are balanced, fun, and technical enough to have most cars different in stats.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will help with Further improving, refining, and all-around making the new Vehicle Plugin's Upgrade system a more technical feature where players needs to know how to Min-Max their car's stats to squeeze the most out of it. And avoid the thing that most players would call "Players having the same car speed and stats again".


Level 84
Thread starter
No matter how many different upgrades you try to implement there will always be people who are evenly matched. You’re never going to create a system where everyone is at their own separate level with one person on top.
You are correct, but minimizing it is the best option, rather than doing nothing about it, It's simply the norms of anything competitive, there will ALWAYS be some people who are evenly matched, but It should not be QUARTER or HALF of the player base.


Level 47
why should the economy engine have the highest top speed with boost compared to the actual racer ones

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