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What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?


Level 118
wave’s hot takes (get ready for this one)


Y’all already probably know this one but like most gangs now are just. like.. bleh. like there isn’t much originality anymore half of them r delinquent gangs who tend to all act the same (i can legally say this bc i used to delinquentrp and got mad bored) and the other half just kinda exist.. like .. and when someone does pull out a good idea nobody ends up participating bc most of the community want MURDER! ASSAULT! YADAYAYDYAYSDA and its just so DUMB to me like..


adding onto above before limbtaking became consented/only allowed with kps the people who stored their taken limbs in a freezer r disgusting to me thanks


THE AMOUNT OF TIMES i have seen a mf start shit over something so little and so dumb ooc like DUDE THIS IS A MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY SERVER TOUCH GRASS OR SOMETHING PLEAAAAAASEEEE WE DO NOT NEED UR DRAMAAAAAAA JUST SOTP IIITTTTT how HARD is it for people to actually be good human beings??


my face when i see a mf with 2 prosthetic legs running like the flash without any problems whatsoever.. like.. no its NOT ur original limb so treat it as such ……. i barely find anyone who rps their char’s prosthetics properly/their disorders or anything..
the last one is super real


Level 118
Shu's hot makes

alright part three

I'm a bit agreeing with that one staff (DRAc i don t know how to spell ti) staff got lives, they aint robo robo cop mfs they human being too.


Basically 90% of couples I've seen are both gangrpers, shit ones at that. How about you show some real COUPLE RP? like maybe something NICE? nothing edgy shitty like that, not me trying to tell you wait- no thats me trying to say, yeha.. okay im uh OKAY. roleplay shit.

JOCKS. stop fucking gangrping on schollgrounds, also stop the fucking toxicity dude i keep meeting coll footballers who are just toxic asf :skull emoji: anyways

drink water. (personal msg.)

Customable needs to sleep for a full 10 hours.


I know I troll maybe.. 70% of the time but, some people just take the trolling to whole another level, I know I MAY BE A BIT ANNOY- anyways stop the INMENSE trolling


Level 174
This is the first set of hot takes that I very much disagree with.
a lot of people disagree with my hot takes, specifically because I just have many different ideas from most players n lots of different opinions.

Level 40
I have a few!! these are definitely very very very hot hot hot takes bc ik a lot of people might not agree esp bc im kinda harsh with it but its ok who cares

1st, ppl on srp are so unnecessarily negative, it's SO ANNOYING!!!! Sure, most people on the server are already mentally ill so ofc you probably have a pretty negative mindset, but ppl are just so overwhelmingly negative for no reason. Yes, people are going to say cringe stuff, be weird annoying etc, and while i might and 100% will giggle when this happens, it's nothing ppl should be actually disliked or bullied for. I am not going to namedrop anyone, but many esp on sports teams love to act like theyre much better and genuinely hate on ppl just bc they made unfunny jokes, act in a "cringe" way, but not for a real reason. It definitely reeks their own insecurities but it's deffo annoying!1 Also guys can you STOP BEING SO FREAKING DRAMATIC AND EMOTIONAL OVER SRP!! Its ok if you take like ic events to heart like to each of their own but If you're going to cry, scream, shout and order a boycott for the server bc a. staff didnt bring your wishes to life, b. someone is "stalling" (gangrper) or c. a scenario didn't play exactly how you wanted it to like STOOP seriously stop

2nd MANY & most players need to learn to SEPARATE IC FROM OOC, while also understanding that sometimes they do not have to be separated. This might sound confusing at first. I'm sure everyone takes most IC things OOC at least a little bit but ppl do understand why they need to be separate, and that your character does NOT reflect the player behind it - in most cases. IT DOES HAPPEN THOUGH!!! Especially when it comes to very extreme opinions and acts, such as animal abuse ingame, it is NOT needed to develop your char in any way on the server, in their lore sure, but not ingame.... Same thing for all discriminatory behavior in-character, it does not serve any purpose for your char and thus, doing it ICly does 100% reflect a person's OOC ideals.

3rd EDs shouldn't be roleplayed on SRP!! They are almost NEVEr roleplayed properly (from what i've seen & read) and just kinda make it very black & white like "Oh I'm anorexic so I have no appetite hehe >_<" WHICH IS VERY INACCURATE!!! On top of that, some of the stuff cant be roleplayed at all bc we have rules limiting stuff, so your char can pretty much only mention it and bc of it, having an ed doesn't serve anything for your character!! And it's generally a very sensitive topic esp on a roleplaye server with lots of kids that are literally prone to being influenced. Sure, you're responsible for your own triggers, but literally pushing triggering things in ppls faces is just soo unnecessary. Ofc, I don't think there should be an actual rule against it bc that'd be like kinda odd but I think it's just general principle to not rp it out if you're not 100% confident in being able to portray it properly. I feel this way with some other mental disorders, but especially with EDs because I just haven't seen ppl rp it out very well most of the time and it can def influence the way a person thinks
Also guys not super related but can we stop putting weights in descriptions its random and doesnt really give any visual image of the char either, not even from a disordered view it's just really weird

4th Detail does NOT equal good writing. Not sure how many ppl agree, but i do know many people do not put it into practice. No, writing a wall of text with your 3 appends detailing how many degrees their knee bent, how long they bent the knee for, what angle is the knee in and such is NOT GOOD WRITING!!! IT IS BAD WRITING!! BORING! UNORIGINAL!! Unless that's like the concept & your character like loves maths or something.
Good writing makes your actions interesting, easy to follow and colorful, they do not need huge amounts of detail, but they should also include SOME of it to paint a picture. No one wants to know whether your character's head was tilted 35 or 40 degrees, you need to be more creative. Of course, like all creative skills, it will take time and won't just suddenly lock in, but I find it stupid when people judge a person's writing purely by the amount of letters in their actions; I'm definitely looking at certain detailrp oriented teams no shade idk if theyre like this anymore
^ btw guys im not a great writer either dont come at me and show me anything ive written i dont want to acknowledge it
^^ new edit bc i forgot to say this, you do not necessarily have to be a good writer!!! If you just put effort into your actions, that already makes the interaction 10x more fun for everyone involved, don't shy away from writing

TLDR; srp players are super negative and stop taking the server to heart maybe in a negative way from me negative, separate ic from ooc but also understand they do work hand in hand at times, no EDs pls, detailrp propaganda is fake
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Level 118
I have a few!! these are definitely very very very hot hot hot takes bc ik a lot of people might not agree esp bc im kinda harsh with it but its ok who cares

1st, ppl on srp are so unnecessarily negative, it's SO ANNOYING!!!! Sure, most people on the server are already mentally ill so ofc you probably have a pretty negative mindset, but ppl are just so overwhelmingly negative for no reason. Yes, people are going to say cringe stuff, be weird annoying etc, and while i might and 100% will giggle when this happens, it's nothing ppl should be actually disliked or bullied for. I am not going to namedrop anyone, but many esp on sports teams love to act like theyre much better and genuinely hate on ppl just bc they made unfunny jokes, act in a "cringe" way, but not for a real reason. It definitely reeks their own insecurities but it's deffo annoying!1 Also guys can you STOP BEING SO FREAKING DRAMATIC AND EMOTIONAL OVER SRP!! Its ok if you take like ic events to heart like to each of their own but If you're going to cry, scream, shout and order a boycott for the server bc a. staff didnt bring your wishes to life, b. someone is "stalling" (gangrper) or c. a scenario didn't play exactly how you wanted it to like STOOP seriously stop

2nd MANY & most players need to learn to SEPARATE IC FROM OOC, while also understanding that sometimes they do not have to be separated. This might sound confusing at first. I'm sure everyone takes most IC things OOC at least a little bit but ppl do understand why they need to be separate, and that your character does NOT reflect the player behind it - in most cases. IT DOES HAPPEN THOUGH!!! Especially when it comes to very extreme opinions and acts, such as animal abuse ingame, it is NOT needed to develop your char in any way on the server, in their lore sure, but not ingame.... Same thing for all discriminatory behavior in-character, it does not serve any purpose for your char and thus, doing it ICly does 100% reflect a person's OOC ideals.

3rd EDs shouldn't be roleplayed on SRP!! They are almost NEVEr roleplayed properly (from what i've seen & read) and just kinda make it very black & white like "Oh I'm anorexic so I have no appetite hehe >_<" WHICH IS VERY INACCURATE!!! On top of that, some of the stuff cant be roleplayed at all bc we have rules limiting stuff, so your char can pretty much only mention it and bc of it, having an ed doesn't serve anything for your character!! And it's generally a very sensitive topic esp on a roleplaye server with lots of kids that are literally prone to being influenced. Sure, you're responsible for your own triggers, but literally pushing triggering things in ppls faces is just soo unnecessary. Ofc, I don't think there should be an actual rule against it bc that'd be like kinda odd but I think it's just general principle to not rp it out if you're not 100% confident in being able to portray it properly. I feel this way with some other mental disorders, but especially with EDs because I just haven't seen ppl rp it out very well most of the time and it can def influence the way a person thinks
Also guys not super related but can we stop putting weights in descriptions its random and doesnt really give any visual image of the char either, not even from a disordered view it's just really weird

4th Detail does NOT equal good writing. Not sure how many ppl agree, but i do know many people do not put it into practice. No, writing a wall of text with your 3 appends detailing how many degrees their knee bent, how long they bent the knee for, what angle is the knee in and such is NOT GOOD WRITING!!! IT IS BAD WRITING!! BORING! UNORIGINAL!! Unless that's like the concept & your character like loves maths or something.
Good writing makes your actions interesting, easy to follow and colorful, they do not need huge amounts of detail, but they should also include SOME of it to paint a picture. No one wants to know whether your character's head was tilted 35 or 40 degrees, you need to be more creative. Of course, like all creative skills, it will take time and won't just suddenly lock in, but I find it stupid when people judge a person's writing purely by the amount of letters in their actions; I'm definitely looking at certain detailrp oriented teams no shade idk if theyre like this anymore
^ btw guys im not a great writer either dont come at me and show me anything ive written i dont want to acknowledge it

TLDR; srp players are super negative and stop taking the server to heart maybe in a negative way from me negative, separate ic from ooc but also understand they do work hand in hand at times, no EDs pls, detailrp propaganda is fake
omg the last one number 4 is super real here. in shop apps i have to go ahead and detail shit what am i gonna to do with them detail stuf just hire me :sob: ive applied at 300+ shops i dont wanna write more detail for shop apps bleh


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team
getting cooked for this but w/e. i feel like the server should be more focused on the city.
The server isn't called 'CityRP' its called 'SchoolRP' and so its main focus will be the School/Student side of things than the city aspect.


Level 12
The term "DetailRP" is often (not always) used as a social standard peer pressuring players into cramming as many words as possible into their actions in order to feel accepted by a certain group. Good roleplay is by no means defined by your word count. I despise the term "DetailRP".
I 100% agree with this. I feel like Detailrp is good in some scenarios but in other places for when you are doing other types of rp you may not want to detail as much for certain reasons. Sometimes less is more in those cases.

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
time for mine. youve probably read that like a million times now.

1. People make fun of me for Roleplaying on a roleplay server.
2. People effectively calling drama or "Cancel-Culture" definite and defining, Yes we all have Drama. But if that Drama leads someone to quit the server, You need to think twice.


Level 14
Unfortunately I have way too many Hot-Takes to really put them all on here, but this is one I'd really like for players to understand when roleplaying.

When you are roleplaying a Human.. Treat them like an actual human, please? These are human beings with human capabilities and limitations going through schooling in one of the most dangerous towns in Japan. I understand that over time you get used to seeing violence and drama and whatever goes on, but what I think people tend to forget is that.. If your arm gets sliced off, realistically, you are not going to just get up again and continue fighting with your other. You're going to scream, you're going to cry and you are going to suffer. Plain and simple.

This goes for any injury. Nobody should really be reacting to injuries as if they're minor scratches ( "Tis but a scratch" ). Your character isn't cool because you brag about them withstanding blows that realistically would have traumatized someone for life.. It kind of gives you the title of "Oh this person just sucks at roleplay then".

(Note: I understand if your character has a diagnosis that limits their reactions to injuries, but if they do not.. Just roleplay them in pain, dude. Or else I'm calling your ass a Gacha life kid.)


Level 14
Okay maybe just another Hot-Take

Don't apply for a faction if you're just going to leave in the two months. Stop it. Let the people who actually want to be in that faction have their spots.


Level 9
Hot takes.

GangRP (Specifically motive/perms)

While this may not be everyone, but recently there has been a lot of people saying 'GangRP is dead.' That is not the case. Some people are still talking about how they miss the old way of gang roleplay, but to be fair, someone grabbing you to ask you a question is not motive to shatter ones kneecap. Think about it, if someone grabs you in real life because maybe you had a little bit of beef going on between you, would you really think 'Oh, since you did that, I'm going to grab a few buddies and put on a mask, and hunt you down and try to shatter your leg.' It didn't make sense and was terrible motive. Even now it's still a little sketchy, I know some people might have built their character as someone you don't 'Mess around' with, but knocking someone out over things as small as that is not really realistic. Now getting knocked out can certainly give you motive to do something, or it can give your family/friends a reason to do something. And I say this from experience knowing that if someone knocked a kid/friend/family member I am really close to, I am going to do something about it. It's still an iffy subject, but GangRP'ers would lose their minds if they took out being able to break bones and all that (And BMD would have no job)
Not RP'ing properly/Realistic RP
There are a few things that are pretty confusing in terms of RP in the server.
1. Whenever people see the Grades 7-9 they can tend to classify them as 'Greenies.' Now while yes, grade 7 is the youngest you can get on the server, but you still need to realize that you're still playing a 13 year old. There have been very few cases when you see a Grade 7 actually RP as how a 13 year old would act. While I understand why people may act that way to be a young person, you need to understand that 13 year old's don't act how some people portray them as in srp. Some people may act like a baby as their 13 year old, and yes you can give them characteristics with maybe a mental disorder and such, but being realistic no 13 year old acts as some of how some people RP them.
2. Injuries. Let's be real for a moment. Starting with just.. Getting knocked out. Obviously that would mess you up for a little bit if you were beat down enough to lose consciousness, if that ever happened to me, which it has, I would be a little bit shaky for the rest of the day and more through the week. And I get that some of us on srp have been knocked out every hour or so, but you should still understand that it has an effect on your health. Let's also take a metal bat for example. Depending on the situation, hitting someone in the head really hard irl can end someone's life. While it might be hard to RP it out due to GangRP/CrimeRP, it is still something that would wreck you for a while. Another few short things to add, getting a bone broken or shattered, depending on if you are awake when it happens, would traumatize you. If someone came up to me with a bat and slammed it into my leg and it broke/shattered, I would lose my s**t. Seriously guys, PainRP! It's a big event in your life. Another thing is getting stabbed, if someone shoves a katana in your liver, I doubt you would keep fighting and knock them out, while some do that, it's not really realistic as you would probably die in any other case. I would be traumatized if I got stabbed irl. Losing a limb as well, that would change your life and you would have INSANE amounts of PTSD and trauma in general, I'm not going to lose my leg, wait out recovery and prosthetics and just walk around. It changes your life, so RP it out!
Some things might be hard to RP out as it is just a block game, but there are a few things that I would change about the server, but I obviously don't have the power to, and this is hot takes! Not suggestions. But I do wish that getting jailed was not so much a command as it does not seem very realistic, say KPD got locked in a room with a few criminals that are in cuffs, yeah they could get out quite easily and the criminals could put up a fight, but it gives some more RP between the police and criminals rather than teleporting them to jail, as it is not that hard to just take them to jail in a car, as it is more realistic that way than getting yeeted into a jail cell halfway across the map from the middle of the sewers.

This is a very big subject to talk about in SRP, something people NEED to understand is that it's SOME people in the community that are toxic, not the entire thing. For example, some people may say GangRP'ers are toxic, it's not true. SOME people are toxic and there are some people who are great people, but they can get lumped into this category of being toxic just by associating themselves with a community that has some toxic people. Another thing, people need to stop taking IC to OOC, it's a block game, it's a Minecraft ROLEPLAY server. If someone is complaining to me that I did something they didn't like ICLY and they are being hostile about it, I simply won't want to interact with you. Personally, I hate when people are mad at me, and when people get toxic over something I did in a block game, it really upsets me. People will sometimes say things in OOC bragging about their accomplishments or trying to call someone out for everyone to see, either your mad or just being a toxic person. Some things are meant to stay private, and you should not be trying to shame others for something they did in a block game. It's very hard to escape some of the toxicity, as no world is perfect and it will always have it's flaws. If you are a respectable person and have good server knowledge then you should be able to not be receiving any toxicity. But say you are all that BUT you are maybe a GangRP'er, or KPD. People might say be a little toxic to you just because you are involved in the GangRP community, or they might call you out for being in KPD for being 'Overpowered.' Unless they are explicitly being toxic, they are just trying to have fun and are unfortunately getting dragged into a situation they don't want to be in. People who let what happens in a video game affect their relationship with friends are simply not being a good friend. And don't critique peoples RP either, it can always improve and you can help them by pointing out some tips to help them, but don't be picking them apart in looc/ooc just because they didn't use a " for their words, or maybe they had a typo in their action, they might just laugh it off and make it seem like they don't care, but for all you know, it might hurt them.
Community standards..
I don't really know what I wanted to title this section.. But here we go.
DetailRP.. I enjoy DetailRP, but just cramming words into an action is not really improving the quality of your RP, it may not make sense or you might just be filling just to fill, but I also don't understand why people might not want to interact with you if you never DetailRP, how would they meet new server members if they only have really high standards for RP, and yes, people won't love to RP with people who don't know the rules or are FailRP'ing, but if someone new is trying to learn and stick with the rules but you won't interact since they are not 'Good enough' for you, then it's not fun! There are times for DetailRP, but sometimes you can just be simple. And by no means do I mean you should GangRP by doing /me hits head, but you don't need to be triple appending a /me action with 2 more triple appended /it's right after 100% of the time, and yeah you can do that with people who want to do that if it floats your boat, but some people just want to be simple.

Be nice people.
Touch grass.
Drink water.
Don't be an alcoholic (I'm not a hypocrite I swear)
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Level 86
Don't apply for a faction if you're just going to leave in the two months. Stop it. Let the people who actually want to be in that faction have their spots. - @HEXATICA
I agree with this hot take... my hot take is these;

- PLEASE listen to fearrp or the people in the event icly, it gets annoying if some event happens, and you don't listen. During 2023 October month long event, we had so many people not listening even when PD pulls up..
- During an event, don't pull out your main character detailrp /mes, I get you wanna act your character out but having three /me 3 appends is not something I want to see when an event is going on.. To me, it looks like words being crammed in just for the sake of 'oh, people are here, maybe I can get attention by detail rping a whole passage'
  • To add onto this, don't act like the main character, no one is..
  • Not relating to the event part, having your character have NO flaw and 'know' everything is quite boring of a character, every character has some sort of flaw, they're not magically someone so powerful and cool; you may be chill oocly but it only makes me feel weirded out when you feel the need to be a protagonist
  • Not acting your ic age... ex; a 13 year old somehow knowing such knowledge of complicated things that's way out of what a normal 13 year old would know, of course, there's exceptions to this but they're a literal child
Somewhat relating to fearrp, sometimes, srp characters just doesn't listen to ic parents and it gets somewhat annoying, I get rebellious phases but 24/7 starting screaming matches with them isn't something you'd commonly see in a family household; of course, it depends on the family's boundaries and such but it's a reason why I don't adopt srp kids like that willingly unless I have a plan in mind

2nd MANY & most players need to learn to SEPARATE IC FROM OOC, while also understanding that sometimes they do not have to be separated. -

TO ADD ON THIS, the reverse too! Oh my god, when I was EMS long ago, people would turn the therapies to OOC and it always makes me so uncomfortable as it's issues I've struggled on oocly most of the time, or people gets mad of a certain thing happening to a character although they have consented to it prior or was the character's consequences overall. I get you being emotional during a wholesome sad moment (Happens all the time to me, bro I cried over reading some people's detailed backstories as it was a heartache). People get too emotional and sensitive of their characters, I get it MAY be their comfort character but starting drama and issues over it oocly isn't cool bro, isn't cool


Level 108
Hot take. Might upset some.

People going "I'm leaving." and making a whole document and drama about it, is not needed. Either leave or stay, usually they come back after two weeks anyways.

Note: Alongside this hot take. When you have your character killed and then when you come back. Complain about said character being dead. Like just don't. Write them out. Have them on on extended vacation.
real. most the times jve left temporarily ive either not announced it or just made it breif or prewarned it.

for my hot take? being shit to mods or like staff when u get done for breaking rules, is jist fucking wrong. you did shit wrong. shushthefudgeup.

#2 the newer you are to gangrp, the worse u are BUT the more ****y you are.


Level 331
Let's address the elephant in the room

Keybinds are one of the tools that stain roleplay quality the most. I'm not talking about GangRP keybinds, as I won't debate whether or not they're necessary, but the ones that are simply dumb and shouldn't exist in the first place. I will list some of the ones I've seen
- "/me kidnaps cutely"
- "/me sniffles"
- "/itl f2b"

These kinds of keybinds will ALWAYS be considered UnseriousRP and result in punishment.

And no, doing /it void keybind is also not allowed. If you've accidentally triggered a keybind, roleplay out the consequences of it instead of trying to void it. Insta-voiding is a warnable offense. If you can't roleplay out your keybind and the only way to realistically continue roleplay is to void it, then you simply shouldn't have that keybind in the first place.

So do yourself a favor and get rid of the keybinds you don't need.

! salty

Level 51
real. most the times jve left temporarily ive either not announced it or just made it breif or prewarned it.

for my hot take? being shit to mods or like staff when u get done for breaking rules, is jist fucking wrong. you did shit wrong. shushthefudgeup.

#2 the newer you are to gangrp, the worse u are BUT the more ****y you are.
ehat is that last sentence kam.

! salty

Level 51
Let's address the elephant in the room

Keybinds are one of the tools that stain roleplay quality the most. I'm not talking about GangRP keybinds, as I won't debate whether or not they're necessary, but the ones that are simply dumb and shouldn't exist in the first place. I will list some of the ones I've seen
- "/me kidnaps cutely"
- "/me sniffles"
- "/itl f2b"

These kinds of keybinds will ALWAYS be considered UnseriousRP and result in punishment.

And no, doing /it void keybind is also not allowed. If you've accidentally triggered a keybind, roleplay out the consequences of it instead of trying to void it. Insta-voiding is a warnable offense. If you can't roleplay out your keybind and the only way to realistically continue roleplay is to void it, then you simply shouldn't have that keybind in the first place.

So do yourself a favor and get rid of the keybinds you don't need.
the '/me kidnaps cutely' has to be one of the cringiest keybinds ive seen icl

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