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Accepted Assistant Nurse | RebelZane1

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Level 53
Out-Of-Character Information

In Game Name:
I have three accounts, RebelZane, RebelZane_ and RebelZane1 I am applying for the one above.

Do you have discord?
Yes, it is RebelZane#7448

Message me anytime but I have been having issues where a friend request will not process at all and I will not receive it or sometimes I will send a friend request to someone on my end and the same thing happens and it will not go through at all so if you ever need to contact me a quick way it to either ask some people or just go to Karakura Academics discord and find me under High School Counselor as RebelZane_ you will most likely be able to message me from there.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
I have two bans on my main RebelZane, I will list them below;
Bypassing an AFK kick sometime in 2018, Im6 banned me
Duration: 1 hour
I was on a trip to Disney World for about a week and when I came back I got onto my computer because it was midday at the time and I saw my password to my account had been changed I fixed that and tried logging onto another server that I will not name and said was banned for "Hacking" I knew the person had installed hacks but I thought that was all that the person did until a week later I went AFK to get some ice cream I was AFK for about 10+ minutes and when I came back I was banned from SchoolRP and realized the person had installed not just one but a few since then I have changed my password a few times and changed my email to my account and no longer have an issue with it.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I am usually on everyday on weekends I am more active than on weekdays because I am at home all weekend and I don't have school, the gym, take care of the kitten who lives with my uncle which we visit on the weekdays and I am usually on the forums from 9 A.M - 11 P.M on Saturdays on my computer and on Sundays 9 A.M - 9:30 P.M also I do lay in bed and check the forums before falling asleep as I wait for myself to get tired and see what's new with the server and what's been going on like rule updates, announcements, etc, and the same go for the server usually on from 9 A.M - 11 P.M on Saturdays and 9 A.M - 9:30 P.M on Sundays but I do take breaks throughout those hours to eat, watch TV or do chores my mom wants me to do while she is working.

Also, my uncle works a lot during the weekdays so usually I am left in charge of watching the kitten who is very much playful and curious and my dog who might try to eat her but other than that I am usually free whenever I get home from his place. Also, if I go on a trip I will make sure I let you know the date period and how long I will be gone.

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
Assistant Nurse

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
The Assistant Nurse is usually the one that helps the head nurse with an issues he or she might face when treating a student that is injured and if the Head nurse is not around they must be there in order to help the students as much as they can and I am well aware some things a normal school nurse cannot handle as they might not have the equipment to treat the issue so they have to sometimes rely on Hospital staff to treat the student from any injuries he or she may have for example a broken leg that needs an x-ray and a cast and the school nurses do not have that type of equipment so the best they could do is give some paid medicine and ice it until either school is over or hospital staff arrives to treat the issue as much as they can. School nurses can be of big help when either a student ate something bad or just been attacked while on school grounds and might have a possible bruise from it, anything could happen being a school nurse so you must always be prepared as a student could come in anytime with a severe issue that they might need help with.

Sometimes they get thrown severe issues like for example a student with PTSD and haven't had any type of medicine that would be needed to help with the issue so the current nurse(s) would have to call EMS to help with the situation as he or she might be a threat to any other students having medical attention and the School Nurses trying to help the person out as much as possible.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:
Yes, I do reconise that I can be ICly fired and I will try my very best to be a good school nurse if accepted and be there for everyone.

Do you understand how to seriously roleplay?:
Yes, I have three accounts two of them it is a requirement to seriously roleplay in the family or I have a possible chance of getting removed and my other account is student councilor and you must also serious roleplay and I have been teacher twice and cop twice so I understand all of this.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been PE Teacher and History teacher which both have been very challenging for me but I still proceeded to go through it the best I can and I have been in the KPD twice as well and been in some higher up families which you need to have very good experience in roleplay and such, I have learned a lot about roleplay over the past four years of playing on the server and I continue to keep bettering myself in roleplay as the months and years go by.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:






Accepted / Denied










During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I would first ask them politely to stop if if they proceed to keep doing their actions issue an detention for the student and once it comes to detention time make sure the person handling either it would be me or an office manager, teacher, etc, if they understand why they are there and ensure he or she won't do this to another school staff member as it can lead to a suspension or being expelled if you are caught doing this many times and reported to the Principle or the Vice-Principle or the Dean if the student is a College Student.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
I would firstly think about the pros and the cons about the job he or she is asking me to do, is it worth doing something this hazardous or losing my job would ask myself which is worse and if losing my job is much more risky than the job I would gladly accept the job but still take necessary precautions to dealing with it, no matter if I need gloves, a gas mask due to a leak or some other issue I would do it but with the proper equipment to ensure my safety but I would also rarely decline what the Principal is asking of me due to the fact he or she is most likely asking me because no other person wanted to do it or no other person is around.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I would firstly try to calm them down by either taking them somewhere private to talk like the nurses office but with the door closed or even the break room anywhere a student might not come by and cause any disturbances of any kind, once we are there I would ask he or she whats wrong and what's causing this and how I would be able to help, if they do talk to you I would calm them down and be there for them and if they don't talk to me about anything give them some time to relax and think a bit before proceeding to leave the room and I would leave them alone for a bit in that case and come back when they are ready to tell me what's going on and be there for he or she.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
He acts very mannered and very much polite he would bow when greeting them when ever he enters the room and he is always there for everyone no matter if friend, co-worker, family, he is always there for them and making sure everything is alright, he usually enjoys talking with the others within the break room when needed but he mostly spends a lot of his time in the nurse's office as he should be in case of an issue that a student might have.

Provide us with at least 3 detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me He would get down on his knees examining the individuals leg checking for any bruises, or any indication that his leg might be broken he would then proceed to stand up and walk over to the counter and grabbing an ice pack and applying it to the persons leg

/me He would walk over the counter grabbing a cup of water, an ice pack and some pain medicine for the person to ensure the persons pain does go away for a bit, he would then hand the person a water bottle and some pain medicine before applying the icepack to the persons bruise

/me He would walk over to the counter grabbing anything soft the person might be able to hold as the person is having an anxiety attack and would try to calm the person down by giving the person a warm cloth thats not soaked with water.

Note: I would like to add the 3rd one is what I would do in case of an anxiety attack I am fully aware that not all people are the same when it comes to anxiety attacks.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name:
Colten S. Blackburn

Age (Minimum age is 25): 38

Title (Mr,Mrs,Miss): Mr.

Academic Degree: Bachelors

Year of Graduation:



Colten S. Blackburn
Colten was always a very smart boy from a young age he did excellent in both 5th Grade through 12 Grade in high school then onto college, he stood out from the rest and he always liked the thought of being able to help people and so he decided he would go to college for a nurse he always liked kids as well and hoped to have his own some day and when he graduated High school he applied for a college located in Tokyo, Japan that's where he met Viktoria a young girl about his age after about a year of being friends they decided to try dating and things went well until the day before graduation from college he proposed to Viktoria at age 24 years old soon after they had their first child Ryder who later became a jock in his later high school life then came, Kiri but that was it then they adopted two others both in college at age 36 and after that he has been living with his wife and 4 kids and now is a nurse at Karakura High School though he first thought about dropping out of college until Viktoria pushed him to keep going and here he is today and very thankful for all the support from his family, wife and kids.

Though he doesn't have his biological parents still around he still pushes forward to help people and be the best he can be for both friends, strangers and family though most of his side of the family are dead he is still very active at helping people as much as he can. Though he did want to quit at the start but Viktoria kept encouraging him to keep doing the best he could do.

To this day he still loves his wife and kids and everyone who kept pushing him through the worst of times.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
He had heard about this school after college when he was looking at possible places to use his degree at Karakura High School stood out to him because of how the environment was and how well the organized the school and decided to apply at age 38 for the schools nurse.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I feel I am an good candidate because I have extra roleplay experience in a lot of things actually, I spend a lot of my time on the server having fun or even just talking with friends I am also a very friendly person and I support the staff team the best I can even though I do get hate for that sometimes but I still don't stop. I am also a very trustful person within the SchoolRP community and I am still going strong as much as I can, I have also been in the KPD twice and Teacher twice so I have seen first hand law work and first hand Karakura School Work.


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Sorry if this is shorter than most of my applications its late at night when I am writing this and I would like to sit down with my dog and watch TV.

Do you have any questions?:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Assistant Nurse, there's just a few steps left in order to get your role in discord and in-game.

- Ensure that you're in the Karakura Academics Discord
Make sure to @KimiNoUso#9999 in #roles to receive your role

- Request your role via forums [CLICK HERE]

- I'm aware that you've had faculty roles previously within the school and I'm willing to give you a shot.
- A minor note, School Nurses cannot carry any kinds of medication on them; more information on that will be available to you when you gain access to the discord channel(s).

If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me on Discord.
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