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lyriddd | BMD Application


Level 136




Previous bans/warns/kicks:
As far as warns go, I have been warned for FailRP by Prosthetics during a GangRP situation in 2021, and a warn for spamming in 2022 by Customable. Both warns I’ve learned from and will not repeat.

List any applications you have created on the forums:


Black Market Dealer Application (Via Forum Conversation)
Black Market Dealer Application (Via Forum Conversation)

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server heavily depends on the workloads I have both ICly and OOCly. Typically I’ll spend just about 3-6 hours online SRP whether I’m tabbed out or not. While I am online, I do my best to contribute to the factions I am currently a part of in any capacity I can. Also being a part of the build team, I spend a great deal of my time planning and creating events or redoing builds for other people. Lastly, in my free time I absolutely love spending my time roleplaying and talking to newer players of the server. I do my best to show them the ropes of the game and help them make friends so that they can continue to enjoy the server. Although I do have an OOC job, it does not hinder my SchoolRP gameplay in the slightest.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????) and if you have a microphone:
My discord is Nfin#5591, and I do have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I currently live in the United Kingdom, my time zone being GMT/BST.

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
My motivation lies in the fact that I have always wanted to participate in something larger within the crime community. I feel that I am more than qualified in taking on this position, and I have the passion required to fulfill any obligations to the best of my ability. I wish to create outstanding and complex events that develop lore within not only the Black Market but also within the crime roleplay community itself.

Secondly, one of my biggest things when applying for teams like the Black Market, Event team, Build team, and other factions is that I wish to hear out and bring the community's ideas to life. I avidly enjoy hearing out what gangs and other organizations have to say about the current systems of SchoolRP, and do my best to bring their dreams on SRP to life. Several members of the roleplay community never get to voice their concerns in regards to events either because they don’t know how or they don’t know who to approach. I would like to be that person criminal roleplayers can come to in order to discuss different criminal related events and perhaps come to a compromise where those events can actually be brought to life (of course all of this being with the permission of the current crime lead).

Lastly, I feel I have a plethora of ideas that can greatly benefit the faction. I wish for my ideas and concepts to be brought to life. I’ve wanted to be a part of the Black Market since 2021, and I believe that with my passion and knowledge of the crime faction as well as the ideas I have along with it provides me the motivation to complete this job to the best of my ability. I avidly enjoy debating the rules with players and staff as well as helping create a better environment for the community.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I believe I have a plethora of strengths that can greatly benefit the crime faction. From my IC ties to important public figures to OOC capabilities, I believe I am able to exceed the expectations of that of a Black Market Dealer. What I can provide is solid event concepting, turf creation, and overall build practice amongst the BMD. Every criminal situation that happens on SRP always piques my interest. I do my best to update myself on the criminal/combat roleplay rules as well as updating myself with the regulations despite not actually being a part of a gang myself.

That said, I have loads of free time on me constantly. Working from home has opened up quite a bit opportunities in regards to how I can spend my time. I can guarantee that I will have more than enough time to take on a position such as BMD. I feel I have earned enough trust within the community and staff to take on a position in which both helps control the economy and help a faction grow. Lastly, I believe I have enough more experience within the crime faction than most applicants, and have a unique way of handling situations ICly, as well as handling OOC situations as professionally as possible.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I’ve been in several factions whilst on SRP and currently hold a few higher-up positions that require me to work closely in teams. Being on the build team has taught me quite a bit of teamwork etiquette, as well as shop owning and being in the government faction. I am able to adapt and go along with any changes a faction leader makes, and I am not afraid to give my input where I respectfully see fit. Not only this, I also have OOC experience in teamwork as my job requires me to work in several different teams.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
My suggestions will be divided into sections.


One of the top problems with the crime faction is OOC knowledge on CombatRP and general CriminalRP. More often than not tickets will be created asking for assistance on rules that are either a bit vague or unwritten. What I’m suggesting is a full on rules forum post similar to the terminology and server rules we have for the entirety of the server, but this time for Combat/CriminalRP. The main purpose of this post would be bringing light to the “unwritten” rules of Gang Roleplay. Though this is merely a rough draft, this is how I imagine the post to be categorized according to subheadings:

Combat Roleplay
  • Explaining turns
  • Rolling amounts
  • P2L
  • Roll combat
  • Initiative
  • Safe Zones
  • Actioning from different directions
  • Approaching
  • Different actions (sweeping, chokehold, etc)
  • Realism
  • Police
  • Range (Potentially add an example spoiler of in game references)

  • Mugging
  • Minor
  • Major
  • KPS
  • Consented permissions
  • Permission passing guidelines

Criminal Roleplay
  • Crime and age
  • Weaponry (potentially add a spoiler of weapon profiles here)
  • Weapon statistics
  • OOC Gang rules
  • OOC Gang conduct

Unverified Gangs
  • Information
  • Rules
  • Perks

Verified Gangs
  • Information
  • Rules
  • Perks



A BMD run exclusive once a year event that would occur in a location not even known by the police themselves. This event would entail the auctioning of extremely valuable custom weapons (weapons that are either one of a kind or no longer obtainable). This event would tailor exclusively to that of verified gangs and possibly unverified gang leaders. The auction will be majorly silent, where players who decide to take part will simply raise their hand should they choose to bid. If all goes well, bids will increase all the way to millions of yen for a singular special designed weapon. The BMD(s) who will lead this auction will all be dressed in the same attire, each with a different mask.



No, not an actual CITY, merely the powerplant version of the sewers. This would take up one of the largest rooms of the sewers, allowing what looks like an entire “marketplace” of sorts. Black market deals could go down in here, as well as the entire area being labeled as a danger zone as the power plant is. Attached in a spoiler would be a reference image of the build. The build would have a few smaller rooms for criminal meetings, fights, hostage taking, gambling and more. This area would be heavily surveillanced by the Black Market, where there is absolutely no cell phone service. With this, the power plant would also be adjusted to fit the above ground more “legal” side of criminal roleplay. This would drive crime underground and provide a more realistic point of view. The location would not have a name, although some would choose to call it “The Underground”.

Should the crime faction ever allow gang run verified criminal businesses, this location would be ideal for stations and meetings.


Sewers dead zones and more:
(I am aware this is on the trello for weakened cell phone signal, this suggestion is catered in specific to the sewers)

This would entail creating regions in specific areas of the sewers via a plugin that jams the signal of all cell phones and radios (This would not include the police distress signal). Areas of the map with jammed signal would be directed towards more popular areas of the sewers such as the riverside area, powerplant, and more. Upon entering the region, you'd receive a message in game saying something along the lines of:

[SchoolRP] Dead Zone: Your cell phone service seems to be poor.

While leaving the region, the same message will appear indicating that you once again have service. With this plugin, the region would disallow normal civilians to use their cell phones to text and call, and the police/hospital staff would not be able to utilise their radios. Some areas of the sewers could even have a "weakened" signal (as being worked on in the trello), where texts would not send, however calls would break up. Lastly, the purpose of this suggestion is to add a sense of realism and danger to both criminal and police roleplay. Your character would have to make the decision on whether or not they want to enter an area to act on permissions or pursue criminals in a zone where they cannot call for backup.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I educate myself on all topics weekly.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I understand this.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I understand this.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I understand this.


Full Legal NameYuri Kurabu
Criminal Alias'LOKI'
Gender/Marital StatusFemale, Divorced
Ethnicity/RaceAsian, Italian-Japanese
Known LanguagesJapanese, Japanese Sign Language
Former Associations/OccupationsBAKUTO, Psychology Professor
Highest level of EducationBachelors degree in Music theory, Psychology, Sociology
Physical/Mental AilmentsSociopathic Tendencies (NOT CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED)

Known Family MembersRelationsWhereabouts
Mevy KurabuDaughter (Adopted)DECEASED
Richard Santiago KurabuNephewLIFE IN PRISON
Kenzo ConstantineEx-FianceDECEASED
Kodo KurabuCousinDECEASED
Zen LueEx-HusbandDECEASED
Gianna LueDaughter (Blood)DECEASED

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Yuri Kurabu is a stunning individual. Some might think she wouldn’t dare step foot in the criminal world. However she bears the expression of a right sociopath. Accompanied by jet black hair and a terrifying crisp, clear blue in her eyes, Yuri carries herself well in her usual outstanding glamorous attire. She likes to draw attention to herself in any situation. Ms Kurabu weighs approximately 148 pounds, with a height of five feet and eight inches. Lastly, Kurabu is decorated in hidden traditional tattoos, with plenty of miscellaneous scars across her arms.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
She is the villain of every movie. Even if she doesn’t have power, she puts on a face that convinces anyone she can get whatever she wants. Ms. Kurabu is a businesswoman with a talent for getting inside people's heads. Abusing her degree in sociology and psychology, she utilizes words far more than her physical capabilities. Most who have come across Yuri would say that she displays an odd behavioral pattern, one that pursues the path of anarchy all the while making everything into her personal game. Yuri is cutthroat and always willing to consider every business opportunity that strikes her interest. She admires the art of psychological torture and manipulation. In her eyes, no matter what as long as she can get inside her victims heads, she has already won. Yuri values good business over realistically anything. Meaning she will go wherever the money takes her as long as she can put on a good show. Nothing will entertain this sociopathic woman more than to see an individual take on a deadly gamble. That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Yuri Kurabu is a sociopath, a psychological manipulator that will stop at nothing until she gets what she desires. However it was never like that to begin with. Starting her journey to becoming a criminal mastermind 13 years ago, Yuri Kurabu didn’t even exist. A lovely, energetic Italian-Japanese woman by the name of Ella Mirena had just started her journey to Japan in order to pursue an educational career of teaching high school students musical theory. With the age of only 23 years old, she was loved by most of her students with the attitude you would never expect to turn into that of a serial killer’s mentality. There was nothing special about this woman, in fact she had the most normal childhood you’ve ever seen. Miss Mirena loved her life in Takashima, up until the day she caught the attention of the city’s most criminally oriented family, the ▇▇▇▇▇. Push came to shove, and Ella’s life was on the line.

With her life being threatened by the ▇▇▇▇▇, she was forced to abandon everything she’d held dear to her and leave Takashima. After fleeing the city, she’d promise herself she’d never come back. Ella pursued a new career in Osaka, Japan in psychology and sociology for three years. Until receiving a call from an old friend, she decided to change her name, appearance and return to the city where she was once driven out. Upon returning to what was now called Karakura, Yuri Fukushima at the age of 26 discovered that the friend that had called her, Morghan Anne, was in fact found dead in her own residence.

Torn between fleeing the city once more and returning to figuring out the death of her best friend, Fukushima decided it was best to stay and investigate the potential murder of her colleague as a college professor. Teaching psychology to students, Yuri eventually met her first love, Kezin Constantine. After dating Kezin for around a year, and eventually becoming engaged, Yuri had walked home to find her fiance missing. Days of searching turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. It was then Yuri found out via the police that her husband was found dead, he had been dead for a long time.

Devastated by the news, Yuri’s life began to alter bit by bit. The more she had lost the most important things to her, the more she had developed a dry sense of coldness to the environment around her. It was then Fukushima was given an outlet, somewhere to express the rage she had for the city that had taken everything from her. The criminal organization Bakuto took her in, where she’d specialized in undercover operations and scamming. Though she had quit her job as a professor, Yuri still remained a part of the city, for reasons not even she could formulate for herself. If it couldn’t get any better, Yuri had found love yet again. Falling for one of her fellow colleagues in Bakuto, Yuri at the age of 28 had settled down with Zen Lue, where they’d married and had a beautiful daughter, Gianna together. Yuri had climbed the ranks in Bakuto, landing herself a higher-up position where she’d soon learn the horrors of Bakuto’s dealings. It was almost ironic her unsurprised reaction was.

Push came to shove, and as history repeated itself, Yuri’s family was once again ripped away from her. Returning home from a meeting to one dead husband and daughter, Yuri snapped. One death after another, she’d eventually inherit the organization that drove her to remain in the city. By the age of 33, Her tendencies became unpredictable, her mood was less than neutral. Yuri drove Bakuto into the ground due to a blind rage that had clouded her judgment. The anger she had towards the deaths of her family turned into sheer amusement. Yuri found joy in other people’s suffering. The gambles she took in life became a game. She found an uncomfortable sense of happiness in watching other people’s minds tear themselves apart. Finally, Yuri Kurabu was born.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
An individual on Yuri’s hit list has been spotted reselling black market brand weaponry. Yuri decided to confront the situation herself after confirming their location. She sets off to the location immediately...

It was three in the morning when Yuri sat down at the same table as Mr. Ogawa.
“Good evening, mind if I take a seat?” She’d say calmly, a warm expression across her face.

Mr Ogawa of course accepted her offer
“Not at all Miss…?”

“Kurabu, a pleasure to meet you!” Yuri would confess as she sat down across from Ogawa. “What brings you here to the store this late at night?”

The two watched a bystander walk past the store. “Nothing really, I like to grab a newspaper from time to time. Had a lot on my mind.”

Yuri nodded in agreement “Ah, we must have similar taste then!” She’d smile along with the conversation, her gloved hands shuffling to a bowl of noodles she had set down in front of her.

A couple walked by, smiling and gesturing to each other. One would hold their hat down as a gust of wind blew by
. “I must say I appreciate the company, life has been a bit stressful so small talk like this is comforting in its own way… despite it being so late at night.”

Yuri’s warm expression faded slightly, “I just remembered… I have something to take care of.” She’d say, standing up.

“Oh? Do you need any assistance? I don’t mind walking you to where you need to go.”

Yuri offered a smile, though this one bore the face of an amused sociopath. “Oh I appreciate it, however I don’t believe it’s necessary. Our meeting has already come to an end.” In the blink of an eye, she had already slipped a pocket knife from her sleeve and had thrown it directly into the man’s heart.

Leaving the bowl of ramen on the table, and the pocket knife in the man’s chest, she’d simply walk away from the scene into the night.
“Good evening.”

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
I am aware of my “involvement” ICly with Gang roleplay, however I would like to express that I have a genuine passion for the faction and have always had that expressed passion since 2021. Should I get accepted, I will greatly improve activity within the criminal community and do more than just reply to criminal forums and answer crime related questions.
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Level 92

Thank you for taking the time to apply.
After discussions with my BMDs, I have chosen to deny this application.

If you would like more information regarding this denial feel free to direct message me on discrord at LEWK#0666

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