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RickBoughtThis: Officer Application (Mxxkie's 2nd)


Level 154

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

My in-game name is RickBoughtThis. This account is one of my alts. My other accounts consist of Mxxkie, Wxxkie, and Fxxkie.

Previous bans:

I have none on this account, but I do have one on my main account, Mxxkie. However, it dates back to early 2020 and since then, I have grown and flourished within the SRP community. I’d rather not go into the details, but if need-be, I can discuss them in dms.

Describe your activity on the server:

I would say I’m extremely active on the server and the discords. I’ve been playing since 2019. I’ve held and still hold positions such as Councillor, Baseball-Captain, Journalist/Club Leader, HD for Professor twice, and Governor. With these roles, I have many responsibilities to attend to and not a single day goes by that I’m not at least on one of these accounts. I manage to find a balance relatively well.

Which timezone are you in?

I currently reside in the EST timezone in the United States of America.

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag

Fortunately, I do! My discord is Mxxkie#1975.

Do you have a microphone [Required]:

I do as well! I’m able to speak if need be and luckily from what I’ve heard, I’m intelligible.

List your current and past applications:

This is my first application on this account, however, I plan on also applying for a language or two. Below are my applications from my other accounts!

(Wxxkie) (Accepted) (Accepted) (Accepted)

(Mxxkie) (Accepted) (Accepted)

Journalist Application sent via dms (Accepted) (Accepted) (Accepted) (Denied) (Denied) (Denied) (Pending)

(Fxxkie) (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying is to gain knowledge. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon of them all and if you hold information, you hold all the cards. In accordance with gaining knowledge, I hope to branch further out in terms of roleplay. As a Governor, I’ve merely just begun to get into the “city” side of SRP and in order to continue on this venture, I believe entering this faction will help me in my endeavour. I believe I’ll enjoy this, as I served on both councils within a nine-month period. While on the council, it was my daily duty to enforce school law and ensure the safety of my peers. I was able to develop my own approach that granted me a lot of recognition by those around me. For the character I’ll be applying for, I couldn’t see any other future for; and who knows, I might just make even more friends along the way!

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

After careful study, brought on upon my appointment as a Governor, I can safely say I understand Japanese law relatively well.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

After extensive study of the force in action, I can say that officers are meant to protect and serve. They enforce law and keep order, ensuring the public’s safety and wellbeing. There are several different ranks and branches and though they differ in name, their first duty is to the people of Karakura and their safety. While ensuring the safety of their community is priority one, they’re also supposed to be members of the community as well, building strong relations with the populace. An officer’s duty is to keep the peace while maintaining a good image and keeping the citizens content.

Along with maintaining order by seeking out the bad in Karakura, sometimes they have special roles to attend to. For example, depending on the situation, they have to serve as an entourage for certain governmental workers or as guards during court hearings. Furthermore, they have to be prepared for major events. For example, the riot that rocked KPD. Officers dawned their riot gear and after a brief period, managed to rescue Madam Governor Sturm from the clutches of the mob and pushed them back, retaking the station and quelling the attack.

Officers of today have an especially important role within Karakura. With the scandalous nature of the late Commissioner Herrington, the KPD has slowly, but surely, been rebuilding its image. The officers of tomorrow must be pious and personable; ready to give the KPD a good name and to be proud of the badge they dawn every day.

Why are the Police important to SchoolRP?

As stated previously, officers are meant to keep the peace. Without them, there is no law, no order, chaos. Gangs would run the streets, people would be afraid to leave their own homes, the police are the ones to keep the bad at bay while raising up the community around them.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Indeed I do, I’ll do my best to ensure that my activity is exceptional and that I don’t see demotion!

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

I agree! Though I have tasks to attend to, I’ll see to it that it does not interfere with police work! I’m willing to change my schedule around it!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?

Indeed and I will do my best to see to it that I attend every training!

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Correct! To be an officer, one must have thick skin, and after dealing with troublemakers while on council, I can say I’ve grown mine. It’s a game at the end of the day and I can’t let toxicity get to me. If something is truly getting to me, interfering with my work, I will ensure that the proper H.Us are notified.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Mookie is a brawn and beefy male of Malagasy descent. He has brown, penny-like skin akin to his siblings and relatives; some of which include Sif, Tyrone, Aston, and Seb. He’d also sport dark greyish-blue eyes. His most notable feature, however, would be his long box dreads; a mirage of black and dyed blue. Furthermore, his set color scheme consists of a handful of colors, blue, gunmetal grey, purple, white, black, and an accent of gold. He never really strays from these colors which makes his form consistent throughout the years. Continuing forward, I believe Mookie is relatively well known within the community. Serving as a councillor for several months, he was introduced into the world of SRP and all its rich characters. He also serves as the Lead Journalist and the Spartan Baseball Captain.

What they're like on and off the job?

Both on and off the job, Mookie is personable. He prefers to resolve situations, not just dish out punishments; to talk things out, not just slap on cuffs. Though a bit more goofy than his peers, opting to have a handful of one-liners on hand, when it’s time to get serious, Mookie’s all business.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

One of Mookie's strongest attributes is his ability to listen to others, championing their ideas and even altering his plan around their viewpoints. In any given situation, he'll do his best so that all parties are happy. Coming into a slightly unfamiliar environment, Mookie will keep his mouth shut and ears open. Like a sponge, he'll soak up all the knowledge, absorb every lesson taught and gain experience. His peers, his superiors, they know the ropes, so why not learn from them? He's always taking inspiration from those around him and in turn, applies those lessons to himself. Overall, being personable and a fast learner, Mookie enjoys being around his coworkers and making the best of any situation; even if they loathe his puns.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Akin to the rest of his family, the Aldridges, Mookie too hails from Madagascar. When being brought up, he was taught by his parents, Nadia and Rafael, that the most important thing in life was education; followed shortly after by good manners, being respectful, and being a good person. His mother, Nadia, taught him some of the sweeter lessons in life while his father took after ingraining discipline and obedience within him.

After coming to Karakura, Mookie and his siblings shortly stayed with his uncle, Sebastian. Seb served on the police force in Karakura, lieutenant at one point. Like his father and uncle, Mookie developed a passion for keeping things orderly and a respect and admiration for authority. Exploring this path further, he found himself in the high school student council and months later, would go on to join the college council and even later on, becoming a T.C lead. While within the council, he saw over four students expelled, four dozen or so suspended, and countless held in detention all over a nine-month period. Furthermore, he took his knowledge and shared it with others, training just a quarter short of a dozen councillors. It was through his work that he first made a name for himself, regarded highly by troublemakers and peers alike for his more laid-back, yet still serious demeanor. Often, he played both sides, always to his advantage; able to manipulate the situation so that both parties were usually happy in the end. It was through this that he learned how to handle confrontation and secure what he wants in a given situation.

While serving time in college, he also started work at Sayonara; a gift shop located in the rear of the Shopping District. It was here that he was able to save up enough to get his own place. It’s also a testament to his ability to learn things with haste as he was working his first shift, five minutes after being hired; and this being his first job, he only had those five minutes to figure out how everything worked. Needless to say, he was a natural.

While transitioning out of council, Mookie found himself entering the Journalist Club. He found a new passion in writing, teaching, exploring and providing entertainment for his peers. This struck a chord with his superiors and he found himself promoted. After a few months, he had become the lead and had to make it his own. Since then, he has led the club for a decent amount of time.

Around this time, at least the latter half, Mookie decided to try out for baseball. His brother, Tyrone was, so Mookie decided to as well. To his surprise, he was accepted. A few practices came and went and he was promoted to Co-Captain. While on the team, he made a plethora of friends and after several months, he would come to be the Captain of the team.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Keiko Aldridge

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Mr. Aldridge

Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:






IC Phone number:


Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:


Working Experience:

Cashier at Sayonara

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:



Criminology, Criminal Justice


Psychology, Crime-scene Etiquette

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Japanese & Korean

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