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Denied SoulAnatomic | Governor Application


Level 91

In-game Name:


Previous bans (include appeal links):

No recent bans or warns. I had a few warnings when I was sampling with the server rules and a ban long ago. But I have learnt from the mistakes :3

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:

I do, however, I try to reduce my speaking during VC due to my voice..

Timezone & Country:

GMT+1/+3 (depending on my studies time and work)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Application List:
[Accepted][Accepted][Accepted][Accepted][Accepted][Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted]
[Accepted] [Accepted]
[Denied][Denied][Denied][Denied][Denied]▌a-new-crime-role-▌hacker-▌ඞ-▌.53492/ [Denied] [Denied]
[Denied] [Denied]
[Denied] [Denied] [Denied]

Describe your activity on the server:

I am a comeback player to SRP. I used to be a part of a wide range of communities. After a break, I decided to continue the trip in SRP and focus my knowledge of acting and gaming based on leisure time in different spheres.

Before leaving SRP I was an active interior designer in Misfits Tailoring and a Manager, additionally, I did partake rp in the Baseball team of college, worked in different shops and became a part of Karakura school [Tutor, professor role].
Another contribution to the server I have made is making variety of proposals for events and even shared my experience of detail RP at a time. (see:

I have helped over 15 new players adapt to the environment and help them get along with the system.

I have constantly engaged with players and assisted them with minor things such as interiors, and backstory writings, I have once written lore for Ketsueki Family and Hayashi Clan. (You can verify this with ReaperLove#0810)

Just recently I got accepted to Journalism club on my other account NoS0UL_, and I expect to thrive writing fun, and content worth articles for the community!

With this, I can confirm that I validly grew in server reputation and vouch to follow server rules. If you have any questions regarding my validation, feel free to contact me.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:

To create a engaging and community benefiting character! A character which would ensure team in providing strategic and operational guidance to leadership and on a variety of complex and sensitive issue sets like criminal offense cases, regulating debate talks etc… Governor Character I would create would be made for something I have never tried before. I have never engaged with political roleplay on straight SRP player terms (only watched from side), however, I do have wide range readings done on Governors and Justice experience. I seek to contribute to ICLY world by initiating active character, which would reach out the given working governor's criteria and demonstrate given tasks.

OOCLY, I would like to join the team because I wish to discover more plays that SRP offers. I have been client of this community for long time now. I have already engaged with most of School based roles and currently completing role of Journalism club. I seek to strive my curiosity to grow in detail RP and make even more wise plays among the players. Personally, I am intrigued with idea, creating a biography with story that will elevate within SRP time of character that I will wield (not to flex but according views one of my character Biographies does come in top 25 based on views, meaning people do engage with what I write). This lead me inspiration to create a story of working governor, engaging with daily live between justice and unlawful events, enjoying the play and at the same time working together with the team.

Talking about detective stories and crime, I would say sorting community wise cases like law courts would be intriguing to part-take. However, applying for lawyer or judge, I would like to see the nature of ICLY lore team factions create. I have a relatively good image of governors, yet I am always happy to learn and grow in this field as it is advantageous for my detailing growth of roleplay.

Lastly, earn ICLY money to sponsor a bigger place in town where expanded lore of character happens and would be open for other players too.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I have read and understood constitute scripts of Karakuran Law and I have read through different government bodies on lore. Whilst new to the area, I am keen to keep lawful-ethical-based character and always happy to learn new ideas about the fraction as such!

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

As a character I devise through RP, the main key is to fulfill their given duties. Potentially engage in eventful RP, experience vast engagement with players: from normal conversations, and case solving, to being endured with criminal offence world.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

Governor’s Skillset:
Rhetorical & Public Speaking,Ability to RP out long conversation within the work frame.
Constructively and Critically adapt in actioning ICLY conversations involving law, crime, citizen queries.
Creativity to use emotes in actioning.
Understanding of Government biased Safety Policy and EthicalityFollowing server linked OOC and ICLY rules.
Keeping track of city lore and try to develop in on ICLY base to liven up player-base of interest.
Basic crucifying factors of ****ytics in Economic DevelopmentUnderstanding of Town’s economic policy, contrasting venues with KPD, EMS, School, Shrine and other legalized businesses of the town.
Applying Economical knowledge in public service and public events.
Basis of Lawful EnforcementAbility to demonstrate teamwork in the governor faction to initiate alert of risks (risks that may impact the city); Contrasting it with identification of the risk, preventing the spread of the risk, prosecuting citizens from the risk.
Coop with KPD, the judiciary, and basic control of town system during the risks.
The framework of bodies that impact and run the city on legalize termsKeeping track of town shops, tower businesses, other factions… that create ICLY power of economy and use it in case of required interactions. (side skill, that could be used during acceptance of new businesses like opening a Tailoring server as a company on SRP)
Community ServiceEngage with local town events, traditions, need to serve citizens and public areas.
Governors are responsible for providing legal IDs to citizens and registering each character by their full name, finger print, blood type and age.
Community and Work Biased Event PlanningAssist team in planning casual and new events for town, secure productivity and high-level of accessibility for diverse communities to it.
Strategic PlanningRemain serious RP when interacting with lore-wise events and devote ****ytical thinking, in solving cases.
Provide alleviated ideas and more.
A Governor would hold a wide range of skillset as mentioned above in the table. From my experience and observations this is highly crucial role to the Town Hall, which is main-hold of law and power of city, the public face which is lead by control bodies within the fraction. From ICLY facts that I know on SRP. Governor is wielding responsibility in filing criminal court cases, assisting worker providing with valid statement evidence and appealing participation in local town estate.

If I miss out on any points of governor I am always happy to learn more about it!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

I do and understand my responsibility to remain active and productive for the fraction.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

I do and I am giving my vouch to illuminate your expectations above the average and create fun time RP with serious ICLY engagement!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

I confirm that I am aware and agree to the terms.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

I have read and keep the track of updates on the faction rules and willing to fully follow them for RP wise.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

While I might get busy at times, I will always find time to arrange attendance for events, as long as I am aware of upcoming events a week or 5 OOC days before it. I am not biggest fan last minute calls, however, if I am available I will attend at the case too.



Full name:
Caroline D’Liani

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:
Economic // Bachelor’s Diploma + internship // XXX-YYY University

Psychology of Organizational control // Master’s // XXX-YYY University

Human Resources (MSc) 2 years + 1 year of practice report in a company // XXX-YYY University, faculty of Implemented modern Law and Ethics

Economics (BSc hons) 3 years + 1 year integrated work at Korean Car industry as a finance secretary, completed with bachelors report finalise-statement. // XXX-YYY University, faculty of Life and Science

Work experience:
When I was a student I began my career path as economist, working in a car company as finance head of department. After end of contract I decided to swap my career path and began exploring law in psychology. I stumbled upon human resourcing and law fields, I completed my degree and had a year trial practice with XXXX-YYYY governmental body organization where I lead a team of intern politics. After successful completion of the trial I was offered a permanent position at the state, yet, I wanted something different, thus after some research I found about Katakura and was fascinated by it’s history. Now I seek to devote my upcoming years of life to this town and will spare no strength, to helping community grow in the field I specialize the best. After I spent my time running online company that was specializing in Health insurance and studying Karakura’s law before becoming eligible to apply in.

Political background:
My Family background comes from mixed branches, one being traditional doctor family and other one repelling Korean Food industry that was lead for 3 generations now. I personally was not intrigued by these area, so I decided to search my field. Seeing the reports of Karakura life was the first inspiration to lit my professional candle, and motivated me to put my efforts in researching more law based experience. Whilst I never had parental influence for politics, growing and developing my career lead to be inspired by governor’s position. I moved to Karakura years ago and while doing online work I discovered certain points that I could assist town hall to improve in and be a potential team member who will sort citizen queries.

Nationality & born location:
Dual Nationality

  • Korean (primary by birth)
  • Japanese (secondary after moving and working in Tokyo)

[!]Parental data[!] Mother – Korean (Co-owner of Korean food industry) 59 y.o. // Father – Japanese (Lead of private clinic institute) 61 y.o.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Korean (Native)



Criminal record:

[!] Attached file is found on passport number, given access by international law gates. Caroline D’Liani has initiated and won a court case against ****/abuse matter, against XXXXX-YYYY 36 year old male from Korea [!]

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

According to my skillset and academic achievements I am more than average applicant for this application. I am strategic and logic based ****ytic that can sort any rational cases accorded to my portfolio. As someone who worked within Human Resources department, I was taught to work with deception and fast-paced report building to solve queries. I am always happy to hear out criticism and reflectively response in most ethical manner. Facing unexpected emergencies is not something I worry about. Remaining calm I will find the key answer to most problems that will appear in my path. My critical thinking could be explained through an example. Hypothetically, if I were put to deal with scenario where I stumble upon a coworker, who is higher in position then me, abusing power against a citizen I would resolve it in most ethical manner by contacting the head of department and emergency lines and wait for their directions, if I were faced to interfere physically in the case I would front the coworker and ask him of the happening situation, listening to both sides for an answer, I would only then make a final decision.

On the contrary, position of governor requires a deep-rooted will to serve the public and a strong foundation of relevant experience. I am driven by a passion to create positive change and make a meaningful impact on the lives of the people in the state of Karakura. My primary goal as governor would be to promote economic prosperity and social well-being. I already have declared my suitability with academic achievement in economy and policy, just as working within a enclosed body company which you are free to contact for evidence. I believe in fostering an environment that encourages innovation, attracts investments, and creates job opportunities for the residents of our state. By implementing policies that support small businesses, investing in infrastructure, and promoting sustainable industries, we can stimulate economic growth and improve the quality of life for all citizens.

You may see me as governal newbie, nevertheless I am exceptional choice as I tend to focus on progression of activities within social circle interest. As phenomenal accountant ****ytic I am inspired by strong desire to learn from best examples. Examples that I have discovered in the working leaders of this town. You have lighten my heart and spirit to join Town Hall Family and become a loyal servant of local state. Seeking in hard-working and potential candidates, look no further I will ensure the competitive spirit of changes and deliver most exclusive ideas and efforts managing, supporting and creating the town.

Still editing while have time
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:​
  • Another application stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again anytime!​

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