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Surgeon Application | wkoi


Level 27

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
I have two previous bans that had taken place on my main account, atkoi. They had happened near the time I had first joined SRP in late July to early August of 2021. The first ban that had taken place was due to a misunderstanding and, upon further investigation, it had been lifted immediately. The second ban had been classified as unserious roleplay. Since then I've educated myself accordingly to the rules and I've had a clean record.

Describe your activity on the server?:
When it comes to my activity on the server, I'm fairly consistent in what I do. Last month my activity on the server had dropped due to being hit directly by Hurricane Ian. I'd been physically unable to get on the server from the 29th of September up to the 28th of October. Since returning to SRP with internet, I've been slowly working back up to my usual amount of activity. When I hop on SRP, I tend to be found playing on two accounts at once. It varies on which one I use, although I'm always finding ways to roleplay or contribute to the community. When online, my general activity is role playing with others and at times I can be found building for others or partaking in events. I have five accounts that I currently use, including the one I am applying for. The accounts in-game names are atkoi, wkoi, frogmochi, uhkoi, and athearts. Atkoi is my main account, and it's used as the Spartan baseball captain. My frogmochi and athearts accounts are both high school accounts, uhkoi is a Governor, and wkoi is my priest account.
I’ve taken part in many of the roles the server had to offer, my first role being a teacher on wkoi. I worked my way up quickly through my time as a teacher, eventually earning my Qualified Teacher role before eventually leaving the faction due to needing a break. I’d eventually applied the wkoi account for EMS on SchoolRP as a surgeon and I’d been in the faction for as long as I could, exceeding expectations and breaking records in my quotas. I believe my time as a surgeon was one of my happiest. On my uhkoi account I was a lawyer. The account eventually had been applied to be a governor and the application had been put on pending due to lack of space at the time. The application was on pending for four months before eventually being denied. In that time I had applied to various other roles on the server.

My most notable moments on the server were the ranks I’d taken part of with the community team. I’d applied to be a builder on my main account and as such I’ve built various event maps and props. I’ve built shops for players and done interior decorations in apartments and houses once those were introduced. My second main/highly active alt, wkoi, was applied and accepted to be a 3D modeler for the server. My time here was spent making customs for players, mostly specializing in cars. A majority of my activity overall outside of my current predicament is solid, and I’ve worked hard on my activity from the ground up to gain a positive reputation when it comes to my activity in roles. When I'm not role playing on the server, I'm found lurking through the various discord servers related to School RP and figuring out ways I can stay active in the community without being online. Usually this is when I'm not home! I'm also found on the forums sometimes, looking at new posts made and frequenting posts that I've found an interest in. Currently, I'm mostly focusing on three of my accounts as they're the ones that have roles on the server and have quotas to address. With that being said, I understand there may be some worries about my activity dropping due to the current roles and ranks I have spread across multiple accounts, but I’m more than happy to prove myself capable of handling it as I've been able to upkeep and meet all of my quotas in the allotted time without issue for the past year.

Which timezone are you in?:
My time zone is EST, although at times I play as though I live in BST.

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:

Do you have a microphone?:
I do have a working microphone

List your current and past applications:


[Teacher, Accepted] -
[Lawyer, Accepted] -
[HS Council, Accepted] -
[Surgeon, Accepted] -
[Priest, Accepted] -
[Governor, Accepted] -

(Community Teams)

[Build Team, Accepted] -
[3D Model team, Accepted] -
[Event Team, Accepted] -


[KPD, Denied] -
[KPD, Denied] -
[Governor, Denied] -

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
I have plenty of experience with Detail RP. If it's a fast-paced roleplay environment I'm able to detail RP to the best of my abilities and give satisfactory results. I've used multiple appended messages a majority of the time as long as I know the other person is alright with large blocks of text filling up their chat, and will go into detail so the person who I'm roleplaying with knows the details to what exactly is going on without needing to try and guess or ask in LOOC. I'm good at creating a mental image through words for the other person to visualize and I've yet to disappoint anyone with my detail RP. A majority of my experiences with Detail RP had started off with me being on the high school track team sometime last year. It'd been focused on writing out the angle of my characters body as they leaned down, then figuring out how to detail step by step instructions of how my character would stretch before taking part in practices and races. Soon after I'd found out I loved detailing actions, surprising others who would only use a few words to describe the same thing I'd just done with thirty more words. Once I'd joined the teacher faction, I had focused my teachings on art. This was before the canvas update, and during that time I expected students to work on detailing their actions so I could visualize exactly what it is they were painting ICly. I'd taken part in these detailed role plays, painting my own pictures on the chalk board and giving them ideas for what they could do in order to better their detail role playing. When I'd joined the EMS faction, I laid into detailing every action as thoroughly as I could, researching how to take care of the different injuries and wounds that would come up, and figuring them out ICly for my quotas. I had made notes of them in a note pad so I knew the steps to take for similar future situations. The screenshots below are a few detailed actions of many that I'd used during my time as a surgeon.
Detailrp of fixing someones jaw and giving them a new tongue
What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
I'm interested in returning to the EMS faction due to missing the roleplay experiences I had as well as being able to detail roleplay, learning how to fix various wounds and learning more about the different ways of tending to injuries. I've had plenty of experience from my previous time as a surgeon and I miss it quite a bit. When I first joined EMS as a surgeon, I'd been quick to learn and jumped on my evaluation test as soon as I could. I'd been the first person in my wave of new EMS to be officialized and pass my trainee stage, and I quickly became one of the most active surgeons who'd been available. Some may of recognized me as Kanna Saiky, but when I had really picked up my activity I had played as the surgeon you see in the screenshots above, Christian Green. He is the character I plan on applying back into the faction with due to his developed background before Karakura and during Karakura as hospital staff. He's already had previous experience in the EMS faction and has made plenty of friendships with those who are still in the faction, so he'd fit right back in as though he never left.
My motivation focuses mostly on my love for EMS as a faction, and wanting to be there for others. I understand that at times EMS aren't on when others are, but my activity is consistent and there's plenty who can bare witness to that. I'd be able to get on whenever needed and I don't take forever to type out a detail role play. Between my experience and my love for detail role play, I feel like I'd be a good fit for the team. As someone who previously provided top-notch role play as a surgeon, I can help train others and give them motivation to complete their quotas, give them tips and rules of thumb that may better help them to remember some procedures over others.
A goal of mine for joining back to the EMS faction is returning back to something I enjoyed, expanding further with role play opportunities and on my characters development. As someone who has had plenty of different roles on the server, and has plenty of experience, I can understand I may not be at the top of the list of those who may be accepted into the team, as there are others who will surely want to join and should be given the chance. I've had multiple opportunities to prove myself time and time again that I won't leave factions out of boredom, and I've always put in 100% of my effort to every faction I've been in to ensure everyone is on the same page. I'm able to work with others as a team and, as a highly active player on the server, I can take part in events when needed. I enjoy keeping a schedule for myself to ensure I don't fall behind on anything. I tend to finish my quotas earlier in the month so I can relax a bit more later on where as I know others will wait until later in the month to do so. I know exactly what's required of me upon joining the EMS faction and I am confident in taking on the role.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):
I am applying to be a Surgeon.

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
The role I'm applying for, Surgeon, has changed since I've been gone. Things have been, and continue to be, added to it as they go. During my time as a surgeon I was tasked with a large spectrum of role play opportunities. One of the main tasks I had was, of course, carrying out medical procedures on human and animal bodies. This was anything from fixing a broken nose, stitching up a cut, fitting prosthetics, to more in-depth role plays such as scanning for hemorrhages with the MRI, using an x-ray to pin point bone breakage, and going into surgery accordingly. During my time as a surgeon I was taught the different types of bone breaks and what was required of them. Clean breaks, fractures, and shattered bones. Clean breaks were easy to manage, as you could wrap them up in a cast after cleaning the area. Fractures and shatters required surgery, shattered bones being the more in-depth type of break. There's different types of stitches you can use depending on which wound needs addressing, although from what I've seen and mostly used outside of the rare minor cut, everyone uses butterfly stitches. I have an understanding of which scenarios would require anesthesia vs injected morphine, different burn types and what's required, and the different types of medicines and which ones would fit best for specific patients.
As a surgeon you're also tasked with taking care of the morgue work. Checking for identification, time of death, cause of death, if they're an organ donator or not, and setting them up with morgue make up. You're able to Mido
(Injecting visitors using a medicine called Midazolam, Mido for short) patients and visitors who are acting erratic and unable to calm down, knocking them out for 5 OOC minutes. You can patrol with other EMS members to find citizens and/or animals in need of help and, if needed, call the KPD to the hospital or on scene for questioning or investigating.
Surgeons are an important position to the EMS faction, as they're the ones who are typically found stitching up and saving the lives of those who come in. Doctors are capable of stitching up those who need it, but they're unable to bring patients into the OR to perform a surgery.
Surgeons are capable of taking part in some of the work Doctors handle, such as check-ups and general care if a doctor is unable to handle it themselves. Check-ups include but are not limited to checking a patients tonsils, their ears, their eyes, and breathing pattern.
There are certain medicines and items surgeons can prescribe, and others they can't. All of the medicines that are related to behavioral and mental illnesses are only to be prescribed by a psychiatrist, as an example.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:

The director oversees everything at the hospital, they set examples for those below them and manage the employment and departments beneath them. The director is the top dog in the hospital, ensuring everything is running smoothly. They're primarily in charge of coordinating hospital activities and managing medical professionals, ensuring smooth workflow and efficient services to patients. Their responsibilities typically revolve around setting goals and objectives, managing budgets, coordinating medical and non-medical personnel, and develop strategies to optimize hospital operations. They're responsible for addressing issues and concerns and resolving them promptly and efficiently. As a hospital director, it is your duty to make significant decisions in adherence to the facility's policies, regulations, vision, and mission.

Clinical Manager

Clinical Managers are responsible for their departments. They're under the director, and make sure their departments are following guidelines the hospital director has set. They supervise day-to-day activities, their main duties include developing and managing budgets, creating schedules for other employees, and hiring/training new members. They're in charge of both administrative and medical tasks. They take inventory, order necessary supplies and equipment, hire and train new employees, create new policies and procedures to ensure they make staff aware of new changes, supervise staff and complete routine performance reviews, ensure the hospital is following regulations, and update patient medical records.

Clinical Lead
Clinical leads coordinate and oversee activities of the clinic and clinical team members to ensure compassionate, effective and efficient delivery of high quality clinical care for patients. They must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation, each essential function satisfactorily. The Clinical lead coordinates and supervises the activities of clinical team members engaged in clinical care for patients under the supervision of a physical or a provider for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. They organize and assign duties and tasks to clinical team members. Clinical leads will monitor daily performance to ensure duties are completed accurately, efficiently, and timely. They can assist with interviews, conducting orientation and training on clinical policies and procedures.

A Surgeon, or General Surgeon, is responsible for performing surgeries on patients with injuries or illnesses. Their duties include reviewing patient x-rays and communicating with the patient about the procedure, preparing for surgery and completing surgeries with the assistance of other surgeons, nurses, and surgical professionals and speaking with patients after the surgery to discuss its success and the recovery process. They're often responsible for a variety of patient-care tasks prior to the actual surgical procedures. However, a surgeon's primary responsibilities will vary depending on their specialization and employer. They can collect patient's medical history, develop treatment plans for patient care, aid patients through the healing process by providing post-surgical care and follow up, and collaborate within a team of other medical professionals.

Psychiatrists are a branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the mental health of their patients. Although their professions may overlap in many ways, psychiatrists are NOT the same as psychologists. Psychiatrists get medical training that lets them prescribe medications and perform procedures, whereas Psychologists primarily provide counseling and nonmedical support. On SRP, they focus on a psychological evaluation and physical exam on their patients. As part of the process, they'll refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to determine what mental illness you may have. This manual, which was published by the American Psychiatric Association, is used by mental health professionals for diagnoses. At times, it may take more than one visit to get a proper diagnosis. After making said diagnosis, a psychiatrist will tell you on your condition and work with you to develop a treatment plan.


Doctors help patients who are in need of less life-threatening medical assistance. They often work with patients on emergency services where surgery isn't needed, and are able to do basic procedures. They can give you x-rays, stitches, re-dress wounds, and general things such as that. They're someone who is experienced and certified to practice medicine to help maintain or restore physical and mental health. A doctor is tasked with interacting with patients, diagnosing medical problems and successfully treating illness or injury. Doctors meet and talk with patients and caregivers to diagnose, manage and treat illnesses and injuries. They listen carefully to patients to gather information regarding symptoms, performing diagnostics to determine the root problem, prescribing medication and administering treatments, as well as providing follow-up care of patients.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge that at any given time I am subject to being demoted, regardless of reasoning.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I acknowledge and agree that applying for this role requires 100% dedication to the hospital staff role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if a training is help while I am online, I am authorized to attend or I will be punished.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge that I am not to take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations in-game.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?
Christian is a 6'1 man with tapered shoulders and a trim body. He had platinum blond hair with gentle curls that fell to the middle of his ears, and a kind heart-shaped face. Christian had dazzling light green eyes that held a hazel ring closer to the pupil. When passing by, the smell of citrus, ginger and cedar would follow. Christian has a noticeable limp in his right leg due to a past assault that'd been taken out on him as a surgeon, although it doesn't stop him from carrying out day to day tasks. Scars covered his legs from the knee down due to a more recent incident involving the abandoned train station. He has various scars across his back and his chest, all from the same initial incident that had caused him to leave EMS. Christian's usually found wearing white cat ears- something he's worn since he started working in the hospital. The reason behind this, many may assume is just due to him liking them, but its mostly habit from when he'd performed surgery on patients. Due to his taller-than-average height as well as his muscular build in Japan, he had grown accustomed to patients being nervous around him. He started wearing the cat ears as a way for patients to feel more at-ease when waking up from surgery or when he was taking care of them. It gave patients something to smile about and sparked friendly conversations where they opened up more for him to ask questions that were needed.

What are they like on and off the job?
On the job, Christian focuses primarily on patients who come in, taking them to the ER and providing exceptional medical care. He's meticulous and precise with his work, always wanting everything to be perfect. Some may even call him a perfectionist, when it's his general love for what he does. He treats his job as a hobby staying up late and waking up early to make sure everyone's cared for. During the work day he's usually standing in the lobby, radio in hand, waiting for whoever may come in. He's quick to answer calls directed to EMS and tries to keep patients calm while he works. He's always been friendly, carrying around sticker sheets to give out to patients and visitors. When he isn't too busy, he's chatting with his co workers about day-to-day life, learning more about them and giving them tips.
Off duty, Christian is usually found hanging around the hospital or up at the shrine. As someone who's taken part in both factions, he's grown a love for both and formed friendships with those who work in each area. When off duty during a school day, he may be found near the gates waiting to pick up his adopted son, Tobias Green, to take him out for a father-son day. Christian's a family man at heart. His attitude off duty is the same as though he were on duty. Even if he isn't working, he's keeping an eye out for anyone who may need assistance, providing the care he can.
Overall, his attitude is genuine and caring no matter who it is. He's always up for a challenge even despite him having some fears and worries. Between patients and low-energy days, he's busying himself with filing paperwork, binge-watching shows and movies, taking naps, or talking to those close to him.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
When it comes to his co-workers, Christian has always had a soft spot for them. He's always hoping for the best in their lives, giving his own two cents where it's wanted and trying to lead them in the right direction. Christian has always been prone to putting others needs before his own. He's usually pushing his co workers and friends in the right direction, helping them towards their goals and giving them strength through words. He wants to see his co workers succeed in their day-to-day life, and at times can be considered a 'mother hen' where he's overly worried about what may happen to them when leaving the hospital, or in certain situations.
For the future, Christian plans on continuing his years as a part of the hospital staff until he's 40-45 in age, retiring to eventually move on to being a teacher or professor. He wants to get married and settle down comfortably with his family. Christian's plans are simple, basic, and may change depending on what happens, but that's his general plan.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Christian suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The PTSD was caused by two separate occasions.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that is triggered by a terrifying event. The symptoms an individual experiences may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. While not everyone who lives through a traumatic event will develop this disorder, PTSD can affect people of all ages and ethnicities. Post-traumatic stress disorder develops differently in each person who experiences it. Some individuals may notice symptoms in the days and weeks following the event while others do not develop symptoms for weeks, months, or even years after the event.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

When Christian was a baby, he had been found abandoned in a car seat at a hospital in Tokyo, Japan. There was no note, no clue where he'd come from, no birth certificate, nothing. A young woman who found him, Mrs. Takei, later adopted him. She worked as a translator, working at the hospital that day to translate for foreign patients. She had found him behind a trash can, near a back door. Christian had been crying, hungry. She brought him to the hospital administration, although she refused to let social services take him away. She had felt that he was her responsibility from then on. His father, Mr. Takei, also worked at the hospital as a tech. Christian spent his childhood and every spare moment beside them, quietly watching as they worked. As soon as he could go to school he was working hard, studying and growing. When he wasn't at school he was working at the hospital. His father pushed him towards becoming a surgeon, believing Christian needed to be a doctor, setting him up in special summer programs to support the dream he had set out for Christian.
Christian graduated at the young age of 17 with a doctorate and MD, his father and mother being able to pull strings and allowing Christian to test out early for classes. For the most part, Christian has only ever resided in Tokyo, sometimes visiting other places such as Korea and California, USA during some summers and holidays. During certain seasons his parents would bring him further north to participate in festivals and events hosted by Shinto monastery's.
Christian was always independent with his work, running off to do things his own way, refusing to trust anyone to work with him.
Christians adoptive parents introduced him to someone, Elton McCarthy. He didn't fit well with others, having the same mindset as Christian did. During this time Christian was always rambunctious, wearing ripped jeans and a cigarette tucked behind his ear. He had attitude to him and was quick to jump on tasks. He was always hardworking and ****ytical, focused on his work and nothing more. Elton and Christian butted heads more often than not, constantly trying to drag one another one way or the other and fighting every step of the way. With time, of course, both of them managed to settle down and worked towards mutual agreements. By the time he was 25, Christian eventually managed to get a position with Elton working in a hospital in Tokyo as a surgeon, taking care of patients and exercising his knowledge in medicinal studies. It was only a matter of time before Christian decided to focus on a new place: Karakura, Japan. He transferred to the hospital there after his 6 year run at the one in Tokyo in hopes of finding more career-driven people like himself. Christian made various friends and found new love interests, experienced new things and worked towards bettering himself in the new town. Eventually, he left the hospital after an accident involving a gang member, someone who had ambushed him, causing severe harm and caused him to develop an underlying fear that it would happen again. He had decided he wanted to focus on a different career path- one that HE would of chosen, instead of something predetermined by his adoptive parents. Taking his time away from overworking himself in EMS, Christian devoted more of his time to finding hobbies and other things he enjoyed. He eventually found himself more and more drawn to the Shintoism practices and the origins of how it came about. His memories of those festivals and events he so enjoyed as a child drove him back to wanting to look more into it. He studied up on what he could for the religion, looking into the local monastery which he visited on occasion. He found himself eventually attending a school, the Kokugakuin University back in Tokyo, passing a qualifying exam. He spent time at the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, making friends and experiencing things most wouldn't. During his time at the shrine, he kept thinking back to his time as a surgeon. Christian had come to realize that although the career path of being a part of the hospital staff wasn't necessarily one he himself had chosen, it was a career he had grown to love and cherish because it had been part of his life for as long as he'd known. His time as a priest had shown him just how much he'd missed being a part of EMS, seeing as he's been a part of hospitals since he was a kid. He was always thinking back to his time there and, as a workaholic who loved fast-paced environments, he grew a longing to return.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Christian Green

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Working Experience(s):
From the time Christian was 17, he's worked in the hospital. He'd graduated with a doctorate and MD, taken part in a residency in conjunction with an old friend of his in a hospital in Tokyo and focused primarily on his duties. He'd started off as an intern, worked his way up to Junior Resident, Senior Resident, and eventually he'd been Head of Department (HD) as a Surgeon in Tokyo. Upon moving to Karakura, he'd started off as a Trainee and eventually was an attending Surgeon, helping out those around him.
He's been a priest at Karakura's Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, training other priests and maidens how to read tarot cards and helping them to understand how they're to do their tasks.

Academic Degree:
Masters Degree

Year of Graduation:

Anatomy and Physiology

Health Sciences

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
JSL, Jin, German

Last edited:


Level 234
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, and we hope you're happy to hear that you have been accepted.

- Refer to the Karakura Emergency Discord as soon as possible for further information.

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