IGN: jeemay
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Bentley Jeep
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The car was in a chest inside the old Highschool Football Team (Male) house attic and was wiped when the house was removed using World Edit.
As much as I am a +1 on this,
This was suggested before and got denied. I'm not sure if it'll be accepted this time but I hope it's considered.
IGN (In-Game Name):
I have two active accounts as of the making of this application;
- jeemay
- jeemay2
I’m applying with jeemay2
Previous bans:
I have two past bans on SRP, one was a false incident (proven such) and the other I take full responsibility for. Both player-bans have...
The server resource pack file is not meant to be given out to people mainly cause it has a lot of models that can be stolen. I've had your problem before and you simply need more RAM allocated to your PC. Allocate 4 GB of RAM into your version of Minecraft and the pack will load up with you...
Massive -1
The armor plays an extremely important role in all the plugins. Like said above, it's pretty much what tells you which team is which and helps things not get confusing. If you think it serves "no purpose" then maybe you should play a bit more sports on the server. You'll change your...
SRP is not dying. It's just that we need new stuff to be introduced. we all had our hopes up for the new map but that was back in January so I don't even know if they plan on doing it anymore. I think we just need more updates and new features implemented. Pretty sure the last major update to...
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