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  1. Ryanark

    iJerii Shop 2 Application

    Denied Shop was taken.
  2. Ryanark

    Muht's Shop 2 Application.

    Accepted! Very good application, lots of juicy detail. I like the plans you included and I will try to implement the changes as soon as possible. Contact me on Discord if you have any questions or need some help. As well as to notify me for when you are online on Muht, so that I can give you...
  3. Ryanark

    Yaku's School Roleplay Shader Pictures / Est. 2016

    Hot damn you're still here!
  4. Ryanark

    Store Owner

    Denied -Improper formatting, eg. bold/unbold questions and answers. -Incredibly short. A good application will have 1100 words minimum. -Lackluster. Re-apply for another shop in 7 days.
  5. Ryanark

    Miner6's Shop Application

    Denied -WAYYY too short. -Jello isn't the shop faction leader. (By the way, don't @ the faction leader. We will check when we have time.) -Incredibly lackluster application. Needs a lot of detail in the answers.
  6. Ryanark

    {Shop #2 Application!}

    Denied -Application is too small word-wise. A good application would be around 1100 words. Yours has around 600. -More detailed answers are needed. -I appreciate your enthusiasm and ambition.
  7. Ryanark

    GoldenFox166 / Sean's Shop 2 App.

    Denied -I like your ideas, but they maybe aren't fitting for a pharmacy. -Application is too short word-wise. A good application will have 1100+ words. Yours has 600. -More detail needs to be provided.
  8. Ryanark

    SHOP 2

    Denied -Incredibly short -You've submitted too many applications (which have been denied). This is the last straw. Chill with the apps. -Little to no detail was provided in the answers.
  9. Ryanark

    Shop #2 Application

    Denied -Don't use hard to read fonts. -The inclusion of the spoiler boxes and your character biography is irrelevant and isn't needed. -Minor grammatical errors. -Your application is too spaced out. It should be formed neatly and be as easy to read as possible. -Too short for my liking. A decent...
  10. Ryanark

    Allower's Shop Application (Shop 2)

    Denied -Don't space out your application. It should be neatly formed and easy to read. -Your punishment history doesn't sit well with me. -A tad too short. A decent application should be at around 800-1000 words minimum. You may re-apply in 7 days.
  11. Ryanark

    Application for shop 7!

    Denied -Lackluster application (lacks detail in your answers.) -Too short. -Bad grammar and spelling -Capitalize your I's. -Improper grammar -Shop is taken.
  12. Ryanark

    Shop owner application

    Denied -You need to enter the shop's number of the one you want. You can't describe it, and in some cases, it's not even on the roster. -Lacks a lot of detail. -Too short. -Bad grammar and spelling.
  13. Ryanark

    Shop 1

    Denied -The shop is already taken. -I don't believe you are prepared for the amount of stress and responsibility that comes with owning a shop like 11/7. -This application is below basic. Check below to see what I mean. -Lacks formatting -Bold/Unbold -Answers have no good detail. -You can't run...
  14. Ryanark

    Shop 7

    Denied -The shop is taken. -Bold/Unbold -Incredibly short. A decent application is at around 800-1000 words. Yours was at 165 words. -Did not list/link previous applications. "It got denied" is not good enough. -You have two bans. -Answers lack a lot of detail.
  15. Ryanark

    Shop application

    Denied -Double posting - you may only apply for one shop at a time. -Chill with your posting. It seems you've posted a lot of shop apps that have gotten denied. If this continues, you will be banned from applying for shops. -Your application is incredibly short. -Lacks a lot of detail in your...
  16. Ryanark

    Shop 5

    Denied -Incredibly short. (An acceptable application would be worded around 800-1000 words.) -Bad grammar. -A shop having an apartment complex isn't a good idea, it's not supposed to deviate from the main topic of the shop; in this case, it is a café and should be treated as such. -The shop is...
  17. Ryanark

    Why did u break the rules

    Why did u break the rules
  18. Ryanark

    Rockcrusher34's Shop 1 Application

    ACCEPTED! Your application has definitely caught my eye, and I firmly believe that you are a person who has the willpower and ambition to push a shop like this to succeed! I absolutely adore your ideas on how to boost business, and it's something that I personally have not seen a shop do and I...
  19. Ryanark

    [Shop Application]

    Denied -Too short. -Not enough detail provided -You underestimate the number of employees required to run a shop like 11/7. -Your record is bad. You may not re-apply for this shop again.
  20. Ryanark

    [ Shop 1 Application 11/7 ]

    Denied -Too short. -The "IC Info" panel was not very relevant to your application. -Too spaced out. -Difficult to read. You may re-apply in 7 days.