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  1. philbertman42

    Role Change Request

    Please Remove the High-School Councilor Role from the philbertman42 account's primary profile. Thank you.
  2. philbertman42

    What are your biggest regrets on SRP?

    A big one for me is that I never kept track of what my characters have done, or saved any screenshots of all the weird hijinks I've gotten myself into. Sure, I can think back on some of the big things, but remembering all the smaller details over six years worth of roleplay isn't something I...
  3. philbertman42

    Student Council and School Prefect Reform

    Student Council and School Prefect Reform A new role has been implemented into the school, that being the "Prefect." Comprised of model students, the prefects act as "hall monitors" who report any instances of rule breaking to higher authorities. I believe prefects are a good addition to the...
  4. philbertman42

    ask me nothing (i will not answer your questions)

    i swear if there is a SINGLE question asked on this thread i am going to absolutely LOSE my MARBLES!! ):<
  5. philbertman42

    Toggling Attribute Effects

    What's your Minecraft Username?: philbertman42 What's the title of your suggestion?: Toggling Attribute Effects What's your suggestion?: Implement a way for players to toggle the effects of their attributes. How will this benefit the server and community?: Some players may not want to be...
  6. philbertman42

    i am philbertman42

    read title
  7. philbertman42

    SRP Cookie Clicker Fix (GAME-BREAKING.)!

    IGN: philbertman42 DATE: look at the timestam, lazy WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Cookie Clicker NEEDS to be fixed. Currently, when you are in the Cookie Clicker miniature game GUI, if you hover over the book and quill icon, it instructs you to press "End Game" in order to update the...
  8. philbertman42

    How long can I make thread titles?ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ

    150 characters Anyway now that you're here, you get to say ONE word. Make it count.
  9. philbertman42

    Some time, on way to successful first of steps of all of the steps to being successful steps are hardest of all of the steps to successing. Steps.

    USERNAME: philbertman42 APARTMENT COORDINATES: 1898 87 1358 ISSUE: There is a chest in the floor with a private sign on it that needs removed.
  10. philbertman42

    Introduce Cross-Faction Faculty Intercom

    Currently, the intercom command that the faculty factions use is needlessly restrictive, as players with access to the command are only able to target players of their own faction (for example, high-school teachers can only announce to high-school students, professors can only announce to...
  11. philbertman42

    Add "MILF" and Adjacent Terms to the OOC Filter

    IGN: I forgot (someone remind me please) Date: 7/10/23 The term "MILF" for those of you who are uninformed, is as follows: The word in and of itself is sexual in nature, meaning that regardless of context, the use of it violates rule 2.7, which states: If it was used sparingly in...
  12. philbertman42


    IGN: philbertman42 Role I Need: HS Council Current Role: HS
  13. philbertman42

    Item Confiscation on School Grounds

    IGN: philbertman42 Date?: Sorry ladies, I'm taken. Suggestion: Publicly update and showcase the rules regarding item confiscation in school. There exists misinformation amongst the faculty and council factions regarding what items can be confiscated which stems from a general lack of...
  14. philbertman42

    Introduce English as an Applicable Language

    IGN: maddiepandachan DATE: 12/15/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGESTION OR MENTION: Add English to the list of languages you can apply for. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It won't (everything below this message is a carefully constructed lie) I believe the idea being presented is...
  15. philbertman42

    Event Dates and Communication

    IGN: It's a secret (; Suggestion: Please communicate and put more thought into planning dates for events. Allow me to apologize in advance if this comes off as combative, offensive, or rude. I'd like to remain as constructive as possible, though I'm sure my frustration will come through my...
  16. philbertman42

    A very long list of players

    Lunar_eclipse17 Dookieh shepyx_ _MariBean_ Wookiex16 E1KayVP _Sqltyyy_ tvxiclover Haneshii Gingerginz ItsMuffins hotwiring Tatot_Tot Iloveeurdad lobotomyremnant Acroy_ Yudao_ jeeellyy SirDerp2nd MomoRP flowersak3 blabusan nylu GoddessSpace RegalHarp1989 eccedentsiast herisa HarryE_Styles qmaini...
  17. philbertman42

    hi guys

    hi its me, philbertman42 i didnt leave or anything but im back hi
  18. philbertman42

    Attribute Suggestion #2048

    IGN: Look directly to the left, right below my profile picture. DATE: Look directly upwards. 2 lines. WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Read the rest of this thread. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Refer to my previous answer. This thread serves as a counter-argument to the...
  19. philbertman42

    ☺ (RESOLVED)

    USERNAME: epic_macaroni12 APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1634 42 1258 ISSUE: Getting the "You cannot place this block there" message within my apartment's region in various areas along the wall. I've marked them in-game with arrows, I'm really proud of it please leave a nice compliment...
  20. philbertman42

    make snowballs not lame

    IGN:DATE:WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION:HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?:[IMAGES IF ANY] These are both annoying. Remove the first message, and remove the shiver functionality when holding a snowball. We don't need a message telling us that we need an empty hand to hold snow...