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  1. Prizebox

    The 1 million fight - Audio Tape

    Upcoming Event Saturday 10th 6pm EST - 5 spots left - 3 gangs to choose from - 1 million yen prize Join the fight, apply here:
  2. Prizebox

    Denied Psychiatrist application | ScaryBook

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): (Applying for) ScaryBook - Adult/bird Prizebox - college B Councillor/Fish JoyPill - grade 11 Stresscat - Cat What is your Discord username? Describe your activity on the server: I first joined the...
  3. Prizebox

    Accepted College Council | Coralina Torres

    OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: Prizebox Past warns/kicks/bans?: 1 Ban "advertising", it was an issue with an old IGN What is your timezone?: EST Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): Link(s) to all past and present...
  4. Prizebox

    Neo X Crows Audio Tape

    Crows Discord: Join the story, be a part of a lore driven gang with unexpected twist throughout their journey in the criminal world of Karakura.
  5. Prizebox

    lost car

    IGN: ScaryBook VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Neo v1 EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: lost during the chat issue on 12/01 around 9PM EST
  6. Prizebox

    ScaryBook's Reporter App

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: ScaryBook (Account applying for), PrizeBox, Stresscat, and JoyPill. Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: yes, my Discord is, and I...
  7. Prizebox

    Ocean caves

    IGN: Prizebox Date: 7/4/2023 What do you want to suggest or mention?: Suggestion: Ocean Caves. Introduction: In order to enhance the immersive experience of fish players in your Minecraft roleplay server, introducing ocean caves can provide a unique and exciting environment for them to live...
  8. Prizebox

    Building requests

    IGN: Prizebox DATE: 12/13/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A way to request a builder to build something such as classrooms, tower floors, event setups, etc. What I have in mind is something similar to a ticket system or a place to post all requests in a format on one of the discords...
  9. Prizebox

    Forums Search bar

    IGN: Prizebox DATE: 11/19/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A search bar, filter, or any other way to make finding a thread post or gather posts that are on a similar topic easier. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It will make navigating the forums easier and it will be...
  10. Prizebox

    Broken texture

    IGN: PrizeBox VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: flower "Forever Forgiven" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It is a custom item that I owned for more than a year, I don't know why the texture broke, It looks fine on other angles for some reason.
  11. Prizebox

    Denied OGMint Event Team Application

    IGN: OGMint (professor) (primary account) PrizeBox (collage B) (secondary account) StressCat (Cat) (alternative account) SweetKind (grade-9) (alternative account) Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: Activity: I joined SRP in late January 2021...
  12. Prizebox

    Animal rules

    IGN: Prizebox DATE: 8/11/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: New rules or a separate set of rules for each animal. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: For the past few days, I've been seeing a good amount of people complaining about animals, the way they are role-playing and so on...
  13. Prizebox

    Education Credits

    IGN: Prizebox DATE: 7/8/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: When doing /record, it shows an unused feature called Education Credits, I believe that Teachers and professors should be given the ability to give their students said Credits when doing well on an assignment, creating a project or...