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A3unn1e's KPD Application


Level 19
KPD Application.gif

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
EST | Canada

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
While I have several responsibilities on the server, my activity is fairly consistent. Currently, my schedule is quite flexible. That is, I am usually online for a few hours each day to attend to my staff responsibilities or simply role-play with friends. My hours change on weekends, but it usually stays open for the most part. While I have very few roles on the server. I am an active shopkeeper, though I spend most of my time on my main account. I am also a member of the high school football team, which takes up one day per week.

OOC Information.png

What is your motivation for applying?:
My reasons for applying to this faction are simple. As I have applied several times in the past, I want to demonstrate that I am more than interested in this position. I spent nearly a year in the government faction, which only gave me a glimpse of what the KPD is truly like. That is something I would like to experience firsthand. Second, aside from shopkeeper, I am not currently involved in any factions, and while I enjoy my role there, I miss feeling connected to the community in the way that KPD provides. I like what KPD brings to the table. The interactions between players, the events hosted, or the detail and complexity of the role itself are what drew me to apply for this position. I've always enjoyed participating in player-driven factions such as the school faction, shop faction, and government faction. All of these provide me with a variety of role-playing opportunities and environments to adapt to, whether they are fast-paced or require a lot of thought and effort. Each one has taught me a lot, and I've made many friends along the way. I have many friends in the KPD faction who have told me nothing but positive things about it, persuading me to keep applying.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
According to my knowledge of police work, the KPD is the law enforcement authority that protects and serves the city of Karakura. They cooperate with the government faction, assisting them with their laws and constitutions ontop of many other things such as events, trials and much more.

Aside from their simple description, SRP has provided KPD into a semi-realistic faction that conducts complex tasks and training. As a cadet, you are limited to the station's walls for about two weeks while in training. During your training, you may be assigned tasks such as answering the 110 emergency line, filing reports, allowing visitations, conducting in-station searches, and tending to inmates. After passing the exam, you will be promoted to Patrol Officer. Giving you the freedom to patrol the city on a predetermined route with other PO officers.However, this is just the first step into the faction. POs are the lowest standing rank aside from cadets, but there are plenty of other roles to earn and advance to while in KPD. There are two significant divisions, each with their own set of tasks and responsibilities within the faction.

The roles go as follows;

- The highest role within the force. The commissionor oversees the entirety of the faction, supervising and keeping order within the faction. They are in charge of recruiting new cadets and making any big final decisions with the help of the higher-ups below him.

Detective Superintendant
- The detective superintendant oversees the detective division. They are considered a higher up, reporting directly to the commissionor and aiding with decisions.
- Also considered a Higher-up, the captains are the highest rank you can acheive within the Main division. They oversee tasks and decisions, reporting and aiding the commissionor.
Detective Division
Detective Chief Inspector
- The second highest rank within the faction, much like the Detective inspectors; Chief Inspectors are tasked with taking the lead on major cases (e.g: murder)
Detective Inspector
- Very similar to the rank above, Detective Inspectors usually investigate crime scenes - collecting evidence to solve criminal cases.
Detective Sergeant
- They coordinate and control front line responses and investigations, allocating resources, directing activities, managing risk and reviewing progress of investigations
Detective Constable
- The lowest rank within the detective division. They deal with serious and complex investigations, and ****yse evidence on cases. This could range from undertaking search warrants and making arrests to pushing a case through trials.
Main Division
- The highest rank you can climb to within the main division. Lieutenants carry out administrative duties and assist the captains.
- Sergeants manage officer ranks below them, Carrying out supervisional duties, and overseeing their reports, at times needing to report inefficiencies to higher ranks.
- They carry out reponsibility of hosting trainings, and supervising cadets and PO's whilst out on duty. They can also be tasked with assigning tasks to lower ranks, or preparing schedules.
- PO's are the step above cadets. A first taste within the faction doing active duty. PO's are assigned with patrolling areas, enforcing laws, executing searches, and arresting or fining individuals.
- The lowest rank within the main division. Cadet's are confined to the stationw hile going through training, though often carrying out tasks like, picking up the 110 line, filing reports, executing in-station searches, and handling visitations.

While the roles are critical to understand, KPD also had a significant amount of critical equipment used to protect themselves while on/off duty.

Some equipement used by KPD;
Police Baton- Batons are accessible to every officer, used to apprehend criminals or individuals when dealing with a difficult situation.
Handcuffs- Handcuffs are also accessible to every officer, used to restrain individuals hands whilst transporting them to the station.
Police Radio- An essential piece of equipement used to communicate back to the station or other officers if you are in neeed of assistance.
Stun Blaster- Used to temporarily imobilize an indivual. Normally used when a player evades a situation or becomes hostile.
Breathalyzer- A not very commonly used piece of equipement to check how drunk an individual is.
Pepper Spray- Used to temporarily blind and individual. Commonly used when an individual get's hostile or aggressive towards an officer.
Tranquilizer- Not accessible to every officer, though available for higher ranks. Used to neutralize an individual or animal when in a dangerous situation.
Riot Shield- A tempered-glass shield used as protection for officers when dealing with crowds or dangerous situation.

Tasks Ececuted by KPD;
Desk Duty- A basic duty commonly carried out by new cadets or PO officers. Officers manage the lobby, answering question regarding KPD. Often being asked about bails or visitation for inmates.
Filing Reports- Another duty carried out by PO's or cadets. Officers can file reports being made by civilians, which can sometimes range from a missing person, to assault and battery. Most of the report must be backed up with OOC proof via screenshots or clips.
CCTV Work- CCTV work is more of a side duty. When an officer is dealing with a situation, CCTV comes in handy to backup someone's story. Officers will check the camera's that are placed around the map to find any evidence they can use against the individual, but can also be used as a form of 'patrol'.
Patrols- Patrols are something more then often carried out by PO's. With a designated route, they patrol high criminal spots around the map to ensure there isn't any criminal or illegal behaviour occuring.
Trials- Trials are something that an arresting officer tends to, often with a few others as a helping hand. They transport the inmate to the court room for a hearing, having their lawyers present and defending their cases. Officers are there as a layer of protection to both civilians and government personelles.
Jail Duty- Jail duty is also reffered to as PrisonRP. If a person is jailed, they have an option to RP portions of their jail sentences. This includes, getting time in the courtyard, going to cafetria to get food, or simply just getting a visitor. Officers are there to transport and supervise the inmate during this time, though it is not always allowed.
110 Emergency Line- Similar to desk duty, Officers respond to the emergency hotline. These calls can range from assaults, witnesses to a crime, or even simply a disturbance happening nearby. Officers will respond to the scene, and execute their duties effectivly.

While there is much more to say about my knowledge of police work, I am eager to learn each task and responsibility during my training period if I am accepted. Other things to mention are police codes, and while I don't know them all, I can name a few.

Police Codes;

Police Codes
10-0- Use Caution
10-4- Affirmative. Another way of agreeing or confirming something being said
10-10- Negative.
10-12- Stand by. A way of asking officers to wait for more information, or await for backup.
10-33- Need Assistance. Or in other words, Calling for back-up.
10-44- Riot. Indicating that a riot is being formed or is currently taking place.
10-52- Dispatch an Ambulance.
10-64- Crime in progress. Letting other officers know of a crime taking place.
10-43- In pursuit. When an officer is pursuing an individual either by foot or in a vehicle.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
I believe the KPD is important to SRP for a variety of reasons, the primary one being realism. Karakura is riddled with gangs and high crime rates; it makes no sense to have such things on the server without a faction to balance them out. The KPD protects Karakura's civilians by making arrests while on patrol or searching for masked individuals.While the police force has its own set of on-duty responsibilities, such as filing reports, searching people, arresting and fining them, and responding to emergencies. Crowd control and animal control are also carried out as needed. SRP offers a variety of role-playing opportunities for the KPD to participate in, including security for major events and ensuring the safety of civilians from threats. As I previously stated, KPD is extremely complex, with each rank and individual having their own duty and responsibility within the organization.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I completely understand and will attend any and all trainings being held.


What's your character's full name?:IMG_0479.jpg
Kealoha Ikaika

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Kealoha is 28 years of age

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Kealoha has obtained her Masters degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation.
Complimented by her PhD reserach in Social Justice.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Kealoha's native tongue is Hawaiin, though she also speaks JSL ontop of her Japanese.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Kealoha Ikaika, a woman of Hawaiian descent, stood taller than you at 5'6. Having a lean or athletic build, as well as muscle tone or definition. Her fiery red hair, which drooped down over her brows and hung over her shoulders, was what truly set her apart from the rest, not her tanned skin or height. Some might say she was unique in her own way, with big, full lips and brown eyes peering through the mess of hair. While she appeared to be normal, Kealoha had a few distinguishing characteristics that set her apart from the rest.

Her tone of voice. Was it her accent that gave her voice such a distinct tone? Or was it the underlying trauma she had experienced in her life? Kealoha spoke in a raspy, softer tone of voice, but it was impossible to tell whether she was joking or taking her words seriously. While she appears to be an average girl with nothing particularly noteworthy about her. Kealoha suffers from severe PTSD, as well as incredibly meaningful dated scars scattered throughout her body. Aside from her features, what stood out about this girl was that she was missing a portion of her ear. Frequently wearing her down to cover it as much as she could.

Art by: asaqin_ [On Instagram]

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Kealoha is a strong-willed individual. While surrounded by coworkers, she maintains the highest level of professionalism, though she is not afraid to be less strict when forming new bonds with them. As much as Kealoha enjoys chatting, she also has a switch-like personality, which means she can flip the switch and be prepared for anything or everything that comes her way. Growing up in a family of eight, she understands when to prioritize her responsibilities and tasks before engaging in conversation.

Kealoha finally comes out of her shell in a casual setting. Despite maintaining a professional demeanor, Kealoha is frequently seen chatting and cracking jokes with those around her. She enjoys creating a fun environment, especially since her line of work can be exhausting!

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Notice how teamwork and police force are inextricably linked? Saying you are a police officer without a force beside you is ridiculous, just like saying you are a one-man show - when in reality, we all rely on one another to perform at our best. Teamwork is an essential duty for officers, as we rely on one another in every situation. Whether you need to call for help in a crisis or simply deal with a difficult person. Officers work together to overcome challenges."

What's your character's backstory?

Kealoha Ikaika; a dedicated and hardworking older sister. Born on May 21, 1996, in the heart and soul of Kailua, Hawaii. Kealoha was the family's firstborn, preceding her two younger eldest sisters and many others who followed. Kealoha was born and raised on Kailua's sandy beaches, where he learned to surf and became an avid outdoorsman at a young age. She could never have imagined herself living anywhere other than her beloved city. Kealoha took on many responsibilities as her family grew. Taking care of her younger siblings while her parents were out working on their farmlands, attempting to repair and heal their already fractured family. Though, as much as she despised the thought, Kealoha's family meant more to her than you could possibly imagine.

Despite being one of many redheads in the family, they stood out among the other residents in the area. Their picture-perfect lifestyle could not be more opposite. While their father was Hawaiian, their Irish mother caused a lot of problems for them growing up in such a close-knit community. Frequently being excluded from community events or festivals because they were deemed 'different'. Unfortunately for her younger siblings, Kealoha's heart could not bear explaining why others did not play with them every day. For many years, the secret was kept hidden from them. Kealoha quickly matured and grew up, taking on new challenges each day. Kealoha was determined to give her family the life and respect they deserved, even if it meant putting her own personal matters on hold. Though one of her siblings stood out more than the others, Maila, her younger eldest sibling who assisted her in raising the family.

As the two grew up together and took on their mother's responsibilities, Kealoha began to gradually lose herself in the world. Not knowing where she stood or what she wanted to do with her life. She wants to be there for her family while also pursuing her dream of becoming a protector. It was in her blood. Kealoha went down the wrong path, going without food for days, if not weeks, to allow her sisters and siblings to eat. She never took care of herself, was never allowed to be a teenager, and was deprived of that teenage lifestyle due to her family's financial problems and internal conflicts.Kealoha began venting her anger in a variety of ways, gradually harming herself. It didn't take long for her siblings to notice how many fights she would get herself into, whether they were for her family or simply out of rage at what her life had become... Kealoha wasn't going to take it.
After a few years, Kealoha became lost in her community. She wanted to leave and find peace while doing what she loved. She decided to leave their community to pursue her ambitions of becoming more than just an older sister or caregiver. Though her mother and father disagreed with her decision to leave, Kealoha eventually put herself first. Departing for the great city of California, where she would immerse herself in studies to prove her parents wrong. Kealoha, 21, spent countless hours studying and training to become the next police officer. Wanting to protect more people than just her family.

To say it was difficult would be an understatement. Kealoha missed her family and often felt alone while studying abroad, reminding herself of why she was there in the first place. But, eventually, she overcame the inner challenges she faced. She approached her studies as if they were a war, determined to do the best for herself and her family. However, Kealoha's training came to a halt due to an injury, and she lost all of her confidence. She returned to her hometown, convinced that her dreams would never come true. While her parents and siblings were pleased to see her, Kealoha felt defeated. Feeling like she let so many people down by giving up. Her mother, realizing how important those dreams were to her, gave her some advice. Giving Kealoha the confidence she needed to continue her career as a police officer.

What is the next step for future officer Ikaika? Who would know unless she took the next step and moved to Karakura to pursue her PhD research in Social Justice at the KC. What a small town, yet full of threats and active criminal hotspots. Will this be where she takes her career to the next level? Only one thing could determine this, and she was prepared to face any challenges that arose along the way.

[Her Backstory is still a W.I.P]

General Information.png

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"Is this supposed to be a trick question? Obviously, no. A pocket knife is illegal to carry in Karakura; if you are searched and found to be carrying one, you will be arrested and charged with possesstion of minor illegal weaponry."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

COUGH SYRUP - Cough Syrup is used to relieve any irritated coughs and aid in relieveing symptoms of an ongoing infection
MELATONIN- Commonly used to help control how and when a patient sleeps. Melatonin can also aid older people whose melatonin production has decreased, also aiding others with troubles like, insomnia.
WOODEN CANE- Used as an assistive cane used for those with mobility issues. Often use this long-term when suffering from mobility issues, or limps.
PARACETAMOL- It is an antipyretic drug used for temporary relief of pain, such as for cuts, abrasions, or concussions, and so on.
IRON SUPPLEMENTS- Commonly used to treat iron-deficiency or certain types of anemia.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"I would not hesitate to step in between the two, restraining the PO officer in question and removing them from the situation. In any case, I'd try to reason with my coworker to understand why they used those actions against the criminal before reminding them of our responsibilities. No matter what the criminal has done, assaulting an individual is never acceptable. If they appear to be cooperative, I would release them. However, if necessary, I would contact any higher-up and report the situation. In another case, I'd call EMS to come check on the inmate to ensure that no injuries are left untreated. After all, inmates are human beings."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"I'd like to intervene, just like in the previous question. I'm assessing the situation before stepping in to help my coworker. While in the situation, I hope to work together with my fellow officer to restrain the individual in question. Once the individual has been dealt with, I would arrest them for assault on a government official, which, according to what I've learned in my studies, is a serious offense. While taking the necessary precautions with the arrested individual, I would attend to my fellow officer who had been attacked. Calling EMS to have them medically examined and ensure their safety while on duty."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Corruption is an unfortunate path that some officers may choose to take. However, if I saw a sign of corruption, I would gather any or all evidence of the affair before presenting it to the commissioner and any other higher-ranking officials. If I were put in a situation where I was unsure of the actions being taken, I would notify high-ranking officers of the situation in the hopes of having said officer monitored. Gathering evidence over time in the hopes of dealing with this officer when the time comes."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"Bribe an officer? How silly must you be to do such a thing. But, on a serious note, I'd decline their offer and reason with the individual. After that, I would simply explain the situation to the person attempting to bargain with me, and then report the attempted bribery to higher-ups or higher-ranking officers."


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, we do appreciate the effort you put into your application, but given the amount of faction roles you have across your alternative accounts, we believe that the police faction may take away too much time from your other factions

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please feel free to apply during the next KPD wave once you have more free time and not as many roles.
- You do not need to change anything from your application, although it is encouraged that you make occasional additions to improve its appearance.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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