players online



Level 95


IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

OOC Team applications
Lore team application - Denied

Describe your activity on the server:
Over the past few years I have been on SchoolRP I have been on and off of the server multiple times as I just got bored, However about a year and a half ago I got into my first faction which was being shrine. This was a big eye opener to me as i learned a lot more about SRP factions as a whole, It was the first application i really tried on as my others were just half efforted. Being in shrine I learned about quota which Ill admit the shrines quota was very very easy, But it was a great start for me. Ever since I got in my first faction I have stayed on SchoolRP and have been active on it nearly daily. Of course not every day as I am a human and have a life outside of it. During my time in shrine I applied for a librarian which I got accepted in and had to manage two quota's as once which was not an issue for me at all. I did this for about 5 months where I eventually got bored of librarian and studies came up so I sadly quit. Shrine would be my main faction for about another 5 months after that where I was eventually removed. The 7 months I had away from SRP then i focused on my studies and passed college, I came back onto SRP and roleplayed as normal where I then started to get a bit bored and tried for another application. I applied for KPD which I do not think my application was bad at all, It was just a VERY competitive wave. Once getting denied from KPD i gave it a few months and applied for professor which I then stayed in for 3 months. I ended up quitting professor because of all the rule changes with college kids not being mandatory as I just was not getting active classes and when I could teach there was rarely kids online. While being a professor I also shot my shot with applying for a Psychiatrist and this was one of the first times I was genuinely proud of my application. To my surprise i got accepted. For the last 2 months of me being a professor I managed to once again balance out 2 quota's with ease. Skipping on to present day SchoolRP I am very active and pretty much free all day. I reach over my max quota every months and want to do more on the side for when I reach max quota or feel a bit burnt out, However I will go over that in the next section.

My out of character schedule is not really busy at all, I am out of school and work from home and when I do work from home its for about 3 hours. Therefore the rest of the days I am free. I do take my mental days off from SchoolRP to focus on myself more as I think everyone should and every few months I may take a week or just under a week off. On the week days I often work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but as I said only for about 3 hours. On Sundays I spend some time with my family as we have weekly family dinners and get togethers on Sundays, Therefore I will not be as active during the day but will be back on during the evening. Overall I am very active within SchoolRP and I have posted my current /playtime on all 3 of my accounts and their respected roles.


Additionally, I know this will not affect my application much but I want to show that I have been active enough on my applying account to have actually hit high attributes. This of course will help me within the faction in the long run. I am 10% off 100% acrobatics, However I should be able to get there within a few days of joining KPD as I just jump around a lot naturally. Once again I know this will not affect my application, But its good to show

What is your motivation for applying?:
Over the last few years of SchoolRP I have been finding it fun and refreshing to try out new factions. This of course refreshes my brain and helps me find in which factions i truly belong in. About 3 months going onto 4 months ago I got accepted as a Psychiatrist and I have never felt more at 'Home' with a faction in my life. Not just in character but out of character. The government workers chat has helped me come out of my shell a lot and meet a lot of wonderful people who I want to continue working with, I made some real good friends in there. As I stated earlier I have been in many factions at the same time and I am very capable of meeting max quota for each so that's why I want to give Karakura Police Department a go, I already have great understanding of how a lot of the police department works and I think that is something really good to have while going into the faction. Especially stuff like quota's and other useful information. Talking about quota, I very quickly reach max EMS quota and then do not really have much to do. Once completed quota I usually sit around and just wait for people to approach me and give me stuff to do. During these times I want a second faction I can hop over to and also have fun while completing quota and enjoying new experiences and environments in the process. I have learned from being a Psychiatrist that will help me when going into the Police faction and my knowledge will only keep growing upon joining. Additionally I have dabbled in GangRP and CrimeRP which just have not been for me. I enjoy the crime aspect of SchoolRP but I just do not enjoy being the criminal, I want to try something new and I personally Believe that Karakura Police Department would be an amazing experience for me and I'm willing to give it a good shot.

Zhiyu has a very personal reason of wanting to join the Karakura police department, Since a young age Zhiyu was surrounded by nothing but kind souls and love as the crime rate in his home town was little to none. Of course there was still crime but that's something that will always be around. When he was moved to Karakura that is when he experienced a significant amoumt of crime, He was constantly robbed and threatened at bat point. This of course messed with the male as it was whole new environment and experience for him. He had a pretty job for the majority of his time working in a small store that was not making enough to create a living out of so he eventually found a part time job as a Psychiatrist where he would cover other Psychiatrists shifts when needing to. Zhiyu has bills and rent to pay as well as buying essentials to keep him alive and a part time job was just not cutting it for him and his needs so he is searching for a full time job. Hopefully the Karakura Police Department. Zhiyu is often seen as a grumpy man ans does not really have much going on in life, But that is actually the opposite. He wants to get rid of this misconception and do something fun for his life and something that he enjoys. Maybe then people will have a different outlook on him and he will be able to create a name for himself rather than being a grumpy nobody. That is his hope at least.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of the way the police works in Karakura is pretty wide but also does need working on. Being in the Emergency faction as a whole has helped me a lot with this and as well as the free to use documents. I know schoolRP police work and out of character police work are very different in many ways but also share many of the same aspects. I do not know much about in real life police work at all, Not much that will help me at least. My in real life knowledge of police work goes pretty much as far as movies which are not always 100% accurate and watching those intense police documentaries and such which will once again not all be too realistic in SchoolRP as most of them are American and the laws in American and SchoolRP are very different. Most of my current police work knowledge is purely focused on the Karakura Police Department, However I'm certain this knowledge will expand and get better and better over my days of being in the Emergency services faction and being around KPD as a whole. This information may not be perfect and I may have a few tad bits wrong, However I know most of it if not all of it is accurate. For easier reading I have split this into sections and for hopefully enjoyment reading.

Radio codes.png
10-4 - Understood
10-20 - Location
10-19(H) - Returning to police station (H) hospital
10-8 - Responding to call
Code 0 - Panic button
10-10 - Officer/EMS member off duty
Talking about off duty, Officers get 10 hours a week off duty and can be used at any time in the week and refreshing on Mondays. Additionally officers can (Possibly) buy additional off duty hours with achievement points if it is the same as EMS. I know for sure Officers can earn achievements that they buy stuff, I do not know the full rewards but I know one is upgraded uniforms.

Additionally, It is important for Detectives to know some of the extra radio codes such as the following. I don't know how much I'm allowed to say about this so I will not give a meaning.

Broadcasting, Another thing that I have learned from being in EMS that transfers over to KPD is broadcasting. Broadcasts are used when an officer needs to mass communicate to other officers and or EMS. This could be used when we need more officers online, If there is a person in recovery who needs questioning or even to get more EMS online for us. Overall these are used for mass communication to all officers, Online and offline.

Callsigns, This one is a short one. A callsign is essentially a codename that you will get called over radio when in public and stuff. This is to identify officers without revealing their name or identities.

Quota, KPD quota im not fully sure how it works and if it's the same as EMS. I don't know how much of this I'm actually allowed to say without getting into trouble, But if it is the same as EMS then I know how quota works fully and how to mark it down in the right channels and so on.

Interfaces, This one may be a bit confusing but ill explain. Once again as EMS I know how interfaces work on the ICLY computer. I do not know how the KPD one works exactly but if i had to guess it would be similar to EMS where it would show their head and you click it to see a list of their past charges.

Monthly evaluations, These are when an officer goes to their designated Psychiatrist once a month or after a possibly traumatic event to evaluate if they are in the correct mental state to carry on with work of they need a few weeks off. This is referred to as 'Medical leave' and is crucial for officers to stop them from doing stuff they may regret.

Training, The cadet phase training will be a certain number of days followed by an exam. Once passing this exam you will gain your first promotion from cadet to patrol officer. Once again if this is the same as EMS then I know exactly how this works but do not know how much I'm actually allowed to say without getting into trouble.

Emergency level, I don't know a lot about this but I do know the emergency level is a coded system that basically restricts what officers can do on their own and so on. This usually rises after an event to do with crime or if the crime rate is just generally high. This is all for the officer's safety.

Charges, I'm not fully sure how charges work. I am assuming that each charge has a set amount of base yen that is worth it which adds up with each given charge which decides the overall bail time and prison time. Bellow is every charge you can receive

Fine offenses
Possession of metal bats or ballistic masks while being a felon
Criminal Intimidation
Possession of Unprescribed Medications
Irresponsible Driving
Underage Drinking
Possession of a fake ID
Disorderly Conduct
Disrespect towards a Government Official
Public Intoxication
Failure to posses an ID

Vehicular offenses
Kidnapping with a Vehicle
Evasion with a Vehicle
Street Racing
Drunk Driving

Animal related offenses
Animal Murder
Animal Abuse
Illegitimate Possession of an Animal

Minor crimes
Tampering with Government Equipment
Illegal Services
Restraining order Violation
Obstruction of Justice
False Reporting
Resisting Arrest
Misuse of the 110 Hotline

Assault offenses
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assault on a Government Official
Assault with a Weapon

Government related offenses
Tax Evasion
Government Corruption
Government Misconduct
Government Negligence

Major crimes
Weapon Trafficking
Hostage Taking
Gang Affiliation
Possession of illegal weaponry
Breaking and Entering

Murder crimes
Capital Murder
First Degree Murder
Second Degree Murder
Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Ranks, These are your titles in the KPD. The rank you are basically gives you more permissions within the KPD to use new equipment and unlock new opportunities. Ranking up means you are doing well in the KPD, Changed division or even passed an exam. The ranks I have listed below and a bit about each of them.

Cadet - This is going to be the hardest time period in KPD as you can not leave the station and must induce in daily training. Its a mental game of stress but once you finish training and the exam you will be promoted. Cadet is the first rank of the police department. Once you obtain this rank you will gain the following items.
- Police baton
- Handcuffs
- Police shoulder radio
- Stun gun (Don't know the official name for it)
- Gas mask
- Breathalyzer
- Pepper spray
- Riot shield (When needed)
- Body Camera
- Luminoil spray

Patrol officer - Patrol officer is like the ‘official’ rank of the KPD, You have passed your exam and now an official police officer. This rank does not add anything new in equipment but it gives you brand new privileges such as being able to leave the station and respond to calls when needed, You can now patrol and so on and you get a cool badge to show off!

Corporal / Detective Constable - You have now been noticed by the higher ups and promoted to corporal. This will give something that is very important within the KPD. You are now trusted to train future officers, You will be responsible on giving cadets what it takes to be an officer. You now may receive the option to join the detective division which will give you detective duties to do from now on. This applies to next ranks too, As well as this you unlock the following items
- Crowbar
- Police motorcycle

Sergeant / Detective inspector - Sergeant i'm not too sure if you need to take an exam to become one, However these officers once took an exam to get them trained with the lethal weapon ‘Glock 17’ that has since been removed. This rank may now do the same exam but with the new non lethal weapon being the tranquilizer rifle. Sergeant is a rank given to KPD members who are outstanding in their ability of police work and have been noticed for their amazing work and benefits to the faction. Once you become a sergeant not only do you get the BEST uniform in the KPD you also unlock the following items
- Tranquilizer rifle

Lieutenant / Detective Chief inspector - You are now officially a higher up in the KPD and got given the option to take the LT exam, Once passed you become what is seen as a higher up in the KPD and now unlock a lot of responsibility. Officers may come to you about certain scenarios that they just cannot go to other officers about. Not only that but your little scrubby cubicle has become a nice luxurious office. Once becoming a lieutenant you unlock the following items
- Police Cruiser

Captain / Detective Superintendent - Capitan is the second in command at the KPD and is a 1 of 2 spot technically if you include the detective rank and is only given to the best of the best who has shown their dedication to the faction and has gained the commissioners trust. You do not really unlock anything at this rank but you have made it to the hardest position to get in the KPD.

Commissioner - This is a 1 of 1 rank owned by the current faction lead at the time. This role is the leader of the police and will oversee the faction with the help of the higher ups. They are responsible for recruiting new officers, Making changes within the KPD.

Duties, This is pretty simple. This is overall what the officer has to do during their time on duty, I will give a brief explanation of each one that i know from my knowledge.

Desk duty, This is a basic thing that KPD. This is pretty self explanatory, They sit at the desk and wait for people to come in and ask about certain situations. This could be asking general questions about the KPD, Crimes and such or could be asking about an inmate bail and when they can be bailed. Desk duty is here to make sure officers are active in areas of the station that civilians can see them in. Civilians may come in from time to time to ask to make a report which will be the next duty I will go over

Taking reports, Time to time an officer will have to take reports on situations that have happened, This could range from an assault to a possible loved one that has ran away. When taking reports officers will log it down in a book which will then, depending on the situation be passed over to detectives so they can do their work on it. All reports must be backed up with OOC proof which could be in form of screenshots or clips

CCTV work, This is another one that I do not know too much about. I know the very basics of it and will list them anyway. When doing CCTV officers will access the CCTV cameras dotted around the map from the station. When accessing the camera’s i know an officer gets teleported there invisible and stuck in place from an old bug that used to happen where it would transfer them into lockers. Apart from that I don't really know how the CCTV plugin works but am willing to learn.

Raids. This is when a collective group of officers go to a arrested individuals apartment in order to make sure they do not have any sort of illegal weaponry or incriminating evidence against them. They will first need a warrant from the court to do so legally. A staff member will oversee this situation to make sure officers do not take anything OOCLY and will be there to bypass the locks

Patrols, This is what is happening when you see officers running around the city. Patrolling is crucial to police work as they could come across a crime in process. This will give the officers the advantage on the criminals as it would be more of a surprise attack. Patrols help both officers and EMS as officers may also come across an unconscious person or something. These exist to make karakura safer overall.

Court cases, Now i do not know the official name for this but i know what it is. When doing court duty officers will essentially lock the townhall down but have it still accessible to the public. This may seem confusing by the way i worded it but i'll explain what i mean, During a court case a criminal does his trial in the town hall. The criminal may have been convicted for something severe like murder, The officers job during these trials is to make sure that this convict is not violent towards anyone or anyone tries to break them out. At the end of the case the officers will take the convict to where their punishment lies. Officers will be tactically situated in areas of the town hall to prevent anyone from trying to get to the convict and from the convict getting to them, They are also there to remove anyone who is causing a scene at the townhall during these cases in general.

Responding to calls, When responding to a call an officer must take precautions and think about some major factors, Will this call be able to be done on their own, What is the current emergency level, What is the call about. When responding the officer can get back up and attend the call. Once they are ready to leave they will announce a quick 10-8 over the radio and leave the station. Once there assess the situation and completing any arrests is necessary.

Training, Officers will eventually be trained well enough to then train cadets. This is crucial for KPD as it teaches cadets what it really needs to be an official officer. I know how EMS training works however I do not know if its the same for KPD.

Jail duty, This is commonly referred to as PrisonRP. This is where a person who plays a convicted inmate comes into the station and asks to roleplay that character around the jail area of the police station. During this the officer will essentially oversee the convict and stay with them at all times. During these times they can go to the cafeteria and grab a meal, Go into the courtyard and get some fresh air or even have a visitation. They may have more stuff that they can go to however I just am not familiar with them myself as i've only done prison roleplay once.

Detective work, Detective work is something I am not familiar with at all but is something I am very eager to learn about if I get accepted. This may be all incorrect but this is what i'm guessing it is. I'm guessing that detectives do research into reports that officers have taken in and create an investigation on them with gathering proof and such which will eventually lead to the officers being able to commit an arrest on the said individuals.

Equipment, This is what officers use on their day to day duties. I have explained what rank each equipment gets during the rank section so I'll be explaining what I think they are used for and perms given and so on. Most of this I learned from the public document.

Baton, This is the first non lethal tool that KPD carry, While it can knock out people it can not take limbs or kill. The baton is used usually in cells or confined spaces as the stun gun is just more ideal to use. The baton has the same stats as the average metal bat which is.
- Two hits to the head to knock out
- Range of two blocks
- Can be mugged

Handcuffs, In SRP handcuffs are completely cosmetic. They are an item that can't physically be placed onto a players hands, However they can be actioned to. They are for what you would assume to be used for. Arresting people. They have unique stats following.
- One block range
- Can be resisted against if rolled
- Cannot be mugged

Police radio, This is shoulder mounted radio for KPD to communicate with each other and or EMS. They will use this very commonly as its pretty much their only way of communicating outside of the station if they need to split up and so on. This can be damaged and also have unique stats that follow.
- Can be destroyed with a blunt or sharp weapon with correct permissions
- Cannot be mugged

Stun gun, Commonly known as a taser, is the most efficient and most common non lethal weapon owned by the KPD. This forces the player to be in the sitting animation for 60 seconds. This is very useful for everyday police work and has the following stats.
- Must be actioned to take out if in range
- Cannot be mugged
- Eight block range
- Grants majors

Breathlyzer, This device connects to a little replaceable tube which people will blow into that will show the officers if they are under the influence of anything and will show the exact units they are at the time. Stats are as following.
- Cannot be mugged

Pepper spray, This is another non lethal alternative that the KPD use. Once sprayed it will blind the individual for 60 seconds and will make it so they must honor all actions after that. The stats are as follows.
- Two block range
- Can be deficient when against gas masks
- Requires action to be taken out if in range
- Cannot be mugged

Tranquilizer rifle, This is the last of the non lethal weapons that the KPD possesses, This fires a dart which puts the individual to sleep. This is very useful in chases or when up against a threat. The stats are.
- Requires action to be taken out when in range
- Thirty block range
- Cannot be mugged

Riot shield, This is used on special occasions, Usually during events. This is a durable glass shield that is used to protect officers against potential threats such as big groups of people. The following stats are.
- Must be on your main and if using defensive
- Must be on off hand if using offensive.
- Requires action to be equipped and swapped out
- Can be mugged with correct permissions
- One block range

Gas mask, This is your everyday standard gas mask that is sold at the black market. There is not really much to say about it but the stats are as follows
- Can be mugged with correct perms
- Neutralizes the effect of pepper spray

Crowbar, This is a tool given to the KPD for stuff such as raids. This tool is used to forcefully open doors to give officers access to places when needed. This is the same as the one sold on black market and the stats are as followed
- Can pry open doors and containers
- Can be mugged

Luminol spray, This is an item roleplayed spray meaning there is no physical copy of the item. This is used to spray down weapons and objects on people in order to identify possible dents and blood stains on the weapon. This has one stat being.
-Cannot be mugged

First aid kid, This is a standard issued first aid kit which includes a tourniquet and gauze pads to stop bleeding and neutralize as much damage as possible until EMS arrives. It has one stat which is the following
- Adds five minutes onto the bleed out timer.

Body Camera, This is usually a chest mounted camera that will always be constantly recording and monitored from the station while an officer is on duty. The stats are as followed
- Can be broken with blunt force if having perms
- Cannot be mugged
Vehicles, The police department has two vehicles being the police bike and police cruiser. While these are given at different ranks. They are just reskins of a standard car and standard bike but have a siren added to them.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police work is important to schoolRP for many reasons, The first reason is realism. SchoolRP despite the name is not purely focused on School and a big portion of it is crime related and it would not be realistic at all to have high crime rate with no police department to fight against it. As i just touched CrimeRP and GangRP is a big portion of the community and as the names suggest they both entitle illegal activity, The police department is here to protect the innocent civilians of Karakura who may get themselves into trouble with certain gangs and overall make the city a safer place. Additionally, Police are responsible for a lot of overlooked activities such as making sure events run smoothly. A simple event such as a festival needs police to be there to oversee it incase anything goes wrong, They will often make sure people stay out of restricted area's and make sure everyone is protected and not in risk of danger at all. Events happen very often to this is a must have to the roleplay experience. Overall the police's job is to police the town, Policing means to keep a civil state of a location (In this case, Karakura) and to detect and prevent the crime or disturbances that occur.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I have been in many factions and never missed a training session. I intend to keep it that way so yes I understand.


What's your character's full name?:
“My name is Zhiyu Yuan, Id rather just be referred to as Yuan though”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“I am Twenty-Nine years old”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I am a cis Male, He/him”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

“College Masters”

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“I know my native language Mandarin, Then Russian and JSL”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
"I am unique? Well.. I guess I do look like your average man, If he was undead that is. I often get called a zombie because my lack of sleep i guess makes me look undead? Maybe its the eye bags i don't now. I am overall a quiet and composed guy, That's just how I grew up really. Its my nature. Thats... not really unique is it?"

Zhiyu is a male of Chinese descent, The towers at a height of 5’11 and appears to be skinny but also well fit due to his past of intense training. The male does not look like someone you would expect as an officer as he is quiet and rarely talks unless needing to. This however can change when he is in charge of a situation he can get very vocal and loud at this point. The male oftenly had messy brown hair that was often tucked beneath his clothing as he did not like showing off his long hair. The male pretty much always wore glasses, Not any special kind, just normal prescription as he is practically blind without them and walked around carrying his fathers cane that had a story to tell itself elevated off the ground to not get it dirty or damaged as this was one of his most prized possessions. He was a mysterious fellow, Often getting called names because of his quiet and seemingly grumpy nature. Overall the male would seem like a miserable male at first glance, But once you get to know him and have warmed up to him. He's the opposite; he just likes to keep himself to himself.

Zhiyu's uniqueness does not really come from his appearance, But his personality traits, Illnesses, Phobia's and disabilities. These are all important to making someone unique as they will change the way they act during certain scenario's or overall. All have been listed bellow neatly.

Character Traits
Brainiac - Zhiyu has always been someone who loves using his brain, This had developed as a student when he figured out his love for science. During this time he had to work out alot of scientific equations which led to his brain overall getting stronger. Zhiyu in his spare time will often use this to his advantage and play brain games such as sudoku and chess. In addition to this he will often find himself learning languages to further more increase what he is capable of and has played on many general knowledge shows before.

Bilingual - Zhiyu as stated before loves his languages, He has been learning languages on and off for just over 16 years now. Since he was 13 Zhiyu found a great indeph love for languages and started off by learning Russian, He of course struggled with learning them at first but the more he learned the more similarities he found between them which made learning the next one easier. The languages Zhiyu has learned so far in the past are, Chinese, Japanese, JSL, Gaelic, Russian, English, Gin, Esperanto. Overall this man loves his languages.

Artistic - Zhiyu is a man who loves his art, While not being an artist himself he has a very creative mind and this leads to him giving good ideas into situations. The man love's art, Especially scenery as he can imagine himself in the said places. This developed not long ago at the age of 24 where he was spending a day at the shrine, The beautiful view made his brain spiral into thought and he eventually found himself looking up to famous and unique artists such as his favorite. Liu Wei.

Disabilities and Illnesses
Reflective Error, Zhiyu is someone who needs his glasses or contacts on to see. He has always had this issue since he was a child, However the male usually opts in for glasses as the thought of having something in his eye terrorfies him

Amputee, Zhiyu while being in Karakura ended up losing his leg due to a reason he refuses to tell. It was his own fault and his own stupidity. This had lead the man to having to get a prosthetic leg, He is very much used to his prosthetic leg now however and can easily get around. Over all this does not affect him much but is something he has to deal with.

Insomnia, Zhiyu suffers from a very common sleeping problem. This affects his body clock and used to alter the way he acted, However Zhiyu has found a way to counter this. Zhiyu oftenly eats healthy foods and does plenty of exercise to get his body back awake, This does not always work so he uses energy drinks as a last resort. He does not want to get caught sleeping on the job so he does this for his own benefit. Zhiyu developed this after getting his leg amputated... Maybe it has deeper meaning?

Chronic fatigue syndrome, Zhiyu has a rare desease known as CFS. While Chronic fatigue syndrome is not deadly in any way and will not kill Zhiyu, It certainly will put a stick in the road for him. CFS makes Zhiyu have additional issues with sleeping and gives him fatigue issues along side it. To counter this Zhiyu has medication to help out with some of the symptoms and gets his body back awake when needed.

Plutophobia, While Zhiyu has money and is applying for this job for more money to make sure he can pay his bills and live. Zhiyu has a deep fear of losing all his money or not earning enough to keep himself alive, This developed when he moved to Karakura as it was a fresh start for him and had not really had any good paying job. He commonly has to relly on his parents which are no longer living in Karakura, Hes on his own now.

Pharmacophobia, Zhiyu has never enjoyed taking medication. Mainly medication like tablets or pills that you have to digest through the mouth. Zhiyu has an extreme fear of death, Mainly having a slow and painful one like choking. He does not really know what it is about the medication taking he does not like, But he hates it with a passion. When needed he will take them however, Just hates it.

Thanatophobia, Zhiyu suffers from thanatophobia as it is the intense fear for death. Zhiyu is not afraid to die a quick painless death, However the male is afraid to die a long painful death and not be remembered for what he has done. To counter this the male never lets his guard down and is always cautions about going into situations which could possibly lead to his death

Musophobia, Zhiyu has a phobia of rodents. Rodents do not necessarily scare Zhiyu, They just make the male really uncomfortable as he knows they carry all sorts of diseases and does not want to be the one to obtain them. Zhiyu generally stays away from rodents, Especially wild ones and developed this phobia in a science class when studying about the plague.

Claustrophobia, Zhiyu has never liked being in confined spaces or being unable to move his body. This is a fear that he cannot even remember when gaining as it feels like its just imbedded into him. If he cannot move his body he begins to have panic attacks as he feel like he cannot save himself at all. To overcome this Zhiyu has invented his own breathing exercise that calms him down when needed

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
"What's the difference, Enlighten me. You should always keep yourself composed no matter the situation, Does not matter if its 'Professional' or 'Casual' I guess i have one personality and one personality only. I do not change depending on if its professional or causal as I always keep myself composed and do not let my guard down. Ever."

Zhiyu’s personality does not really change at all depending on professional and casual situations. What does change is he gets more vocal when needing to and raises his voice. Zhiyu usually keeps himself to himself no matter what and really dislikes interacting with people, However he will do so if he has to. In a professional situation Zhiyu will be more talkative and explain what needs to be explained and keep himself composed. Professionality is something that is pretty easy for him to keep as it's essentially what he is in general. In a casual situation where he is alone or with a few coworkers he will be more quiet. Zhiyu likes to focus on himself and keep that to himself. He rarely is seen talking about himself or boasting his achievements. When off duty the male finds a quiet place to sit and relax where he will not be disturbed and intends to keep it that way until the day he quits. Overall Zhiyu will be the same old anti-social man, But will alter that anytime that is needed.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
"Team work i guess is something that everyone needs to know at some point in their life, Basic thing you learn in school is it not? Co-workers? Eh not to fond of talking to people, However I am not uncomfortable doing so. If I need to talk to people and 'come out of my shell' then I will."

Zhiyu thinks it is great to depend on coworkers and work as a team. More brains is more brain power. He believes that although he does not like talking often, Teamwork is something that is crucial while working in the police department as not everything can be done solo. Zhiyu does not want to get himself or his co-workers hurt out during situations. Even if he does not like people, Them getting hurt is the last thing he wants so working as a team will prevent or at least minimalize that. Teamwork does make the dream work Afterall.

What's your character's backstory?
Zhiyu was born in a small well-kept hospital in the year of 1995 outside of the city of Suzhou. His mother and father both treated Zhiyu as he should have been treated. He was not spoiled as a kid but was not mistreated. He was raised not to be a brat. His first four years of his life was just spent exploring the new beautiful life he had. When the young boy turned five years old he joined a small local nursery where he spent his weekdays for the next following year. The boy was a good kid, However he lacked interaction. He didn't have friends and kept himself to himself whenever he could. A unique child. Once the year was over the young boy's parents hired a private tutor to homeschool the boy as they thought the public school environment was not going to do well for him because of the unique nature of his personality. Maybe this was for the best. He adapted well to the home schooling and had a very good bond with his personal teacher. During these lessons he learned the basics that he needed to learn such as reading and writing and his language. Additionally he also learned the basics of math and literature. Just like any kid he hated it though. Being home school did strike one problem for Zhiyu however, The male lacked social interaction and attention which was crucial for kids these days. Only later on in life they would realize how much this just was not the case for Zhiyu. During high school Zhiyu excelled in his taught subjects and very much enjoyed it. His favorite of his studies was his sciences as he loved learning about why everything is the way it is. During this he grew a big interest for forensics which will help him later on in his life choices. Zhiyu lived what most students would see as a boring school life, He did not do any sort of fun extra activities and would always be seen as the ‘buzzkill’ of the group as he never really wanted to do anything fun. He was study focused. He eventually got into college where he took a course on Law enforcement, Forensic sciences and linguistics. Two of the three of these he was deeply passionate with and loved with every fiber of his being. There was no going back now, He knew what he wanted his career to be. Two years of college flew by and he got a degree in all three of his chosen subjects. The man decided to take a gap year before actually getting a job. During this gap year he took the time out of his days to write a CV and apply for some places for the future, He was 22 at the time and finally received an email about joining a police academy which he did so. He never regretted any of this and put himself through the worst training of his life, He stayed in this police department for a total of 2 years and achieved the rank of corporal before being presented a choice. Move to Karakura with his parents or stay at his job, He picked family first. Once moving to karakura the man stayed unemployed for a bit before getting a job in a small 11/7 store, This was not ideal for him and was not paying rent so he scoped for jobs which he got offered a spot in the Karakura hospital as a replacement for a psychiatrist for when they was not available to come in. He did this until he was 29 where he finally decided it's time to move on. He applied for KPD and eagerly waited for their response.

“You want to hear my life story huh? Well I suppose I can share. Well the year was 1995 when my mother went into labor in a hospital that was just outside of my hometown, Suzhou, a beautiful place if i must add. Growing up as a kid I had good parents, I cannot remember my early years apart from some random moments since I was an infant, But I can remember going into school for the first time when I was roughly four or five years old. School or as we called this type of school nursery did not really teach me anything. It was more of an opportunity for my parents to get away with me for a day and focus on whatever they were doing at the time. My mother worked in a nursing home while my father managed his own business so they were pretty busy. Minus the point. Nursery was just average, I got along with most of the kids there but I usually just kept to myself and was not very vocal at all, Ironic right?
Growing up in my household was unique for me as after nursery I was homeschooled. During this period of homeschooling I managed to improve my Mandarin and learn basic skills like how to read and write. You know, The normal stuff you teach children. Home schooling lasted until the age of 11 where I then moved into a high school, That will be explained later. As I was a homeschooled kid i lacked social interaction which is why I think I am the way I am today, People perceive me as a grumpy guy quite often and maybe sometimes I do act that way.. I'm just not very social. Back to homeschooling, Throughout my years of being homeschooled my teacher who my parents hired was a good guy, Taught me my basic level math and literature and overall slowly built up my confidence which really did help for when I finally transferred to a public high school
Highschool for me went as well as it possibly could of, Didn't have many friends but did I mind that? No, I actually preferred it that way. I did not encounter any sorts of bullying and I was exceeding in my classes. I was making my parents proud which I liked. My favorite subjects during school were my sciences. I enjoyed learning about what this world has to offer, Why we exist. You know? The cool ‘Nerdy’ stuff. I struggled with Math's which is why I am still not the best at it, However we will say that's because I'm twenty nine now and have forgotten what I learned back then. Highschool overall though was great and got me prepared for college where I then studied law enforcement, Forensic sciences and then linguistics on the side.
College was a blast, It was probably the quickest to years of my life. I enjoyed every last second of it and it really did make me think about my career choices. I was a dumb kit when I thought about being a police officer. Isn't that what every kid wants though? Being the superhero of the city and fighting crime. I focused on my classes and hammered down which eventually led me to getting my degree in the 3 subjects I took even if I did kind of neglect my linguistics course. Either way I was not complaining. It was time for the big world however.
I spent my first year in the real world focusing on myself, Call this a break year. I didn't really do much with my life here apart from make a cv with my qualifications on it. Sent it out to a few people with no response towards the end of my ‘break year’ . I received an email, I got accepted into a Chinese police academy which was pretty cool. By the time it came around to join I was 22, Turning 23. I did my first few weeks as a cadet which was probably some of the most stressful training of my life. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was going to experience. My work was great… though I only stayed for 2 years and achieved the rank of corporal. I quit due to my parents moving to this hell hole we call home which I then stayed unemployed until I was 25. I got a job at a small convenience store which once again, I ended up leaving because it was not good. Applied for more places and got accepted as a Psychiatrists replacement for when they can't make it. I want a full time job now however and that's why I applied for the KPD.”


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"What sort of question is this? In no circumstance is it legal to own a pocket knife"

Any sort of sharp weapon like object is often illegal and sold illegally to citizens of Karakura. If you are found with one you will get charged with possession of illegal weaponry and depending on if you have used it or not, Assault with a deadly weapon.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"I have worked in the hospital while a Psychiatrist took time off, This is too easy. Cough medicine, Paracetamol, Wooden cane, Eyepatch both left and right and finally... melatonin"

The hospital sells a wide selection of medication and medical items, Some require a prescription and some do not. If you are caught with a prescribed item and do not have a prescription then you will be fined. If you can not afford that fine then you will be doing community service. Having the prescription for another citizen does not count as your own.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"Depends on the situation, If the inmate has a weapon in hand then go with a non lethal method and tase them to drop it. If they are abusing the inmate for no reason at all, get them off the inmate and move them away. Question both the inmate and officer and report to a lieutenant or higher rank. That's the right thing to do"

Often KPD use either their tasers or batons when in cells as its the most easiest to use. In some situations inmates can get their hands on batons so if the inmate was for example using an officers baton against them and the officer was retaliating in self defense then using a taser against the inmate would be the right response and getting the officer out of there before questioning them and upping the charges. If the officer was attacking the inmate for no reason though and was being rather corrupt then the best thing to do would be to get the officer and inmate apart. Call back up into the cells and question both the officer and inmate. The inmate may be in jail but that does not mean they are in the wrong in that situation. Once they have both been questioned I will submit my bodycam footage of the event a HU, Preferably the captain or commissioner themselves.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Once again, Scenario based. If they have hit code 0 then I would broadcast and get as many police officers and EMS to be available to support then help. If it’s them against a gang of 10 people where I stand no chance. Backup will be called and then proceed to help when all has arrived. If it's just my co-worker against one person then I will instantly intervene by using my non lethal and make them ride the lightning”

Depending on the situation I may be able to interfere instantly. If its my co-worker against one other guy then I can instantly interfere with a taser and help my buddy out. If its a group that is not realistic for me to take on my own at all then radio back up and a broadcast will be posted to the rest of the police department. Once they arrive we intervene. Finally if a code 0 is pressed then we will all be alerted about it, Once we have all swiftly geared up then we will go on scene and help the officer being assaulted hopefully before it is too late.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Well, Proof is the number one priority here. I need to make sure I have proof or any sort of evidence to back this up since people will do anything to get rid of an officer these days. Could be fake, Anyway gather evidence to back it up even if it is little and report it to a higher up. Preferably the Commissioner and Captain.”

This behavior is not tolerated at all within the police department. If i find out myself then the chances are my body cam footage will have captured it too, This will instantly be submitted to a higher up confidentially so that no suspicion from the officer is raised. The higher ups will deal with it accordingly. If i have gotten a report from a citizen about an officer doing this and have been given proof, I will take that proof and submit it to both the commissioner and detective superintendent in discreet so once again no suspicion is raised. They will deal with it from there.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"Who do you think I am? I would never accept any form of bribery from a dirty criminal. They can offer me what they want, Their sentence is not changing at all"

Bribing an officer itself is a crime, It is also a crime for the officer to accept the bribery. This would be what people refer to as 'Corrupt' and is not tolerated in the police station. If they are found to be corrupt they will get arrested themselves. Often the body cam footage will capture this event anyway so there is no point losing your job and getting arrested for a bit of cash. The body cam footage will be submitted to a higher up so the inmates charge gets increased if needed.
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