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Accepted gutzlover's student councilor application!


Level 18

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I have a few temporary warnings, although I’ve never been kicked and or banned before.

What is your timezone?:

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):


Describe your activity on the server:
I am fairly active on the server, especially now during summer. Although, I still do have a pretty busy life outside of SRP. More specifically, I’m on for around eight hours a day, but not all at once.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
lovegutz - College Basketball Captain
gutzlover - College Bachelors
Ilovewaisie - Adult

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am completely aware of this.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council is a group of student leaders who are elected by their fellow classmates. Their job is to work together and figure out long term methods of how to improve their school community. Whether that is the uniform policy, changing rules, etc. They also organize and carry out school activities of all sorts, and value their classmate’s opinions and take it to consideration for council meetings. This gives students who are a part of the student council the opportunity to lead, serve, and increase their social and communication skills which can be heavily beneficial outside of school.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
After playing on SRP for a total of almost seven years now with breaks in between, I’ve been able to partake in a few of the biggest factions on SRP. This includes KPD, EMS, and the teaching faction. Despite partaking in all of these factions, the college council has definitely sparked my interest more than any other faction. When I was a teacher back then, I really enjoyed being a part of the school community, which is what SRP is based mostly on. I feel as if some people tend to forget that SRP is a school based roleplay server, and neglect that aspect. I really became drawn once again to the school side of SRP as I observed the college councilors only grow more and more. They not only lead college students, but also take opinions from fellow classmates on how their school environment can be improved, which is something I am very interested in being a part of again, but in a different way this time as a college councilor.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am completely aware that I will be having to use my creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council. Being basketball captain as of right now has really given me a jump start on teamwork, as well as being a part of EMS back then when I was surgeon clinical lead at one point.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

President and Vice-President:

These students are the ones who are incharge of the council itself and how it’s run, enforcing rules, as well as making the bigger decisions for the council. They also work together, and run meetings to come up with effective methods and or decisions to improve their school community, in which the president of the council has the final say, alongside the vice president supporting them.

Council Training Committee:
These students typically have been in the student council longer compared to other members. When new council members get accepted, the council training committee are incharge of guiding those new council members and train them to be the best councilors that they can be. They introduce them to how things work around the council, and discuss the rules that must be followed while working in the student council.

General Council Members:
These are the students who work alongside the president and vice president. These students are usually seen everyday on school grounds, scoping around the campus in aid of the students mainly, which includes resolving potential conflict and or needing to give advice to a student or a group of students.

Student Leadership Team:
This is the group of people who are incharge of the entire school itself. This includes the principal, vice principal, dean, and the vice dean. They are the most responsible for the school’s growth and improvement all around.

Teachers/Professors/School Faculty:
These people are the ones who help out with the school alongside SLT and student council, in case things get out of hand or if the council needs help hosting an event. Overall, they help make sure the school stays as a safe environment where all students and staff can feel most comfortable.​


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

Soyeon would approach the situation slowly, making her presence more known and take a quick listen at the conversation to hear what’s being said without interfering first. Then, after not waiting too long she would directly ask the two what is happening, and why they are arguing. Of course, she’d listen to both perspectives. Once they tell her she would advise them that this is not a good way to solve conflict, and rather would the outcome worse. If the situation is resolved, she would leave them to go on about their day. If this continued, she would issue a warning and if this led to multiple, it could eventually lead into detention which would get SLT involved.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Soyeon would quickly take note either on a piece of paper, or her phone of the student’s physical appearance. This includes what mask they were wearing, what clothes they were wearing, as well as their shoes. Then, she would inform other council members about this individual student with a mask on, and tell them which direction they were running towards so they could also keep their eyes out just in case they find them. She would also inform SLT, for further assistance if the student is not found.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
Soyeon would walk up to the councilor and confront them immediately, telling them mc to stop yelling and or being excessively mean to that student. After making the councilor stop, she would ask exactly what happened from both the councilor and student’s perspective. If it’s true that the councilor is abusing their powers, she would tell them that it’s not okay to abuse their powers and that they can get into a lot of serious trouble because of it, therefore hopefully that would prevent future instances like this. If this were to continue though, Soyeon would inform higher ups of the student council and or SLT about the councilor’s behavior and abuse of power.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
Soyeon would immediately ask her fellow councilors if there are any key details that she needs to know about, just in case she has forgotten in her notebook. In most cases this would not happen, because Soyeon has a good memory when it comes to important information. Although she is not afraid to admit her mistakes if things go south, she values constructive criticism and learning from mistakes to improve as a person in the future.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Soyeon would respectfully ask exactly what she’s done wrong. After they tell her what she's done wrong, she would quickly apologize and take into consideration not to do whatever she had done again in the future, to prevent instances like this again. Although, if it was less obvious of what she did was supposedly wrong she’d check in with her fellow student council members for clarification to see where she was or not if she was truly in the wrong. If she was, she’d not only apologize to those she affected, but also the student council for potentially jeopardizing them as a group.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

Cultural Carnival
Carnivals, a fun activity that many people enjoy. Carnivals consist of games, rides, food, and even shows! More specifically, for this type of carnival it will involve games, and food consisting of different games in different countries as well as food. Given the fact that many of the students that attend Karakura High School are from many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, this will really give students the chance to immerse in a culture that they may not be a part of or heard of! Certain students who apply to run the food and or game stands will apply, and think of food that they want to bring from their own culture to share with the rest of the school community. Those who would want to perform, must sign up on a Google form prior to the event and must either come up with a song performance consisting of an existing song, or an original dance choreographed by one or multiple people, depending on who performs with who, or individually. As an option, students may wear their own cultural attire from their culture as a possible way to earn a reward token for participating. Other ways to earn reward tokens during this event could be performing in the possible talent show, helping run the food and or game booths, or seen actively participating in all of the games, performing, eating, bonding and more. We as people in Karakura tend to forget that many of us come from different cultural backgrounds. Some may feel like their culture doesn’t matter compared to others that are more openly acknowledged publicly. People not knowing their food, and maybe their language. This will make those that feel forgotten feel more seen instead, giving them that sort of experience and memory to hold to and look back on. Not only that but they also get a taste of their fellow student’s cultural food and or games that they play in it. Us as councilors are supposed to make students feel heard and welcomed. This is only one out of the many event ideas that I have regarding the school itself.


Character Name:

Soyeon Santarossa

Character Gender:

Character Age:

Character phone-number:
(030) - 383 - 9390

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Soyeon Santarossa is a sophisticated, agitated, yet friendly person. She is quite the ambivert, to say the least. Very selective with the people she decides to talk to. If someone hurts her, or one of her friends, she will not hesitate to fight back whether that’d be verbally or physically, depending on the intensity of the situation. On the weaker side of her personality, she’s very naive and oblivious to what she says. Some people think she comes off as too blunt, or too mean with what she says about someone or something.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“I believe I have the ability to communicate well, meet new people, and share my ideas along with having full commitment to the student council if I were to receive this position. I take people’s opinions and ideas very seriously so it wouldn’t be hard for me to adapt to new things, and or decisions that others within the student council, and even school faculty and students want to make involving the school. I’ve dealt with many hard situations during my life so far, so I am ready to overcome any challenges thrown at me and try my best to work through them.”

Why do you want this position?:
“In my opinion, I feel like I can use my full potential within the council, and stick out from the rest. I have the capability to work with others cooperatively, and share my ideas as needed. I feel like many people are very stuck to their own opinion, although I feel like I can take other people’s opinions into consideration whilst still valuing my own, which I believe is a very important trait to have when being a part of the student council.”

What interests you the most about student council?:
“To me, the council is a group of intelligent and amazing students who try their very best to provide the best activities, enforce fair rules, and keep the school an overall safe environment for their fellow students and school faculty. Each student is a part of the council coming from a different background, therefore having their own story and way of doing things, as well as their own ideas, which is something I highly admire about the student council, therefore wish to be a part of.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“I am a very good listener, and value other people’s opinions. I feel like many students feel as if their voices are not heard and or their suggestions to make the school better are simply not taken into consideration. If I were to become a part of the council, I will make sure to take student opinions from not only the student council itself but also outside of the council, into consideration to make those students feel heard and even more part of the school community than before. On the more fun side, I can write and think of event ideas for the school, and advocate for events to be more frequent so students have something to look forward to other than just going to school.”​



Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, The council have decided to accept your application.

To get started please ping @[Vice-Principal] Tasselled in the RPH academic's discord's help channel.
From there, please contact your appropriate council lead.​

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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