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Hachiko | Shop Application


Level 31


Describe your activity on the server:
I believe my activity on the server is decent, I spend multiple hours of free time playing on SchoolRP each day. I spend a meaningful amount of time roleplaying, coming up with events, just overall actively communicating with the SchoolRP community both ICly and OOCly. I trust that I will be active enough to run a shop, and will not disappoint as I’d like to view myself as a rather dedicated and motivated person towards my tasks and roles. I play the role of a basketball captain, as well as being a part of the Event Team which requires me to be online regularly when it comes to activity on the server. Besides the server, I am also active on it’s connecting socials such as discord and the forums.

Previous applications:
Event Team Application - Accepted
Shop Application - Accepted
College professor Application - Accepted
Art Teacher Application - Accepted
News Reporter Application - Accepted
Chhattisgarhi Language Application - Accepted
French Language Application - Accepted
JSL Language Application - Accepted
Spanish Language Application - Accepted
Permanent Grade 8 Request - Accepted

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
A thirty minute ban once in 2017, I’ve had a clean history ever since then.

Shop wanted:
The shop I want is an accessory shop, as seen as available in the Karakura Town shop-roster. I would like Unowned Shop #2, however any shop will do if this slot is taken by the time you read this application. I do not want to risk my spot being denied due to me wanting an already taken shop.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
There are many reasons as to why I would like to own a shop. However I must mention the most crucial reasons to make my point valid. My reasons vary from I’ve owned a shop before and loved the experience, I want a change in roleplay, as well as wanting to benefit the entire server by creating more opportunities with a friendly and healthy environment.

Owning a Shop in the past
As you may remember, I used to own the Tsuki Kissaten Diner. I have prior knowledge and experience of running a shop, purchasing restock, working with employees and treating customers well both OOCly and ICly, however realistically at the same time. I have kept up to date with shop information, as I know there is a new tax rule implemented which I can learn quickly. Through my past experiences I had a lot of fun, it challenged me on some of my skills and overall I gained many benefits which include improving my communication and responsibility skills. Experiencing all of this brought me a lot of joy and nothing but fun memories on the server. I would love to have the opportunity to bring this upon myself as well as other players once again. However, being reminded of my past of being a shop owner, I was rather new at it and have noticed a lot of errors I made in the past such as underpaying my workers. I have learned from this, which I believe will make me an even better shop owner and I will do my best to dedicate my time and effort into this shop.

Change in Shop
Although I owned a diner, a restaurant type shop in the past, I like to believe myself as a fast learner and one who likes to experience new opportunities. I would love to have the chance to own a completely different themed shop as I trust that I will run this better. My reasoning for saying this is due to the fact that I have many customs already implemented on the server which are accessories and wearable items which I can freely sell in my shop. I am also a rather creative person who has a lot of ideas for new design and change, which will all be mentioned in this application further on.

Character Development
Another important reason which heavily influenced my decision on applying as a shop owner, is due to character development. My character, Suzume Morioka is a woman who always dreamed of owning her own shop. She loves being responsible and seeing the result of joy on her peer’s faces. Suzume grew up in Jiyugaoka, Japan where she lived in a three story house. The bottom floor consisted of her family’s personalized jewelry shop. After school, she’d always come home and work on her homework behind the counters, greeting customers and observing the many happy faces that walked around the store. Suzume’s love for being a part of the ‘store life’ and creating a friendlier community got even stronger as she grew up, having part time jobs in stores and shops all around Tokyo. However once she reached the age of 39, she decided to finally put in her effort and all the knowledge she’d obtained for years now into finally getting a shop of her own.

Dedication and Effort
I’d like to trust that I am a rather dedicated person that puts effort into tasks or roles that I receive. If given the opportunity to own a shop, I will prove that I have enough time and effort to successfully run this business. This includes opening the store often, hiring active players as workers, and taking this role seriously. I would like to give you my word and believe that I am planning on staying as a shop owner for the long run. I do not plan on quitting early or giving up my role as a shop owner easily. I will put a lot of time and effort into turning this shop into a successful business run by exceptional employees.
As I am very invested into making sure this shop is successful, I will consistently come up with special events, sales, and marketing techniques that will keep customers all around karakura entertained and excited for it’s opening, both ICly and OOCly!

Skills and Weaknesses
I believe that it is a good thing to accept and understand my skills and weaknesses. I believe I work well with communication with others, organization, and being creative with my ideas. This means I can work well with my employees, players on the server, have a smooth running business as well as come up with many events and ideas to plan for my shop. However, besides my skills, it’s important to realize one’s weaknesses as well. I believe I need work on time management, which is one of the reasons why I am applying as a shop owner, to challenge myself and my skills in managing tasks and assignments on time. I will be doing this by planning things properly, writing them down and having a valid schedule of when to open my shop each month.

New Experiences and Opportunities
Another very important factor as to why I want to own a shop, is not only for my own experiences, but for every single player within the server itself, which I will be mentioning how. Although I really enjoy the role of basketball captain on my other account, I would love to open up new opportunities to create fun experiences for myself. I believe sometimes having the same exact role can get repetitive when it comes to roleplaying as well as responsibilities. This is why I think a change and a new role to add onto my time can really help me get motivated and enjoy my time more. I would love to get on SchoolRP and have the choice to choose which character I want to further develop or play on that day. That being said, I will be equally active on both accounts, so there should be no issues on inactivity for either. Moving onto how I will help the server experience new opportunities and benefit their time on SchoolRP, I have a few ideas in mind. Firstly, anyone can own a shop and create new experiences for players. However this doesn’t mean it is always successful, which is why I have taken a lot of time planning and considering what would interest the eyes of each player. When new players join schoolrp they often have the problem of not fitting in or feeling left out in situations. I would love for my shop to welcome everyone, having very friendly staff and making sure everyone feels at home. I will be keeping my prices not too high in order for most players to be able to afford cheap, but quality items worth buying!

What do you plan to do with the shop?:

Hachiko, all the best for a whole lot less!

The name of the shop will be Hachiko, named after a symbolic famous dog that is commonly known around the world. My reasoning for choosing this name has a lot of significance behind it. Hachiko is known to be a very ‘faithful dog’. After Hachiko’s owner had passed away, he would go to Shibuya Station daily, waiting and hoping that his owner would one day return like he had many times before.
Hachiko is recognized as an important example of loyalty within Japan. My character, Suzume, will be owning the shop and has had the experience of owning a family run business when she was a child. Her mother had always told her to do what she dreamed of once she grew up, which was to open her own shop! She wanted to name her shop after something that would remind herself of her family in the past, all loyal and friendly while working well with each other. This name would also realistically make sense as it is a big symbolistic measure within Japanese culture.

Shop Design and Layout

Hachiko will have a rather clean, traditional and neat look to its environment. Upon entering the shop, you’d see a glimmer in your eyes as you look around. There would be many shelves of interesting items, the environment being sweet however has a somewhat welcoming scenery with friendly employees. We want our customers to be amazed at the design, to have other intentions and not only come for the purpose of buying things! We want everyone to enjoy their time.

Entertainment Within the design

Mini Stage of Talent!

Inside Hachiko there will be a mini stage that attracts customers to the store even more! An employee or volunteer will be allowed up onto the mini stage when asked, to perform different kinds of talents and entertainment! There are many ranges of performances which can be used such as stand up comedy, singing, little skits, mini podcasts. We also recommend reporters or journalists to step up and make a few news reports to keep the citizens of Karakura updated! This not only provides us entertainment purposes, however involves the whole Karakura Community as a whole!

Mini hangout booth
There will be a section located at the corner of the store for those who want to sit and roleplay if they are done shopping, or waiting for someone else. They can sit, relax, and catch up with friends. This section will feel cozy, there will be couches and pillows which are cleaned weekly by our employees. As long as no one is being overly disruptive, everyone is welcome to hangout in Hachiko!

Beautiful Decorations at Hachiko!
Our store will have neat decorations such as paintings of Shiba dogs on the wall and pictures of Mount Fuji. To make it look more realistic, we will add simplistic details such as a little bell by the cashier to ‘ring’ if no employee is at the register. We will have nicely designed flooring, installed heating and cooling for different weather.

Shop Opening Hours
Hachiko will be very flexible with their opening hours. It will be scattered around different times throughout the week, allowing people with different time zones to have the chance in shopping. While observing certain remarks and situations from shops and players, I have noticed that many open only at a specific time zone, leaving out players who can not get on at around this hour. I plan on opening at different times, which is why I will be hiring employees with different time zones in order to open freely throughout the week with no hesitation or the problem of having inactive employees at specific times.
I will also be opening quite frequently, being as active as I can.
Reaching the Monthly quota
I will try my best to open even more than the monthly quota, so that it does not become a hassle and a last minute rush as that is what I have observed some stores doing. I have also done this in the past, learning from my own mistakes I can create an even bigger promise to carry on with this goal! I want our store, Hachiko, to be very actively involved in the Karakura community in order to benefit citizens, being responsible as we want them to start relying on us opening weekly!

Traditional styled eccentric uniforms!
At Hachiko, we will be wearing traditional styled uniforms that are neat but stylish. Very work appropriate, however could be considered casual to an extent. We do not want to make the shop too strict, however some boundaries will be put in order to keep the store’s reputation healthy for roleplay purposes.
We want to keep a brown / plain colored uniform to make it look neat.
Here are a few examples on the uniform colors / designs we will choose:

Hachiko’s Frequent Exciting Events!
At Hachiko, we want customers to be excited for us to open. We don’t want to be an ordinary shop that opens and closes quickly once in a while. We want the citizens of Karakura to take part in a series of entertaining events which we will host with permission from the faction lead.

Mascot meet and greet!
At Hachiko, our mascot is a Shiba Dog which represents the great dog himself! We will have an employee who works as the store mascot, advertising our items and merch. Every once in a while they can be seen in the store, asking a riddle to an unsuspected customer. If the customer responds with the correct answer, they will get a special prize!

Bring your pet to Hachiko day!
Hachiko always welcomes pets and animals, as long as they are not hostile! As Hachiko is named after a dog itself, we want to represent a day where you bring your pet to the store! The pet will receive one free treat or toy when brought to the cash register after buying an item. This will help involve animal ranks and possibly help those unowned find lovely homes!

Seasonal Celebrations at Hachiko!
Ever feel bored running around town? Well Hachiko has got you covered and excited for our seasonal events! Ranging from Christmas events such as hot chocolate bashes, having our own Santa Claus as the surprise guest on our mini stage! Cherry blossom photo shoots and spring sales! Summer exclusive item bundles and raffles!

Art Auction Booth!
As we all know, the server recently implemented the new art plugin! To make use of this and help players get more involved and interested, we will be ICly selling our professionally made art! The images will be displayed in our discord, where people can buy the beautiful pieces and roleplay with them. Another idea would be to order art with references, and one of our employees will be willing to draw them a piece with the plugin for a price!

Charity Lunch Day!
We would like to host a charity lunch, meaning free food and service! Citizens are free to donate any junk or old items they do not use anymore, in exchange for a free meal and drink! These items will be donated to orphanages and possibly recycled, giving money to the hospital staff! (All Roleplay)

Hachiko’s Donation Raffle!
The donation raffle will be a store wide event that encourages customers to donate any old items they don’t use anymore, bought from Hachiko. Once someone donates an old unneeded item from the store, their name will be put in a raffle. A promising winner will be announced a week later with customers gathering back to the store, to witness spinning the raffle wheel. The prize would be one of our exclusive new items for free, or a cash prize.

Hachiko Day - March 8th (can be any day if needed)
Many Japanese people, as well as Hachiko lovers, celebrate this day in remembrance of their beloved dog. As a way to say thank you to all of our loyal customers for always shopping at Hachiko, we would like to hold a big sale to help benefit the town. Quality items for cheap!

How will your shop be unique?:

Hachiko offers a variety of beneficial opportunities for everyone. Not only will the employees and staff Team be very innovative and creative with our ideas, but I am very keen and confident that our store will be successful. I have enough time and dedication to provide a smooth process.

Hachiko will stand out from the other shops in Karakura. We will offer accessories and items provided for all genders and age ranges. We do not want to be one sided at our shop, meaning everyone is excited to come and see what the store has to offer.

We want everyone's voices to be heard!
At Hachiko, we will be normalizing feedback and positive criticism! There will be a section in the shop discord which provides a channel to suggest ideas, concerns, or anything at all. We will also be hosting voting events to see which next custom people want to see in our store.

Creative Products to Offer!
I like to believe that I am a rather creative person with a broad imagination. I will be able to think of very interesting items to sell in the store, when I purchase custom items in the future. I am financially okay with purchasing custom items for SchoolRP, while keeping in mind and respect of how much the modelers are working! I already have multiple custom items I am willing to sell in my shop, such as the ‘pink ribbon purse’, hair bows, hats, backpacks, and plushies!

Items I would love to sell in our store would be purses, bags, hats, headbands, umbrellas, glasses, watches, bracelets, earrings, school accessories, sports accessories, and I am planning on getting a Shiba hat which represents Hachiko!

Another reason why Hachiko will be unique can be from my own personal experience. I live in Japan, and can use what I know to make roleplay as well as the items sold in the store more realistic as well as what you could commonly find and see in everyday Japan.

Hachiko’s Merch and Tailoring Services!
Hachiko will not only be selling in game accessories, but your very own fashionable clothing that you order! There will be a sign for the tailoring discord, a channel for already made merch outfits for the store! We will have tailors apply for Hachiko’s online clothing line, involving even more of the community, making ordering clothing apart of roleplay!

Our shop will provide new roleplay opportunities, all beneficial to everyone!
A few example are:

Tired of waiting for your girlfriend to choose which hat she should buy?
Have a seat at our mini booth and relax your legs! Make some new friends, or catch up with old ones!

Needed to use the bathroom while shopping?
Do not fret! Hachiko had a free to use bathroom on the left of the store! It’s ridiculous that you can barely ever find a washroom to use in the shopping district, except for the station! Our employees make sure to clean it up after every opening due to health and sanitary regulations! However keep in mind we check the bathroom after every closing to make sure no one is hiding in there. Our security is very secure.

Are you a fur frantic who hates animal cruelty?
Well do not worry as all of Hachiko’s items are not real fur. As real and soft they may be, there was no animal cruelty involved!

How many employees are you planning to have?:

I am planning to hire 8 employees to start off. I will add more later on, and switch any inactive people. However I would say that having too many employees at the start gets very chaotic and hard to add to chests, keep active, as well as getting mixed up. I believe having limited active and hard working employees are more reliable.

Owner x 1

Mascot x 1
Open Spot

Cashier x 7
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required
Open Spot - Application Required

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:

Suzume Morioka went to private highschool in Tokyo, where she then graduated and got enrolled into Waseda University.
She studied a business major there, and got her bachelor’s in marketing. She is very experienced when it comes to working in a shop as her parents used to run a family owned store when she was a young child. Suzume took her free time to look for many store based job opportunities to work for, until one day she realized it was time to start a new page in her life, her own store business!

Thank you for putting your time into reading this application,
if you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to dm my discord: Bonbons#0001​
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Level 193
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application, after reading through it I've decided to accept it
  • Your application is pretty detailed, filled and most information were explained
  • Message me on Discord or start a conversation with me through the forums to get things set up - MikeShotZ#0960

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