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Level 271
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag: HATOLA#1468

Previous bans: The only ban I ever got was on the 15th November 2020 and it was for player disrespect, Although it was almost 2 years ago I regret every move that made this ban come. Since the ban, I said sorry toward the person I was disrespecting and it won’t happen again. I learned from the past and after this ban I didnt get any warn/ban/kick for any reason. In addition to the ban, two months before it I got warned for the same reason (September 2020).

Describe your activity on the server:
Since I am a part of a lot of factions on SchoolRP (Club Leader, Council, Shopkeeper, Basketball team member, and also WAS a part of other factions in the past) I have to be active. I spend at least 4 hours per day on the server, though most of the time I end up spending more time planning stuff for it (like for example events for the club, shop openings, and etc.). Besides this, I’m also very active on the forums, I go there everyday checking it a few times per hour to make sure I’m not missing anything important.

Which timezone are you in?: My timezone is +3GMT/ +2GMT, depending on if it's Summer time or not.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
College Application✔️
Teacher Application✔️
Professor Application❌
School Employee✔️
School Employee 2✔️
Teacher Application 2✔️
Shop Application✔️
Police Officer Application ✔️
College School Council Application✔️
EMS Application✔️
Staff Application❌
Staff Application 2❌

What is your motivation for applying?: First of all, it’s been almost 3 years since I joined SchoolRP. As a new player I got into the basketball team and became a teacher a shorter time after it. As time passed I got more and more school related roles, which I was an employee for 10 months and became a councillor as well. Before it happened, I was in KPD. Although I was in the police faction already 1 year ago, I know a lot of things have changed, and that’s mainly why I am applying for the role again.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The knowledge I have of police work going to 2 parts: the first one is the job they do everyday, and the second is the emergencies they taking care on. In general, I have a bit the knowledge about the laws, but I hope that if I get this role I'll learn a lot with the time and with myself a lot to make sure I don't fail in this role. A part of the police work is dangerous and you always need to see around and understand a lot of things in a short time. However, the officer always walk in groups in their patrols to make sure nobody gets hurt. The police officers having a lot of training to make sure they will know how to deal with everything, they are the body that makes sure you do not break any of the laws and also do not harm the people around you. But like I said before that, it's not their only job. Sometimes as for example the earthquakes, the police helping get out people from danger or prevent the danger before people get hurt. Another instance of a police work is being informative with the citizens. Cadets would be sitting at the front desk receiving reports or bailing out a certain individual when asked for, they are not allowed to leave the station unless trained and promoted to a Patrol Officer. Karakura Police department also have a detectives apartment. Their job is to investigate the crime scene or any type of criminal activity such as assault, robbery or ven homicide. They can take the suspect and put them under interrogation, and do a more advanced work than a regular officer.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? This question is getting developed into 2 places: There're both IC reasons and the OOC reasons. First of all, for the IC reasons there’s the most obvious reason which is that the Karakrua’s citizens and the people who are living there need to get protected in some way, because of that there’s a crime there’s a need for police officers. It is kind of obvious to have an emergency service in such a big town like Karakura. Due to the reason the crime is slightly high in Karakura there’s a need for a Police Department to make sure nobody of the people who are living inside the town will get hurt, or their property will get hurt. Karakura is a town with a lot of criminals and without the police, the whole murdered, thieves and the people which are breaking the laws will be able to do everything they wants and it will get worse. .without a police everything will be too chaotic and it won’t be fair toward the people which are living inside the town. Except that, while having a police ven if there’s a crime, you feel more protected and this is why most of the citizens of Karakura aren’t scared to into the streets and act like it’s everyday in their normal life. Except for arresting people which are breaking the laws, the police department is also helping in the emergency cases which are important as well along with other city events and this is why they’re important to SchoolRP. For the OOC reasons, although they are not going to stop the crime at all, the police officers are trying to minimize the crime to make sure it won’t get taken into the whole server. They are the only people who can deal with gangs and avoid the people who are toxic toward other people while making sure they won’t do the same thing again and in case it’s very bad they will get blacklisted from gangRP until they will learn. Although it is kind of obvious even the police officers know there’s a red line to where the gangRP should stop and be reported.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do acknowledge that I’m subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time, but I’ll try my maximum to make it not happen as from all my accounts and roles I didn’t get demoted even one time.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I do. Although I have a number of roles, I know that I have enough time to be online from all my accounts and especially from an officer role if I'm accepted.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
As a member of the school faculty, I have to deal with that anyway. Yes, I do acknowledge that I’m subject to IC harassment and I never took things OOcly while dealing with training & situations.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character's Full Name: Yinan Yu
Character's age: 30 Years old
Character's gender & pronouns: Female, She/Her

Character's Academic Background: “I have a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice while my minor is Psychology. In addition, I was in the Metropolitan Police Academy(Fuchu, Tokyo) during 2018-2022”
What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese? “Although I’m Chinese, my first language is Japanese. Most of my life I spent in Japan and I learned Chinese after I grew up. Chinese is the only language I know except Japanese”

Describe your character: how they look, what makes them unique? Due to the reason Yinan was born into a tall family she ended up at the age of 20 being 5’9. Her eyes are in shades of dark brown color, almost black. .her eyes seem to look empty, like she has no feelings at all. Her hair is brown as well, not very long and going slightly after her shoulders. Her bangs are hiding her forehead and slightly from her eyes, but most of the time you will see her with a clip to put it away from her eyes. Yinai looks like an athletic woman, it is possible to know she has a military or emergency service past. Although it won’t be possible to see a lot because of her , Yinan have a small blue dolphin tattoo on her upper back, behind her shoulders. The tattoo wouldn’t be hidden with makeup or whatever, so it is possible to see it when Yinan with an undershirt or a short shirt. Except for the tattoo, Yinan would have a huge scar from a sharp thing on her left cheek. Although she has a little bit of makeup on her face, is it still possible to see the tattoo Most of the time if you ask her about the tattoo she will start a long story nobody would want to hear, but the end of it ended up in the meaning of her second tattoo. Her second tattoo is a little half dying rose. She’s telling anyone who is asking her to take care of themselves as best they can because without water they will slowly wither. She’s taking her life very seriously which is sometimes helping her, but sometimes not. Her clothes seem to be very unique, sometimes she can wear a colorful outfit and sometimes it can be very dark. .or evil. She’s very surprising with her clothes, you can never know what she will wear next because of the unique style. The only reason she’s wearing a lot of different outfits is to make sure she won’t have only a specific style, she didn’t have so much of her childhood to be like a normal teenager and this is the way she’s covering it up. As I said before, her makeup isn’t dominant on her face, she’s always trying her best to look professional. Although everything she had in her past, this is what made her develop herself to be the person she's today. This is what makes her be unique, no matter what happened in her past she stayed positive and stepped into the lightness. She always tried to protect her twin brother and anyone in her life, even with her mother although it didn’t end up so well. Except that she always stayed positive, she never gave up. She will always try to find the good in people and make sure the bad people won’t hurt the close people to her or just random citizens in the town. Because of what happened to her, she wants to be different. Her past taught her there’s a hope, and like how their neighbor saved her and her twin from their mother, she’s going to save other students and adults from dangers and bad people, which make her be special is her persistence.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? During a professional situation, Yinai will stay slightly quiet and professional. She won’t say anything she doesn’t need to to make sure she won’t interrupt any event going on, this will go the same while speaking with a higher-up. Yinai knows when to speak, and while she’s speaking she will speak briefly and to the point without adding anything unrelated to the situation. Yinai is trying to be the best person she can, during a professional situation she will have a huge smile on face, maybe sometimes it will be too huge. .Because of her past, she didn’t actually learn how to act in a professional situation. However, since she was in college she learned slowly and because of this she will know what to do. Yinai will be respectful toward everyone in the situation, even if it’s not with higher-ups and just her friends or people who are working for the government. This is a bit confusing because most of the time she will also act like that in a casual situation. She never had a lot of friends because of her childhood, again. But she saw this in college as well, it is a little bit hard for her to see the difference between a professional and casual situations and because of this maybe she will be a little bit too serious during casual situations, she is trying her best to see the difference between but she didn’t 100% learn it still. During her time in the Police academy people saw her a little bit as a weird person, she didn’t have a lot of friends there but even with this, they knew she’s paying attention to everyone and having a respect toward everyone which is why at the end of the day, Yinai is fine. She knows in a professional situation she will have to be in her 1000%, which is why you will never see her getting distracted during it.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? Yinai is a very hard supporter of the idea of teamwork, this is how she succeeded in her college and in her late life. In the beginning, although her twin is her family, they always had some teamwork together, they learned together for their exams and projects to make sure both of them will understand their studies. Which ended up very well, as Yinai now has a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. In general, except for her brother she also had a friend-group during her college in Tokyo, they not living in Karakura however, all of them were together in the track team of her college. Yinai saw it as a hobby however, the team requested teamwork- they did win a few tournaments but without the teamwork they couldn’t do anything. Teamwork is very important for her, even in the most simple stuff like a track team. She knew she wouldn't be a professional athlete but it was important for her as it was the first time she was in charge. During her college, she was the track-captain for around 2 years, she loved it and made sure her team-members knew it as well. She carried about everything, and with teamwork they succeed. Although it was the first time it could actually be called a teamwork, she didn’t expect from it to actually work so much as she had a little bit of trust issues. She got over it with the time and in her past-time jobs she had to use it more. She used to work with other people and she did her best to make her co-workers love her, although she still doesn't know about it at this moment if they like her as a co-worker. When she joined the police academy, she knew she would have to work in a team, as a police officer it’s very important and she won’t be able to do it alone, but she already got used to it. She did have a few friends there and they did the same, learned together for exams and they did everything together even if it was a little bit hard for one of them. In the end of the day, it is possible to say she likes the idea of co-workers and teamwork which she won’t be able to deal with stuff a lot and she doesn’t want to because it will be much easier for everyone as a group and then the work will get divided between her, and the co-workers.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?:
“Despite my past, I see myself as a leader. During my college I was the track captain of my university in Tokyo. I already proved myself as a leader. I know how to do everything quietly and as fast as I can while taking care of all the people around me. Although it wasn’t easy for me in the past, I did make sure they will follow me and they won’t fall until I finish my degree which ended up very well and we did have some achievements during that time. Even though I can take a bit to reach this position, I am sure I will be a good leader.”

BACKSTORY (799/100):
Yinan Yu was born on the 5th of March 1992 in Shanghai, China. She was born to a family of a mother and a mother with the names Yang and Chen, and she also has a twin with the name Shu. In her childhood, most of the time it was pretty normal. She went to school and succeeded at them, as well she knew she wanted to work as a hospital worker in the future. Sadly, when Yinan and Shu were 9 years old, their mother Yang was involved in a car accident and passed away from her injuries a few days after the accident. At this moment, the family got broken. The family had a huge hole and they didn’t know what to do. Yinan was only 9 years old, she didn’t know at all how to act or how to fix it. In her school, her teachers understood something was going on and knew about her death, this is why she started to neglect her studies. In addition to Yinan, their second mother Yang started to drink alcohol, a lot of it. It didn't take so long until their mother became an alcoholic, and both of the children started to be neglected as well. They stopped to go to school and they started to be scared of their mother. It felt like they didn’t know her anymore, she changed hard and they were scared she will hurt them at some point. This happened in the end, this is how Yinan got the scar on her cheek. Yinan tried to speak with her mother about getting food for them, even for herself. .but her mother got mad at her and the bottle of vodka got thrown against the wall and one of the pieces hurt Yinan. Because of this case, it was enough for Yinan and Shu. .they decided they wanted to escape from their house, it was very hard for them although. It was the place they grew up, they already were 13 years old but it’s still the place they have good memories with, even if they would escape. .to where will they go? Instead of it, Yinan did her best and knocked at the neighbor’s door. Her neighbors didn't even know they were still living there. Most of the time it was quiet in their house. At the first moment, her neighbor saw Yinan's cheek and realized she got hurt he called the police. They got into the police station and started to speak with them about what happened, in the beginning, Yinan didn’t want to. But before she had the chance- her brother had already spoken, she did get mad at him slightly but it doesn’t matter. They were protected because of this, At this point, Yinan and Shu moved into a foster family. .but it didn’t work out. They started to move over and over from foster families to others until they were 16 and in the end, they got adopted by a Japanese family. They moved with them to Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, and promised each other they will finish school no matter what. Yinan did the best she could and in the end, she graduated and started to learn in College with her twin. Both of them had the same childhood and decided they wanted to make sure other kids or teenagers don't have the same childhood that their own family is trying to hurt them. They decided they wants to be police officers and because of this, Yinan started to learn Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology, she wanted to know what’s going on in criminals’ heads and the way they’re thinking to make sure maybe she will be able to avoid the next crime and in this way nobody will get hurt. After she finished her Bachelor's degree she wanted a little break, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Sadly, at this point, Yinan got diagnosed with anxiety. .but she knew she would do everything to make her dream come true. She signed and started her Master's Degree. .succeeded in her studies as well. It wasn’t enough for her to become a police officer, she went to the Metropolitan Police Academy. .she was there 4 years before she and her twin moved to Karakura. Shu and Yinan were 29 when they moved to Karakura because of that, the first thing they did was to find a small apartment in which they will live together until they will have enough money to buy a whole house. it was very important for them to work in an emergency service. After they found out there was a police station in the small town Yinan thought about this a lot before she decided to apply for the Karakura Police Department.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. In case a police officer will find a pocket knife on you, the pocket knife will get taken and you will get arrested for a Minor illegal weaponry. This law was made to make sure most of the citizens will stay safe without being scared to get hurt.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
Paracetamol- the most simple painkiller, also helping to low a high temperature
Cough Syrup- This syrup is helping against coughs.
Cane- Used as a supporter for people with walking problems.
Bandaids & Eyepatch- The bandaid is a piece of material which is used to support a medical device or to restrict the movement of a part of the body. In addition, it can be used on its own as a support provider. The eyepatch is a piece of a bandage which will be wrapped around an injured eye.
Surgical Mask- The surgical mask is used by being worn by Hospitals workers during a surgery or during nursing to prevent getting sick while catching a bacteria shed from the nose and mouth.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? “First of all, and the most important is to keep the co-worker away from the inmate. It’s clearly sure the inmate did something wrong and this is why he’s in jail, but he already got his punishment and there’s no reason to make it worse, as in the end attacking them won’t help the co-worker and for sure not for the inmate. I’ll go behind the co-worker’s hands and hold it, keeping them away and calling for a backup. After another police officer will help me I’ll go to the inmate and make sure they didn’t get hurt more than, and if they need a medical service they will get to make sure they won't die from their injuries. After everything calms down, I’ll ask to speak with a higher-up and tell him what happened to make sure nothing like that will happen in the future. I can see from where the police officer’s side is coming from, but it’s unfair and this is not the way a police officer should act. The reasons I’ll for a backup are first of all, I believe in teamwork which will make it easier for me, the police officer who helps me. Secondly, due to the reason the police officer is physically abusing an inmate, sometimes it can be worse which will end up in a very bad case. In this situation, we have to work fast.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?: “Although it depends if the individual has a weapon, when and if my co-worker is being assaulted I’ll go behind the attacker, in case they have weapons I’ll disarm them and if not I’ll put handcuffs on the person and they will get arrested for an assault. After I arrest the individual I’ll go to the co-worker and see how they got hurt, in case we need a hospital worker to come and help I’ll do a quick call or carry them into the hospital to make sure all their injuries will be taken care of. In case the injuries are small and the police officer will only need help to get into the police station, I’ll help the co-worker and later on they will get help inside the police station.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?: “Before doing anything, I’ll get evidence that the co-worker is corrupt or helping a criminal organization. Without evidence I won’t do anything because if it’s only a feeling it won’t be a good idea to report to a higher-up. Pointing at someone and calling them corrupt without any evidence can destroy their life and maybe avoid promotions. After I’ll get enough evidence, even if it’s the smallest thing, I’ll ask to speak with a Lieutenant or the Superintendent to make sure nobody will know about anything except them. I’ll show them all the evidence and do my best to not involve anyone. I believe reporting it to a higher-up will be a better idea than speaking with the co-worker because it can end up bad as well, as for example they can speak with actual criminals to hurt me or my other co-workers or they can end up getting hurt as well. I will always choose the most quiet way to do stuff with the fewest people getting hurt from it. While doing the investigation I won’t make any noise about it.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?: “Like the most common stuff to do, I’ll say no to the bribe and report it to a high-up to make sure any police officer won’t fall into this trap as well. Bribe is a horrible thing to do, and I don’t want any police officer to fall into it”

More Information: Sorry for that I sent the application in this hour, I was sick and couldn't do anything before.
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Level 330
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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