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Accepted JUDGE APPLICATION | CyanRocket


Level 11

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In-game Name:

CeruleanRocket - MAIN
CerealBoxRocket - ALT

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:


Timezone & Country:

GMT - Britain.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
When I first joined this server back in January of 2021 I started out slow like most, Roaming around with close IRL friends as we tried figuring out how the server works and functions, alongside the community itself. After being very lucky with applications, I managed to create a solid and continuously growing friendship group who I make the most memorable moments with. Although my time zone creates barriers with a lot of my friends, I've had no issues with staying up till sunrise, and would say I'm a dedicated player when my time allows me to be so. Unfortunately, My job in the outside world is a rather strict and time consuming one, but I'm still able to create a strict schedule that allows me to still be active on the server. My average time spent on a regular day of SRP would be an estimated 4-7 hours - sometimes even more. My main goal since almost the very beginning and reason behind joining SRP was purely to create a story I could be proud of and I hope to continue doing so through as many experiences as I can.

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What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

I have recently taken a large break from SRP and have returned around a week and a half ago now. I'd like to get back involved into something I didn't get to be apart of back before I had left and think it would be a great opportunity for me to learn about this side of the server. As a KPD officer, I was always intrigued by what the process was like to things such as creating a case, setting up restraining orders and speaking with clients of all different natures. Getting the privilege to be able to witness a lot of these court cases always had me interested. Another motivation for me is my character. I've created a character [Quite admittedly the personified police cruiser from SRP] with a unique back story that had me hyper fixated on it in a split second. I adore creating stories and believe the government faction would be the perfect slot for this little guy to be apart of!

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I do. I've been lucky enough to watch the creation of a lot of the creating process of them, and have also had characters with particularly strong interest in the Karakura laws that called for even reciting them as if they were known off by heart. I'd often have a tab open of them especially during any crime or gangrp scenario to make sure KPD responded correctly to these citizen rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

A basic answer for this would be to improve my writing skills in an area that has always caught my interest. But my real goal is to bring more attention to the department. To show it can be just as exciting if not more so than the other factions. As someone who is a sucker for a good story, I wanted to be able to create a character that opens the world up to more event situations and thoroughly plan to do just that. I've been apart of over four factions now, having a very good wide stretch of knowledge to them; With the government faction, I plan to do exactly the same thing to further build my understanding of the inner workings to even more factions.

In your own words, de
scribe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:


✘ To see to it that a trial is presented accordingly. This means making sure no bias, misinformation occurs and insures the law is being told correctly.

✘ They are the final verdict as to what a defendants' sentencing should be, and communicate with the jury on the matter.

✘ In civil cases, They are responsible for attending any and all meetings or conferences, delivering speeches.

✘ Issuing warrants to the KPD officers. This is for granting legal permission to search citizens private possessions or home.

✘ Reviewing cases to see if they are worthy or not of holding a trial for.

✘ Officiating marriages, giving a certificate to legitimise the marriage.

✘ Filing restraining orders. Carefully processing a citizen for the ability to gain a restraining order on another individual who is deemed harmful or violent towards them or another.

✘ Front desk duties include directing the general public to whomever they need, giving out IDs and so forth.

✘ Approving adoption paperwork. This one is self-explanatory.

✘ Although a judge isn't much of a public figure like a Governor would be, they still have to withhold the respect and reputation of the Government and therefore must be presenting themselves correctly when in the eye's of the public.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

I acknowledge and accept this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

I acknowledge and accept this.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

I acknowledge and accept that I must not show any OOC bias.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

I have read and agreed to follow the rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

For the most part I should be able to, however I will state that in my time-zone I will mostly be available 11pm onwards due to my job, however I do get plenty of days off [typically 3] Where I will be available all day unless stated otherwise. In the event I am unable to attend, I will file out the inactivity log accordingly.

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Full name:

Jack Preston Cruizer.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):


Current age:

27 years old.

Date of birth:

27th October 1998.


Male assigned at birth. He/him.

Academic Degree:

I was accepted into Harvard law school, successfully passing my bar exam with an exceptionally high grading, and then continued furthering my academics by sitting the J.D [Juris Doctor program] Which I took for three years before graduating with both degrees.




Political science.

Work experience:

Shutt's and Bowens LLP, Orlando Office. - Apprentice Judicial Judge.
Cruizer Law firm, Orlando Office. - Junior Criminal defence attorney.

Nationality & born location:

United States of America, Orlando Florida. My mother is Russian but grew up in the states, My father is from the states.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):



Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?

I believe my work experience and outstanding performance academically speaks for itself. That and my long line of family members who have been in government workings has allowed me to be surrounded by this line of work for as long as I could remember. I'm not one to blow my own horn, But having sat in on more court cases than I have classrooms, I believe I'm more than a capable candidate for you to chose from, should I be excepted. My mother, Sarah Cruiser owned one of the more popular Law firms from my city, which I was able to apprentice in during my youth. She gave me pointers, and was one of the smartest people I knew. My father was also at one point a Detective Senior Inspector who showed me a lot of the criminal side to law. I took a public speaking class during my high school years, and have a vast understanding on how to speak towards the public and as well as holding a tight presentation towards the general public. I do not drink, I do not party and I certainly do not partake in ridiculous criminal acts that it seems 80% of this town is tied down to. I intend to make as many changes as possible.

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Jack P. Cruizer was from a long lineage of law workers. From his father being a DSI, His mother owning her own law firm, grandparents being politicians- It was hard for his younger self to ever really escape the acts. Growing up, Jack was constantly fighting the battle of his eyesight. Numerous laser and corrective surgeries down the line, he now has two curved scar lines that emphasize his eyebags further. Although he now has his sight, his red eyes stand out too much, and with being sensitive to bright lights he covers them with shades. This was something he was continuously picked on for. Being labelled ‘ghost boy’ ‘milk’ and other crude nicknames by his fellow classmates.

But Jack was smart. A talented academic achiever, though not the most athletic. He was scrawny, a solid 5 '10 in height but with his complexion and lack of bulked fat, He came across as malnourished and always tired. Jack was a strong minded individual however. Over the course of both his master degree and law school career, His father, Adrian went down for corruption and Jack had the pleasure of being in the courtroom during the entire case. It was infuriating to him how badly the bias was being shown throughout, and how no one seemed to bat an eye.

So alas, Jack began doing detective work himself, getting names, times, and critical information that would flip the already submitted evidence to his play. He called for another hearing, and his father got 40 years in federal prison. His mother shortly took her life not long after the incident, leaving Jack to himself. It was around this time he found the love of his life and fiancé, Jason.

- On fallen gravel, Our hands embraced. -

June 8th, 2020.

Jack and his partner of 3 years, Jason Motors had set off on a 2 day road trip across the coast line. The two constantly bickered however, so planning the trip had caused more quarrels than needed. Jack was a car guy, through and through. He treated the vehicles as kids of his own, caring for them and speaking to them often. Jason on the other hand found far more thrill in his life with motorbikes, adoring the shapes and sizes of models, the freeing nature of the ride. They were so opposite yet similar. Obsessive yet loving.

It had reached hour 10. Jason pulled down on the throttle, sounding out the growling beast of his motorbike below him to the slowly riding up Jack in his 1967 Chevy impala to the red light, his window rolled down as he eyed up the biker.

“Care for a race?” The muffled but just about audible biker called out, flipping his visor up from his helmet as he shot his partner a wink. Jack rolled his eyes, an amused scoff following his lips at his antics. “You won’t win.” He retorted. They both shared that competitiveness within them that always sparked the majority of their moments with one another. How they fell in love was literally down to a bet.

Soon the traffic lights flashed from red, to orange and then finally to green-

But just as the two hit the accelerator, Jason’s bike rushing out in front, a large truck came burrowing by.

The bike ran under Jack’s front wheels, causing him to total his car. The car had fallen on top of Jason’s flung body from the impact. Jack had fallen out his open window, the front tire to his car crossed his chest in such a velocity it had ripped the front of his skin off, marking him with the forever memory of the day.

The day he lost his love.

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Jack stood to a moderate size 5'10, Waved curled bright blue hair framing around his face. A stiff posture was consistently worn, a back poised and straight. With his build being on the much thinner side, muscle growth wasn't on his agenda. Being a mechanic as a hobby, gave him enough of a 'worker-man's build to allow him to remain physically active, being more of a cardio worker than a heavy lifter. His smoking habits left a small stained yellow patch between his index and middle finger, leaving him to always wear gloves now as a precaution to his bad habit. Being albino, Jack's eye's where a faint light red that causes him to be particularly sensitive to bright lights. On his neck was a tattoo in the style of a Japanese number plate, dedicated to his deceased Fiancé, who was born in 1995, A Japanese/American man. Across his chest was three large scars indicating a tire mark from his incident, two small curved scars under his eyebags from corrective eye surgery and a small slit through his left eyebrow. He always wore a tired, bored expression.




Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying! We have decided to accept your application. Please ping oinfi in the town discord help channel to receive your roles.

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