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Accepted Judge | pvchiekisq's Application


Level 5
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In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do, and I am willing to call whenever needed.

Timezone & Country:
EST | North America

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
My activities deeply rely on events going on in my life, school, school events, work, hanging out with friends, and so forth. With school ending soon for me, I'll be more active than I already am. At the moment, on weekdays, I can only get on after 4PM with school and family. On the weekends, once work starts back up, I will be working one day a week, either Saturday or Sunday, so on any day that I am completely off, I will be on all day given that I have a reason to be, either it be friends, roleplay situations, or in this case, things needed at Town Hall.


What position are you applying for?:

I will be applying for Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?:
With my schedule clearing up as the month's come and go, and with this new opening, gives me something new to express myself with. Having friends in the faction helps with my opinion about joining, although I do question if I will be good at the role, it's about experiencing it, getting to know the faction, and having fun with it so I can open up my roleplaying experiences. Already having different factions under my belt, as well as taking the break I needed, I think it's time for me to start something new. I know the faction will not only be interesting for me to play and invest my time into, but also something I will enjoy doing for time to come. Having already tried EMS, private tutor and Shrine factions, although fun and I enjoyed my time in these factions, both were not something I could fully commit to, either because of time, or other circumstances that just didn't allow me to fully enjoy the role.
To sum it down, my motivation for applying for judge would be experiencing a new environment, finding something I enjoy and am willing to stick with because of my love for the faction and the many fun and loving experiences the faction will bring me.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Although I do not know everything by heart, I have looked through both documents, Karakura Laws and Constitutional Rights, and have a good understanding of each offence, crime and their consequences, along with the rights citizens of Karakura have. With due time, I will continue to learn everything I need to know, with the help of the documents and in game experience.

The Karakura Laws and Regulations consists of all the possible offences and crimes that have some sort of consequence. In total, there are 8 sections to the Laws and Regulations, fineable offences, vehicle offences, animal-related offences, minor crimes, assault crimes, government crimes, major crimes, and murder crimes. Every felon has a designated time one has to stay in jail if these laws and rules were broken. Depending on the seriousness of the offence and crime, the time gets longer and harsher the worst the offence or crime, all ranging from 3 days to 40 months in jail. All of these rules make up the laws and regulations Karakura and its people uphold.

The Constitutional Rights of Karakura explains the rights Karakura citizens have and is a set of rules that explains how the town of Karakura and its government works, listing 17 articles. Each article creating closure for the people, allowing them to know that they have human rights, freedom of speech, even if it means remaining quiet, and thoughts, equality under law, ability to work and earn a wage, and much more. The constitution is the ground and base of Karakura, the town's laws and regulations based off the foundation of the constitution.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My Goals:
My goals in having this role would fall under my motivation for applying, finding something I can fully enjoy and connect with. To connect with more people and make memories worth remembering. To proceed further, and much like jobs, I would like to climb to be something greater for both me, Mon, and Karakura, to be a part of a great foundation and faction, to give me another purpose in being here. I would like to be there on the long journey Karakura's government will take as the faction grows and changes.

My Character's Goals:
To follow the Asōgi belief, to make sure Karakura is a better place and continues to grow to be better than it already is. One of Mon's many goals are to be like her brother, who was a big influence on her and her actions today. Although she can't now with her brother's death, when she was younger, she was deeply motivated to be like her brother, working with him every chance she could. She learned everything that she knows today because of him, retaining the information even now. With the information her brother passed on along with her education, she wants to join the Karakura government, following her brother's steps as she not only grows as a person, but as someone people can trust.

" My brother, Shin, as we were growing up, was such a huge role model for not only me and my family, but for everyone who ran into him. Not only was he an amazing person, but he also did wonders for the government and its people. He worked hard and was dedicated to his job " - " I truly am proud of my brother and all he did. . . "

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The job was judge carries a lot of weight in someone's life, they are responsible for proceeding in court with a fair and unbiased mind, allowing both sides to state their side of the story fairly, following this, the judge has a heavy role in safeguarding the constitutional rights of Karakura to every party speaking. After hearing the facts both side's presents, the judge will translate the facts into law, bringing in Karakura's laws and regulations before making a final verdict or giving a vote leading to the final verdict. This verdict is all decided based on evidence and legal arguments, the judge having a final say. Overall, a judge upholds the rule of law and protects the rights of a Karakura citizen within the law. All this in the court room, following by basic desk work that comes with every job. This comes with giving out ID's at the front desk, giving out warrants, signing and officiating marriages and so forth.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand and will do all that I can to make sure that I will not be removed under any circumstances.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand and will be fully dedicated and committed to my role as judge in the government faction.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware and will make sure that I will not be bias towards any friends or acquaintances.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and fully agree to the Government faction's rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am as long as my schedule permits it! If I cannot make it to a meeting or an event, I will inform someone beforehand.


Full name:

Mon Asōgi

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
September 12, 1979

Female | she/her

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree and Law Degree (J.D.)

Political Science, Criminal Justice, and History

" Going through these courses and classes opened and provided a strong foundation to quick critical thinking and writing, which I think is crucial for the job as a judge! "


Work experience:
" After graduating from law school and finishing all other classes I may have had at the time, I did not go straight into the law or any government position. I did not think the time was right given certain circumstances, so instead, to make an income for my family, I worked multiple jobs, either at fast food or a standard business job. " The woman took a small pause. " All the jobs that I have had over my 20 plus years in the workforce have allowed me to gain the skills needed for basically any job! Having done these jobs does not mean I have no practice with the duties of a government official under my wing, the law school that I graduated from provided plenty of in person glimpses into the job, allowing hands on education, and above all, I learned everything I know about the law - about justice from my brother, Shin Asōgi, the true inspiration for me being here today, and probably any of my family members here working at the Town Hall today... " The woman briefly shook her head, smiling at the interviewer. " Well, anyway! I have plenty of working experience under my wing, from what I can remember, I've worked... "

- Early 20s | simple part time jobs working at her college back in Nagoya, Japan! Putting studies first, she worked simple jobs like paid tutoring which allowed her to study, help others, and get paid! This was one of Mon's first jobs. When given the chance, Mon would also work at one of the restaurants they had on campus as a waitress!
To add to this, Mon was provided in person and hands on experience in the law, although she wasn't paid, she has experience in the field of court.

" This was probably my favorite job out of the few I've had! Tutoring was so fun and allowed me to not only help others but also get my large amount of work finished! It truly was a blessing. Working in fast food can be a hassle but it provides great growth in character. "

Late 20s | Having finally finished all her classes, gaining both her degrees, she found a simple office job at a production company in Nagoya, staying close to home. There she was crammed in a cubical sitting in front of a computer dealing with paperwork and calls all day - she could only pray this job would come in handy. This job carried on into her late 30s.

" Truly... This job was not the best job to have, especially when you would rather be at home with your kids, but it's something we needed so my kids could have a world filled with blessings! Having this job also taught me how to handle stressful situations better, and believe me, this job can be stressful! "

- Late 30s | Having moved up little to none in positions in the company, and finally having enough, she decided to turn in her two weeks' notice, officially unemployed and a full-time mom at this point, having already had all her four kids, who were previously being taken care of by a babysitter. Mon remained unemployed and a full-time mom until now, now looking for another job to support her and her family.

" Being able to spend time with my kids at any chance I can get is truly a blessing, they're all I can ask for... But love isn't enough for us to survive. I left the office job because it wasn't getting me anywhere but now, I need a financial rock - a job to make sure my family can continue to be happy... Which is why I naturally came here with the knowledge I should have used years ago... "

Nationality & born location:
Japanese | Nagoya, Japan

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, French, and Chinese.

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Having already been seated for the interview, she began.
" As mentioned before, I have the needed education for the job, having good background knowledge and a decent enough experience in the field, although not perfect. I have worked with the law with my on-hand learning while getting my education. This may not seem like a lot on paper, it certainly helped me better understand my position that I'm applying for. My teachings and knowledge I already knew lets me understand my exact emotional responsibilities as a judge in court. " - " I know to be fair in the courtroom or anywhere else on the job, I cannot be bias or choose favorites in a situation, both parties must be heard and allowed to speak, and I must carefully evaluate both arguments. I know the weight of my judgement in court and the evidence provided that I must make a decision with. I know I must have good communication skills, being able to get my point across to everyone and anyone involved in any case I may be a part of. I know that in certain situations, I must have good leadership and judgement on the person, evidence, and character. " - " All this, along with all the other responsibilities outside of court! Which I'll spare you the details of signing papers, handing out warrants, handing out ID's, and such. To drag this all back to a single point. Being a good candidate for this job not only involves this, but so much more that I am willing to offer to not only help the city and it's citizens, but to help myself and my family who I hold dear. This town needs and is looking for another amble body to speak and carry it's words, and I believe that is something I can do... "
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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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