players online

Denied Keshō - Beauty & Cosmetics


Level 73
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Event Team

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Overall I have been a dedicated player for years now, with this considered it is safe to say my current activity is no different. I play on an almost daily basis (unless I have in real life priorities which usually don’t last too long). When I am online I tend to play for many hours at a time. I usually have a lot of free time and will have more time to myself as the year goes on due to me finishing school.

I am fairly active on both accounts I own (xBonnie and yBonnu) however it is a lot easier to spot me on yBonnu as I currently am doing a lot more with the character on that account, however that could soon change with this application!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned, no.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely acknowledge this consequence.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Accepted Applications (xBonnie):
French Application -
Russian -
School Council -
German -
Psychiatrist -
Professor -
School Nurse -
Judge -
Professor -

Accepted ALT applications (yBonnu):
Russian -
Event -
Musical Theatre Club -

Denied/Pending/Unreviewed Applications:
Athletics Club -
Jin -

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
HS Council and Club-Leader, this won’t impact the shop role as I have two accounts.

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:

This application has been here for a little while now (four months I think?) so I will take any shop slot you can give me. I’ve been told to wait for a shop slot in the ‘other’ category, hence the pending, but it is entirely up to you.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
As many members of the SchoolRP community, I have goals. Things I’ve wanted to do or achieve on the server. I have been lucky enough to achieve some of the things I have set out to do, such as joining the event team, becoming cheer captain and owning a school club. However one thing which I have been set out to do yet haven’t gotten there yet is owning my own shop.

A while back I applied for a job which was fairly denied. This was of course upsetting however I decided instead of just jumping into another shop application I would take some time to come up with another idea which I am excited about. Thus, here we are! Since then I have tried giving other factions a go, but all that has really done for me is make me more sure that I would rather become a shopkeeper than anything else, and I am willing to work for that! (Thank you and apologies to the factions who was a part of my discovery, just not my cup of tea)

I’ve had experience working in shops for a long time now which is something I enjoy every time (which is why I still have… quite a few jobs on my highschool account) however I am not quite satisfied just yet. I would like to give being the shop-keeper role a bash now too.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
First things first, I’d like to completely rebrand this store, creating something unique from the previous owner. I’d like to deck out the interior and exterior with some new designs! Below I have attached some images which will be used as inspiration when building this new store. I want Keshō to look crisp and clean!

As you may have been able to guess with the images located above, I’d like to transform the shop into a cosmetic store. I am aware in the past a store like this once existed, selling mainly makeup and fragrance products. I’d simply like to bring this back with fresh ideas and a good team to help me!

Within the store (or perhaps just outside), I'd like to add something fun and new. Personally, I have not seen this in the server. I would like to add one or two photo booths. These will be free to use and simply be your classic looking photo booths for friends to take screenshots in. Inspiration for the design is attached below. I think these would be a cool way to add a little bit of extra activity to the store, even if it brings zero profit in. Ways which profit will be made is spoken upon later in this application.


Recently, I had my first real experience in a makeup store (for my prom!). I had hired somebody to do my makeup whilst also teaching me about the products, their uses and how to apply them. I found this really useful and… well fun! I’d like to implement this experience into the game with some slight tweaks.

In the image above, there is a desk with a row of mirrors. This was much like the experience I had in real life. I would like to create these within the store. Now you might be questioning how this would work since… we can’t literally use the products in-game. However, we can give advice and tips! The idea here is that when the store is open, a couple of employees will be working the floor. Their job will be to sit customers at one of our mirrors and answer any beauty related questions they may have. This job would only occur if we a lot of people willing to work that shift.

This idea came to mind when working on my highschool account in Auffallen. Whilst at a till, I was asked by a customer to help them pick out a pair of earrings to go with their outfit. I did so and they appeared to like my pick. This really made me joyous. One, because they liked the product I had picked for them, but also second, I had a bit of freedom within the job. It wasn’t as tedious as these cashier jobs usually are. I had a say, I got to give my opinion and advice to help somebody else out. This helped me click with the idea of an advice counter. For an example of how this would run down, I have created a scenario below:

This is just one idea I have, however one other idea I am more excited about is… having a catwalk! That’s right, time for the models of Karakura to strut their stuff on the walkway. The idea with this is that the cat walk will be open to walk on during normal opening shifts, however we will also have some special events. As I have been a tailor since February 2021, I have become quite close with the skins community on SRP! One thing I also took part in was modelling for other tailors. I really enjoyed this and thought, well why not bring it to life? Having this may also allow the shop to be considered for the retail shop category as it is also based around clothing. With my experience on the event team for ten months now, I believe this would be pretty easy for me to organise, as I have had to work with lots of people to create events in the past and made it work. I also recently have been organizing tournament routine for cheer as a new captain and believe I am doing this considerably well for my first time as a cheerleader at tournaments, thus I have faith in myself to complete this to a high standard.

Instead of simple magazines or collections for people to purchase, we’ll have a live show where our models show off the tailoring skills of those who participate! I’d like to make this work by partnering with different tailoring companies, mostly ones which are popular and active. Each company could be contacted about a specific theme (such as a Summer or Winter collection, etc, these are just some basic ideas: I plan to get a lot more interesting with it) by our store and if they wish to show off some skins in the show, they will get the chance. These events will be known as “Fashion Week” within the store.

Of course this will be discussed quite a while in advance, up to 2-3 weeks so all skins and models can be prepared and rehearsed. This might seem like a lot of work for very little profit, however I have thought this part through too. Payment to the store will come through the guests of the show. Each person will have to pay 5000 yen to the security at the front door before being allowed to enter. Tailoring companies will be paid through their own skins. The show will not just be for flaunting, but for selling! At the end of the show, each item that went on display will be for sale in our own discord. All of the money will go to the tailor that made it, all they will have to do is @ me so I know when to put “SOLD” on their item. As I am a tailor myself I will also take part in this more than likely. With that in mind, I'd like to grow my own tailoring business (I have already started to do so, with a slowly growing population in it). My server being called "VILE", I'd like to partner with the shop, meaning we'll always have somebody to partake in shows if nobody else's servers are available.

Due to this event taking a lot of time and energy, these won’t be common shows. I know from experience that skins can take a lot of work and drain the motivation out of people! However, I do think this chance to show off will help boost some motivation within the tailoring community. I've seen a lot of tailoring companies attempt to throw together a collection, however the lack in motivation has really dragged down the final outcome of this. I think a live show may just be the thing to give tailors an extra boost of motivation, as they will become more public on the actual server, and get paid for it too! I expect these events to occur once every two months or so.

Models who take part in the fashion show will have access to backstage, where they can get ready and prepare to walk the runway! Inspiration for the design is attached below. I'd like to fill this shop with as much role play activity as I can whilst also being profitable, I feel having this smaller detail for the model workers will allow for better social interactions between each other and help others learn to work with their co-workers.



Alternatively, we would sell the items from the live shows on a website. This would make it a lot smoother and cleaner than using the discord. This website would be made through carrd, simple and easy enough! This website will also be updated with images of all the items we sell, so people can look through it instead of requesting for our employees to show them our items at the till. I find this terrible annoying as a cashier so I'd like to limit that chance of happening as much as possible. I'd like to have the website linked inside the store and the cashiers will also be prepped with the link to hand out to any customers that request to see any of our items.


Gift cards are a big part of the retail world! (Especially when you have zero clue what to get somebody). This shop is considered to be for self care and well being, I felt I had gotten the accessories part down however... not so much for gifts. Well, until now anyway. I would like to implement gift cards to the store! Now you might be wondering how I plan to do that, well it is really quite simple. When the shop opens people may go to the till and request to purchase a gift card, all they would have to do is answering a few basic questions: Their name and how much they wish to put on the card) so our employees can write it on. The book then must be signed by me or another manager, as the card won't be considered valid otherwise. After the information is filled out, the customer will pay the exact amount they wish to put on the card. Gift cards will only be valid three weeks after purchase, therefore the card must be used in that time and there will be no refunds for this.

People who come in with a gift card wishing to purchase something must first of course work out what they'd like, then go up to the till with their gift card. The cashier will fetch their item(s) and ask if they'd like to pay with cash or gift card. If they choose gift card, they must hand over the card so the cashier can make sure it is not expired (gift cards have three weeks in total), and they have enough money on the account. If they have some yen left off on the card, the book must be handed to me or the manager who signed it so we can edit their amount left on the card. If I or the manager who signed for it are not available, cashiers will have to rewrite a new gift card with the same expiration date and the new amount on the card, then have it signed by whatever manager is available.

Gift cards may (if I decide) only be available during certain seasons, Winter for example if this becomes difficult! I think it would be fun and unique for the store, putting us on the market as completely different to the competition. If this idea is a success, it may move over to be more regular. We will only have so many gift cards made up at a time, as I do not feel like flooding inventories with notebooks.


These are all of the ideas I have, not all of them have to be implemented into the shop of course, however I do think a good few of these would be quite fun to add and make the shop unique from others.

I plan to use this for the shop openings, mainly to add a minor detail which pretty much all of the shops currently miss. Irritable shop music! I plan to put together a little playlist of pop songs which you'd normally hear in the retail store, and have it play during each opening. The link for the speaker will simply be posted a few times throughout the shift by myself. These songs will be the same for a while before changing, to give the repetitive feel that a lot of shops have that customers don't seem to notice, but the employees do. This is just a little touch to add to the unique side of the shop, simple and easy! This will also be an easy way for me to keep track of when I should advert, such as me getting to a specific song in the playlist would be a tell that I can advert for a second time.

What will you sell in your shop?:
As you probably expected, we will be selling a range of makeup products and fragrance which to my knowledge are already in the game but are no longer being sold at a high rate. These were some of my favourite products when this shop fully existed so I would love to bring them back if possible. I would also like to add a couple of accessories to the collection, such as bows and earrings.
  • Makeup palette​
  • Makeup bag​
  • Eyelash curler​
  • Lip gloss​
  • Perfume​
  • Earrings (Harry Styles, Cherry, Bear etc.)​
  • Necklaces​
  • Hair bows​
  • Water bottles (such as hydroflasks, to encourage health!!)​
  • Chokers​
  • JBL speaker (merely because it's pink)​
  • Any other makeup products I can get my hands on!​

I'd also like to mention that the shop will pride itself on being animal cruelty free! Zero of Keshō's makeup products will have been tested on animals.

For the earrings and other jewelry, I plan to have glass stands within the store to "display" the items, something like I have attached below. I'd like to make it look fancy and expensive (even if they aren't actually that expensive).


Custom items which I would like to implement would be:​
  • Hand held mirrors​
  • Skin care products (For example, a face mask cleanser model for those good ol' slumber parties!)​
  • Hair products (such as hair dryers, brushes or hair straighteners)​
  • Hello Kitty Glasses​


This would be created like how some stickers have been made into custom items. I have some other refs stored away that could be used for the makeup.C2754A67-7946-45CA-B3D4-95BCA0E659BB.jpeg

I think this may go for good roleplay if people (like me) like to roleplay these odd types of things out, having the items at hand would only help this become more popular.

How many employees do you plan to have?:
With everything together, a lot of people will be needed. That in mind I am splitting the roles up into their own sections:

MANAGERS: [1/3] (Inventory & Training)
I would like to have 3 trusted managers which will help me organise the fashion shows. These two would need to be active and willing to put in the time, they may also work as cashiers. The amount of managers may expand depending on what we require, such as assistants for inventory or model training.

CASHIERS: [0/15]
I plan to have roughly 10 - 15 cashiers ready to go. This will be due to time zones and people becoming busy. There will be three tills in total for cashiers to ring up products. Cashier’s won’t be required to wear a full on uniform, but instead a small colourful badge which will stand out from the crowd. Since a big part of this store is beauty, I want the employees to feel free to style themselves however they wish to during a shift, with the exception of the badge. Managers as well as myself will wear a different coloured badge, in case a customer is in need of a manager and is trying to spot one of us.

SECURITY: [0/15]
Security will only be needed during fashion shows to take cash and make sure everyone is behaving. They will be paid 35,000 yen per shift they work. I plan to have roughly 10 - 15 bouncers, however only 3 - 4 will work per shift. Security will have their own unique uniform, sticking to the colour theme it will be inspired off of the following image:

MODELS: [0/20]
Same goes as before, they will only be required to work for fashion shows unless we have one time off, they will also be paid 35,000 yen per shift they work. I plan to have 15 - 20 models. This is in case we have a larger amount of skins etc. Models will be given training by a manager or myself once hired. Training will consist more on how the live shows will work, how they are to behave on stage and how we will make things run smoothly.

Employees will all be hand-picked through the use of a google form application. The members chosen must show quality and compassion for the workplace and be 'in the know' with how style is in Karakura. When accepted as an employee, they will have access to a handbook which will have all the needed information for starting off at Keshō. This includes information on the company, who they are to seek help from if required, how to handle customers and finalize sales. I'd like to make sure all employees are feeling prepared and nervous with excitement, rather than fear of being unprepared. These handbooks will also go over how the shop website works when it is implemented and such. I myself would also give tours whenever a new employee has their first shift. I myself am quite organised when it comes to responsibility, often jotting information down that I need or making clear guidance for anyone else involved in plans with me. That in mind, having this custom handbook for the store will be structured well and neat, clean just as the store plans to be presented.

I will not just be throwing new employees into the deep end though, no no no... instead, my three managers and myself will be hosting training slots inside the store for people to attend. Older employees may also tag along if they'd appreciate a refresher of how to run things. These training sessions will update the employees on their roles and responsibilities, safety hazard training and so on. We'd like our employees to be as prepared as possible when facing the adult world, as many of the people who apply for jobs are usually still in high school or college looking for a part-time job. Different sessions for cashiers, models and security will be put in place.

I have also added a skin image that I made myself of the uniform I plan to have for my employees in the handbook.

Who will be running this shop?:
I wanted to add this question in so you can get to know more about my character, and her lore! Regina Wayne, a twenty-five year old business woman with a love for travelling. Only a couple of months ago was her return to her home in Karakura after over a year of travelling the world. As much as she loved exploring and making new memories with strangers along her travels, she felt it was right to come back and settle down (perhaps she had become a little home sick too). After returning and moving into her older sister and brother's home in the estate, she found herself... lost. When travelling straight out of college she always had a plan on where she was headed next. However... now? She had no where to go. Weeeeeell... Except for one thing, I mentioned she went to college didn't I? The woman graduated with marketing and business and beauty. She was a control freak now to say the least. She wanted to build a company, from the ground up! (And with the help with her family name of course, if you've got it you might as well flaunt it!). So, now she's here... getting her business plans together, getting ready to build a team of wonderful assistants and managers to keep her business afloat. She wants to make a name for herself in Karakura, of course the name she was born with... assists in itself, however she wants to be known as REGINA Wayne, not Regina WAYNE. How will the story play out from here? Well... that's in your hands now.


Additional notes about your application:

This idea might seem a bit complicated and scary on paper, however I can assure if you’d give me the opportunity to make this a reality, I would make it work! Thank you for taking the time to consider this application. I do also have already got a couple of people willing to help run the shop with me, meaning it won't take too long to get the ball rolling.

I would also like to mention that I have an inactivity log from the 26th of July until the 2nd of August (one week) for a family holiday, which will explain the reason I am not online during this time! Please do not fret, I will be back before you know it!

Do you have any questions?:


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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying.

- Your application will be reviewed when more positions for Shopkeeper are available under the category 'Other'. If you wish to withdraw your application, feel free to contact me via Discord.​


Level 128
Shop Lead

Unfortunately, your application has been denied.
The shop you applied for has been taken. Your application was amazing, however.
A lot of the items you listed would not really be used within the community apart from when your shop first opens/sells them.
Feel free to reapply when we have open spots.​

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