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Accepted Lawyer | Itllbefine / Castriel's Application

ᶻ Wrath ♡ .ᐟ

Level 101


In-game Name:

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Previous bans (include appeal links):
I do have a singular ban throughout the past few years on SRP. I do believe it’s a tad redundant to mention, seeing as I was in no fault during the clarified situation, however, you can find further explanation and the accepted appeal here;

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone that I frequently use on a daily basis.

Timezone & Country:
USA, EST - However my timezone rarely obstructs my hours or duties within the roles I have on SRP.

Sleep is for the weak

Links to any current & past applications:


Describe your activity on the server:
I’ve been immensely active on SRP from a longterm perspective, having been playing since 2017. I’ve been doing my best within the past while to become more active on the server, taking up roles within the school as a teacher and professor, as well as a current role in the council and positions within sports teams. I’ve mostly engaged in school factions, however, Lawyer is one I’ve been extremely excited to uptake and lean into for quite some time.
On average, I am extremely active on SRP and attempt my best efforts to maintain contact with those I'm close with when I am online, typically spending at least a few hours online per day. I have attempted my best to maintain activity within SRP, however, I have been losing motivation lately for quite a few reasons, as I am attempting to take up a Lawyer's role to regain my interest within the server and give myself active responsibilities I genuinely enjoy.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying to be a Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve been eyeing the lawyer role for months now, likely since back in December of 2021. I’ve been dwelling on the idea and considering it for a long time now, resulting in me finally applying despite the chances of me getting in. I take an interest in a lawyer position in real life as well, resulting in my interest in the position as well in SRP. I’ve been extremely excited over the concept and I look forward to taking up similar duties as a lawyer in-game.
OOCly I've begun pursuing similar lawyer and court-related extracurriculars, such as taking up National Debate and a Mock Trial within my school. I already have a decent amount of knowledge of how the court system works, however, I am entirely looking to learn more information and knowledge that I did not have previously.
One of my main motivations would be to gain more insight into the activities a Lawyer may have, and be able to roleplay them out.
Roleplaying has been a fixation of mine since I was very young, leading to it being an ongoing hobby I've participated in for a very long time, and worked to be skilled in. I've always enjoyed having a certain insight into a character, and I have gained the ability to maintain the personalities and mannerisms of my characters on an active basis with little to no thought behind it as I'm typing. To put it simply, it is something I immensely enjoy, and having the capability to experiment and play with different expectations, rules, and responsibilities behind a position I have a genuine interest in real life would be something I entirely look forward to.
My motivation is to gain knowledge further on the expectations and duties of a Lawyer and be able to do something I immensely enjoy as a hobby within the process.
I think being a Lawyer would also be extensively fascinating to me to have a certain view into other characters' intentions, personalities and have an insight into how their character functions on a personal level, OOCly and ICly.
Having experience IRL, I've found myself particularly skilled at some of the duties of a lawyer, and hope to be able to have yet another outlet to explore my capabilities with, while maintaining ICly knowledge and authorizing a different, more vague law within a different court. I wish to test my limits as well.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes. I have made a notable effort to properly look over and memorize a good amount of Karakura’s laws and rights and the potential consequences to be expected upon being found to be breaking specified laws ICly. I hope to gain a more thorough understanding to the point where I have it memorized, however, I believe I have an excellent understanding as I stand.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
The answer may or may not duel a response with my motivation, apologies.
My goals with this role are fairly straightforward. Recently I’ve experienced a blatant disinterest in SRP and its community, finding myself engaged in other activities while online rather than logging on. I expect, which is the most likely case, for my daily activity to fly back up with the introduction of my responsibilities towards a role I’ve sought for a very long time. I seek more purpose to remain on the server and responsibilities to uphold. I also wish, along with this role, to introduce an old character to SRP that I’ve had for a very long time who’s previously sat idle as I came up with plans on what specifically to do with him. I am particularly excited to uphold this role on the server and dedicate myself to it, as well as gain my interest in SRP again. However, having eyed the position for such a long time OOCly, I have goals behind it as well aside from regaining interest in the server, of course. I also would like to learn about the position OOCly, at least more than I’m already aware of. I seek further information about the role IRL, its duties, and what it feels like, of course, on a much lesser scale than it would be in real life. I want to uptake this role to effectively grant myself more responsibility, potential, relation, interest, and purpose within the server.

ICly, however, my character of course does not have as straightforward of an idea of his goals, more functioning off of sheer optimism and a pure belief of the concept of Law. He has gone into the lawyer profession to uphold justice and equity for those struggling against the law, whether it be defending those innocent, or prosecuting the guilty. Ezzie has extremely optimistic views over his profession and it’s duties. He has more motivation and cheer towards his job rather than goals that seep into his perspective of the future. He’d be more accustomed to the idea of what his job does and accomplishes than what he plans to do with it. If any goal, it would be to protect the innocent within the law.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers on SRP, as far as I am aware, are licensed and responsible for the prosecution or defense of a client in court.
Lawyers are expected to ****yze, research, and utilize knowledge of the court system and law in order to fulfill their duties in court, this may consist of ****yzing corresponding evidence to use to their advantage.
Lawyers in real life are also responsible for specified legal documents, including executing a client’s will in the case of their death. These specified documents may also be contracts or research of a court’s legal documentation.
Lawyers are also expected to be accustomed to giving their clients legal advice to ensure they do not get in trouble with the law through misaction.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I entirely accept the potential of being subject to removal.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I plan to be dedicated to my position to the best of my ability.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I will ensure not to display any OOCly bias and hold it to one of my highest priorities never to allow bias to have any impact whatsoever upon my position as a lawyer ICly.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes. I agree and intend to follow them to the very best of my ability.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I will attempt my best efforts to attend meetings and events, guaranteeing there is nothing in real life obstructing me from making it. However, given my circumstances, this should rarely be a problem at all, aside from school and real-life law-related extracurriculars.


Full name:
Ezekiel Harp Hannson

Preferred title:
Mr. Hannson

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:

Law, Criminal Justice

Japanese, Psychology

Work experience:
"I have a few previous small jobs from back in my teenage years, which I believe should be overlooked as being minor customer service jobs utilized to support myself financially as I focused on my studies for, at the time, police work.
Before my interest in being a Lawyer, I planned to uphold the law in a much different way, attending a police academy for a short period until I found physically exerting myself not to be a sustainable option, for myself and those around me. Swiftly, I switched my aspirations into working with the law in a different way, and began my studies into a field of law. I have since worked and studied in college to prepare myself for such tasks and a future career. After receiving my degree, I worked a position in a law office before relocating to Karakura and thus planning to continue my career."

Political background:
"I, despite my aspirations, have little care towards politics. I only truly engage myself on a case-by-case basis, holding others’ safety and lives as my highest priority and advocate when it comes to occasional and frequently rare political debates I may engage in. My work resides within the law and my client's benefit within their success."

Nationality & born location:
Swedish | Stockholm, Sweden

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
This application has yet to be made for this account.

Criminal record:
I have nothing on my criminal record.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

"I believe I have a few traits that every excellent lawyer should have, on some level."
"Despite my strong sense of justice, I have quite the patience for everyone, whether it be the prosecution or the defendant, I can be entirely expected to maintain a calm and cheerful demeanor no matter my position in court. I have a full intention and knowledge of my own emotions and have learned to maintain my rare irritation and disappointment over a result. I can be expected to be patient with every client I may be given, and no matter who I may have as a client, I will intend to do my very best possible work to inform them of their rights and ensure I am acting as the best possible Lawyer that I can manage to be. I can be expected to act reasonably and professionally at all times. There will be absolutely no concerns over the potential of me losing my patience. Growing up in a large household with extensively few expectations of me, I have learned the importance of patience in my work and personal life. I am very in touch with my emotions and can manage myself efficiently."

"It is no particular secret that I can be described easily as a happy-go-lucky and bubbly person. Alongside this, I work my hardest to maintain a sense of optimism during trials and when talking to my clients. I provide an unquestionable amount of motivation and drive towards positive results for my clients and their outcome. My optimism frequently finds itself assisting me in court, allowing myself never to feel down about or give up on a case, willing to try my very hardest I possibly can until the court comes to a conclusion. I will always try to find a way to make a situation better, no matter how glum a result seems it may be. Not only does this assist me with my job, but it frequently assists me with my motivation for my position and a genuine connection to my clients, which I personally believe renders me a good Lawyer and candidate."

"Most of the traits listed here form themselves into one that I believe is extremely important to have within a Lawyer's work; Determination. Remaining determined for yourself and your client is something that should always be an expectation. I often find myself containing the will to use every resource I possibly can to go about my duties within the law, and will never give up on my position and what it stands for. I will always remain determined to do the right thing for myself and my client, for justice, and for the true purpose behind my position; making the law mean something.
Determination is something I've found incredibly prominent in my work, along with my frequently described as unwavering optimism, there is no chance I will ever give up on a case before its conclusion and I will always attempt my best work, to utilize any possible argument that may immensely benefit my client and to work as hard as I can for a preferred result."

"Kindness is something I find that I most admire within people, and something I have always dedicated myself to reside with at all times, no matter the scenario. I will always make my best efforts to respond to every situation and individual with the kindness they deserve, no matter their potential opposition. I dedicate myself to always treating others with kindness and will likely never forgive myself if I ever address someone in a manner against these strict morals. I can always be expected to remain a kind and warm face within the town hall, as I will always intend to be and make it my goal to be. I intend to connect with my clients with kindness, and will always attempt my very best possible efforts to ensure that others do the same. I believe kindness, alongside with my capability for immense amounts of empathy towards another person, is very important as I defend my clients, and to properly understand, and to effectively communicate and fight for them."

"My sense of justice, even since I was a child, is something that defines my very goals and motivations. I will always seek out proper justice for those who deserve it. Originally, as previously mentioned, I intended to be more dedicated to this goal physically, wanting to work on my feet as a police officer and to be capable of being responsible for justice for those who desperately seek it. It has always been my very number one ideal to work as someone who provides justice and makes the world just even subtly better for those who are innocent. A sense of justice is something that will always be an immensely important trait, especially for a Lawyer."

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to ACCEPT this application!!

Your application was great, and really stood out to us above the others, Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 and we'll get you started! welcome to the team.

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