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LightEclipic | Reporter Application


Level 180
Community Team
Lore Team
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

(DarkEclipic;Teacher, WhiteEclipic;Pending Shop, BlackEclipic:Grade-12, GreyEclipic;Bird)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
List your timezone and country
darkeclipic, and yes I have a mic, Aania knows how much I love to talk.

Describe your activity:
8/10, I never put 10/10 as things happen IRL but I am still fairly active! I do have Teacher/Crime I do have my time to dedicate to The News Faction!! It’s hard to put it in words fully but I am pretty active!! My Light Account has 7w 3d 1h on it and my Dark Account has 38w 3d 16h

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
I have a lot, so bare with me, I could be missing some:

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I have been debating on joining this faction or another faction, but I think its fine for me to join a faction I haven’t gotten in yet! I want to expand my job status on SRP and see each faction to its fullest! I always adored news, writing is something that I adore and it will be something I always love. So, making silly little reports and interviews will be just fine for me to get out on time!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I adore writing, I have many works on SRP alone that I dedicated to Writing. Official Lore ‘Murder of 1999’, Roleplay Document ‘The Mori Aftermath’, then my few characters Bios for Souta and Eli(Working on Yuma and Tsuyosh).

Along with this, there are current works in the back that I am working on! Aania knows the BIG one I am doing which is slow going but it's coming! But, that is because I am part of the Lore Team

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I do agree and will follow the rules that are provided to me! Even Timmy…. If he doesn’t get kicked down the stairs first

Why should we accept you over others?:
I will be honest if someone has a better application than myself. I would rather them get in than myself! But, why you should choose me is I am able to be around actively for Reports, Interviews, Calls, and more!! I love the roleplay aspect of the news faction and I am usually always there in one form or another. If accepted, I will be active and be around to enjoy the faction to its full extent!!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Correct! I do know that!

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yup!! You can trust me! If not, you can yell at me

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A Reporter on SRP is well, the news. Broadcasts of major events, interesting subjects, or even causal reports about things happening in our little town of Karakura. They go around from person to person, to faction to faction getting the latest scoop. Despite like, 80% of the faction being criminals(insert my Criminal Sticker here) it is a pretty calm, laidback faction! One of the more Roleplay based factions out there.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

“Yuma Mori is the name! You might know my name from my late Aunt!”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
“Miss Mori, For professional cases. But typically my name works! Mori for People I don’t know well, Yuma for people I consider friends!”

Current Age (25+):
“I am 29 years old!”

Past job/work experience:
“I don’t particularly have work experience in a Job setting. But, in a researching type of deal, I do that all the time and my entire life!”

“Fresh out of College with my Bachelors in Journalism and Communications!”

Nationality and born location:
“Japanese! Edogawa City, Tokyo, Kanto is the Mori place of Residence! The Hospital I was born at was Edogawa Hospital!”

Phone Number:
“030-756-7056 is my Phone number! If you text or call me, please state who you are or I will not answer and block the number… This is for personal reasons!”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
. “Ah yes! Hello! I am Yuma Mori, Daughter of Kenji Mori, Granddaughter of Former Sargent Seiji Mori! I am a straightforward, down to earth individual. I love Tea, like… REALLY love Tea, Ask Yamato! I have over 35 different types of Tea in my collection! Oh.. I rambled, ANYWAY! I am bright and bubbly when it comes to first introductions, especially towards my co-workers! Uh… I don’t know what else to put… Gotta meet me in person, WAY better in person!”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I enjoy writing QUITE a lot! I like getting out there and learning about new things that I didn’t know about before, so getting out of my comfort zone is something I do quite often. Writing is a passion of mine and seems to run in the family, I wish to continue on my Aunt’s memory by following her in her footsteps! I will achieve this by being, well. THE BEST!”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“I expect to see new faces and meet new people. I want to learn more about this town and especially something that my Aunt adored. I want to make more connections than what I already have from the Mainland from my family, The Mori’s and Bando’s.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“No crimes! None at all! Check it, I’ll even let you look at the background for my entire family!”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
“Just Japanese and Italian! I only learned Italian for Yama and his daughter! And… I was bored, so it gave me something to do!”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

During my spare time, I had the chance to look more deeply into the death of Miss Hayami Mori, Karakura News Reporter. With her death in 1999, I had taken up the scoop in scouting out Hideji Kajiyashiki. Kiya’s Older brother and Friend to Miss Mori. I had the chance to speak to him and his wife about the aftermath of the death and how it affected them and their family.

Click of a recorder could be heard, shuffling of chairs before a click of a pen could be heard

Mori: Thank you for meeting me Mrs. and Mr. Kajiyashiki. I know this might be a bit.. Tough to talk about, but I think the people want or need to know.

Coughing could be heard as a door opened and then closed. A male voice spoke after a bit

Kajiyashiki: The email you sent was quite.. Shocking and worrisome to my family. But, I think it’s about time for people to hear more about what had happened. All those years ago.

Mori: Of course Sir, I have questions lined up for you to answer. If you are fine with it, we can start now.
scratching of pen to paper could be heard
I think what we wish to ask to start is, how did you and your family cope with the idea that your younger brother could do something like this?

A sigh could be heard from the male
At first, when it happened, I think all of us were shocked. It’s not every day that someone that you love turns around and does this. Kiya and I had grown up with just the both of us. So, you could understand our shock when all of that went down.

Mori: I can understand that, I am still sorry all of that happened to your family Sir. Do you know what happened to your brother after he was found out?

Kajiyashiki: Yes, I do. He was sent to recording would bleep out Institution for a Psych Evaluation then stayed for the remainder of his Life Sentence. From the last time we heard word from Kiya, he stays in a padded room most of the time due to his outbursts.

Mori: From what I understand, recording would bleep out that Institution is one of the best in the area besides the institutions on the Mainland. Do you think that with mainland assistance, your brother could be helped?

Kajiyashiki: No, as his Guardian when he was younger, I had the Mainland specialist come in and attempt to help him. From how they explained it, he is far to gone for any assistance.

Mori: I see, It’s sad to see someone go downhill. While you both lived together, was he showing signs of this? Breakdowns? Obsession?

Kajiyashiki: No, the only thing he would have mentioned was saying how ‘cute’ Haya looked. But, beyond that. There was no other talk about her or the other Mori’s. If I understand properly, Seiji is your grandfather?

A small laugh could be heard
Yes, that is my Grandfather. He is a good man, after everything was published and sent out. How did you handle the publicity?

Kajiyashiki: At first, it was horrible. Kids throwing rocks at my home. Stalking me on the streets when I was going to work. Eventually fired for the backlash my brother caused. Soon, I left Karakura and moved into Mikurajima. That was where I met my wife and where we currently live.

Mori: From what I had visited and seen, it is a very lovely town. Very off the grid, calm. I am glad you took my invitation to come to Karakura for this interview. How does it make you feel? Being back in the town that you once called home?

Kajiyashiki: Honestly..
silence fell over him for a moment
nice? It’s hard to put it, I feel like I am home. This is somewhere I would like to visit for a drink or two when that Lux bar opens.

Mori: I hope it isn’t too overwhelming for you Mr. Kajiyashiki, if you had the chance. Would you move back to Karakura?

Kajiyashiki: No. I do not think moving back would be something that I, personally, would do. Now my kids? My grandkids? Maybe, it is their life and I will not stop them. But me and my wife are perfectly fine in our little home in Mikurajima. But, I will visit from time to time. Not say my name, say nothing of my past. Just go for a beer or two.

Mori: I see, that is quite understandable, I wouldn’t know what I would do if I were in your position. But, I am thankful for your taking the time for this interview. Back to our original topic, with your brother. In the past, was he someone that you could have talked to? With what you know now, was your relationship with Miss Mori something that drove him?

Kajiyashiki: My relationship with Hayami was more along the lines of friends. Yes, when we were in High School, we would go to the other house to study and after High School, into College, we would hang out casually. I have a suspicion that was when Kiya started to develop said feelings. I would have never thought to get to THIS extent, but it is a high possibility.

Mori: I see, I don’t think anyone in your position would have seen it coming. And, have you come to terms with what your brother did?

Kajiyashiki: Yes and No? I mean, at first. I didn’t believe it, I couldn’t. I blamed him for our lives going downhill greatly as it did. But, after I grew up. Moved out, and got away from that all. I have come to terms with what he did, yes it affected me. But, I was still able to handle and go on with life while he was stuck and locked behind bars. It was rough, but I think I have managed.

Mori: I think you have made a lovely life for yourself Mr. Kajiyashiki, you have a beautiful Wife, and from what I saw, beautiful kids and grandchildren. Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and take on this interview. I think that others who will hear this will understand that none of this was your fault and soloy your brothers.

Kajiyashiki: Thank you Miss Mori for taking the time to find me and interview me. Let me walk you out.

Shuffling could be heard before the ending, CLICK

As you have heard, Mr. Kajiyashiki has moved on from Karakura and doesn't seem to be willing to return to town. His brother, Kiya, is still undergoing evaluation and behind bars with officers watching him closely. It seemed to be a case of simple infatuation and jealousy of her rejection of his letter. February 14th will always be a day that will make Karakura a tad sadder, at least it does over in the News.

Please make sure to watch over your loved ones, if you spot anything out of place or them saying something off than what they would typically say. Get it written down or get them taken to your Local Hospital for an evaluation. If you ever see anything suspicious with anyone around you, do not hesitate to call 110. Make sure to keep yourself and your family safe at all costs. Please have a good day!

Have anything to report? Call the Hotline! 020-980-4487 and get in touch with a Reporter today!

Additional Information:

none, I had fun making the canva photos!! Welcome to my random saved screenshots of SRP​


Level 177
News Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D
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