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m00nl0v3r | Priest Application


Level 64

╰⪼ IGN (In-Game Name):

MOONL0V3R (applying account)
Hatediary (shared account)

╰⪼ What is your discord username?:


╰⪼ What is your timezone?:


╰⪼ Describe your activity on the server:

As of writing this application, I am extremely active. Whenever I can be online, I’m mainly jumping from character to character searching for a situation I can get lost into and focus on for an extended amount of time. Normally spending from whenever I get out of school, to normally when I go to bed..

I would describe my activity as heavy, I am always on whenever I am able to be, and normally busy doing my own thing, if it’s talking with friends, trying to get connected into RP’s or even just lore-building by myself in my free time, and making plans with others on what we could do next to extend our characters lore together.

I do apologize that of the 13th of March, I will be going on inactivity till the 28th for my schools theatre program, and three tech weeks in a row. I’ll be able to log on at a later time than I normally would, if I am able to as I’ll be at school for an extended 4-5 hours each day, and following the weekends for 5-6 hours if I’m not there the whole day.. I'll be trying my best to log on whenever I can during this time, yet my complete activity isn't a promise till the 28th.

╰⪼ List your current roles on the server:


College M
College B



╰⪼ Link any previous applications:

╰⪼ What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?


╰⪼ What is your motivation for applying?

Having been in the Shrine faction before, and I truly miss being apart of a community of people that all have one thing in common; they all want to make the Shrine a better place, icly and oocly. Of course, I enjoy and love the people apart of the faction, but that is not my only reasoning! I also am in love with the lore, behind every bit of the Shrine and how it is consistently being expanded on, added too over time. I remember loving the faction and everything that it held, but not very much liking my own characters which led to my own inactivity when previously in the faction, and why I am here, re-applying not very long after I left is due to me having a character I truly do see that would fit. A character unlike my others, and unique in her own way! Especially with new people being apart of the faction since I’ve last been here, I can even add wanting to meet new people, and RP’ing them onto my motivation, something I really miss was how everybody and their characters was different and unique in their own ways, and it adds onto the experience of being apart of such a unique faction even better.

And I also believe for the bit I’ve been out of the faction, me and my characters have both developed in our own ways, all positive; and will always be open to exploring that with other people who also share the interest in Japanese culture! Deep diving into it with people who also want to learn more is always something I love to do, yet lack a lot of on SRP due to it being heavily westernized.

╰⪼ What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

Having been in the Shrine faction before, I know more than the normal person would.. Sadly, I have lost my notes from my time in the faction.. So, I will be simply going off of the top of my head!

There are numerous stories that I remember being taught of the few main Kami’s, and also the story behind the Shrine, and the Kami that the Shrine specifically worships.. There are some things that I remember fluently, and some things that I do not, and are willing to relearn. As to not put wrong information here, I will leave this section short, and mention I am willing to learn more about it, and also more than I knew before!


╰⪼ Character Full Name:

Upon being seated in a private room of the Monastery, a routine question on who she is in general, sitting properly on her knees, her hands placed neatly in her lap.

“My name is Miyagawa, Kagutsumei. . I do request to just use my last name. .”

████ Kagutsumei Miyagawa, a woman who changes names frequently, never quite okay with the comfort that one should bring her.. Right now? She has found her purpose- a name to suit her beyond how she’s ever felt - words for a wordless feeling.

╰⪼ Character Title:

“I’d prefer Miss, please.”

╰⪼ Character Age:


╰⪼ Character Marital Status:


╰⪼ Character Nationality:


╰⪼ Degree/Certifications (If applicable):


╰⪼ Backstory:


On a snowy April morning, a little girl was born; █████ Miyagawa. From the moment she was born, she was considered more of a Princess than of a little girl; a child, a baby, gifted with everything she ever wanted from her father and mother. She was spun around as a doll from the moment she could walk, she was the new face of the Miyagawa family; the one perfect doll of a child. Instantly cradled as if a gods child from her grandfather, spoiled was an understatement... Raised by her father and grandfather, barely by her mother; she was raised to be a child to tell lies, save the family, and let nobody know what would be one to happen inside the walls; what he did to them all, lie, show who you aren’t. Be the puppet if you have to, as long as nobody knows who you are, and hide your personality; these are just a few of the rules the Princess had to live off of.

While she slowly aged, she was gifted everything she wanted, one day while she was 6, her mother pulled her out of the dining room, where she was working on her skills, as any child would... Pulled to the side, outside, walking along the forest near their home;

“█████.. My dearest, █████ .. I need to give you something,” the woman with a stone-cold heart that melted around the girl, dark black hair and an eyepatch adorning her left eye as she crouched to meet her daughter's rather short height, before stretching a black eyepatch over her daughter's head, “My dear, this is who you are now; don’t let people see your other eye.. Show too much, and they’ll know too much.” The girl nodded as the woman of snow straightened herself out, walking around with her; on the forest line until it became night, which became a habit for the two of them for a few years.. Until something happened.

On her tenth birthday, she was gifted a notebook, one almost identical to her own mother's, which was of course given by her... On their normal walk, hand in hand, smiling and chatting, her mother turned, looking her in the eyes. “Dear.. you know why I gifted you that notebook, don’t you?” The girl shook her head, normally silent; like in any other situation, her doll-like persona shining through. “You write down... Everything that happens every day of your life... Do you understand me?” And that is what █████ did, and whenever she ran out of pages? She’d buy herself a new one, this was one of her small little secrets she had with her mother, something to keep her company; even with the dead.

Screaming shouts; the Miyagawa girl sneaks out of her room on her twelfth birthday to peek around the corner to the kitchen. The screaming and shouting coming from her grandfather and mother, a screaming match... It became normal for them as of late, for them to end up in fights that became bloodied. But this day was different; it was one about how to continue to raise the girl... Stalking, watching- a gunshot. Her mother was suddenly shot... And another- the day her mother died. Turning on his boot heel to go wake up the girl, instead met with a shaking and crying girl, picking her up suddenly to take her into his arms, to coo herself to comfort... “Your mother was a horrible woman, █████... I’m sorry you had to see her go like that, I didn’t want to..” Sniffling, and crying, stuffing her face into Hiroto’s shoulder, gently poking her eyepatch with a singular finger, “That’s why you wear that, my darling, you don’t want to end up showing too many emotions... You’ll end up in the same boat as her, my dear..”


From the day her mother died, everything changed for her. She had a different purpose, doing everything she could to not end up in the same boat as her mother; a switch flipped in her head. She focused on changing herself, and instead of mourning, she put all of her efforts into her high school years and making sure to pass at the top of her classes; which ended with her being able to graduate a whole year early because of her focuses, with her grandfather's manipulation; she went to a military camp for two years..

That is where she learned the rules of her family, and they all solidified in her head, they stuck for years to come. She was the little soldier her grandfather wanted out of her; being gifted a heart pendant because of the love he had for her, many considered her his daughter more than any other in the family. During these years, her father gifted her the name of HYSTERIA, calling her that name during all meetings and any interactions they had with people outside of their tight-knit circle.

This is when her father got distant from her, which made her grandfather angered, causing Hiroto to say she cut ties with him and go back to being the little girl her father always wanted for a daughter... This was her first step in the mess she was born in, that was her acceptance to prove her loyalty, which is what she did from age 17 to when she turned 19. She was her father's little angel, being brought to church every Sunday, and the normal.. Until she met a Priest, who ruined her life, she went crying to her grandfather multiple times, but all he told her was to grow a pair, which she did; the Priest was then killed, and randomly, brutalized in his own church.. Then life continued as planned, relaying everything she knew to her grandfather... Which was when she was sent to Karakura, on her 20th birthday.


Upon arriving in Karakura, she was given one point on what she needed to do; find people, the most powerful ones; and befriend them... Which, she was barely able to do, she befriended one person, maybe two if you count jealousy over a friend... This is where she used her manipulative magic that she had to her advantage, befriending a footballer; ██████ █████████, who she clung to, showing what she could do to help a person, giving advice, and he gave some back. She did her normal push and pull, pushing him away before clinging back onto him... Yet, she didn’t gain what she wanted; so she aborted her mission, pushed him away in any way possible, to take care of herself, and find others to cling onto, others to play with as a puppeteer. She was a devil in an Angel's disguise.

“█ ██████ ████, ████ ████ ██ ████.”

“████████ ███ ████ █ ████ ████… ███ ██ ███ ███ ██████.”

She was the perfect figurine for his project...

Going for what many wouldn’t even try, something more frightening; █████ Shibusawa. Met him one day in the sewers, and met multiple situations to clinging onto him eventually, it went from her simple duty to fulfill a job to falling in love, head over heels even with his small amounts of abuse. They wanted each other's hand; ring fingers. They wanted each other's hearts, when she turned 23, it finally started, the comforts of finally having somebody for herself, somebody to hold; but it all fell apart eventually when she met a new person; a new one to fall in love with, █████ █████. Yet the CYCLE of life she fell in love with; never left.


Life-threatening love, that’s what she soon became obsessed with; being able to be in love with somebody so much that she becomes obsessed, allowing herself to be as close as possible even with her own life in her hands... And that’s how a new being was born from █████, ██████ █████████; not yet married, yet not fully together; the missing of █████ drove her insane, so insane she had to cling to others, yet not look them directly in the eyes because of the fear of losing █████; █████ was the new █████, constantly wanting what she needed.

A simple affair became an escapade of want and need, wanting █████, and falling deeply in love with him over time. He was no longer the █████ replacement and was now his being in her world.

Upon joining a Yakuza to become closer to █████, even having the thought of being oath-bound partners in crime! Yet... Nothing ever ends happily for a Miyagawa, now does it?


Don’t come back, this chapter is missing; a lost cause.


This is her current chapter, it’s still being written as she develops.


╰⪼ How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Due to some recent trauma that the Miyagawa lady has gone through, she’s a lot different of a character that I started off with her as. Even me playing her as such a different character she started as is a difficult thing for me to do. She went from being manipulative and abrasive, avoiding the real reasons behind everything. Now? She is the opposite, she exists to try and find the real purpose of everything..

Guests / General.

Miyagawa is the definition of approachable, she is a softened candle and has become more kind hearted, she bows at every Torii-gate is if in debted to the Kami of the Monastery. She truly believes it’s her duty to serve the Shrine and the Kami that rest inside of it, and around it. She shows that fluently in her actions, bowing at every Torii gate, doing daily prayers to her own personal Shrine for the Kami she personally believes in, making tea for guests, anything you could really think of is what she does when on Shrine grounds, she is the perfect version of herself when in the presence of the Kami’s.

Other staff.

She believes that how you act around each others, first time will root the relationship and how it developes, and she believes this with her co-workers, she’d be very kind and pleasant, always being there to offer a hand if ever in need, physically or mentally. She’d be very pleasant and straightforward with them, and most likely considering most her close friends or even family, she’d be very easily to get along with and bond.

╰⪼ You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

If she spotted somebody jumping around on the roofs, she’d instantly tell them to get down and explain how they are disrespecting the Shrine and if they continue, she’d threaten for them to be blacklisted; same as disrespecting the Shrine grounds, she would not beat around the bush with the subject and instead be straight forward with it. Straight forward and stern is the best way to describe her in a situation as such when they are disrespecting the Shrine grounds, she’d have none of it.

╰⪼ Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?

Theres numerous reasons why she out of all of my characters would want to become a Priestess.. Mostly personal, ones she would hold close to her heart and would spend hours explaining in character, so to avoid the hours and my hands from hurting; I’ll explain them in shorter sentences.

Calling ;

Miyagawa personally believes being apart of the Shrine, after many close call situations is her calling, and the only way that she can repay the gods that have saved her. After being close to many close calls with death, and numerous of other things, she believes she owes herself to the gods that have kept her alive for so long despite her actions against them of being in gangs and searching out these situations of violence. She personally didn’t think she would have made it this long, living if it wasn’t for some divine intervention.

She believes that she is still currently alive because of some godly intervention, as for years on end she was constantly being pushed around, and was in the brink of death more times than she could count. And she does believe her most recent close to death call was a sign, a sign for her to change lives and paths for the better - to be a helpful hand.

Teaching ;

She’s a teacher at heart, she enjoys telling people stories, explaining things in detail and doesn’t get upset by new questions or point of views that often.

Purpose ;

Because she didn’t believe she would have lived this long, she’s searching for a purpose; and has been for a long time, and upon finding herself at the Monastery’s steps time and time again for comfort in the Shrine, and how they accept anybody with open arms of comfort, she deems this as the right place; she keeps being brought back time and time again.

╰⪼ What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)


After being somebody she hasn’t for a long time, switching personalities, trying to find something that feels authentic to herself; she was never able to find that sort of inner peace that people have spoken about when they found their purpose in life. This is a value that she is currently chasing, trying to figure out herself on how her authenticity will shape her, and who she really is; her authentic self.


Over years, she’s finally been controlled by others, how they perceive her and want her to act. So with this new chapter of her own, she has decided to have her own autonomy and skip the thinking of how others will think of her actions, and left that for the past. She’s no longer the woman of constantly asking if what she is doing is okay, instead the woman knowing everything she is doing is perfect, and understanding that if others don’t enjoy who she is? They can deal with it themself, she is living her true self; a new chapter.


Her love is now to the Shrine, a new chapter for her to become obsessed in, no longer in that need to be loved by another person to feel whole, instead; she knows she’s loved by the Kami she worships, and is willing to accept that. And also to love herself without having somebody loving her, understanding who she is in a new way. She is no longer being loved by chains, but she is now a free woman. A free angel.


I feel like this is self-explanatory for her, she found her purpose; to worship the Kami that saved her time and time again, despite her being so young she is willing to find her life's purpose, and dedicate it to the Shrine and the people around her.

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