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Denied Miyage-Hin Mato | The original post glitched


Level 53

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 19 years of age, turning 20 in a few months.

What is your time zone?:
EST (Eastern Standard Time) USA

Describe your activity on the server:
I am fairly active on the server. I am always online, usually from 10 AM to 10 PM, but I do other things throughout the day when I am offline. I do go out of the house sometimes in the afternoon, but when I am not with my family, I am not online. I am playing games, but the overall most active game is the server itself. Whenever I am online, I am usually with friends or just around doing things OOCly. If my main account, which I am applying with, is not online, I am most likely on my alt account doing other things. I plan on being extremely active even more on my main account if I ever get a shop owner and plan on opening as soon as I can. Whenever I am online, I am usually doing my own things, but I am usually on for several hours throughout the day as well, to be with friends and just to have fun.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I only have two bans if they were not removed. I had more but they were proven to be false and I was innocent. I will list the two bans below that I know were not removed, along with a brief explanation as to what happened.

Asking for money OOCly, the start of 2020
Mistakes were made. I do admit that during this time, I had been very sick at the time of this ban and had a fever that was extremely high, and usually when I have a fever it makes me do things that I wouldn’t normally do at all. I was not myself during the time I had the sickness, but that is not an excuse for my actions at all. It was wrong of me to do this.

I have another ban but I do not wish to disclose it as I am ashamed of this one. I can assure you all that I am not the same person as I was back then, but it happened in 2021.

This is just a note apart from this section. I am not the same person as I was back then during these two bans. I have learned from my mistakes on this. I was less mature than I am now. I learned from everything I did and no longer do anything wrong. It is extremely rare for me to break any rules, and if I do, it is always by accident, and it isn’t any intention to break them. I do admit the mistake and we all go on with our day. The last time I recall being warned was near the end of 2021, almost a year ago, but that was the last time I’ve been warned as far as I know.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge if I go inactive will be demoted, I will be sure to stay active throughout the time if I get accepted and if I have to go inactive for a certain period of time I will be sure to be post an inactivity log for the period of time I will not be able to get on my laptop.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Will be listing applications from Accepted, Pending, to Denied Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Denied Denied Denied Denied

There are most likely more but there is many applications, denied and accepted but I do not want to flood this area of the application with every single application that I have posted but these are the main ones.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Across three accounts I have one Adult account with no specific role, a college character on a sports team and also a Bachelor degree and a grade12 account but I am not on that one much, the account I am applying with is the adult account.

Shop Information

Miyage_-_Hin_Mato_LOGO Small.jpeg

What shop are you applying for?:
Miyage-Hin Mato

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I’ve been wondering since quitting teaching about applying to be a shop owner or even before quitting teaching. I have been doing things with other shops for a bit and after learning what they do more and more, I decided to apply whenever a shop opens. After checking the roster, I recently noticed a shop open which I decided to go for it and as a shop owner I know can be a bit stressful as with any role on the server as it requires you to be on alert, watch your stock, etc. Aside from reporter and hospital staff, the only jobs I've never tried out for are shopkeeper and waitress. I wanted to have the character work but without having to be confined to the school like all my other accounts. The shopkeeper, like the KPD and teacher, has piqued my interest for quite some time. I wish to try something new and considering how long I lasted with the teacher, I do believe I can mentally and physically handle shopkeepers. Being shopkeeper will also allow me to be more involved with other parts of roleplay that I've seen from a standby point of view but never in the position myself, it would add a more experience to what I already do/know currently and would just make that bigger.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
First I will start out with how the shop will look, the photos are not exact to what they will look like just the base idea, the next few parts of this will be event ideas and the general idea in this section.



JapaneseStore Small.jpeg

Information About the Inside
The outside will not be much different from what it is now because I would like to keep the original design on the outside and not change it up much, but the inside will be different from the original area, and the inside will not be exactly like this as there will be a wall to get behind the counter with an actual door, so random individuals will not be allowed to enter the area behind the counter unless permitted to do so by the owner. If any of the employees wants to bring someone behind the counter, they must first ask the owner. The colors won't be exact, but the colors will be sure to match everything but the wood. The wood works well in this photo as well, so that will not be changed, but the counter shape, the lighting, and the walls will be changed. The colors will be chosen to avoid any issues with the pairing of the colors, the inside will be altered if needed.




Information About The Outside
The outside photo will not be exact to this photo, this is just how it might look minus the items outside of the store. The outside colors will not be really different from the outside, just a main idea but also more decorated a bit than this photo. The outside will be altered as needed so it doesn't contrast with the rest of the


Lounge Area

Sitting Area Small.jpeg

Information about the Lounge Area
This is not the exact photo. I only included this photo for a lounge area. The chairs would be placed somewhere out of the way. The chairs and table would be a lot less elegant to match how the store is, and the color would be a bit different for the chairs themselves. I included this because I've noticed that many players on the server bring friends/partners along and they don't want to shop or buy anything, and the majority end up sitting outside, but this might be able to take that part away so they don't have to stand outside the store itself while waiting. Individuals can sit in this area as long as the store is open and it isn’t past the store's opening hours, I only added this photo for the chair ideas not the area around it.


buy_one_get_one_50_off_-_Flyer Small.jpeg

One of the events for the shop I would like to use is something I have never seen for any of the shops on the server or I am just behind with that. The event idea is a “buy 1 get 1 50% off” it would be the entire store right after a restock of all the items we are selling, it would be something unique as never really seen this before in any other shops. The “buy 1 get 1 50% off” would qualify for either two of the same items or one of two different items, lets say a customer wants a toy light saber and also sunglasses this will have some limits though and some of the rules which I will list soon.

The Rules of the Buy 1 get 1 50% off
  • Can only apply to one customer for only 2 items, no more then 1 per customer, if the customer has 4 items they must select which 2 items they wish to have this applied to, the other items will be full price.

Halloween Costume Event

Another event idea will be around Halloween time, where the employees dress up in a costume of their choosing. It could be anything they wish to be, and we will open up during this time and be in the costumes they’ve chosen to be in during this time. Let's say one employee wants to be a doctor. They can be dressed as a doctor. Let's say another wants to be a police officer. They can be a police officer. There also won't be any gender-specific costumes; everyone can wear what they wish, but with some rules applied to them to make the opening more friendly for everyone entering the shop.

The Rules of Costume Day
  • The employees must wear appropriate costumes; they cannot wear clothing that is revealing or too short. It must be appropriate, I will not tolerate or the managers should not allow wearing revealing clothing.
  • Some of the employees can wear the same costume if they wish. They will wear what they choose, and it can be two in the same costume. They can all wear the same thing if they wish, but they will not be forced.

Writing Competition Event

This event idea is a bit different than what I've seen other shops do; in this event there will be a book given out to every person that wishes to sign up, and they are to write a well-formatted, well-worded, but also engaging story during a few day period. There will be one employee that is specifically there to sign up people for the event. There will be third, second, and first place prizes. The first place winners will receive a 20,000 reward plus 2 items from the store of their choosing. The second place winner will receive a single item of their choice from the store, while third place will receive only a 20,000 reward with a 20% discount on any item they would like to buy. To determine the winner, we will go through the books with me and the managers and see which top three are the most well-formatted, well-worded, and engaging stories that someone can write. We will announce the winners in the discord as there will be a specific channel designed for the event and will put the roleplay name, as well as the username, as the books are required to have both of them. Whenever they want to receive their reward, they will have to come to the shop to receive it. This can be done any time as long as either a manager or the owner is not busy. This event will be going on for a few days to allow everyone time to write a good story and wont be forced to write it in just one sitting.

Rules of the Writing Competition
  • All individuals participating in this must list their IGN (In Game Name) and Roleplay name so we know who is who.
  • Only allowed to be one sign up per player, there cannot be two alts of the same person signing up as they would be unfair to the others doing this event.

What I plan to do with the shop
I will try to open about twice a week throughout the month. I plan on being extremely active throughout this role if accepted. I will be trying to open every week about three times a s week at least, and maybe the weekends when the majority are available to come. Every time I open, I will be sure to send at least 2 advertisements about 30 minutes apart. I will be opening whenever I can and I am not busy, but I am also allowing myself a bit of a break when it comes to opening, so I don't overdo myself during this time, while also allowing my employees a bit of a break and don’t overdo them as well. I will also treat the customers and employees fairly no matter the time of day. I will make sure everyone else in the shop that works there does that as well. Some of the rules will prohibit ANY form of toxicity toward anyone, while others will be listed below with "how many employees do you intend to have?" Another thing I'd like to do with the shop is host a few more events, but not events that aren't necessary to promote the shop; it will be a welcoming environment with no toxicity allowed, both ICly and OOCly. What I want to do further is also to provide a space for the employees to be comfortable with who they are speaking to and who works there as well. I do not want anyone to feel "unwelcome" when it comes to anything with the shop. There will also be a discord for this shop that will be well made. The discord will have the information that anyone may need, such as the information on the shop, the roster, applications, etc. Anything important for a shop discord. The discord will have the logo of the shop I have custom created, which is near the start of this application. I plan on the shop being a welcoming environment and non-toxic, this is just the base idea if accepted there will be more added to avoid any copying that is not in the application itself.

What will you sell in your shop?:
We will have some generic items that are already on the server but also some items that would have to be made for the store itself. We would sell the generic items already existing, such as light sabers in all colors, unicorn plushies, the panda plush if that one still exists, and a teddy bear plushie, but also some rare items that can't be found that often, such as sunglasses, other items that are rare to find. But the generic idea is items that you wouldn’t normally see from shops. The items I have listed are sold in other shops but from shops that I do not see open at all. I will list just 1 or 2 of the exclusive items that will only be sold at this store. The two items will be a penguin and a strawberry plushie. That is what we will start with. The rest of the items will be generic. The rest of the items will be all colors of lightsabers, the other plushies like the panda, teddy bear, and unicorn, along with some sunglasses that will not be really "jewelry" as the majority of the gift shops do sell sunglasses. water guns, along with nerf guns, and maybe a "spartan helmet" and maybe even some school merch from both spartan and bobcat items, but they will not be phones, and these items can be sold year round, and maybe possibly a hydro flask of different colors that the server already has in its resource pack. The rest will be added later on, but all of these will be added when we open and only start with a few items. If accepted, I might add more items, but this is the generic idea of what we’ll sell. The three custom items will not only what we would be selling, the items will be very different from what other shops sell currently. These items I choose based on what the community would like and also does a shop sell them or not, no other shop sells them currently but I also chose on what I would also like but more so for what the community would like for example motorcycle helmets are a thing but not commonly seen and if they are seen it is only a custom item that someone bought same thing with the bat plushie I have never seen something like this ever.

I have only chosen these items below based on what I think, but also what I think the community will like. For example, the bat plushie I feel people would like and actually do well in a store while also coming up with the price for a custom item. None of the items will be above ¥100,000. The backpack is a good idea. I feel as if a lot of people like bags, but due to this being a gift shop, it will not only look nice but also be manageable on the server. I wanted to put something in a gift shop that is still manageable on the server but also simple while also being something different not seen in a shop before, with bags you normally only see brown, cute or black bags or pink but never white bags, I also know very well it is possible to make all of these items listed. The last thing is a common custom, but never of that type of glasses. All the items listed below for customs will not go above ¥100,000each. They will also be big items, most of them for the community of the server. I chose these three items for the people of the town based on what I knew they would like. I picked these items as I know it can be challenging to design some things into 3D models for Minecraft, so I just found the simplest yet good-looking thing I could find that wouldn't be much of a struggle. If I am not mistaken, none of the items I listed exist on the server as customs or anything. Side note for the bat plushie this will only be sold during October only through October once it reaches November first the shop will no longer be selling it until October of next year. Would like to add the backpack would not be considered "designer" as this is a Gift Shop not a high end shop.


Seasonal Only Items;

Bat Plush Small.jpeg


Year Around Items;

BackPackWhite Small.jpeg


Sunglasses Small.jpeg

How many employees do you plan to have?:
Below will be the generic idea of how many employBelow will be the generic idea of how many employees I wish to have working at the store, along with the rules of the employees and managers that everyone has to follow, along with brief descriptions on what the job of each position will do.

Owner 1/1

Manager 0/3
This position will be in charge of making sure every employee is following the rules but also helping them whenever the owner is not available with anything they may need. They will also help the owner check applications whenever they check the applications for the shop itself. They will also be hand-picked by the owner based on how well I think they will operate on this without being biased as well.

Employees 0/10
This is just the general employee; they will be running behind the counter taking orders and bringing them to the customer waiting for them at the front. They are to be respectful to the customers at all times, even if their character does not like them. When the shop closes, they are required to give the shop owner their profit, and the employee will keep 50% of the money earned for that one employee.

Security 0/5
This type of employee is to be there protecting the shop and everyone inside. Let's say someone decides to come in and start harassing one of the cashiers it is the security's job to make sure they stop, and if they refuse, they can force them out of the shop while also ensuring they do not come back in or cause any more issues and to also make sure they leave the area. If the shop owner is unavailable, security will have to ask a manager if he believes the person(s) who were kicked should be barred from entering the store as well.

Trial Employees 0/5
Let's say someone applied and I am not sure if they will be suitable for the actual position or not. They are not near the top of the list of employees that applied. They will be like a normal employee but under the watchful eye of the managers and the owners for a bit of time until they believe they are ready. If they have not shown they are suitable for the position, employee eligible for chance of getting removed.

Rules that all employees have to follow along with information.


Rules of Employees
  • Employees can wear anything they want to work as long as what they wear is appropriate and not too revealing as the environment is supposed to be friendly, if any employee is not sure rather if an outfit if not revealing or not they can ask the owner or one of the managers if the owner is not available.
  • Employees must follow the rules, there can be no type of toxicity towards anyone inside and outside the store itself both OOCly and ICly. The employees can joke around with each other but they cannot have any malicious intent to the jokes but also maintain a bit of professionalism.
  • Everyone in the store itself cannot take any items from the stock if they do they will be fired from the shop for doing so including anyone involved. If someone does this while not all employees were involved they will not be fired meaning the ones not involved will not be fired except the ones that did it.
  • This rule applies to the managers and me myself, there will be no bias picking in any application process. We will only accepted/deny purely based if we think they are suitable for the role at the shop or not
  • Security must wear a uniform at all times while working. They must always be on high alert when it comes to working, as at any given moment, something could go wrong when it comes to the shop. They must walk around the store at all times to ensure nothing is going on.


Information Regarding Employees

  • Due to limited space in the shop itself, only a max of 5 cashiers may work at a time, which is why there are only 10 cashiers and only a max of 3 security at a time spread evenly throughout the store. At any given time, no more than 5 cashiers and no more than 3 security guards may work.
  • Employees apart from gangs are allowed to work here, but they will not be allowed to bring any criminal activity to the shop. It doesn't matter what they do, no matter if it's gangRP or combatRP, just can't be brought into the shop. If they have any questions they can ask a manager or the shop owner.
  • The security uniform is not gender-specific; anyone can wear the uniform as long as they work the shop and are a security guard. Any female character and any male character can wear this.
  • If anyone is wearing the security uniform and/or acting as if they work at the shop itself, either the employee tells a manager or the owner OOCly of this. Once this has been done, we will handle this person in a polite manner and will not be toxic towards them at all. We will politely ask them to stop and/or remove the skin, and if they refuse, staff will be contacted if any are available at this time, and if none are free, we will take a screenshot of their username and the chat with their skin.
  • The security uniforms can be worn any way as long as you are using the jacket and pants along with the shoes. You do not have to wear the tie at all.
  • The owner may work as a cashier if there is not enough cashiers at the time of the opening but hopefully that will never come to that and everyone has time to work at the store.
  • Once the discord is complete and everything is ready for the shop and also we hired people and trained them there will be a ping in the discord everytime we open for that time and they will be ordered to react to ensure people will come.
  • To make the shifts more neater there will be a list towards the end on another discord channel of the server to post what each employee made in that one shift and the total amount, this is to keep track of everything. I will be checking the discord everyday no matter if I get a ping or not.
  • The owner may work as a cashier if there is not enough cashiers at the time of the opening but hopefully that will never come to that and everyone has time to work at the store.
  • Once the discord is complete and everything is ready for the shop and also we hired people and trained them there will be a ping in the discord everytime we open for that time and they will be ordered to react to ensure people will come.
  • To make the shifts more neater there will be a list towards the end on another discord channel of the server to post what each employee made in that one shift and the total amount, this is to keep track of everything. I will be checking the discord everyday no matter if I get a ping or not.
  • Security will also be paid 50% to make an event amount and fair so no bias choosing so lets say after the cashiers pay and we have a total of ¥150,000 the paycheck for security will be ¥75,000 which is considerably good for what security is normally payed. Believe they should have equal pay as the waiters plus they do deal with a lot of things that usually I would say require a bonus for dealing with it.
  • There will be a cap of 3 security during a shift so each security must react fast to be there in time before the cap is maxed.
  • To ensure everyone is everyone is able to work at least once a week there will be different opening times lets say we open on a weekday OOCly at 4 PM EST and some of the employees cant even attend we will open another day maybe the weekend during that same week to try to make sure all employees are able to attend during that week.
  • If a employee has to be inactive for above 4 days OOCly they are required to make an inactivity log but if they are busy during a shift that is not required to make a inactivity log, only if they will not be on minecraft at all for more then 4 days straight. This can be anything from mental health break, break from minecraft or a trip, doesn’t matter the reasoning as long as its valid.
  • If someone were to get banned from the shop, the employee would have to tell the owner of the shop the IGN (In Game Name) along with the roleplay name to put in a document that may be shared between employees and the owner. If someone has made multiple offenses inside the shop itself on a different character, we have the right to ban that account from entering the shop.
  • If someone were to get kicked out of the shop itself or something else happens there will be no refund for the said person which will be on a sign near the front, the only exception to this is if an employee got an order wrong and put the wrong item and the customer already paid and didn't notice until the customer got the item, only then will they be refunded for the item that the employee got wrong, the employee will take the item back then ask once again what was the item they messed up and go back to get the correct item if the customer does get the correct item they will pay the price of the new item from what they got back. An example is if a customer bought the bat plushie but instead they received the glasses the customer will get the price of the glasses which is ¥35,000 back the customer will be asked to state the item they wanted before the mixup which is the Bat Plushie once the employee gets that the customer will pay the ¥25,000 back then they will be on their way.

Below is the reference for the Security Uniform;

Side note for this, the hat and word security will not be there and instead of the radio will just be an ear piece put normally on the skin as well.

The generic paycheck will be 50% to the employee and the other half to the owner. Let's say that on the day the shop opened, each employee made 100k total and only 5 showed up. Those 5 employees would pay 50% to the owner, which is 50k, and the employees would keep the other half of the money for themselves. After every shift, they will pay him 50% of the profit he made, and he keeps the rest. The restocking will be general. If they are getting close to running out, I will figure out how much is needed to put them to max stock and will be sure to keep a document of every item that we have to keep track of this. The application process will not be difficult either and will be organized using Google Docs to better manage the applications. After the application process and I've picked out the individuals that will be working there, I will hold a training session before the shop opens, giving them access to the doors, the chests, and showing them where everything is located. This will be done when the shop is done being built and also when the discord is ready, which will be able to be done in a few days if accepted.

There will be other rules added later on if accepted as of now this is all I could think of right off the bat, eventually will add more employees possibly but for now there will not be many employees, once it grows might add more in the future.


Additional notes about your application:

The previous application the old head of the shop faction did not mention I cannot reapply, also would like to thank everyone that read this, hope you all liked it. The original post and this post keeps glitching for some unknown reason whenever I add anything to this application so everything that you see now is what will be there as I am not risking losing everything.

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
I don't feel confident that you'd be able to meet the quota / or that you're a good fit for this role.

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