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Robean_ | Shrine Application


Level 95

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IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
I Reside in the United Kingdom therefore BST

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server I'd like to think is great, I am on multiple hours a day, Whether that be on my Karakura Police department account or my adult account. Being in the emergency faction alone requires me to be active enough in order to respond to broadcasts and get my quota. I currently do have an out of character job, However, due to circumstances with my health that I will not list, I work from home. Therefore I have more time to spend on minecraft when I am not working, which is only three times a week for 6 hours a day. 11am till 3pm. There may of course be days where I do not log on, But I know that is understandable as I am human and do have a life outside of video games.

List your current roles on the server:
The only other role I have on the server is on my other account. I am a Detective for the Karakura Police Department.

Link any previous applications:
Over my years on SchoolRP I have made numerous applications to numerous factions, Additionally I have made too many to count language applications. I apologize if I miss a couple language applications as I have just made too many to track. The faction applications however are up to date and all there.

OOC Applications
I did apply for lore team, However cannot find the application. It was Denied.

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
I have many aspects that motivate me to want to rejoin the shrine. I was in the shrine faction about a year and a half to two years ago and left not long after becoming the Guji. Since I have left I have found myself missing the family-like bond I had with everyone there and overall missing what I had helped create. I joined shrine during a bad time as there was no real faction lead, NoZinth was taking over partially for the first week and a half of me being in shrine until cloud_divider took over as the shrine lead, Upon becoming shrine lead Cloud discussed many things they wanted to bring to the table and had us shrine staff contribute to it. I already have many friends within the shrine, Some still around from the wave just after mine nearly two years ago which I find amazing. During my downtime to KPD I often find myself aimlessly wandering around on my adult slot which I often don't even roleplay on due to not having anything to do, Joining another faction will just help this as It gives me something to do, Shrine being perfect for this as the quota is just 8 hours a month. Additionally before my departure I worked on the rules of Kendo with a maiden at the time Eccesendiast who then became Guji and left. I still have all the rules for kendo on a google document. I plan to bring this back if accepted. I know England took over Kendo for a while and made it a big thing that people truly enjoyed doing, Since his departure too it has been absent and missed. I also have my own customs to do this with.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

Shintoism is a religion so there is ALOT to talk about, As I am an ex Guji of the shrine I do know a lot (Things may have changed since I was in the shrine however) I may not be able to list everything, However here are the things I remember!
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Festivals and Ceneremonies

Kagura Festival

The Kagura festival, Also known as the new years festival, is a festival that happens at the end of the year to celebrate the new year. During this festival the maidens and priests have many jobs and are situated in different areas. There is usually priests and maidens doing the following jobs during this festival
Tending to the shrine shop
Tending to the Kimono shop (If they are done that year)
Tarot card readings
Ema boards
Handing out tea and food
Helping guests do offerings
Doing Clensings

The most important part of the Kagura festival is the Kagura dance! This is a dance where three or four maidens go up onto a stage and do the Kagura dance. They use their utensils such as the Suzu Kagura which is a set of bells. I sadly do not remember how to do the kagura dance as I was a priest and only did it once as practice to support the maidens and make sure they were ready for the festival.

Shinto weddings are usually held by one priest and one maiden. They will gather up everyone who is attending the wedding into the gathering hall. Once everyone is up there the Priest bows to the bride and the groom and once they bow back rings a bell to signify the starting of the wedding. The wedding starts with three sips from bowls. The priest will pick up one of the bowls hand it to the groom where he will take a sip. It will then be handed back to the Priest who will then hand it to the Bride. She will take a sip and hand it back to the priest. This is then repeated two more times. Once this part is done the wedding is more like a traditional wedding where they exchange vows and then the priest announces them as husband and wife.

Funerals aren't typically held by shrine workers but in rare cases are. Sadly during my time in shrine there was only one funeral and I was not available for it so I did not managed to attend so therefore I will need teaching on this part.
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Tasks and Quota
The shrine workers will have tasks to do around the shrine as it is their home and their guests. These tasks they do are basic roleplay related tasks which then result in quota. Shrine workers may log one task a day as quota and need a total of 8 all together.
The tasks they can do are as follows.
Feed the Koi fish in any of the available ponds on the shrine premises
Sweep the stairs leading up to the monastery
Wash the shrine attires using the well
Clean the tea making utensils in the tea house
Replace the cushions around the monastery and clean the old ones
Clean the onsen
Do tarot readings
Serve a guest tea
Roleplay with one of your higher-ups
Submit a blacklist log
Fish 5 pieces of garbage from the pond
Go around Karakura and water the plants
Get a checkup
Get any attributes up by 5
I know all of these quota tasks as they were around when I was and I helped write the document of how to do each of them with example actions, Therefore I also know how to do each. There may have been quota and task changes since then however so I may need to learn new ones.

Tarot readings
Speaking of tasks, A big part of the tasks is tarot readings. These readings are easy to perform. To perform a reading you will get the player to sit down in the tarot hut and you will give them a run down of what a tarot reading is. You will have the player roll 22 then roll 2 up to 3 times. Each number in the 22 correlates to a certain card that when I last did one was in a document with a description of what the card is. The rolling 2 determines if it is upside or reversed. You simply read what the document says and reword it in your own words.
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Shrine lore
The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery was founded in the year many many years ago, However the construction of the shrine did not occur until the 744BC. The monastery was originally a place for Budhists. Later on the monastery set fire which led to it being burned down except for one building. This building was the old shrine. Nowadays it is rumored that the reason for all of the downfall and horrible weather is the Kami seeking its “Revenge” or teaching humans a lesson by cursing the streets of karakura for destroying its wonderful home.

Entering the Shrine
Upon walking towards the shrine you would be met with a temizuya. This small structure is the place you purify yourself. In order to do so you must pick up the ladle with your left hand and gently pour the water onto your right hand. Next repeat this process but with your right hand pouring onto your left. Once you have done this, fill the ladle up once again and lift it up to your mouth and take a sip. Swish the water around your mouth before spitting it out on the rocks beside your feet. Now you are purified.

Utensils shrine workers use
The shrine workers typically use two utensils, That being the Kagura Suzu (Kagura bells) and the Tamagushi. The Kagura Suzu is a utensil used by Shrine Maidens as the name suggests these are used for the Kagura dance. As for the Tamagushi this is a utensil held by priests. This utensil is used for rituals such as weddings and funerals. It can be seen as an offering for the Kami.

Once you get to the shrine there will be a staircase going up to what appears to be an offering hall. Walk up the path on the left or right hand side since the middle is reserved for the kami. As you make your way up there will be a torii gate. Make sure to bow as you walk under it and walk up to the offering hall. Next ring the bell above you and put what you want to offer on the table. Once done so clap twice and bow twice and say your prayer, Now you do not have to say it aloud but you can. Once you have said your prayer clap twice and bow twice again, Now you have finished the offering.

Kami's and Yokai's
Kami's are most commonly described as gods within the Shintoism religion. There is many many many Kami's each that represent something, These can range from war to education. Literally anything, Yokai's are described as the evil version of the Kami's. While these are not gods they are evil entities. The current Kami of the shrine is called Chiharu Yamatsumi.

Trinkets and Talismens
The shrine offers many talismans to give out at the shop. These are called a omamori. Omamori's are most commonly hand by humans or attached to objects such as school bags, Phone cases and so on. An Omamori is a small talisman that is supposed to grant luck and luck to the carrier
An Ofuda is similar to an Omamori, However it holds much more power. Just like the Omamori, The ofuda is usually hung within houses or hung on bags etc and it is believed to give the holder luck and blessings

There is not many roles within the monastery but here they are with what they are
K****hi / Mitsue - Shrine leads
Guji - Leader of the priests
Naishoten - Leader of the maidens
Shinkan's - Priests
Miko's - Maidens

The Omikuji was something that was not around when I was around in shrine, However from my understanding they are a form of fortune telling. I'm not sure how to perform these however so its something I will have to learn.

Shrine Rules
Respect shrine grounds, This means no climbing any of the buildings or structures on the monastery grounds.
No combat RP is allowed outside of the Dojo, When in the dojo only combat RP allowed is sparing. No weapons or KO'ing allowed.
Masks are not allowed within the shrine grounds, This does exclude traditional kitsune masks. Cannot be ballistic mask or Gas mask however.
No fishing or swimming in the Koi ponds
Respect the shrine maidens and the shrine guests during your stay
While this one is not enforced it is heavily recommended, Please cleanse yourself before entering and bow to each torii gate to show respect.
Keep your voice down, This means no yelling
These are the rules I remember from when I was last in shrine, Some may have been added and or removed since then. Failure to follow these rules can result in a warning or a blacklist log being made on your character.


Character Full Name:

Victoria O’Sullivan

Character Title:

Character Age:
56, Fifty six

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Victoria O’Sullivan was born in Beaumont Hospital in 1956, Her mother [REDACTED] and father [REDACTED] both treated Victoria like she was a queen. She was a spoiled kid growing up. The first few years of her life was nothing special, She had a pretty normal toddlerhood, Her parents raised her like any other parent making sure to capture every truly special moment on camera, Such as her first steps, First words and so on. When it came for Victoria to start school she was extremely excited. She was a good child, However a very hyperactive child. During her first days of school she made friends with some of the younglings, Schools in Ireland back then mainly consisted of playing games with the other kids for the early years and was not much of a school, More of a daycare. Every day when picked up from school Victoria would skip around and tell her mother how much fun she was having. It was a good confidence booster for the young Victoria. As time went on her parents sadly divorced and her father was no longer in the picture of her life so it was [REDACTED] job to look after the young Victoria who was now 7 years old and starting to go into real school. In this school she would learn how to speak her own language as well as improving her writing and mathematical skills, Even if basic it was helping the young one grow. Her primary school life went well. Her mother was a pillar to Victoria’s life making sure she had everything she needed, Even if it was sacrificing stuff she needed herself. Victoria was her main priority. By the end of primary school Victoria sat her final exam and passed meaning she would move to high school.

The now 12 year old Victoria had her first day in highschool where she spent most of it alone. She was just the normal lonely kid, Nothing was special about her. After about a month of being settled in with no friends or popularity she went home and begged her mother for white hair dye. She dyed a strip of white through her hair which she has kept ever since. Upon going back into school word was spread about her new appearance as she was the only kid with dyed hair, Even if it wasnt allowed in school. This rebellious act attracted people over to Victoria and in the end made her friends as well as her first boyfriend. She didn't know it yet, But this man was her biggest mistake. The next two years of her life were normal and what she thought was boring, Once grade 9 hit the young Victoria chose to pursue a certain subject. That subject being art as she had a dream of being an artist when she grew up. That of course would fail, However she did not know that yet. Victoria continued high school with the dreams of becoming an artist and by grade 12 was already pretty good at it. She attended her first college exams to make it into college Bachelors and by surprise she passed. A few months after passing the exams disaster struck Victoria. At age 19 the female fell pregnant with her first child. She didn't know what to do as upon hearing this her boyfriend had sadly left as he did not want a child. Victoria took it into her own hands to raise this child even if it did take a toll on her education and dreams. By the time she gave birth to her first baby, She was failing her classes due to not being able to attend them as much. Her first baby Celeste was a perfect angel that Victoria took care of daily and thought she was a good mother for, Which she was. By the age of 20 Victoria had had a second child named Calico. This was when it went downhill a bit. Victoria could not handle being a mother for two kids alone and despite trying her hardest, Just was not a good mother at all. At the time this did not affect the kids, But it did in the future.

Victoria had now dropped education fully and got a part time job at a bakery while her mother took care of her kids at home. This continued for a few years until Victoria finally retired at age 24 to be a full time mother to these kids. As Victoria was not made of money she tried her best for these kids and they were fortunately happy for it. This was Victoria's life now for the next 8 years. Once Calico and Celeste started highschool they realised their childhoods were not like others as Victoria was a single mother raising two children with barely any help. This made a switch in the children's brains and they began to dislike Victoria. Sadly this love was never built back with the kids and eats at Victoria to this day.

Victoria spent the next couple of years tending to two kids who hated her guts, But still tired because they were her babies. Once the kids reached college Victoria was turning 40 years old and still had only a few years of work experience. The kids moved to Japan for better education and to get away from Victoria. She used this time to get a job and make money so she could eventually buy a house in Karakura and have her kids move in with her. After a long 7 years she moved to Karakura and bought a house hoping for the kids to move in with her, Which they didn't. During this time Victoria had found out Calico worked at the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery so she mustered the courage to go up there and talk with her again face to face. Calico was surprised to see Victoria and introduced her to Yurei , A brother she adopted into the family which Victoria accepted her new son with open arms.

In the present day Victoria lives In Karakura with contact with Calico and Yurei, However no contact with Celeste. She often visits the monastery to see her new beloved adopted daughter Charlotte, She decided she wanted to be there for her baby Charlotte whenever she needed it therefore decided to write an application to become her co-worker.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

The shrine grounds are a sacred place that should be treated with respect. Victoria would do her job and keep the shrine clean and maintained. When it comes to interacting with guests she would be respectful and understanding to anyone who entered her home grounds. She would attend to whatever needs they may be, Whether it be wanting tea, A card reading or even putting a bandaid on their injured leg. The guests of the shrine's comfort is her main priority. When it comes to her co-workers, Victoria will see them as family members. Treat them like her own kids, Therefore show them care, Respect and hospitality and just like the guests tend to their needs.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
There are many ways to handle a situation like this, However depending on the situation the right procedure to do is to calmly call them over without raising your voice as the shrine is a place of peace. Once they are over and in front of you, You inform them that they cannot be doing that at the shrine grounds as it is disrespectful to the shrine grounds and the Kami itself. If this is not a first offense to them then you can hand out a shrine blacklist for a small duration of time.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Victoria’s family has been in the shrine roster for years now. Her children Calico, Yurei and Charlotte have worked and still work at the shrine. Victoria is trying to be a better mother for her kids because of her previous actions towards them. Victoria loves her kids truly and wants them to see this. She has decided to apply for the shrine so she can protect and be with her youngest Charlotte daily. She for many years has visited the shrine and often helps here and there with tasks and any jobs they may have. She was the only one in her branch to not work at the shrine and has decided it's time to change that. Victoria now just wants to live a peaceful life with her child and continue the duties of her Son Yurei and Daughter Calico with the help of Charlotte. For a while Victoria was an atheist, However upon moving to Karakura and discovering her kids working at the monastery has been learning Shintoism and been a follower of it ever since. She has applied because she feels like its destiny for her to work there like the rest of her kids.



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