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testamur | EMS Doctor Application


Level 71

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

emerveiller - Main
Tohka7 - Lost account
notMikeShotZ - Alt
opisometer - Alt
ireneology - Alt
testamur - Alt, applicant account

Previous bans:
I currently only have one ban, it happened pretty long ago. It was for OOC toxicity, harassment, and failure to comply with staff orders. I have learned greatly from this ban, and have shown and will continue to ensure that it will never happen again.

Describe your activity on the server?:
I’m on practically every day. Currently, it is summer for me, however, I do have online summer school (embarrassing) but that shouldn’t take up all of my time. I have a part-time job, though my manager is VERY laid back when it comes to doubling down on my schedule. I also have a few other accounts with job roles, however, this should not hinder my activity

8am - 1 am EST during summer
4 pm - 10 pm EST during the school year

Which timezone are you in?:
EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:

Do you have a microphone?:
I do, and I’m more than comfortable being in VC

List your current and past applications:


I only included major applications, mainly because others are small language applications.

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
My experiences with detailRP are pretty wacky. I’m currently on the College football team, and rivalry comes with a lot of details, I could obviously use improvement, there are some places that it's needed. I believe I do a decently good job at the effort I put into my actions. When it comes to it, I'd say my actions are lengthy when need be.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
My motivation for joining EMS is the opportunity to create something new in my roleplay experience here in SRP, to improve not only my skills in writing, but also to be able to contribute to other players by helping them ICly wise. I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting future not just for myself but for others also, as it is one of the many reasons why I think I will be beneficial to the team. I think my previous experiences on the server would be helpful because I've been through many different factions throughout my time here. I can bring my ideas from my previous applied jobs, but my general passion for teamwork as well.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):
For this application, I’m applying for the Doctor's department.

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
Doctors are certified medical professionals who use their training in medicine to improve the health of others. Patients are examined by them based on their health, and they are also in charge of reviewing patients' medical records. being able to identify problems because they are the ones who treat patients and advise them on their health and well-being.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:

Hospital Director:
A Medical Director is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a healthcare facility. Their job includes reviewing healthcare laws and regulations to implement in daily practices, monitoring facilities, and developing strategies to improve communication between medical professionals and patients.

Clinical Manager:
A clinical manager maintains responsibility for all higher-up aspects of a clinical facility. A Clinical Manager, might be responsible for bringing on new employees, training existing employees, auditing clinic operations, reviewing treatment plans, or communicating with executives.

Clinical Lead:
The clinical lead will be a leader in their field. They will be someone who communicates a vision for high-quality healthcare that generates enthusiasm and commitment among their colleagues.

A surgeon’s job is to operate on patients, give a proper diagnosis of injuries, and console patients. They explain step-by-step procedures to heal the patients and hold one of the major roles in hospitals. They are trained in almost all aspects of surgery

Psychiatrists evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They conduct thorough psychiatric evaluations, develop treatment plans, prescribe medication, and evaluate treatment results.

A doctor is responsible for all sides of the care of a patient. They diagnose, educate, and treat patients to ensure that they have the best possible care. A few of the main duties of a doctor are performing diagnostic tests, recommending specialists for patients, documenting patients' medical history, and educating patients.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique?

Kouki Tachibanazono, well, to start off. He’s a twin! Kosako Tachibanazono is his brother, and to put it simply, they are practically identical. However, due to their younger sister, Kosako is now blonde. Why? Rebellious kids to put it simply. However, Kouki didn’t join in that rebellion. Currently, he has a professional look. A deep brown-haired male, stood decently tall.

His hair was combed back, and his face adorned a casual yet serious look. He probably had a hard time being able to read. Could he be trying too hard? Who knows. Apart from his face, his stance normally stood tall, and proud. Again, trying too hard. His tone was always soft, speaking with the utmost kindness possible.

When not at work, his hair isn’t as neat and tidy. He shows his various flaws more, appearance-wise. A few strands will show, maybe a gray hair here and there.

What are they like on and off the job?
Kouki on the job is what you would say, an overachiever. They always want to help, and incorporate new ideas into their focus, this being becoming a doctor. He would always come off as polite and provide nice and professional conversations, kind of cringe if you ask me.

Now, off the job, Kouki is a bit different. He still speaks politely and ensures that everything is taken care of, however, he shows more of a stressed side. Though, you’d have to meet him to find that out.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kouki has a pretty odd outlook on the people he works with. He thinks they are all capable of amazing things, regardless of their mistakes. However, he also views them as higher than himself. The reasoning on why isn’t currently known, but he almost puts others above him, maybe a goal of his to reach?

Currently, his plans are to become a doctor, or alas, be good enough to be called one! His family has always wanted the best for their kids, his sister going into the police and then the government, and his brother is a surgeon. Though, there's an underlying plan.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

May I present to you, Kouki Tachibanazono! This guy was born in a high-end town in Japan, Kawasaki. He was the technical oldest child, being born 1 and a half minutes before his twin, Kosako, though he doesn’t talk about it much. His parents are on the high end of society. They were probably the 4th richest family there. Why? Simple. One was a city authoritarian, and the other was a school ambassador.

Though Kouki grew up in a rich high-class family, he was always the quieter kid. Mainly focusing on his studies throughout his schooling years. However, his efforts were overlooked as Kosako grew to take over all of their parent's praise. Then, the worst could happen. Sayumi came along. She was the rebel of the family, though her intentions were never spiteful. Kouki’s parents' attention drifted off of him for the remainder of his childhood, and into his adult years, due to his two siblings being how they were. Everything he did they ignored, which then caused him to do everything in his power to grab some type of phrase.

Turning into college years, Kouki entered the medical field, only to depressingly find out that his brother had done the same. Due to this, he added more studies to his already major coursework, just to at least be better than his siblings. Alas, this didn’t really work. His brother had finished medical school before him and had made his way up to Clinical Manager of a hospital in Karakura. This did not help his already harmed self-image.

After a few months, Kosako left his position against their parent's wishes and left Karakura. This is where Kouki thought he had a chance. Sayumi was off in government after ending her policing career and was still the rebel that she always had been. This was his time to shine.

He finished his medical schooling and had started his first residency at a local hospital in his city, he had finished two years of it. Then, he left his current position and moved to Karakura to be with his family, well, his sister. She had been nagging him for ages at the time to come down there to meet her boyfriend. While looking for a job, he moved to apply for Karakura Hospital.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Kouki Tachibanazono

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:


Working Experience(s):
A resident at Daiichi Hospital

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:


Biology, Public Health, Nursing

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Last edited:


Level 193
We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied.
Better luck next time, however.​

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