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Tokyo's council App


What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
temp banned for seven days 04/07/2019: The reason was for major metagame.
Temp banned for ten days 07/28/2019: The reason was for AvoidRP
I was banned on 08/22/2019: The reason for knowing someone bypassed on the server for a short period of time.

What is your timezone?:
EST (eastern standard time)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): [Accepted]’s-french.17835
[Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted]

Describe your activity on the server?:
I’m typically on the server for 4+ hours a day.

List your accounts and roles on this server?:
Quinidine, Adult
Tokyohearts, College
Hairclipp, highschool fb

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I’m absolutely aware and will make sure to be as active as possible, unless I post an approved inactivity log.


What is student council and what do they do?:

Student council is much like a school club, it’s a group of students who’ve gathered together and both applied for the position. Although their jobs and importance as a role in the school is quite different from any other ordinary club, for example in the student council there’s typically a few departments that students mainly focus on.
Divide and conquer if you will, in these split up departments they typically have the big event planners along with the disciplinary students, the ones who are the real rule sticklers. This gives the council a much more organized view, and a chance for students to help in areas they may be better at and focus on their strengths to help other students along the way.
The whole point of the council is to create a safer, and more welcoming environment in the school. Perhaps even add a little spice to everyone's day with a nice little event once in a while, the whole point is to gather students who’d like to put in a little extra helping hand.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, ect.):
My motivation for applying for the student council has been something that’s built up over time, I absolutely adored my time on the council the last time that I applied. I had an absolutely amazing time the last time that I was on the team, and I made a few great friends along the way, Although I feel as if I never got to get a full great experience during my time last time on the student council, so I thought that it’d be a perfect chance for me to apply to join the team once again. Seeing as I find myself with a lot of extra time.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and team work ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Absolutely, I take this into big consideration when applying for this position, I also hope to get along well with everyone else on the team.

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:
There are quite a few roles in the council which consist of, The president, Vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and last but not least our good old Councillors.
Now as for the roles that may be important to council, specifically almost any of the school employee’s would hold roles that’d be absolutely important to the council, they tend to be a huge help when it comes to sorting out situations, especially when they get too out of hand. I’ll give a few examples of the roles of some school staff you can go to in a normal situation that’s gotten out of hand, such as A teacher/professor, receptionist, tutor, and caretaker. Now, if there’s a situation that may need a higher sense of light brought to it, and you feel heavily about it you may want to take the situation to a Principal, or perhaps one of the deans.
Although, I’d only do this if the situation truly called for it, or they were the only ones available at the time.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

The best way to go about a verbal argument of nasty insults being exchanged between a pair can be taken differently depending on a person's work ethic, being ignored is never anyone's favorite thing but, redirecting their attention to you may not always be the best option, although it may just stop the argument from becoming physical. An example could be as simple as tossing a compliment into the conversation, even towards the both of them, Such as “Hey lovely ladies, you both look absolutely stunning.” It may very well catch them off guard, but also helps to push away the negative energy they previously radiated.
Nonetheless, if the situation does become physical your best option is to call over the radio to inform anyone who may be in the area that there’s been a fight.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
There’s many things that you can do in a simple situation like this, if you know the individual is going to use the mask in order to harm another student, following them may be your best option to avoid allowing another student to get in harm's way. Although, the council isn’t the police of the school, so using a radio in order to alert a faculty member to deal with the situation further is a great option, for if such a scenario had arised. Masks aren’t allowed on school grounds of course but, wasting your breath to sprint after an individual for their own enjoyment just to tell them to remove their mask over and over isn’t quite the most conventional thing that you may want to spend your time on. With that, the radio’s have come in quite handy for silly little students who love to play cat and mouse.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
In the situation that you see another councillor abusing their rank, and powers against a student. Causing them very clear signs of distress and discomfort.
The best option would be to alert a president, or faculty member before taking matters into your own hands. Not only would you want to avoid getting into trouble yourself, but you would want to make sure the situation is calmly dealt with and to assure that it’s safe for both parties. Allowing them to no further abuse of their role now, if in the case that you can’t get in contact with the president, nor a staff member your best plan of action would be to distract them in a possibly friendly way, and redirect their attention onto you with a simple;
“Hey, Blank. It’s been a hot second, could I pull ya’ aside if you’re not too busy for a chat.” Of course, it may not exactly work. . But, taking them away from the situation and letting the higher ups to deal with it later is the best route you can take. Unless you find things getting physical you may want to step in, only pulling the councillor away and getting the victim to the nurse’s office to recover any wounds they may have gained.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
Oh dear, upon missing a few pieces of information from the meeting that very well may have proved to be important there’s easily two options that I could take. With the first option I could check in with a friend of mine and see if they may have paid more attention than I have, and ask if they caught what I missed. Which, verywell could lead to a no. With that being said, the second best person to possibly contact with missing info from the meeting would be one of the secretaries who possibly took notes.
With a simple “Hey, I missed the part on Blank. . I was wondering if you could fill me in '' Obviously, the next meeting I’d want to pay better attention so I didn’t have to ask again. It’s never fun to miss out on the information and feel like you're lacking behind.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this?
If a teacher or receptionist did something that was actually against the way that I was trained to do things, I may question it. Although, I wouldn’t interrupt them unless it was truly harmful to the student or the situation at hand. Instead, I would respectfully ask them once the situation is out of the way and handled, with “ Hey, I was just curious why you may have handled that situation like that- I was just shown differently, perhaps yours is more proficient than the way I typically handle it. .” Making sure to offer a piece of mind to ensure I don’t come off aggressive or defensive, yet curious and respectful. Talking back to a school employee is often seen as disrespectful and shameful, so trying your best to avoid conflict, especially asking questions about ethics and the way they may handle things very well could be like walking on a tightrope.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
I’m not all too sure this is a sort of club event, but an absolutely fun idea that I’d love to offer for the council to possibly use in the future, is a spirit week ! Now, most schools tend to have a week for their upcoming game, such as a tournament possibly. We all know the teams love to have a big ol’ rivalry, well this would be the biggest week for it! To show a little bit of friendly school cheer, if you will.

Now, during the week we could set a few goals for each school to accomplish, whether it be the most students dressed in school color pj’s, we’d have both student council and teachers help tally up the points. Even adding little tasks to do during class, this will encourage students to attend classes more and give more motivation towards the educational system. We all know how much students love to skip.

Well, with a silly idea like this, we could easily involve everyone, not just students on teams but even newer students. Not to mention, we could add a little twist along the way to encourage a little set of pranks within the rivalry, now that it’s spring such as a water gun fight with painted dye. Who’s ever caught hit is out, and whatever school wins the round will be rewarded with points

Obviously, this would also be an amazing chance for us to possibly involve some clubs in the event, for example the maid club ! We could see how many of a certain school we can get to show up to one of their openings and show their support for both our clubs and their school. I quite personally think this would be an absolutely amazing idea to inform everyone of the big game for the tournament along with giving everyone an enjoyable little set of activities to look forward to throughout their week.


Character Name:

Yeosun C. Hamilton

Character Gender:

Character Age:
Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Yeosun is a jumpy, sheepish girl who is very solicitous and overthinks due to it. She holds manners above anything else and acts polite when first meeting someone. She’s a very motherly and compassionate girl, even to mere strangers. Typically the person someone goes to when they need to be comforted or need someone to give them advice, to which Yeosun will happily oblige. As fate would have it, Yeosun is a clumsy girl who frequently hurts herself. It’s almost as if the girl has two left feet at times!

Though she has a very kind personality, a person who is usually comfortable with letting people choose what they want to do on their own, Yeosun is incapable of standing by and watching someone destroy themselves. Even if they push her away, her pushy, stubborn nature tempts her to stay by their side while guiding them in the right direction. Due to having such a fiery passion in her soul to always do what's right for her friends, she will impulsively enter situations without the consideration of her own wellbeing.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

Yeosun stood at the puny height of 5’0 with a slim pear-shaped physique, weighing a mere 100lbs, though often fluctuating. The polite young girl presented herself with a poised posture, though despite this, had an anxious mist surrounding her frail body. The female’s eyes were the hue of the ocean during the night, possessing the same aura of it too as they were equanimous and dull. So deep you could lose yourself in the sad orbs, luxuriant lashes delicately framing the serene landscape plastered into her eyes. To match with her doll-like appearance, the dainty female had quiet freckles that decorated her rosy, porcelain skin exquisitely, being especially prominent on her cheeks. Framing her adorable face was naturally blonde hair cut into a short bob that fell down in tender waves with a carefree aspect to it. Complimenting her innocent appearance was the sweet smell of raspberries & lavender.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Something that completely separates me from other applicants is that I’ve been on the council before, although this may very well be just enough reason for you to deny my application, in order to give other students a chance to join the council, I honestly take that into heavy consideration as I write my application. Which is also why I plan to offer my absolute and utmost efforts when it comes to getting accepted. I honestly plan to be as active as I can, especially when it comes to offering a helping hand and making sure things go smoothly just as they used to.

Why do you want this position?:
There are verywell, many reasons that I want this position. Going ahead with it, the biggest reason I’d absolutely strive for such a role would be to be given the chance to join the utmost amazing team of the council. I found myself falling in love with it the first time around, so I would most definitely love to be given a second chance. Just lending my extra time to give a hand to help out the school and many of the amazing students who attend it. The student council has always had a special place in my heart, and always will.

What interests you the most about student council?:
The thing that interests me the most about student council is absolutely the atmosphere it has to offer, from lending a helping hand to giving students a safe place within the school. Another aspect of the council that I absolutely adore is the event planning portion, being able to be a part of planning the events ahead of time is one of the most thrilling experiences I’ve ever been given the chance to take part in, and I’d absolutely adore being able to take part in it once more.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
Something that I believe that I can absolutely contribute to the school in order to make it a safer and more ‘Fun’ environment is my cheerful and ‘sunny' attitude towards other students. I always try my best to offer a helping hand to other students even if they aren’t an individual I’m familiar with. It’s always pleasant to see a friendly face amongst the crowds of angsty teenagers just trying to make it to the next college exam. Although, just even giving a subtle hello or an ask about another student's day is just something most students could use, a pick me up per say. It’s not exactly something I see many councillors do, which is exactly what I plan on doing with time as a councillor. . . No shade.


Level 211

- Welcome, again, to the team! Contact: Leoo#8214 on discord for more information​

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