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~Yasuko Saitō Murakami~


Level 41
Thread starter
Biography Format Credit:@Gamma Rose

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Yasuko Saitō Murakami-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

Please note that none of this should be taken ICly and that most of this biography is subject to change according to my whims and updates.
(Text copied from the Arisu Mishimi biography) @D3_sp41r

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪
View attachment 42528


Basic information
"I usually just introduce myself as Kana to people."
"This is what my Mother had planned for a nickname before I was born, although it never really stuck."
"This is better than Suko, it's quick and straight to the point."
YasuQueen (or other variation of)
"This is hilarious. Occasionally a confidence booster though!"
"This is actually a really cute nickname, thanks Ari!"
"Pretty typical

Hypothetical theme songs
This song is generally really sad, and that makes sense due to her anxiety. she fears disappointing everyone, and relates to the line "I see the worst in me, like no one else could."

Just to clarify, Lithium as a song is a metaphor - No, Yasuko does not do lithium. It's.. sort've a metaphor about numbness and happiness and looking at happiness in a negative way because of being afraid to be happy. For Yasuko, that fear would have rooted from being homeless for her whole life - she'd have moments where she'd be happy, yet know she'd end up back in misery just moments later. Now, I’m sure you’re still confused.. “what’s her Lithium?” The songwriters wrote Lithium about music writing, however, i’d say Yasuko’s Lithium, along with other things, (this is very cheesy) would have to be her relationships with all of her friends, along with her love of music and poetry.

This is yet another one about her anxiety, and her fear of being forgotten.

G E N D E R | ♀ Female ♀
A G E | 18
H E I G H T | 4'8, , or 142.24cm (Her desc In Game says 4’10 because she is wearing 2-inch heels.)

W E I G H T | 85Lbs, or 38.5Kg
B I R T H D A T E | December 15th.

P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Osaka, Japan
R A C E / N A T I O N A L I T Y | Russian - Japanese
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Taken - not married
R E L I G I O N | Christianity
S E X U A L I T Y | Heterosexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | Student at Karakura High

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H
Considering she was on the streets most of her life, she is currently quite healthy. She has scars scattered about her body, but nothing that hurts her or holds her back in any way.
M E N T A L • H E A L T H
[Diagnosed] Complex
Post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
Let's be honest here, we all know what PTSD is. but what is C-PTSD? C-PTSD develops due to prolonged trauma rather than a singular terrible/traumatic event.
C-PTSD is a condition where you experience some symptoms of PTSD along with some additional symptoms, such as: difficulty controlling your emotions. feeling very angry or distrustful towards the world.

Click for more information on C-PTSD

[Diagnosed] Generalized anxiety disorder [GAD]
Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition of excessive worry about everyday issues and situations. It lasts longer than 6 months. In addition to feeling worried you may also feel restlessness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased muscle tension, and trouble sleeping.

Click for more information about GAD

[Diagnosed] Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

Yasuko's PTSD is not as bad as some, only being triggered by the bowling alley. This trauma routes from her and her mother going to the bowling alley for warmth, hiding from the freezing winters. Her symptoms include severe anxiety, and, when bad enough, flashbacks. She could also be caught saying things during the flashbacks, as if she thought she was still there. (E.g "It's so cold..")

Click for more information on PTSD

Character Descriptions
Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []





[] - Negative Traits - []





Personality Type

View attachment 41140

Take the personality trait test for yourself! (click)

Physical Description

Alrighty then, let's attempt to go head-to-toe. Kana's hair was about waist-length, and straight. She had face-framing layers. The color was black, but she had an under color,(A peekaboo hair color, if you will) a dark pinkish-red shone through from underneath.
View attachment 38693
(But longer, and less of a vivid-red)
Her skin tone was quite light, being quite the contrast from her hair. Her eyes were a pale icy shade of blue, surprisingly matching her facial structure.
View attachment 37410
Eye color, not shape or skin color etc
Her lips were often covered by a clear gloss. Usually covered by her hair, she had a small tattoo on the back of her neck, reading
企及.”- directly translating to "Try."

Not much else noticeable other than a few small scars here and there until you get to her hands, which are covered in old scars and callouses. Nothing anywhere under a few months old, though. Her knees are scarred in a sort of scratch-mark due to living on concrete. She wore quite a few different outfits, the most notable one and the one she wore the most during the warmer seasons being a stylish black shirt and red plaid skirt being securely held up by a silver belt-chain. Her arms and left leg partially covered by fishnets, her right wearing a thigh-high white sock. Her shoes were some black short-healed shoes that had been marketed as "gothic".

O V E R A L L:
–– 79.5/130
Credit: @Totoro_Sam
Summary: These S.P.E.C.I.A.L+ statistics help you keep limits for what your character is capable of. It is advised that you keep most statistics at an average number given the age of your character (if your character is a teen, it's normal to be average in most of them.) In addition, each statistic affects the other. For example, a character with low luck and privelege but high charisma, intelligence, and social can create their own luck and privelege. Another example is… Low morality, high charisma, and high intellect can lead to a manipulative character who has the ability to charm people and is intelligent.

S T R E N G T H – 6/10
P E R C E P T I O N – 6/10
E N D U R A N C E- 7/10
C H A R I S M A - 6.5/10
I N T E L L I G E N C E - 6/10
A G I L I T Y - 7/10
L U C K - 3/10
H E A L T H - 9/10
M O R A L I T Y - 7.5/10
P R I V I L E D G E - 2/10
O B J E C T I V I T Y 4/10
S A N I T Y - 9/10
S O C I A L - 6.5/10

Alternative/grunge? (totally not emo :o )
View attachment 44230
View attachment 44231

View attachment 43519
View attachment 43518
Formal/"Spring ball" look
View attachment 43520
View attachment 43521
Character Voice

JUST Kyoka Jirou, MHA English dub

Relationships and history

In Karakura

If you/your charecter is/are not listed in this, dont feel bad. I just hate to add names that I do not remember the last name of. please leave the full name of your character, how our characters know each other, and the alive/deceased status of the charecter on the comments on this biography.
(Whatever names are in a different colors have a link to their biography, click the name!)


[Positive, friend] Hinami Aqua Shimizu | 19 | [Alive]

[Very positive, boyfriend] Nikolay Mogilevich | 20 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, Best friend]
Kenji Akiyama | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend
] Rohan H. Hasuke | 18 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, friend] Arisu Mishimi | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend]
Haruo "ruo" Akiyama | 18 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, friend] Kahili "lei" Ginger | 18 | [Alive]

[Neutral,ex boyfriend] Kaito "Kai" Shirogane | 20 |[Alive]

[positive, Friend] Julio Adler | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend] Morimoto Takahara | 20-something? | [Alive]

[Positive/misses, ex boyfriend] Qiu-Feng Zhong | 18 | [Alive]

[Very positive, Cousin] Nicolai Volkov | 18 |[Alive]

[Positive, Friend]
Boje E. Viklund | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, Friend]
Miranda Hirasawa | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, Acquaintance] Klaus Wagner | 16? | [Alive]

Out of Karakura

[Lightly negative, Mother] Asami Murakami / 36 / [Imprisoned/alive]

Arrested for stalking, possession of illegal substances, and redistribution of illegal substances.

[Positive, childhood crush] Sasuke Tanaka | 18 | [Alive]

[Very negative, biological father] Takeshi Saitō | 37 | [Alive]


"Homeless people are not the problem, rather, the result."

Yasuko was born into a life of struggle in Osaka, her mother having just turned 18, not anywhere near prepared for a child, not being in contact with her fatherland living on the streets.

Yasuko's mother always sent her family photos of her to prevent their worry, but Yasuko was never told a single story about her family - as far as she knew, she had none.

After Yasuko was born, her mother got kicked out of her two-room apartment after not having been able to pay rent, along with the extra anger of the landlord for the yellowing ceilings from smoking.

she and her mother ended up living on the streets of Osaka up until Yasuko was in the second grade - They then moved into another small apartment.

"Addiction is the disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you have created."

Her mother got a small job at a cafe, that she quickly lost. Asami continued spiraling out of control, - I.e The over usage of drugs and alcohol - causing her to neglect her child.

once Yasuko got into 3rd grade, she began writing to someone named "Rohan Hixton" who presumably lived in Tennessee.

Once Yasuko was in the 4th grade, they got kicked out of their apartment and ended up using their money on a ride to Karakura, where Yasuko continued her life on the streets, Asami using what money she had to buy and deal drugs of sort.

Surprisingly, it took until Yasuko had just turned 18 for her mother to get arrested for the possession, usage, and distribution of drugs, along with the stalking of Yasuko's father.

After Yasuko's mother was imprisoned, Yasuko managed to find out about some of her family. She has a cousin from her mothers side, named Noboru Makino, who now lives in Karakura.
She also has a cousin on her fathers side, named Nicolai Volkov, who also now lives in Karakura. As Nicolai's name implies, he is fully Russian.. which led to Yasuko finding out that her father is Russian, making her half-Russian half-Japanese.

When her mother was Imprisoned, she only had a few things to her name, that of which she did have ended up being given to Yasuko to look after while her mother is in jail. It took Yasuko quite a few months to have the courage to go through these items, but when she eventually did, she was incredibly shocked to find her birth certificate, her name marked "Yasuko Saitō-Murakami".. Meaning she had not only been given her mothers last name, but also her fathers. She was decently outraged by her not yet knowing this, and now feels burdened by not only her mothers last name, but her fathers.

Now, Yasuko has been brought off of the streets, and is enjoying her current life. She has quite a few horrible memories that will stay with her forever, along with the aftermath of living on the streets her entire life - that including scars, the interesting ability to endure the cold, PTSD, C-PTSD, and the constant fear of the people in Karakura due to seeing their cold hearts.
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"
Biography Format Credit:@Gamma Rose

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Yasuko Saitō Murakami-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

Please note that none of this should be taken ICly and that most of this biography is subject to change according to my whims and updates.
(Text copied from the Arisu Mishimi biography) @D3_sp41r

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪
View attachment 42528


Basic information
"I usually just introduce myself as Kana to people."
"This is what my Mother had planned for a nickname before I was born, although it never really stuck."
"This is better than Suko, it's quick and straight to the point."
YasuQueen (or other variation of)
"This is hilarious. Occasionally a confidence booster though!"
"This is actually a really cute nickname, thanks Ari!"
"Pretty typical

Hypothetical theme songs
This song is generally really sad, and that makes sense due to her anxiety. she fears disappointing everyone, and relates to the line "I see the worst in me, like no one else could."

Just to clarify, Lithium as a song is a metaphor - No, Yasuko does not do lithium. It's.. sort've a metaphor about numbness and happiness and looking at happiness in a negative way because of being afraid to be happy. For Yasuko, that fear would have rooted from being homeless for her whole life - she'd have moments where she'd be happy, yet know she'd end up back in misery just moments later. Now, I’m sure you’re still confused.. “what’s her Lithium?” The songwriters wrote Lithium about music writing, however, i’d say Yasuko’s Lithium, along with other things, (this is very cheesy) would have to be her relationships with all of her friends, along with her love of music and poetry.

This is yet another one about her anxiety, and her fear of being forgotten.

G E N D E R | ♀ Female ♀
A G E | 18
H E I G H T | 4'8, , or 142.24cm (Her desc In Game says 4’10 because she is wearing 2-inch heels.)

W E I G H T | 85Lbs, or 38.5Kg
B I R T H D A T E | December 15th.

P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Osaka, Japan
R A C E / N A T I O N A L I T Y | Russian - Japanese
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Engaged!
R E L I G I O N | Christianity
S E X U A L I T Y | Heterosexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | Student at Karakura High

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H
Considering she was on the streets most of her life, she is currently quite healthy. She has scars scattered about her body, but nothing that hurts her or holds her back in any way.
M E N T A L • H E A L T H
[Diagnosed] Complex
Post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
Let's be honest here, we all know what PTSD is. but what is C-PTSD? C-PTSD develops due to prolonged trauma rather than a singular terrible/traumatic event.
C-PTSD is a condition where you experience some symptoms of PTSD along with some additional symptoms, such as: difficulty controlling your emotions. feeling very angry or distrustful towards the world.

Click for more information on C-PTSD

[Diagnosed] Generalized anxiety disorder [GAD]
Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition of excessive worry about everyday issues and situations. It lasts longer than 6 months. In addition to feeling worried you may also feel restlessness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased muscle tension, and trouble sleeping.

Click for more information about GAD

[Diagnosed] Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

Yasuko's PTSD is not as bad as some, only being triggered by the bowling alley. This trauma routes from her and her mother going to the bowling alley for warmth, hiding from the freezing winters. Her symptoms include severe anxiety, and, when bad enough, flashbacks. She could also be caught saying things during the flashbacks, as if she thought she was still there. (E.g "It's so cold..")

Click for more information on PTSD

Character Descriptions
Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []





[] - Negative Traits - []





Personality Type

View attachment 41140

Take the personality trait test for yourself! (click)

Physical Description

Alrighty then, let's attempt to go head-to-toe. Kana's hair was about waist-length, and straight. She had face-framing layers. The color was black, but she had an under color,(A peekaboo hair color, if you will) a dark pinkish-red shone through from underneath.
View attachment 38693
(But longer, and less of a vivid-red)
Her skin tone was quite light, being quite the contrast from her hair. Her eyes were a pale icy shade of blue, surprisingly matching her facial structure.
View attachment 37410
Eye color, not shape or skin color etc
Her lips were often covered by a clear gloss. Usually covered by her hair, she had a small tattoo on the back of her neck, reading
企及.”- directly translating to "Try."

Not much else noticeable other than a few small scars here and there until you get to her hands, which are covered in old scars and callouses. Nothing anywhere under a few months old, though. Her knees are scarred in a sort of scratch-mark due to living on concrete. She wore quite a few different outfits, the most notable one and the one she wore the most during the warmer seasons being a stylish black shirt and red plaid skirt being securely held up by a silver belt-chain. Her arms and left leg partially covered by fishnets, her right wearing a thigh-high white sock. Her shoes were some black short-healed shoes that had been marketed as "gothic".

O V E R A L L:
–– 79.5/130
Credit: @Totoro_Sam
Summary: These S.P.E.C.I.A.L+ statistics help you keep limits for what your character is capable of. It is advised that you keep most statistics at an average number given the age of your character (if your character is a teen, it's normal to be average in most of them.) In addition, each statistic affects the other. For example, a character with low luck and privelege but high charisma, intelligence, and social can create their own luck and privelege. Another example is… Low morality, high charisma, and high intellect can lead to a manipulative character who has the ability to charm people and is intelligent.

S T R E N G T H – 6/10
P E R C E P T I O N – 6/10
E N D U R A N C E- 7/10
C H A R I S M A - 6.5/10
I N T E L L I G E N C E - 6/10
A G I L I T Y - 7/10
L U C K - 3/10
H E A L T H - 9/10
M O R A L I T Y - 7.5/10
P R I V I L E D G E - 2/10
O B J E C T I V I T Y 4/10
S A N I T Y - 9/10
S O C I A L - 6.5/10

Alternative/grunge? (totally not emo :o )
View attachment 44230
View attachment 44231

View attachment 43519
View attachment 43518
Formal/"Spring ball" look
View attachment 43520
View attachment 43521
Character Voice

JUST Kyoka Jirou, MHA English dub

Relationships and history

In Karakura

If you/your charecter is/are not listed in this, dont feel bad. I just hate to add names that I do not remember the last name of. please leave the full name of your character, how our characters know each other, and the alive/deceased status of the charecter on the comments on this biography.
(Whatever names are in a different colors have a link to their biography, click the name!)


[Positive, friend] Hinami Aqua Shimizu | 19 | [Alive]

[Very positive, fiancée] Nikolay Mogilevich | 20 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, Best friend]
Kenji Akiyama | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend
] Rohan H. Hasuke | 18 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, friend] Arisu Mishimi | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend]
Haruo "ruo" Akiyama | 18 | [Alive]

[Very Positive, friend] Kahili "lei" Ginger | 18 | [Alive]

[Neutral,ex boyfriend] Kaito "Kai" Shirogane | 20 |[Alive]

[positive, Friend] Julio Adler | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, friend] Morimoto Takahara | 20-something? | [Alive]

[Positive/misses, ex boyfriend] Qiu-Feng Zhong | 18 | [Alive]

[Very positive, Cousin] Nicolai Volkov | 18 |[Alive]

[Positive, Friend]
Boje E. Viklund | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, Friend]
Miranda Hirasawa | 18 | [Alive]

[Positive, Acquaintance] Klaus Wagner | 16? | [Alive]

Out of Karakura

[Lightly negative, Mother] Asami Murakami / 36 / [Imprisoned/alive]

Arrested for stalking, possession of illegal substances, and redistribution of illegal substances.

[Positive, childhood crush] Sasuke Tanaka | 18 | [Alive]

[Very negative, biological father] Takeshi Saitō | 37 | [Alive]


"Homeless people are not the problem, rather, the result."

Yasuko was born into a life of struggle in Osaka, her mother having just turned 18, not anywhere near prepared for a child, not being in contact with her fatherland living on the streets.

Yasuko's mother always sent her family photos of her to prevent their worry, but Yasuko was never told a single story about her family - as far as she knew, she had none.

After Yasuko was born, her mother got kicked out of her two-room apartment after not having been able to pay rent, along with the extra anger of the landlord for the yellowing ceilings from smoking.

she and her mother ended up living on the streets of Osaka up until Yasuko was in the second grade - They then moved into another small apartment.

"Addiction is the disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you have created."

Her mother got a small job at a cafe, that she quickly lost. Asami continued spiraling out of control, - I.e The over usage of drugs and alcohol - causing her to neglect her child.

once Yasuko got into 3rd grade, she began writing to someone named "Rohan Hixton" who presumably lived in Tennessee.

Once Yasuko was in the 4th grade, they got kicked out of their apartment and ended up using their money on a ride to Karakura, where Yasuko continued her life on the streets, Asami using what money she had to buy and deal drugs of sort.

Surprisingly, it took until Yasuko had just turned 18 for her mother to get arrested for the possession, usage, and distribution of drugs, along with the stalking of Yasuko's father.

After Yasuko's mother was imprisoned, Yasuko managed to find out about some of her family. She has a cousin from her mothers side, named Noboru Makino, who now lives in Karakura.
She also has a cousin on her fathers side, named Nicolai Volkov, who also now lives in Karakura. As Nicolai's name implies, he is fully Russian.. which led to Yasuko finding out that her father is Russian, making her half-Russian half-Japanese.

When her mother was Imprisoned, she only had a few things to her name, that of which she did have ended up being given to Yasuko to look after while her mother is in jail. It took Yasuko quite a few months to have the courage to go through these items, but when she eventually did, she was incredibly shocked to find her birth certificate, her name marked "Yasuko Saitō-Murakami".. Meaning she had not only been given her mothers last name, but also her fathers. She was decently outraged by her not yet knowing this, and now feels burdened by not only her mothers last name, but her fathers.

Now, Yasuko has been brought off of the streets, and is enjoying her current life. She has quite a few horrible memories that will stay with her forever, along with the aftermath of living on the streets her entire life - that including scars, the interesting ability to endure the cold, PTSD, C-PTSD, and the constant fear of the people in Karakura due to seeing their cold hearts.
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"

Updated her relationship status.

Updated her oppinion on Nikolay Moghilivech

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